The entire
world has been told that the Siamese twin can not be halted. That is the
politics of the West. The truth is that enough has not been done to find
prophylactic management strategies. Every one is busy seeking for therapeutic
solutions only.
Read all the websites
and subheads below and see that some humanitarian doctors in Africa
and a few dedicated research scientists had gone ahead without asking for grants
to blaze new trails.
Or again, check
out the creativity and resourcefulness of these silent workers and discrete
health practitioners in the South East;
Or to confirm
the ingenuity of the leader of this Hafani Research Consortium, see this
formidable production of psychometric tests;
This team does
not know how to go lobbying for research grants, rather we have taken loans to augment
our salaries and good Samaritans and thankful patients who are the
beneficiaries of our efforts and their concerned relations. Do you care to help
us, please send your emails to: agunabu1948@gmail.com
can have an eagle’s view of this silent bee in his tropical beehive at;
"That HIV-AIDS is not a physical disease can be glimpsed at from its ability to circumvent the normal biology of DNA & RNA synthesis. Whereas other terminal diseases obey the Mendelian Laws, while replicating, HI-Virus defies all known laws in Genetics. This translates into an ailment above the natural laws in creation, and so it must be supernatural. Another way to describe it is that it is above the physical laws i.e. METAPHYSICAL! It is this observation that lends credence to our proposition: HIV IS NOT MERELY A PHYSICAL AILMENT! " delivered by
Dr J. K. Danmbaezue (2007) @, the Public Presentation of Hafani Research Findings, Rotary Hall, UNTH,Enugu .
That is why we cannot find its treatment in physical medicine but in a metaphysical one”
Dr J. K. Danmbaezue, B.Phil., B.Sc., pjsc, M.Sc., D.Psych.
The International Animator of HAFANI RESEARCH CONSORTIUM
The whole world has been fed with the balderdash that the pandemic HIV-AIDS has no cure! This is partially true for it is not purely a physical ailment! Besides, there is now a subliminal politics of HIV discernable by only a few wise men as was revealed to enlightened minds at the 2006 International Conference atCanada . A few intellectuals read
between the lines regarding the depositions made by both Bill Gates and Bill
The former, who is undoubtedly the greatest financier of the programmes aimed at finding worldwide solutions for the pandemic indicted the scientific community for not providing an effective alternative to the palliative regimen they are busy proliferating worldwide;
“While there is promising research to report, the world, in my view, has not done nearly enough to discover these new tools,…All of us who care about this issue should have focused more attention on these tools, funded more research, and worked harder to overcome the obstacles that make it difficult to run clinical trials. Now we need to make up for lost time.”
Bill Gates (2006) @ the 16th International Conference atToronto , Canada .
The latter, who equally is the greatest advocate of efficient management stratagem for halting the pandemic, has been busy galvanising political support for eradicating it asked this pertinent question:
“Why is it that Americans who take the retroviral drugs these companies produce survive whereas their counterparts suffering from the same illness in Africa and other developing countries die despite taking the drugs?”
Bill Clinton (2006) @ the 16th International Conference atToronto , Canada .
Could both of them be wrong in accusing the international scientific community of not doing enough to find a more therapeutic regimen for the disease or a permanent cure? This Senior Research Fellow that has led a team of professionals at the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu in an alternative search for therapeutic remedies sourced from the tropics agrees completely with the two world-renowned figures thus;
“Enough has neither been done in terms of objective scientific research nor a free-for–all leverage given for divergent views on research methodology. Equally, there has never been a liberal acceptance of research findings emanating from the developing countries of the world because the western press and pharmaceutical companies involved in the lucrative business of marketing condoms and their own brand of retroviral drugs is fleecing the entire world of its scarce resources. They have combined forces and also contrived a secret agenda aimed at hiding the truth from humanity so as to enrich their multinational industries that are producing the condoms and other allied accessories for holding everyone to ransom. Therefore, we now need alternative management strategies inAfrica
and other developing countries!”
Dr J. K. Danmbaezue (2007) @, a Symposium on Hafani Research Project 007, UNTH,Enugu .
The other dimension to the shameful saga is that it is now being used as a biological weapon to balance the population ratio of blacks to whites worldwide! This ulterior motive was very evident in the falsehood some western scientists propagated that the reason why blacks die despite taking their retroviral drugs is because they do not adhere to the dosages prescribed. Bill Clinton declared the findings of a research study he sponsored that debunked the malicious theory at the same International Conference on HIV-AIDS held inCanada !
He emphasised that contrary to the propaganda rural communities took the drug regimen more seriously that urban dwellers and he went on to ask this pertinent question:
Why is it that Americans who take the retroviral drugs these companies produce survive whereas their counterparts suffering from the same illness inAfrica and other
developing countries die despite taking the drugs? Bill Clinton further pleaded
that the western world must show evidence that the drugs shipped to the
developing countries are of the same quality, same chemistry and similar
milligram dosages as the ones shipped to Europe and North
America !
Coming from a former President of the most powerful nation of the world in this twentieth century, could he be speaking with his tongue in his cheek? Whoever can not comprehend the diplomatic undertones in his depositions or expatiate on their political meaning is not qualified to read this script. Such a person is neither a scientist nor a humanitarian! He/she is definitely a racist and can never be relied upon to tell the truth nor decipher a camouflaged reprimand!
Analyse this excerpt from the keynote address also presented by Mrs Melinda Gates as a statement of the facts on the behaviour of the African political class which underscores the wastage they make of the funds humanitarians laboured so hard to earn and donate to charity;
“When Bill and I visit other countries, we are enthusiastically accompanied by government officials on all our stops – until we go to meet with sex workers,” “At that point, it can become too politically difficult to stay with us, and our official hosts often leave.” “That is senseless,” “People involved in sex work are crucial allies in the fight to end AIDS. We should be reaching out to them, enlisting them in our efforts, helping them protect themselves from infection, and keeping them from passing the virus along to others.”
Melinda Gates (2006) @ the same International Conference on HIV,Toronto ,
Canada .
It is in the light of this neo-colonial mentality that we opted to seek alternative remedies from the natural resources in the tropics. Our fore runners in this search in the natural environment for solutions to the pandemic are the colleagues of Dr Conrato S. Dayrit, an Emeritus Professor of Pharmacology at theUniversity of Philippines
who discovered that the chemical ingredients in Virgin Coconut Oil retarded the
progression of HI-virus.
We have corroborated their research findings, improved on them and added our unique regimen that prevents the action of the HIV and gradually halts the spread of AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa. The members of HAFANI RESEARCH CONSORTIUM have devoted six years to this indigenous and prophylactic approach. We seem to have anticipated the indictments made in the dual keynote addresses of the duo of Bill Gates and his namesake Bill Clinton at the recently concluded 16th HIV conference atToronto ,
Canada .
That HIV-AIDS is not a physical disease can be glimpsed at from its ability to circumvent the normal biology of DNA & RNA synthesis. Whereas other terminal diseases obey the Mendelian Laws, while replicating, HI-Virus defies all known laws in Genetics. This translates into an ailment above the natural laws in creation, and so it must be supernatural. Another way to describe it is that it above the physical laws i.e. METAPHYSICAL! It is this observation that lends credence to our proposition: HIV IS NOT MERELY A PHYSICAL AILMENT!
Dr J. K. Danmbaezue (2007) @, the Public Presentation of Hafani Research Findings,
Rotary Hall, UNTH,Enugu .
"That HIV-AIDS is not a physical disease can be glimpsed at from its ability to circumvent the normal biology of DNA & RNA synthesis. Whereas other terminal diseases obey the Mendelian Laws, while replicating, HI-Virus defies all known laws in Genetics. This translates into an ailment above the natural laws in creation, and so it must be supernatural. Another way to describe it is that it is above the physical laws i.e. METAPHYSICAL! It is this observation that lends credence to our proposition: HIV IS NOT MERELY A PHYSICAL AILMENT! " delivered by
Dr J. K. Danmbaezue (2007) @, the Public Presentation of Hafani Research Findings, Rotary Hall, UNTH,
That is why we cannot find its treatment in physical medicine but in a metaphysical one”
Dr J. K. Danmbaezue, B.Phil., B.Sc., pjsc, M.Sc., D.Psych.
The International Animator of HAFANI RESEARCH CONSORTIUM
The whole world has been fed with the balderdash that the pandemic HIV-AIDS has no cure! This is partially true for it is not purely a physical ailment! Besides, there is now a subliminal politics of HIV discernable by only a few wise men as was revealed to enlightened minds at the 2006 International Conference at
The former, who is undoubtedly the greatest financier of the programmes aimed at finding worldwide solutions for the pandemic indicted the scientific community for not providing an effective alternative to the palliative regimen they are busy proliferating worldwide;
“While there is promising research to report, the world, in my view, has not done nearly enough to discover these new tools,…All of us who care about this issue should have focused more attention on these tools, funded more research, and worked harder to overcome the obstacles that make it difficult to run clinical trials. Now we need to make up for lost time.”
Bill Gates (2006) @ the 16th International Conference at
The latter, who equally is the greatest advocate of efficient management stratagem for halting the pandemic, has been busy galvanising political support for eradicating it asked this pertinent question:
“Why is it that Americans who take the retroviral drugs these companies produce survive whereas their counterparts suffering from the same illness in Africa and other developing countries die despite taking the drugs?”
Bill Clinton (2006) @ the 16th International Conference at
Could both of them be wrong in accusing the international scientific community of not doing enough to find a more therapeutic regimen for the disease or a permanent cure? This Senior Research Fellow that has led a team of professionals at the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu in an alternative search for therapeutic remedies sourced from the tropics agrees completely with the two world-renowned figures thus;
“Enough has neither been done in terms of objective scientific research nor a free-for–all leverage given for divergent views on research methodology. Equally, there has never been a liberal acceptance of research findings emanating from the developing countries of the world because the western press and pharmaceutical companies involved in the lucrative business of marketing condoms and their own brand of retroviral drugs is fleecing the entire world of its scarce resources. They have combined forces and also contrived a secret agenda aimed at hiding the truth from humanity so as to enrich their multinational industries that are producing the condoms and other allied accessories for holding everyone to ransom. Therefore, we now need alternative management strategies in
Dr J. K. Danmbaezue (2007) @, a Symposium on Hafani Research Project 007, UNTH,
The other dimension to the shameful saga is that it is now being used as a biological weapon to balance the population ratio of blacks to whites worldwide! This ulterior motive was very evident in the falsehood some western scientists propagated that the reason why blacks die despite taking their retroviral drugs is because they do not adhere to the dosages prescribed. Bill Clinton declared the findings of a research study he sponsored that debunked the malicious theory at the same International Conference on HIV-AIDS held in
He emphasised that contrary to the propaganda rural communities took the drug regimen more seriously that urban dwellers and he went on to ask this pertinent question:
Why is it that Americans who take the retroviral drugs these companies produce survive whereas their counterparts suffering from the same illness in
Coming from a former President of the most powerful nation of the world in this twentieth century, could he be speaking with his tongue in his cheek? Whoever can not comprehend the diplomatic undertones in his depositions or expatiate on their political meaning is not qualified to read this script. Such a person is neither a scientist nor a humanitarian! He/she is definitely a racist and can never be relied upon to tell the truth nor decipher a camouflaged reprimand!
Analyse this excerpt from the keynote address also presented by Mrs Melinda Gates as a statement of the facts on the behaviour of the African political class which underscores the wastage they make of the funds humanitarians laboured so hard to earn and donate to charity;
“When Bill and I visit other countries, we are enthusiastically accompanied by government officials on all our stops – until we go to meet with sex workers,” “At that point, it can become too politically difficult to stay with us, and our official hosts often leave.” “That is senseless,” “People involved in sex work are crucial allies in the fight to end AIDS. We should be reaching out to them, enlisting them in our efforts, helping them protect themselves from infection, and keeping them from passing the virus along to others.”
Melinda Gates (2006) @ the same International Conference on HIV,
It is in the light of this neo-colonial mentality that we opted to seek alternative remedies from the natural resources in the tropics. Our fore runners in this search in the natural environment for solutions to the pandemic are the colleagues of Dr Conrato S. Dayrit, an Emeritus Professor of Pharmacology at the
We have corroborated their research findings, improved on them and added our unique regimen that prevents the action of the HIV and gradually halts the spread of AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa. The members of HAFANI RESEARCH CONSORTIUM have devoted six years to this indigenous and prophylactic approach. We seem to have anticipated the indictments made in the dual keynote addresses of the duo of Bill Gates and his namesake Bill Clinton at the recently concluded 16th HIV conference at
That HIV-AIDS is not a physical disease can be glimpsed at from its ability to circumvent the normal biology of DNA & RNA synthesis. Whereas other terminal diseases obey the Mendelian Laws, while replicating, HI-Virus defies all known laws in Genetics. This translates into an ailment above the natural laws in creation, and so it must be supernatural. Another way to describe it is that it above the physical laws i.e. METAPHYSICAL! It is this observation that lends credence to our proposition: HIV IS NOT MERELY A PHYSICAL AILMENT!
Dr J. K. Danmbaezue (2007) @, the Public Presentation of Hafani Research Findings,
Rotary Hall, UNTH,
“That born of the flesh is flesh, but that born of the spirit is spiritual.”
All known diseases that are consequences of transgressing / defying the laws of the physical environment have been studied for centuries and solutions have been found for most of them. The sciences of taxonomy, pharmacognosy, pharmacokinetics, pharmacology and pharmacy have assisted humanity in finding the right diagnosis, treatment and prevention of most diseases. If the international scientific community boldly states; there is no cure for HIV or AIDS for now, and there is no drug discovered to halt the spread of the virus, it boils down to the fact that the disease is not from the physical environment and any discerning adult would look elsewhere for its origin! Could it be a mutant of an already existing virus?
Man is a composite being made up of body, mind and spirit! Only humans communicate by speaking verbal languages that are intelligible to others. Human beings can think or reason and/or discuss! Man can agree or disagree with others in the same genus and family! Of all the other species in creation, only men take decisions at both the individual level and at the group level, thus they arrive at legislation; they make laws, impose rewards and sanctions. This is how most communities; primitive, civilised, religious, military, political and social arrive at constitutions, international conventions and human rights. All these, other hominoids do not and can not! That is why zoologists classified man as; Homo sapiens.
Our team affirms that the international scientific community has not done enough to halt the HIV-AIDS pandemic, for I have discovered that there are certain technologies that have been hidden from the entire human race regarding superior therapeutics that can halt the dreaded pandemic. I invite you to sample some of these areas that have not been maximally exploited;
Interferon is any of a group of antiviral proteins produced by animals, including humans, in response to infection by viruses. First recognised in chick embryo cells by British virologist Alick Isaacs and his Swiss colleague Jean Lindenmann in 1957, interferons were found to block further viral infection of body cells. The active antiviral substance is not the interferons themselves, but proteins that interferons cause other cells to produce. Some of these proteins have been identified, but their manner of operation is not yet well understood. It is clear, however, that interferons play a role in the body’s most important defences against viruses, and that they help fight bacteria and other disease-causing agents.
Interferons may be grouped into three categories;
1. Alpha (leukocyte) interferons are made by white blood cells,
2. Beta (fibroblast) interferons by skin cells, and
3. Gamma (immune) interferons by lymphocytes after stimulation by antigens.
During the 1960s physicians attempted to use interferons to treat virus-caused human diseases, especially colds, but the therapy was determined impractical due to the enormous cost of obtaining minute quantities of interferons from human white blood cells. Researchers then tried to stimulate the body to make its own interferons with inducers such as synthetic nucleic acids. These chemicals worked, but the body quickly became tolerant of them, and they lost their effect. In 1980, however, interferons were made available in sufficient quantities through genetic engineering techniques, and trials testing dosage levels and side effects were begun the following year. Thus far only some alpha interferons have been tested, but they have shown promise against a host of viral diseases. The use of interferons against such cancers as malignant melanoma and renal cell cancer has produced mixed results. The side effects accompanying interferons can range from mild to life-threatening. Beta and gamma interferons have not yet been tested in quantity, but may prove more useful than alpha interferons.
Microsoft ® Encarta ® Encyclopaedia 2004. © 1993-2003 Microsoft Corporation.
rights reserved.
Our Hafani Research Team has simply concentrated efforts at rejuvenating these interferons to perform optimally by employing the divine potentials inherent in plants found in the tropics!
If mankind can not find a cure for the HI-virus in the environment, then it must move up the ladder and explore the next level of his exalted tripartite composition of body, mind and spirit! Solutions not found at the lowest rung of the ladder may be waiting for some wise humans who can decipher the other two levels. The pandemic is an entirely new virus. It has never been in any medical books nor known in history. Therefore, it is entirely a new being, a novel creation, the latest created virus. Who else can create? And he had made a divine promise that he would never again destroy the world with water or fire as He did in the Old Testament narratives!
This marked the starting block of the race against world opinion, divergent rationalisations and the genesis of the Kenezian Approach to seeking Alternative Management Strategies for HIV-AIDS. After half a decade of intensive meditative theosophy and existential philosophical disputations with enlightened minds, a light was seen at the end of the dark tunnel when two HIV patients responded to a dual therapeutic regimen rather than the monotherapy that has been popularised internationally! We discovered the missing link!
The current thesis that there is a metaphysical
dimension to the pandemic did not come easy! It cost the leader of Hafani
Researchers physical seclusion, emotional pain, psychosocial denials and months
of fasting and prayers before the revelations started tumbling down from above.
At this point we enjoin those who are familiar with the Bible to consult; John
3: 5-8, John 4:13 -14 and finally meditate on 1st Corinthians 2: 8-16, before
reading further. Find equivalents in other scriptures you are familiar with.
“5 Jesus answered, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter thekingdom of God .
6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
7 Do not marvel that I said to you, 'You must be born anew.'
8 The wind blows where it wills and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know whence it comes or whither it goes; so it is with every one who is born of the Spirit."
13 Jesus said to her, "Every one who drinks of this water will thirst again,
14 but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst; the water I shall give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”
“8 None of the rulers of this age understood this; for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.
9 But, as it is written, "What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him,"
10 God has revealed to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God.
11 For what person knows a man's thoughts except the spirit of the man which is in him? So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.
12 Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is from God, that we might understand the gifts bestowed on us by God.
13 And we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who possess the Spirit.
14 The un-spiritual man does not receive the gifts of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned.
15 The spiritual man judges all things, but is himself to be judged by no one.
16 "For who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?" But we have the mind of Christ.”
(From the Revised Standard Version of the Holy Bible)
“5 Jesus answered, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the
6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
7 Do not marvel that I said to you, 'You must be born anew.'
8 The wind blows where it wills and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know whence it comes or whither it goes; so it is with every one who is born of the Spirit."
13 Jesus said to her, "Every one who drinks of this water will thirst again,
14 but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst; the water I shall give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”
“8 None of the rulers of this age understood this; for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.
9 But, as it is written, "What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him,"
10 God has revealed to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God.
11 For what person knows a man's thoughts except the spirit of the man which is in him? So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.
12 Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is from God, that we might understand the gifts bestowed on us by God.
13 And we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who possess the Spirit.
14 The un-spiritual man does not receive the gifts of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned.
15 The spiritual man judges all things, but is himself to be judged by no one.
16 "For who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?" But we have the mind of Christ.”
(From the Revised Standard Version of the Holy Bible)
John 3:5
Verse 5. Of water and of the Spirit] To the baptism of water a man was admitted when he became a proselyte to the Jewish religion; and, in this baptism, he promised in the most solemn manner to renounce idolatry, to take the God of Israel for his God, and to have his life conformed to the precepts of the Divine law. But the water which was used on the occasion was only an emblem of the Holy Spirit. The soul was considered as in a state of defilement, because of past sin: now, as by that water the body was washed, cleansed, and refreshed, so, by the influences of the Holy Spirit, the soul was to be purified from its defilement, and strengthened to walk in the way of truth and holiness.
When John came baptizing with water, he gave the Jews the plainest intimations that this would not suffice; that it was only typical of that baptism of the Holy Ghost, under the similitude of fire, which they must all receive from Jesus Christ: see Mt 3:11. Therefore, our Lord asserts that a man must be born of water and the Spirit, i.e. of the Holy Ghost, which, represented under the similitude of water, cleanses, refreshes, and purifies the soul. Reader, hast thou never had any other baptism than that of water? If thou hast not had any other, take Jesus Christ's word for it, thou canst not, in thy present state, enter into thekingdom of God .
I would not say to thee merely, read what it is to be born of the Spirit: but
pray, O pray to God incessantly, till he gives thee to feel what is implied in
it! Remember, it is Jesus only who baptizes with the Holy Ghost: see Joh 1:33.
He who receives not this baptism has neither right nor title to the kingdom of
God; nor can he with any propriety be termed a Christian, because that which
essentially distinguished the Christian dispensation from that of the Jews was,
that its author baptized all his followers with the Holy Ghost.
Though baptism by water, into the Christian faith, was necessary to every Jew and Gentile that entered into the kingdom of the Messiah, it is not necessary that by water and the Spirit (in this place) we should understand two different things: it is probably only an elliptical form of speech, for the Holy Spirit under the similitude of water; as, in Mt 3:3, the Holy Ghost and fire, do not mean two things, but one, viz. the Holy Ghost under the similitude of fire-pervading every part, refining and purifying the whole.
John 3:6
Verse 6. That which is born of the flesh is flesh] this is the answer to the objection made by Nicodemus in Joh 3:4. Can a man enter the second time into his mother's womb and be born? Our Lord here intimates that, were even this possible, it would not answer the end; for the plant will ever be of the nature of the seed that produces it-like will beget its like. Thekingdom
of God is spiritual and
holy; and that which is born of the Spirit resembles the Spirit; for as he is
who begat, so is he who is begotten of him. Therefore, the spiritual
regeneration is essentially necessary, to prepare the soul for a holy and
spiritual kingdom.
John 3:8
Verse 8. The wind bloweth] though the manner in which this new birth is effected by the Divine Spirit, be incomprehensible to us, yet we must not, on this ground, suppose it to be impossible. The wind blows in a variety of directions-we hear its sound, perceive its operation in the motion of the trees, &c., and feel it on ourselves-but we cannot discern the air itself; we only know that it exists by the effects which it produces: so is every one who is born of the Spirit: the effects are as discernible and as sensible as those of the wind; but itself we cannot see. But he who is born of God knows that he is thus born: the Spirit itself, the grand agent in this new birth, beareth witness with his spirit, that he is born of God, Ro 8:16; for, he that believeth hath the witness in himself, 1Jo 4:13; 5:10; Ga 4:6. And so does this Spirit work in and by him that others, though they see not the principle, can easily discern the change produced; for whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world, 1Jo 5:4.
Adam Clarke’s Commentary, from my electronic version of the Power Bible CD
3:6 That which is born of the flesh is (g) flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
(g) That is, fleshly, namely, wholly unclean and under the wrath of God: and therefore this word "flesh" signifies the corrupt nature of man: contrary to which is the Spirit, that is, the man engrafted into Christ through the grace of the Holy Spirit, whose nature is everlasting and immortal, though the strife of the flesh remains.
For Use by Bona-fide Members of Happy Family Network International Research Consortium
GO TO MY MAIN WEBSITE ON KENEZ HEALTH KLINIK AND SEE THE POWER POINTS ON THIS DIATRIBE...Just type into Google Search: kenezhealthklinik AND THE SITE WILL OPEN...then scroll down till you enter the subheadings
John 3:5
Verse 5. Of water and of the Spirit] To the baptism of water a man was admitted when he became a proselyte to the Jewish religion; and, in this baptism, he promised in the most solemn manner to renounce idolatry, to take the God of Israel for his God, and to have his life conformed to the precepts of the Divine law. But the water which was used on the occasion was only an emblem of the Holy Spirit. The soul was considered as in a state of defilement, because of past sin: now, as by that water the body was washed, cleansed, and refreshed, so, by the influences of the Holy Spirit, the soul was to be purified from its defilement, and strengthened to walk in the way of truth and holiness.
When John came baptizing with water, he gave the Jews the plainest intimations that this would not suffice; that it was only typical of that baptism of the Holy Ghost, under the similitude of fire, which they must all receive from Jesus Christ: see Mt 3:11. Therefore, our Lord asserts that a man must be born of water and the Spirit, i.e. of the Holy Ghost, which, represented under the similitude of water, cleanses, refreshes, and purifies the soul. Reader, hast thou never had any other baptism than that of water? If thou hast not had any other, take Jesus Christ's word for it, thou canst not, in thy present state, enter into the
Though baptism by water, into the Christian faith, was necessary to every Jew and Gentile that entered into the kingdom of the Messiah, it is not necessary that by water and the Spirit (in this place) we should understand two different things: it is probably only an elliptical form of speech, for the Holy Spirit under the similitude of water; as, in Mt 3:3, the Holy Ghost and fire, do not mean two things, but one, viz. the Holy Ghost under the similitude of fire-pervading every part, refining and purifying the whole.
John 3:6
Verse 6. That which is born of the flesh is flesh] this is the answer to the objection made by Nicodemus in Joh 3:4. Can a man enter the second time into his mother's womb and be born? Our Lord here intimates that, were even this possible, it would not answer the end; for the plant will ever be of the nature of the seed that produces it-like will beget its like. The
John 3:8
Verse 8. The wind bloweth] though the manner in which this new birth is effected by the Divine Spirit, be incomprehensible to us, yet we must not, on this ground, suppose it to be impossible. The wind blows in a variety of directions-we hear its sound, perceive its operation in the motion of the trees, &c., and feel it on ourselves-but we cannot discern the air itself; we only know that it exists by the effects which it produces: so is every one who is born of the Spirit: the effects are as discernible and as sensible as those of the wind; but itself we cannot see. But he who is born of God knows that he is thus born: the Spirit itself, the grand agent in this new birth, beareth witness with his spirit, that he is born of God, Ro 8:16; for, he that believeth hath the witness in himself, 1Jo 4:13; 5:10; Ga 4:6. And so does this Spirit work in and by him that others, though they see not the principle, can easily discern the change produced; for whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world, 1Jo 5:4.
Adam Clarke’s Commentary, from my electronic version of the Power Bible CD
3:6 That which is born of the flesh is (g) flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
(g) That is, fleshly, namely, wholly unclean and under the wrath of God: and therefore this word "flesh" signifies the corrupt nature of man: contrary to which is the Spirit, that is, the man engrafted into Christ through the grace of the Holy Spirit, whose nature is everlasting and immortal, though the strife of the flesh remains.
For Use by Bona-fide Members of Happy Family Network International Research Consortium
GO TO MY MAIN WEBSITE ON KENEZ HEALTH KLINIK AND SEE THE POWER POINTS ON THIS DIATRIBE...Just type into Google Search: kenezhealthklinik AND THE SITE WILL OPEN...then scroll down till you enter the subheadings
Jude Danmbaezue shared a link.
With this three-pronged attack on HIV, it is impossible to have PLWHA who diligently followed our regimen re...See more
With this three-pronged attack on HIV, it is impossible to have PLWHA who diligently followed our regimen re...See more

HIV RESEARCH 2001 - agunabuumuelechibiafra.simplesite.com
HIV RESEARCH 2001 - agunabuumuelechibiafra.simplesite.com
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