On November 18, 1978, 913 people died in
Jonestown, a small compound carved out of the jungles of Guyana, a small
country on the northeast coast of South America. The media at the time
reported that it was a fanatical group of followers of the Rev. Jim Jones,
lead to the jungles of South America to get away from the oppression of
life here in America. They also reported that his followers willingly
followed their leader into the great beyond by sipping on some cyanide
cocktails, flavored with purple Kool-Aid. In fact, the notion of a mass
suicide at Jonestown has been repeated so many times that it is accepted as
fact, and the association is so strong that when most people hear
"Jonestown," the first thing which pops in their head is
"Kool-Aid." This association is false.
The source of the "Kool-Aid
Suicide" stories was the U.S. State Department, which presented the
story immediately after the "suicides" were reported as though it
was the only obvious truth. A U.S. Army spokesman pronounced with complete
authority, "No autopsies are needed. The cause of death is not an
issue here." The bodies were then allowed to rot in the jungle.
Despite the lack of need for autopsies, Dr. C. Leslie Mootoo, the top
Guyanese pathologist, was at Jonestown hours after the deaths, and,
refusing the assistance of U.S. pathologists, accompanied the teams that
examined the bodies. His conclusions? Dr. Mootoo found fresh needle marks
at the back of the left shoulder blades on 80 to 90 percent of the victims.
Others had been shot or strangled. A surviving witness stated that those
who resisted were forced by armed guards to comply. Dr. Mootoo's opinion,
and that of the Guyanese grand jury investigating Jonestown, was that all
but three (only two of which were suicides) were murdered by "persons
If one was to go over the deaths in
Auschwitz, it is almost a certainty, considering the horrendous conditions
those who were there were under, that 0.2 % of all deaths could be
attributed to suicides. Yet if anyone was to argue that Auschwitz was a
suicide camp housing a bunch of religious freaks and not the compounds of
murder that they were, they would (rightfully) be condemned for
intellectual dishonesty, and their motives would be questioned.The suicide
hoax is merely the beginning of the deception. The original death count was
408 (an odd number to use if the number was an estimate), with the added
claim that 700 had fled into the jungle. The final total was changed to
913. To explain this rather minor difference in arithmetic, American
authorities first explained that those backward ignorant Guyanese
"could not count." Perhaps because the first "official"
explanation of the bad math was so insulting, it was then proposed that
they missed a pile of bodies, as if a pile of dead bodies is something that
is easily overlooked. Finally, the official explanation that settled the
whole question was presented: Bodies were stacked on top of each other.

Of the 150 photos taken of the massacre,
not one shows any body lying under any others. Those who first worked on
the bodies, to release the gasses of decay, had to puncture the dead,
making it unlikely that they missed anyone. These facts aside, one must
wonder how 408 bodies -- 82 belonging to children -- could cover 505
others. Talk about bad math. With minor exceptions, pictures show the dead
were found in neat rows, face down. The pictures also show drag marks
leading to the bodies, indicating that victims were murdered elsewhere and
placed there by someone else. These facts have lead to a more likely
conclusion: 408 was indeed the correct original body count. The other 505
were hunted down and slaughtered, then dragged back. But who would do such
a thing, and why? Furthermore, why were American officials giving such
deceptive answers about Jonestown? To answer these questions, one must
unravel the mystery of a man named Jim Jones. Jones became a Bible-thumping
"faith healer," using wet chicken livers as evidence of cancer
which he removed by "divine powers." He adopted eight children,
some black, some white. Already the stench of criminal activity surrounded
him, and his landlady referred to him as "a gangster who used the
Bible instead of a gun." Fortunately for Jones, the local police chief
at the time was Dan Mitrione, a friend from childhood. Mitrione kept him
from being arrested or run out of town. Mitrione would later enter the
International Police Academy, a CIA front for training counterinsurgency
and torture techniques.
Despite having few sources for known
funds, Jones found enough money to travel with his wife and family to
Brazil in 1961. Coincidentally, Mitrione was there as well, having advanced
quickly in the IPA. Mitrione had honed his skills at torture and
assassination by practicing on kidnapped beggars. He himself was later
kidnapped and murdered by guerrillas in Uruguay, an incident which became
the basis of the Costa Gavras film State of Siege. Jones made regular trips
to Belo Horizonte, site of CIA headquarters in Brazil -- and Mitrione's
town of residence. Apparently, this wasn't the only curious intelligence
link to Jones. He told some of his neighbors that he was involved in the
U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence. The U.S. embassy provided Jones with
transportation, groceries, and a large home. Considering his dear
friendship to Mitrione and the funding of "ministries" in Latin
America by the CIA, the theory that Jones was a U.S. intelligence asset
makes quite a bit of sense. In any case, according to his neighbor, Jones
"lived like a rich man."Soon after the JFK assassination, Jones
returned to the states with $10,000. In 1965, he formed the first People's
Temple in Ukiah, California, and set up Happy Havens Rest Home.
Without trained personnel or proper
licensing, Jones' camp drew in prisoners, the elderly, people from mental
institutions, and 150 foster children, many of whom were transferred by
court order. Among those who contacted him: "missionaries" from
World Vision (an international evangelical order that often fronts for the
CIA); the local chapter head to the John Birch Society; and leaders of the
Republican party, for whom his "church" members conducted voter
organization and fund-raising activities for the Dick Nixon '68 campaign.
Jones' advisors included a mercenary from UNITA, the CIA-backed Angola
army. Also jumping on board was the Layton family, whose patriarch,
U.C.-Berkeley chemist Dr. Laurence Laird Layton, had worked on the
Manhattan Project. Dr. Layton was also chief of the Army's Chemical Warfare
Division in the early 1950's. (Mrs. Layton was the daughter of Hugo
Phillips, a German banker/stockbroker who became rich representing Siemans
& Halske and I.G. Farben, two notorious Nazi Holocaust profiteers.)
Despite his rather right-wing background, Jones suddenly declared himself a
liberal socialist -- in fact, he called himself a dual reincarnation of
both Jesus Christ and Lenin. At this point, a cloud of suspicion began to
gather around his church, which was staffed by jack-booted armed thugs who
dressed in black uniforms.
Jones took everything he could from his
followers, much of it in the form of welfare and social security checks,
using blackmail, extortions, and any other available means. The local press
reported about seven mysterious deaths of those who attempted to leave the
"church" due to conflicts with Jones. Accusations of kidnapping,
beatings, and sexual abuse began to circulate. To escape controversy, Jones
moved to San Francisco and became an important fundraiser for the Bay area
political establishment. Soon, he was schmoozing with the liberal and
radical elite, meeting with (among others) Rosalynn Carter and Angela
Davis. Jones was rewarded by being put in charge of the city Housing
Commission, and key followers were awarded jobs in the Welfare Department.
The bulk of Jones' flock came from the unemployed and dispossessed people
found there. The cult preyed on the poor and helpless, going out of its way
to enlist women, children and minorities. Many members were recruited
directly from San Francisco mental hospitals. However, the move to San
Francisco did little to quiet the controversy surrounding his
"church," and a 1977 expose put Jones on the defensive. He then
moved his Utopia to Guyana, aided once again by the U.S. Embassy. After
receiving complaints lodged by relatives of cult members, Congressman Leo
Ryan visited Jonestown on November 18, 1978 to investigate allegations of
human rights abuses. Congressman Ryan, a noted CIA critic, had authored the
Hughes-Ryan Amendment, which would have required the CIA to disclose to
Congress -- in advance -- details of all covert operations. The State
department offered Ryan no answers or assistance, despite numerous
inquiries. He arrived with U.S. embassy official Richard Dwyer, as well as
some journalists. Among the reporters was Tim Reiterman, who had covered
the Patty Hearst story for the San Francisco Examiner. In all likelihood,
Ryan already suspected what was really going on at Jonestown. That was when
all hell broke loose.

At the airstrip, Leo Ryan soon became
the first congressman to die in the line of duty, along with four
reporters. (The Hughes-Ryan Amendment was killed in Congress soon
afterwards.) The assassins were described by witnesses as "glassy
eyed," "mechanically-walking zombies," and "devoid of
any emotion." Dwyer and Reiterman were also shot. Soon after that, the
mass slaughter began. A plausible explanation for the events that unfolded
is that Jim Jones (or someone else) ordered the murders after Ryan's
unexpected visit threatened to expose what was happening. In the chaos that
followed, a mass extermination was carried out. Just who were the zombie
assassins? Well, besides the 913 dead, 167 survivors returned from the
camp. All news reports concede that there were at least 1100 individuals at
the camp (and most reports place the number at 1200.) Who are these 200 or
more people unaccounted for? The survivors report that there was a special
all-white group that was well-armed, well-treated and free to exit the compound.
These guards were never accounted for by any news reports.
Perhaps it is these same guards
(assuming the total population was 1200) whom a congressional aide was
referring to in an Associated Press quote which stated, "There are 120
white, brainwashed assassins out from Jonestown awaiting the trigger word
to pick up their hit." Of course, they may have had a little help.
Over 300 U.S. Green Berets -- trained for CIA covert assassinations -- were
in the area at the time. So were nearly 600 British Black Watch commandos,
who were in Guyana conducting a "training exercise." Suddenly,
the death toll seems relatively low. The killings didn't stop in Guyana.
Nine days later, San Francisco Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey
Milk were slain by Dan White, who was either a "disgruntled police
agent" or someone who was "angry about gays." These
explanations were supplied to explain his utterly irrational behavior
during the killings; sure enough, he was described as being in a bizarre
"zombie state." During White's trial, his lawyers came up with
the inventive but deservedly mocked "Twinkie defense," in which
they claimed he went insane during a sugar high induced by eating too many
sweets. Moscone and Milk received substantial financial backing from Jim Jones
during his stay by the Bay; afterwards they were both investigated in
connection to missing funds from the People's Temple. That is, until a
"lone gunman" took them out.
Michael Prokes, a Jones aide, held a
press conference and stated that the CIA and FBI were withholding an
audiotape of the massacre. He also stated that he was an FBI informant.
Right after that, he went to the restroom... and never left. His death was
proclaimed a "suicide." In Georgetown, several more Temple
members were killed following the Guyana massacre. The man charged with the
murders, Charles Beikman, was an early follower of Jones who had become an
"adopted son." Beikman was also a Green Beret. Jeanne and Al
Mills, who were writing a book on Jonestown, were bound and shot to death
at their home. In Detroit another survivor was killed near his home, and
yet another was involved in a mass murder of school children in Los
Angeles. Ironically, the dead may not have included Jim Jones himself. The
body alleged to be his didn't show his tattoos in the photographs.
Fingerprints had to be checked twice, and his dental records were never
looked at. He was known to use doubles. As the massacre unfolded, Jones can
be heard on a tape recording yelling, "Get Dwyer out of here!" Richard
Dwyer was later found at the airstrip, methodically washing his hands. In
1968, Dwyer was listed in the publication Who's Who in the CIA. When asked
if the allegation was true, he replied, "No comment."
Of course, Dwyer wasn't the only link to
the CIA in Guyana. Besides those previously mentioned, U.S. ambassador John
Burke and another official named Richard McCoy were both heavily involved
with the intelligence community. The U.S. embassy in Georgetown also housed
the Georgetown CIA station. At the time, Guyana had a socialist government,
and thus was a likely target for covert operations. Dan Webber, sent to
Guyana after the massacre, was also with the CIA. The "official"
attorney for the survivors, Joseph Blatchford, was involved in a scandal
involving CIA infiltration of the Peace Corps. Then we have the missing
money that just "disappeared" after the slaughter. Conservative
estimates place the amount at $26 million. Others place it at $2 billion.
At the time, a major international money laundering operation was
headquartered in Italy, involving the Vatican and a fascist quasi-Masonic
lodge known as the P-2, or Propaganda Duo. (This operation probably led to
the murder of Pope John Paul I -- but that's another conspiracy.) The
CIA-linked P-2 had a major operation located in Panama, not too far from
Jonestown. Add in the FBI files on the Black Panthers and Weathermen found
at the site, an attempt to lure Mark Lane (JFK assassination critic and
James Earl Ray lawyer, among other things) and Donald Freed (Lane's sometime
JFK collaborator and Simpson case investigator who linked the Brentwood
murders to Mafia in the L.A. underworld) to Guyana (which succeeded in
having Lane witness the airstrip murders after Jones hired him as a
lawyer), and a bizarre plot to kidnap Grace Walden Stephens (a key Martin
Luther King assassination witness) and smuggle her to Jonestown, and you
have the makings of a full fledge spook operation.
One of the strangest CIA connections to
Jonestown was the previously mentioned World Vision, an evangelical order
which often fronts for the CIA. They performed espionage work for the CIA
in Southeast Asia while Operation Phoenix (the murderous project that left
40,000 people dead) was in full effect. In Honduras, they maintained a
presence at CIA contra recruiting camps in the war against the Sandinistas.
In Lebanon, the fascist Phalange butchered Palestinians at World Vision's
camp. In Cuba, their refugee camps hosted numerous members of the
anti-Castro terrorist group Alpha 66 of Bay of Pigs fame. After the Guyana
massacre, World Vision developed a scheme to repopulate Jonestown with
CIA-linked mercenaries from Laos. Laos, of course, was where the CIA was
running it's "secret war" during Vietnam, which for the most part
was a smokescreen for a widespread opium trafficking operation. One
particularly important World Vision official was John Hinckley, Sr., an oil
man, reputed CIA officer, and friend of George Bush. You may have heard of
his son. Less than four months before Hinckley Jr. became known as Jodie
Foster's biggest fan, another member of the World Vision order, Mark
Chapman, gunned down John Lennon in what may have been a practice run for
the bigger hit on President Reagan. One of the policemen who found him was
convinced that he was a mind-controlled assassin. Chapman was clutching a
copy of the novel Catcher in the Rye, which was also owned by John Hinckley
Jr. (The book was written by J.D. Salinger, who worked in military
intelligence with Henry Kissinger during World War II.) Before going to
trial, Chapman plead guilty after a voice in his head (which he attributed
it to God) commanded him to do so.
Considering the history of World Vision
and what went on previously in Guyana, it is possible that the real purpose
behind repopulating Jonestown was to create another breeding ground for
brainwashed zombies like Chapman and Hinckley. Nearby Jonestown there was a
place called Hilltown, a compound of 8,000 blacks that followed cult leader
Rabbi David Hill, who held his flock with an iron fist. Hill had so much
power that he was referred to as the "vice prime minister" of
Guyana. There was also another place in Guyana called
"Johnstown," as well as similar operations in the Phillipines and
Chile. It appears that Jonestown (and World Vision's later attempt) is
hardly the exception to the rule of using obscure locations in Third World
nations as laboratories for covert cult operations. The Jonestown site in
Guyana was originally a Union Carbide mine, and was loaded with an
abundance of precious natural resources. It is very likely that the site
was chosen to exploit these resources with cheap labor -- and cheap labor
was plentiful.
Members of Jim Jones' "church"
were bound and gagged immediately after landing in Guyana and taken to the
compound. They were pumped with drugs, which were available in vast amounts
at Jonestown -- enough to drug 200,000 people for more than a year. Among
the drugs found there: Quaaludes, Valium, morphine, Demerol, Thorazine (a
dangerous tranquilizer), sodium pentathol (a truth serum), chloral hydrate
(a hypnotic chemical agent), thallium (which confuses thinking), and, of
course, cyanide. Jonestown residents lived in cramped quarters and ate
meager rations of often spoiled food. They were then forced to give 16 to
18 hours of slave labor per day. When they weren't working, they were
required to stay up day and night listening to Jim Jones lecture. Among the
charming punishments the flock endured were forced druggings, sensory
deprivation in an underground box, physical torture, and public sexual rape
and humiliation, not to mention your average ordinary beatings and verbal
abuse. All of the drugs and environmental conditions forced upon Jonestown
residents were also employed in the CIA's notorious MKULTRA program, which
was implemented to test and implement brainwashing and mind control
techniques. A 1974 government report admitted that certain "target
populations" were used, namely blacks, women, prisoners, the elderly,
children, and inmates of psychiatric wards. The Center for the Study and
Reduction of Violence, using the research of Strangelovian doctors Jose
Delgado and Louis "Jolly" West, drew guinea pigs from the
"target populations" to test drugs, implants, and psychosurgery
techniques at an isolated military missile base in California. The dead at
Jonestown were 90% women, 80% black, and included 276 children.

Which leads us back to Auschwitz and the
ultimate deja vu. Auschwitz, after all, was not just a death camp: It was
also a slave labor camp for Nazi military-industrial monolith I.G. Farben.
There, the outcasts and refuse of society who no one cared about faced
similar abuses, while an elite few profited from their misery. The brains
behind the Final Solution became the brains behind MKULTRA. The MK is often
said to stand for "Mind Kontrol" -- representing the Germanic
origins of the project. Going the full ten yards, however, it is possible
that MK merely stands for "Mein Kampf". Congressman Ryan probably
suspected that Jonestown was a front for sinister covert activity. In 1980,
Ryan aide Joseph Holsinger received a paper entitled "The Penal Colony,"
which explained that CIA MKULTRA operations did not terminate in 1973, as
officially proclaimed, but instead continued in public hospitals, prisons,
and religious cults which were used as fronts. Holsinger later stated at a
San Francisco psychology forum on Jonestown that he believed the CIA worked
with Jones to perform medical and mind control experiments at People's
Temple. If Congressman Ryan had not been killed -- a big if -- many
skeletons in the CIA's closet may have been exposed.
Michael Meiers, author of "Was
Jonestown a CIA Medical Experiment?" had this to say: "The
Jonestown experiment was conceived by Dr. Layton, staffed by Dr. Layton and
financed by Dr. Layton. It was as much his project as it was Jim
Jones's." Layton, remember, was head of the Army's Chemical Warfare
Division. Former Temple member Joyce Shaw wondered if Jonestown was
"some kind of horrible government experiment, or some sort of sick,
racist thing... a plan like that of the Germans, to exterminate
blacks." In October 1981, Jonestown survivors filed a $63 million
lawsuit against Jonestown-era Secretary of State Cyrus Vance and CIA
director Stansfield Turner. The suit stated that the State Department and
CIA conspired to "enhance the economic and political powers of James
Warren Jones," conducting "mind control and drug
experimentation" there. The suit was dismissed four months later for
"failure to prosecute timely," and all requests for appeal were
denied. (Turner would become a director of Monsanto, now best known for
providing the world with the brain-damaging, cancer causing poison bearing
the innocuous moniker "NutraSweet".)
All this, of course, is forgotten in
official accounts of the events at Jonestown. Instead, the more palatable
-- but less accurate -- version of the Jonestown story blames the victims,
echoing the ignorant grunt uttered by Pete Hamill, who dismissed the dead
as "all the loose change of the sixties."Hanging over Jonestown
was a mocking sign that proclaimed, "THOSE WHO DO NOT REMEMBER THE
PAST ARE CONDEMNED TO REPEAT IT." One of the most elegant slogans of
Holocaust survivors is "Never forget." Jonestown makes it clear
that, no matter how well meaning, all these slogans are but words. Never
forget? We obviously already have. That Jonestown could unfold before our
eyes without the realization of precisely what was going on says volumes.
Certainly the blame falls partly at the feet of a powerful
military-industrial complex that feels no shame for its deeds, and
certainly partly at a Korporate Media that has become the witting
mouthpiece (and collaborator) for this same cabal.

But ultimately, the blame falls at the
feet of the people, their brains dulled by sitcoms and soap operas, their
reality gradually drawn within the boundaries of the cathode ray tube. By
the time the Guyana massacre rolled around, the masses were too ignorant
and apathetic to know or care about the truth. Instead, they swallowed the
official version and waited obediently for the next big lie. What's worse,
the truth itself has become untenable. Instead of outrage and calls for
justice, attacks are most often leveled at those who openly question the
official account of the Jonestown massacre, or OTHER government/media
coverups. Witness the treatment of people trying to expose the lies and
coverups surrounding 9-11. Or try bringing the 9-11 coverup, Jonestown, or
any of the other hundreds of covert government operations up in polite
company and see the kind of response you get. Could the Holocaust happen
again? It already has, and will continue to happen. One wonders if it ever
really ended.
Robert Sterling - R.J.E.
There is one supreme eternal reality; the truth; imminent in all things; creator of all things; immanent in creation. Without fear and without hatred; not subject to time; beyond birth and death; self-revealing. This Eternal Reality is known only by the Divine Revelations from His Grace.
Faith is ultimately the acceptance of the divine authority of the Omnipotent and Omniscient Almighty Creator of the universe we share with all the other beings he has made; micro/macrocosms, living and non-living beings that regularly obey the natural and eternal laws he embedded in his creations for our mutual benefits.
----Rev. Prof. J. J. Kenez (1999)
By faith is meant, first, conscious knowledge, and second, the practice of good deeds. "Know, therefore, that only the LORD your Creator is the Ultimate Reality, the Absolute Truth. Only he is the steadfast Godhead who keeps His gracious covenant to the all who believe and trust in his everlasting love and fatherly care for beings, seen and unseen to the tens, hundreds and thousandth generations of those who love Him and keep His commandments." Hence, recognizing and affirming that this One Almighty Creator of the entire Universe is our Father/Mother and therefore, only to this Creator is total worship due. Our corporate willingness, commitment and submission to this One Creator that exists guarantees all that are alive sustenance, and to His prescriptions for living in accordance with his ordained eternal and natural laws is surely the only assurance of living a good life assured to anyone who (1) believes in Him, and (2) believes in the Last Day, and (3) leads a righteous life, will receive their recompense from the Lord. They have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve."
------------- ISM Integrational Faith (2013)
Dr Kenez traced its aetiological roots more psycho-philosophically when he stated in his M.Sc. dissertation of 1982; BELIEF ONLY BECOMES NECESSARY WHEN THERE ARE NO LOGICAL FACTS or EVIDENT PROOFS of a FABRICATED LIE or FALSE THEORY propounded by a demagogue, so it naturally transforms into A DOCTRINE or a DOGMA. That is the beginning of dissension and the remote genesis of any brand of FANATICISM or MYSTICISM.
ReplyDeleteIn the mathematical analyses preceding a concise formula to develop the required PAPER-&-PENCIL TEST after twelve months of psychometric somersaults, real painful academic rigmaroles or the needed scientific jingoism; his proposed this simplified one; FANATICISM results when STRONG WILL pathologically combines with NARROW-MINDEDNESS …. And as a corollary of the flipside of the coin; MYSTICISM only results when a WEAK WILL pathologically combines with same NARROW-MINDEDNES.
rf = sw(nm) whereas rm = ww(nm)
Therefore “ f “ is a factor that could stand for any other human disposition that is addictive; Politics, Football, Religion or Music
This psychometric formula is copyrighted. Do not use it for any other purpose except academic and always acknowledge the originator; -
****Danmbaezue J. K. (1982) Fanaticism Scale Formula