Elderly Lakota (Sioux) Woman
The Lakota, also called Sioux,
are a Native American people whose members live mainly in North Dakota and
South Dakota in the United States.
Farrell Grehan/Photo
Researchers, Inc.
Race, term historically used
to describe a human population distinguishable from others based on shared
biological traits. All living human beings belong to one species, Homo
sapiens. The concept of race stems from the idea that the human species can
be naturally subdivided into biologically distinct groups. In practice,
however, scientists have found it impossible to separate humans into clearly
defined races. Most scientists today reject the concept of biological race and
instead see human biological variation as falling along a continuum.
Nevertheless, race persists as a powerful social and cultural concept used to
categorize people based on perceived differences in physical appearance and
Interest in defining races
came from the recognition of easily visible differences among human groups.
Around the world, human populations differ in their skin color, eye color and
shape, hair color and texture, body shape, stature, limb proportions, and other
physical characteristics. However, most anthropologists and biologists regard
these differences between populations as largely superficial, resulting from
adaptations to local climatic conditions during the most recent period of human
evolution. Genetic analysis, which provides a deeper and more reliable measure
of biological differences between people, reveals that overall, people are remarkably
similar in their genetic makeup. Of the genetic differences that do exist, more
variation occurs within so-called racial groups than between them. That is, two
people from the same “race” are, on average, almost as biologically different
from each other as any two people in the world chosen at random. This high
degree of genetic diversity exists within populations because individuals from
different populations have always intermingled and mated with each other. Given
that populations have interbred for most of human history, most anthropologists
reject the idea that “pure” races existed at some time in the distant past.
Today, genetic analysis has replaced earlier methods of comparing color, shape,
and size to establish degrees of relationship or common ancestry among human
The term race is often
misunderstood and misused. It is often confused with ethnicity, an
ambiguous term that refers mostly, though not exclusively, to cultural
(non-biological) differences between groups. An ethnic group derives its
identity from its distinctive customs, language, ancestry, place of origin, or
style of dress. For example, the Hispanic ethnic group comprises people who
trace their ancestry to Spanish-speaking countries in the Western Hemisphere.
Although some people assume Hispanics have a common genetic heritage, in
reality they share only a language. Members of an ethnic group with a common
geographic origin often do share similar physical features. But people of the
same ethnic group may also have very different physical appearances, and
conversely, people of different ethnic groups may look quite similar. People
may also mistakenly use the term race to refer to a religion, culture,
or nationality—as in the “Jewish race” or the “Italian race”—whose members may
or may not share a common ancestry. The term race is also sometimes used
to refer to the entire human species, as in the “human race.” In everyday
language, the distinction between race and ethnicity has become blurred, and
many people use the terms to mean the same thing.
Many people believe, falsely,
that differences in physical appearance have something to do with differences
in the behavior, attitude, intelligence, or intrinsic worth of people. These
beliefs promote racism, prejudice or animosity against people perceived
to belong to other races. At its worst, racism has inspired the abuse and
extermination of enormous numbers of people. Recent historical examples
included the near-extermination of Native Americans by European settlers of the
Americas between the 16th and 20th centuries, the capture and export of
Africans for use as slaves in the Americas from the early 17th to the mid-19th
century, the extermination of Jews in Europe by German Nazis during World War
II (1939-1945), and the system of apartheid perpetrated by Afrikaners against
all nonwhite peoples in South Africa.
This article examines
the concept of human races and explains why most scientists have discredited
race as a biological concept. It also traces the history of attempts to
classify people into races, from ancient times to the present. Finally, the
article describes the principles of human biological variation and discusses
race as a sociological concept.
Around the world, human
populations differ in their skin color, eye color and shape, hair color and
texture, body shape, height, limb proportions, nose and lip size and shape, and
other physical characteristics. For example, peoples of the Arctic, such as the
Inuit, differ significantly in body form and skin color from Aboriginal
Australians. Likewise, Norwegians appear quite different from Nigerians in
their skin color and hair color and texture. These easily visible differences
between peoples led early scientists to attempt to define races based on
outward physical appearance. Such observable traits make up a person’s phenotype.
In more recent times, scientists have tried to define races based on genotype,
the genetic makeup of individuals. Both methods have shortcomings that
illustrate the fundamental problems of racial classification.
Based on Physical Appearance
Aboriginal Australians
The blond hair of some
Aboriginal Australians posed a problem for early racial classifiers, who
thought blond hair was restricted to the so-called Caucasian races.
Anthropologists now know that all human populations have significant physical
and biological variability, making it difficult to classify individuals into
racial groups.
B. Wills/Hutchison Library
Interest in classifying
races flourished in the 19th century and continued in the 20th century. But
every anthropologist proposed a different list of races, with numbers varying
from as few as 2 to as many as 60 or more. Racial taxonomists usually divided
into two opposing camps: “lumpers,” who minimized the number of races; and
“splitters,” who divided humans into many small, local races. Early racial
classification schemes were based primarily on skin color. For example, many
scholars once believed all people could be classified into one of three main
races: (1) Caucasoid, or “white”; (2) Negroid, or “black”; and (3) Mongoloid,
or “yellow.” These races corresponded roughly to the geographic areas of
Europe, sub-Saharan Africa, and Asia, respectively.
However, some people did
not fit neatly into any of these races. For example, the Aboriginal people of
Australia have dark skin similar to tropical Africans. But some Aboriginal
people have blond hair, unlike most Africans. Were they Negroid or Caucasoid?
Some scholars added a new race, Australian, to avoid the problem. The peoples
of southern India and Sri Lanka, who have dark skin like tropical Africans but
facial features and hair like Europeans, posed a similar classification
problem. Again, some scientists added an Indian race. One trait thought to be
unique to Mongoloids was the epicanthic fold, a fold of skin across the
inner part of the eye. But anthropologists soon discovered that certain African
and Native American groups also have epicanthic folds. Should they also be
classified as Mongoloid?
These examples show the
difficulty in classifying races based primarily on a single physical trait:
Populations that share the trait are subjectively lumped into the same race,
without any scientific evidence that they are more closely related to each
other than to other groups. In addition, the choice of trait is completely
arbitrary. One could just as logically choose to classify races by nose shape
as by skin color.
An alternative approach
might classify races on the basis of particular combinations or clusters of
external traits, rather than a single trait. But this approach reveals other
problems. Traits that may seem uniform within a population actually vary widely
between individuals, making it difficult to classify individuals into racial
groups. Furthermore, physical traits are inherited independently of one
another. For example, stature in a population may vary from very small to very
tall and shows no relation to skin color. Each trait has a unique pattern of
geographic distribution that may be unrelated to those of other traits.
Black or White?
In the United States, the
children of a black person and a white person are usually regarded as black.
The racial designation is arbitrary because the children share in each parent’s
genetic heritage equally.
Photo Researchers, Inc.
Perhaps the greatest problem
in racial classification involves determining the boundaries of the races.
Populations from different continents or climates may differ profoundly in
physical appearance, suggesting that the differences between peoples are sharp
and discrete. But scientists now recognize that most human physical
characteristics vary gradually and smoothly over large geographic areas.
Anthropologists refer to this gradient of variation as a cline. For
example, skin color is distributed as a cline, generally varying along a
north-south line. Skin color is lightest in northern Europeans, especially in
those who live around the Baltic Sea, and becomes gradually darker as one moves
toward southern Europe, the Mediterranean, the Middle East, and into northern
Africa and northern subtropical Africa. Skin is darkest in people who live in
the tropical regions of Africa. The lack of clear-cut discontinuities makes any
racial boundary based on skin color totally arbitrary. Similar continuity
exists for most other physical traits. (For more information about skin color
as an environmental adaptation, see the Variation and Environmental
Adaptation section of this article.)
Racial classification has
generally relied on the premise that each race can be defined by a certain set
of physical features that are inherited and unchangeable. But scientists now
know that a population’s phenotype (visible physical characteristics) can
change without genetic change. For example, the average height of adult males
in Japan increased an estimated 10 cm (4 in) in the span of only a few decades
after 1950. This time span is too short to permit major genetic changes;
changes in the Japanese diet account for the height increase. Given how rapidly
some phenotypic traits can change in response to environmental conditions, they
form a poor basis for defining fixed, biological races.
Race mixing highlights
another problem in defining races. In the United States, the child of a white
parent and a black parent is usually defined as black, because American society
traditionally has not recognized intermediate racial categories. In biological
terms, however, the child shares in each parent’s genetic heritage equally.
Until the mid-20th century, many states defined a person as black if he or she
had even a small fraction of black ancestry. Most state laws specified the
fraction of black ancestry that made someone black as one-fourth or one-eighth.
Thus, having one black great-grandparent was sufficient to define a person as
black, but having seven white great-grandparents was insufficient to define the
person as white. A Virginia law (overturned in 1967) went even further,
defining as black “every person in whom there is ascertainable any Negro
blood”—the so-called one-drop rule. These definitions were created as part of
laws against miscegenation, which were designed to prohibit interracial
marriage. Anthropologists today recognize that race is also culturally
relative. A light-skinned African American considered black in the United
States would be considered white by many dark-skinned populations of Africa.
These examples show that race is socially and culturally constructed, not
determined by biology.
A final argument against
basing races on phenotype is that relatively few genes determine surface characteristics,
such as skin color, hair color, and facial features. For example, fewer than
ten genes determine skin color. Considered against the estimated 30,000 genes
that make up the entire human genome (the total of all human genes), skin color
and other external features represent a trivial source of biological variation.
There are many other sources of human biological variation that we cannot see,
such as variations in blood type and susceptibility to certain diseases. It is
of course inevitable to be influenced by what we see, and this helps to explain
why people attribute so much more importance to visible physical traits.
Based on Genetic Makeup
Distribution of O Allele
The distribution of the O
allele (form) of the ABO blood group gene demonstrates the continuous nature of
human biological variation. The frequency with which the allele appears in a
population varies gradually across large geographic regions, a pattern of
variation known as a cline. The lack of sharp discontinuities in patterns of
human physical variation poses a problem for racial classifiers.
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As scientists in the 20th
century became aware of the many problems in defining races based on physical
appearance, some turned to the field of genetics in an effort to define races
more scientifically. Genetic analysis allows scientists to learn about
differences between people at the level of the genotype—the structure of the
molecular genetic material, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Genes are segments of
DNA that determine the inheritance of certain traits, or groups of traits.
Genetic research provides much more consistent and verifiable information about
human variation than do phenotypic studies, primarily because genes are much
less susceptible to rapid changes produced by the environment. In addition,
genetic studies can examine a much wider range of variable traits—including
those not visible to the naked eye.
Scientists first learned
about the human genotype through research on proteins—substances fundamental to
the function and structure of the body. Proteins indirectly provide information
about gene structure because they are the main product of genes. The human body
contains tens of thousands of different proteins, most of which vary in form
from person to person. Protein research has focused on variation in blood
groups, hemoglobin (the protein that carries oxygen in red blood cells), red
blood cell enzymes, blood-serum proteins, and human lymphocyte antigens (HLA)
that affect individuals’ resistance to organ transplants.
The first attempts to
classify races by genetic traits used the ABO system of blood groups. Blood
groups determine whether any two people can successfully exchange blood through
medical transfusion. All people belong to one of four blood groups (A, B, AB,
or O), depending on which alleles (forms) of the ABO gene they inherited. The
three major alleles of this gene, A, B, and O, are present in almost all
populations of the world, but in different proportions. For example, the O
allele reaches its maximum frequency among Native Americans, so much so that in
South America almost all individuals have type O blood. In central Canada, type
A blood is unusually frequent, type O somewhat less frequent, and types B and
AB are rare or absent. On other continents one finds all blood groups, with
some local variation. But the ABO blood group system lends itself very poorly
as a way to distinguish races. Two populations that are remote both
geographically and biologically (based on almost all other criteria), such as
Germans and New Guineans, often show very similar ABO allele frequencies.
When scientists examine
a large number of different genes, some distinctions between groups begin to
appear more clearly. For example, one can usually find some degree of genetic
differentiation between populations separated by geographic barriers, such as
seas, mountains, and rivers. This occurs because geographic barriers tend to
isolate populations from each other, although no barrier seems to completely
prevent interbreeding of populations. The genetic differentiation observed
between such populations is always extremely modest and not discernible without
a thorough analysis. In most areas of the world, genetic traits, like
phenotypic (external) traits, are distributed clinally—that is, they vary in a
smooth, gradual pattern across geographic areas. For example, in Central Asia
the transition from a European type to an East Asian type (as defined by gene
frequencies) is almost continuous, making the task of drawing a boundary
between “European” and “Asian” races impossible. Around the world, abrupt
changes in gene frequencies are unusual between neighboring populations. The
reason is that human groups, throughout history, have generally mixed and mated
with one other, guaranteeing a constant flow of genes between populations.
By analyzing the data
from a sufficiently large number of genes, one could identify hundreds of
thousands of local populations at a minimum, each with a slightly different
profile of gene frequencies. But this analysis would not answer the question of
how many basic races there are. No reasonable multiplication of the list of
races could cope with the observed continuity and complexity of genetic
variation. Thus, most scientists have given up racial classification as a
futile exercise.
The direct analysis of
DNA, which became possible in the 1980s, has revolutionized the study of human
variation. DNA research has shown that similarities among all people far
outweigh any differences. On average, two randomly chosen individuals have 99.9
percent of their genetic material in common. Of the 0.1 percent variation that
does exist, 85 percent exists within populations; only 15 percent exists
between populations. In other words, almost all the genetic differences
between any two people are due simply to the fact that they are different
individuals. In comparison with the genetic variation observed among
individuals, that between human groups, however defined, is almost negligible.
The human species has
less genetic variability than many other animal species, including chimpanzees,
the closest living relatives of humans. The reason is that the differentiation
among humans living today probably began in the recent evolutionary past.
Genetic studies suggest that all people alive today are descended from a
relatively small group of humans in eastern Africa who began migrating out of Africa
as recently as 50,000 years ago. For more information, see the Human Origins
section of this article.
Race is a social and cultural
creation whose definition has varied over time. Until a few hundred years ago,
most people had very little exposure to individuals who differed markedly from
themselves in physical appearance or culture. Thus, the concept of race was
absent in most early societies. In the 15th and 16th centuries, European
explorers traveled to distant lands and encountered peoples who looked and
behaved differently. The concept of race emerged as a way to categorize people
on the basis of physical and cultural differences. Later, colonialists used the
concept of race to justify unequal treatment, exploitation, and enslavement of
supposedly inferior peoples.
Ancient Times

The 5th-century bc Greek
historian Herodotus provided information about ancient Greece, North Africa,
and the Middle East. Herodotus traveled extensively throughout the
Mediterranean world, observing the different peoples he encountered and
studying the military history of the region. Known as the father of history,
Herodotus produced a narrative compilation of his findings, entitled History.
Hulton Deutsch
Since ancient times, explorers
have traveled to foreign lands and written about the differences that exist
among human populations. In these written accounts of their journeys, travelers
often described the appearance and ways of life of the people they met in
distant lands. In many cases, these accounts attempted to demonstrate the
inferiority of other peoples.
The people of ancient
Egypt had contacts with seafarers (often pirates) from other parts of the
Mediterranean. Egyptian kings also financed expeditions to explore unknown
lands. One expedition, sent by King Pepi II in about 2250 bc, encountered a group of Pygmies in
southern central Africa. In contrast with Egyptians, who were tall and had
light-brown skin, Pygmies were very short and dark-skinned. The Egyptians were
fascinated by the diminutive Pygmies and by their performance of a variety of
exuberant dances. Several carvings of dancing Pygmy figures found in the ruins
of ancient Egyptian civilization provide evidence of the Egyptians’ early
fascination with physical and cultural differences between themselves and other
The Greek historian Herodotus,
who lived in the 5th century bc,
described many peoples of Eurasia and Africa, including Pygmies and a people
thought to be Mongols. He also described the customs of some of them—for
example, the Scythians. Herodotus traveled widely, but never far south in
Africa or to Mongolia, where the people he described lived. Instead, he heard
reports about these peoples from other travelers. The accounts of Herodotus
showed his fascination with differences among people in physical appearance,
culture, and behavior.
The descriptions recorded
by Herodotus and other ancient writers indicate the attitudes they had toward
differences in other peoples. The Greeks referred to anybody who could not
speak Greek as a barbarian (meaning “stammerer,” as when trying to speak
Greek), an early historical example of racism. Pliny the Elder, a Roman writer
and natural historian of the 1st century ad,
described Africans as black-skinned with bristled hair. He decided they must
have been burned by living too close to the sun.
In the 2nd century ad the Roman Empire reached its height,
encompassing large territories in the Middle East, North Africa, and eastern
Europe. The Romans established trade routes with India, while the empire of the
Chinese Han dynasty established the Silk Road, which ran from eastern China to
India, the Middle East, and Roman ports on the Mediterranean Sea. These trade
routes established links among urban centers throughout Eurasia and North
Africa, exposing people in many cultures to other peoples and cultures.
The Age of European

Marco Polo’s Journey
This medieval manuscript
illustration shows Marco Polo—along with his father, Niccolò, and his uncle
Maffeo—beginning their famous trip from Italy to China in 1271. Polo’s book,
The Description of the World, for a long time was the only account of such
places as China, Thailand (then Siam), Japan, Java, Vietnam, Sri Lanka (then
Ceylon), Tibet, India, and Myanmar (then known as Burma). The book also served
as a stimulus to Christopher Columbus’s journey to the New World in 1492. The
colored illuminated manuscript here dates from 1375.
In the 15th and 16th centuries, several western European
countries—Portugal, Spain, The Netherlands, England, and France—began
sponsoring expeditions to explore regions of the world that were then largely
unknown to Europeans. Rulers financed these voyages with the hopes of
establishing control over foreign lands for economic and political benefit—a
practice known as imperialism. From the reports of voyagers, Europeans learned
of cultures quite different from their own as well as of the physical
appearance of non-European peoples. Europeans generally came to believe that
what they saw as bizarre and exotic customs were somehow directly related to
differences in skin color, hair color and texture, and body and face shape.
Thus, the concept of race developed to include both physical and cultural
differences among people.
In the 1200s Europeans
had little exposure to the cultures of East Asia. Many found reports by
Venetian explorer Marco Polo of his travels to China and the countries of South
and Southeast Asia difficult to believe. Polo described urban populations in
China of over a million people, much larger than any in Europe, and unfamiliar
customs, such as the use of paper money for commerce, coal and oil for fuel,
and engraved wooden blocks to print documents. He noted in many instances the
dietary customs of Asians, such as the eating of dog and other animals not
eaten in Europe. Although Polo recorded the skin color and appearance of the
peoples he encountered, the concept of race is absent from his writings.
Regular contact between
Europe and the Americas began in the late 15th century with the voyages of
Italian-Spanish navigator Christopher Columbus. The first Native Americans
Columbus encountered were the Arawak-speaking TaĂno people of the islands of
the Caribbean. In his descriptions of these people, Columbus recorded details
of their olive- to copper-colored skin; thick, straight, and long black hair;
and short, muscular bodies. He commented on their habits of going largely
unclothed and bathing frequently. He also described their types of body
adornment, including paints, gold piercings, and tattoos.
Soon after these first
encounters, the Spaniards began to clash with and assert their authority over
Native Americans. By the early 1500s, the Spaniards had enslaved and killed a
great number of indigenous people, a pattern that would be followed for
centuries by other Spanish, Portuguese, French, and British colonists of the
Americas. White settlers and their financial backers in Europe justified the
domination of Native Americans based in large part on notions of European racial
Europeans first came to
know of most Pacific Ocean islands and their inhabitants in the 18th and 19th
centuries. Archaeological and linguistic evidence suggests close connections
among the many peoples of the Pacific Islands—known today as Micronesians,
Melanesians, and Polynesians—although they can appear physically quite
distinct. During the 1700s British navy officer Captain James Cook traveled
widely in the South Pacific, meeting peoples such as the Maori of New Zealand,
Tahitians, and Hawaiians. He treated these peoples with a respect
uncharacteristic of other European explorers in the region.
The British established
their first settlements in Australia in the late 1700s and early 1800s. The
settlers soon met the Aboriginal hunter-gatherers indigenous to that continent
(see Aboriginal Australians). In a manner very similar to that of
European settlers in the Americas, the British colonists of Australia generally
regarded Aborigines as an inferior race. Clashes on the frontiers of white settlement
led to a massive number of Aboriginal deaths and the enslavement and
displacement of most surviving indigenous Australians.
The Rise of Racial

Carolus Linnaeus
Swedish physician Carolus
Linnaeus was among the first to attempt to classify people into races, although
he did not use that term. In the mid-1700s he divided humans into four main
subspecies and two minor subspecies. He also ascribed temperaments and cultural
traits to each subspecies that reflected his own social prejudices.
Culver Pictures
The science of biological
classification uses a taxonomic hierarchy to indicate how any one type of
organism is related to other types. Swedish botanist and physician Carolus
Linnaeus developed the precursor to the modern classification system in the
mid-1700s. In the first edition of Systema Naturae (1735), he set out a
system for classifying plants, animals, and minerals. To any particular type of
organism, Linnaeus gave two Latin names, the first of which identified its
genus and the second its species. Linnaeus classified humans as animals, an
unpopular idea at the time. He recognized that people belonged with monkeys and
apes in the taxonomic order (a broader level of classification) Anthropomorpha,
which he later renamed Primates. Linnaeus also recognized all humans as
belonging to a common genus, Homo, and species, sapiens.
In later editions of Systema
Naturae, Linnaeus subdivided humans into four main subspecies (he did not
refer to them as races): Homo sapiens americanus, for peoples of
the Americas; Homo sapiens europaeus, for Europeans; Homo
sapiens asiaticus, for Asians; and Homo sapiens afer,
for Africans. He provided no systematic method for determining these divisions.
Linnaeus also identified two other subspecies: Homo sapiens monstrosus, which
included people with deformities, mythological giants, and the Hottentots (see
Khoikhoi) people of southern Africa; and Homo sapiens ferus, which
described wild children found abandoned in forests. The taxonomic divisions of
the human species developed by Linnaeus resembled later racial
characterizations in that he associated different temperaments and cultural
traits with each subspecies. For example, he identified the Asian subspecies as
melancholy, stiff, and greedy, whereas the European subspecies was described as
gentle, optimistic, and inventive. Linnaeus’s classification of humans was not
based on scientific evidence and reflected his own European social prejudices.
Central to Linnaeus’s
scheme was the idea of the Great Chain of Being, referred to as the scala
naturae. During the 18th century, Christian scholars assumed that all
aspects of the world could be arranged in a hierarchy of worth consisting of a
series of discrete levels. At the top of the hierarchy was God, representing
perfection. Below God were living things, with humans at the top and other
animals ranked lower. At the bottom of the Chain of Being were inorganic
materials, such as metals. Although Linnaeus did not explicitly rank humans,
his attribution of temperaments to subspecies implied a ranking of Europeans
first, followed by Asians and Americans, with Africans at the bottom.
Linnaeus’s contemporary,
French naturalist George-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon, took a different
approach to describing human diversity. Buffon rejected racial classification
and instead sought merely to describe the variety of forms and behaviors among
human populations. In 1749 he was the first to use the term race to
refer to a local population. He remarked that as diverse as humans might appear
physically, any man and woman could successfully reproduce. Thus, he believed
all people belonged to one biological group. Like others of his time, Buffon
believed differences in human populations resulted directly from prevailing
environmental conditions and circumstances, mainly diet, climatic temperature,
and the evils of enslavement. These factors could make a person change form or,
in his words, degenerate. According to this thinking, changes in conditions
could change people physically over a few generations.
In the late 1700s German
physician Johann Blumenbach developed one of the most influential and enduring
racial classification systems. He proposed five human races, which he called
varieties: Caucasian, Mongolian, Malayan, Ethiopian, and American. These races
corresponded approximately to the geographic regions of Europe, Asia, Australia
and Oceania, Africa, and the Americas, respectively. Later, Blumenbach’s
divisions were popularized as the white, yellow, brown, black, and red races,
terms that continued to be used into the 20th century. Blumenbach rejected
Linnaeus’s grouping of humans with the apes and instead placed them in separate
orders, reflecting his belief that humans were dramatically different from all
other animals.
Blumenbach, a pioneer
in the field of comparative anatomy and a collector of human craniums, based
his racial classification scheme primarily on observed differences in skull
size and shape as well as in skin color. Blumenbach proposed that all people
descended from an original human type, and that the people of Georgia, in the
Caucasus Mountain region of eastern Europe (now considered part of western
Asia), were the closest living representatives of this original type. Thus,
Blumenbach used the term Caucasian to describe a race of white European
peoples. He believed the other races had “degenerated” from Caucasians.
According to some accounts, he developed this theory after deciding that a
skull of a Georgian woman was the most beautiful he had ever seen. Implicit in
Blumenbach’s classification scheme was that the original humans were created in
God’s image, making Caucasians closer to divine perfection and superior to
other races.
“Scientific” Racial Studies
in the 19th Century

Measurement of Head Shape
Scientists in the 1800s and
early 1900s used craniometry, the measurement of head dimensions, in an attempt
to document uniform differences among human races. Researchers proposed that
each human race had a particular head shape, measured as a ratio of the length
to the width of the skull. By the 1930s, anthropological research had instead
demonstrated that this measurement could also vary widely among people who
shared a common heritage.
The Image Bank
In the 1830s Belgian statistician
Adolphe Quételet attempted to make racial classification into a mathematical
science. He suggested that within human populations, many traits, when plotted
on a graph, could be shown to fall into what is known as a bell curve or normal
distribution. Using stature as an example, this means that a graph of the
heights of many people would always contain very few extremely short and
extremely tall people, more somewhat short and somewhat tall people, and many
people near the average height. Quételet believed that by plotting curves of
physical and intellectual traits, one could arrive at a profile of the
so-called average person of each race. Based on this theory, scientists tried
to establish how the average white European person looked and behaved as
compared with the average person of any darker-skinned population. In these
efforts, scientists were merely trying to confirm the existence of already
established racial categories.
During the 19th century,
many scholars turned away from what they considered subjective and anecdotal
methods of describing races. They devised techniques to measure the physical
attributes of people, a practice known as anthropometry. Scientists
became especially interested in craniometry (the measurement of head
shape and size), inspired partly by the popularity in the early 1800s of phrenology,
the study of the link between head shape and mental
abilities. One of the first people to systematically measure skulls was
American physician Samuel G. Morton. In the 1830s and 1840s Morton conducted
various measurements, including cranial capacity, of more than 1,000 skulls.
Based on these studies, Morton concluded that the various human races did not
share a common ancestor and were probably unrelated to one other. This view,
known as polygenism, opposed the prevailing doctrine of monogenism,
the belief that races are a single species with a common origin. The popularity
of monogenism stemmed from its compatibility with the biblical idea that all
people descended from Adam and Eve. After Morton’s death in 1851, some of his
associates used his work to justify the institution of slavery in the American South, arguing that blacks were
distinctly different from whites and biologically inferior. Morton also
influenced French anthropologist Paul Broca, who elaborated on polygenic theory
and developed new instruments to measure the skull. Modern critics of Morton’s
work argue that his measurements contained errors that reflected an unconscious
racial bias.
In the 1840s Swedish physician
Anders Retzius developed one of the most influential craniometric techniques,
the cephalic index—the ratio between the width and length of the head.
Retzius used precision calipers to measure the heads of people from different
backgrounds. He generally classified peoples as having one of two
characteristic head shapes—brachycephalic (broad-headed) or dolichocephalic
(long-headed). People with intermediate head shapes were assigned to a third
type, mesocephalic. Soon after its development, the cephalic index
gained popularity in Europe and the United States as a way to classify
individuals into races based on similar measurements. As a measure of racial
differences, however, the cephalic index proved problematic. For example,
Germans were largely dolichocephalic, but so were many West African tribes.
In the 1850s British naturalist
Charles Darwin developed the theory of natural selection and the modern concept
of biological evolution. Unlike most of his contemporaries, Darwin thought that
human variation did not lend itself to taxonomic organization because the
differences among people do not fall into distinct categories. In his book The
Descent of Man (1871) he wrote, “Every naturalist who has had the
misfortune to undertake the description of a group of highly varying organisms,
has encountered cases ... precisely like that of man; and if of a cautious
disposition, he will end by uniting all the forms which graduate into each
other, into a single species; for he will say to himself that he has no right
to give names to objects that he cannot define.” Supporters of polygenism,
meanwhile, rejected Darwin’s evolutionary theory and persisted in believing
that races were fixed, unchanging entities.
In 1911 German-born American
anthropologist Franz Boas mounted the most convincing challenge against the
classification of races based on the cephalic index or any other anthropometric
measurements. Boas demonstrated that the stature and head shapes of children
born and raised in the United States differed from those of their parents from
Europe. He thus showed that skull shape was significantly influenced by the
environment (the basis for this influence remains unknown), undermining the use
of the cephalic index as a racial marker. Nonetheless, scientists continued to
use this and other anthropometric measurements as bases for racial classification
well into the mid-20th century.
Racial Classification in the
20th Century

Example of Racial
Classification Scheme
For many years, scientists
devised lists of human races that they believed represented biologically
distinct groups of people. One popular classification scheme, shown here,
divided humanity into nine major races corresponding to geographic regions.
Today, most scientists recognize that human biological variation does not fall
into discrete categories and that racial classification schemes are arbitrary.
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During the 20th century,
scientists (mostly anthropologists) continued to devise a profusion of racial
classification schemes and names for particular races. But by the 1940s,
advances in genetics had led to a new understanding of human diversity and had
begun to transform scientific views of race. One of the first scientists to
argue against race as a biological concept was British-born American
anthropologist Ashley Montagu. He published Man’s Most Dangerous Myth: The
Fallacy of Race (1942) at a time when Nazi Germany was using the concept of
racial superiority to justify the killings of millions of Jews.
In 1950 biologists and
anthropologists met at a large scientific symposium in Cold Spring Harbor, New
York, to discuss human origins, evolution, and race. Three American
anthropologists who participated in this symposium—Joseph Birdsell, Carleton
Coon, and Stanley Garn—defended the relevance of racial classification. They
and other supporters of racial classification acknowledged that race was only a
classificatory convenience and not a physical reality. Coon and Garn continued
to advocate the use of racial taxonomies for many years. For instance, in the
1971 edition of his book Human Races, Garn identified nine major races
corresponding to geographic regions: Amerindian, Polynesian, Micronesian,
Melanesian, Australian, Asiatic, Indian, European, and African.
Between 1950 and the early
1970s the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) made a series of formal statements on race, which were jointly
authored by anthropologists, sociologists, and geneticists. In these
statements, UNESCO declared a goal of eliminating racism around the world and
questioned the legitimacy of racial classification. In 1998 the American
Anthropological Association also published a formal statement on race, in which
it established its position against racial classification.
Today, the measurement
and analysis of human variation at the genetic level provides convincing
evidence that refutes the existence of distinct human races. This research
shows that the visible physical variations among people are generated by minor
genetic differences, that individual and not population differences account for
most genetic variation, and that human physical variation does not fall into
discrete categories. But racial classification continues to play an important
role in many modern societies. For example, the United States census has
included a question on race since the first census in 1790. All federal
agencies, including the U.S. Census Bureau, must follow federal standards for collecting
data on race and ethnicity. These standards define five basic racial
categories: American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; Black or African American;
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; and White. The standards also define
two ethnic categories: Hispanic or Latino, and not Hispanic or Latino. The
census form lists more detailed racial categories, which the Census Bureau
later aggregates into the basic categories. Census respondents may also select
more than one racial category. The U.S. government uses race figures from the
census and other agencies to guide many aspects of public social and economic
policy. For example, census racial data can affect legislation and funding for
affirmative action policies, welfare programs, and educational programs for
minority groups.
Although most scientists
today believe that the human species cannot be subdivided into biologically
distinct races, the study of human biological variation remains important to
science. Instead of trying to classify human diversity into discrete races,
scientists focus on why variation occurs and on explaining specific biological
traits. Among their questions: How did physical and genetic differences evolve
between groups of people? Why do some people have light skin and others dark
skin? What makes some populations more susceptible to certain diseases?
Many anthropologists have
turned from a study of races to a study of local populations. Statistically, a
population is a group of people defined in some unambiguous way, usually on the
basis of geographic or political boundaries. For example, anthropologists might
study the inhabitants of a village, a town, a city, or a nation. Populations
may also be defined genetically. The simplest genetic model of a population is
one in which mating takes place more or less randomly among individuals who are
part of it. Researchers must be careful to clarify how they defined a
population so that a study repeated on the same population can be compared to
earlier studies.
Human Origins

Routes of Human Migration
It is widely agreed upon that
original routes of human migration began with emigrations from Africa into the
Mideast, Asia, and Europe, and only much later from Asia to the Americas.
Exactly when and how migrations occurred is highly debated. Nonetheless, it is
clear that people encountered and overcame substantial geographic and climactic
barriers, including deserts, mountain ranges, bodies of water, and glaciers
(especially during periodic Ice Ages).
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The differences among
modern human populations developed in the evolutionary past. Scientists believe
that humans evolved from apelike ancestors beginning about 5 million years ago.
The predecessor of modern humans, Homo erectus, lived in Africa and
migrated to Asia and Europe 1 million to 2 million years ago. Scientists
generally agree that anatomically modern humans, Homo sapiens, evolved
within the last 200,000 years. However, anthropologists disagree about how and
where modern humans evolved. There are two major hypotheses about how modern
humans evolved: the out of Africa hypothesis and the multiregional hypothesis.
According to the out of
Africa hypothesis, modern humans originated in Africa in the last 200,000 years
and spread from there to the rest of the world, including the Americas and
Australia. This migration out of Africa to the rest of the world took place
within the last 100,000 years and may have begun as recently as 50,000 to
70,000 years ago. Based on this hypothesis, the differences among modern humans
today originated relatively recently—mostly after the great dispersal out of
Africa, although some differences may have formed in Africa. According to the
competing multiregional hypothesis, modern humans developed in parallel in
Africa, Europe, and Asia over 1 million or 2 million years from existing
populations of Homo erectus. In this scenario, differences between human
populations originated in the distant past.

Tree of Human Evolution
Fossil evidence indicates that
the first humans evolved from ape ancestors at least 6 million years ago. Many
species of humans followed, but only some left descendants on the branch
leading to Homo sapiens. In this slide show, white skulls represent species
that lived during the time period indicated; gray skulls represent extinct
human species.
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The original support for
the multiregional hypothesis derived from fossil evidence that suggested
continuity of evolution between archaic humans in Europe, known as Neandertals,
and modern Europeans. Certain fossils suggested similar continuity between
archaic and modern humans in East Asia. The out of Africa hypothesis was first
proposed based on genetic studies of a type of DNA known as mitochondrial DNA,
which is inherited through the maternal line. Since then, studies of the Y
chromosome, which is inherited through the paternal line, have confirmed the
results of mitochondrial DNA studies. These studies show that living African
populations have more genetic diversity than any other human groups, and that
this diversity has been accumulating for perhaps 100,000 to 200,000 years. This
finding implies that all modern humans are descended from a small population of
Homo sapiens that lived in Africa 100,000 to 200,000 years ago. Analysis
of mitochondrial DNA from a Neandertal fossil found in Germany also suggests
that Neandertals did not contribute DNA to modern Europeans. Thus, evidence has
been accumulating that modern humans are not descended from Neandertals living
outside of Africa. Today, many geneticists and physical anthropologists see the
balance of the evidence as strongly favoring the out of Africa hypothesis. For
more information on the evolution of modern humans, See Human Evolution:
Theories of Modern Human Origins and Diversity.
Another important finding
is that human genetic variation between groups, however defined, is small
compared to that within groups. The data strongly support the idea that all
living humans originated recently from a relatively small population—on the
order of thousands or tens of thousands of individuals. All people share a
strong genetic heritage, and are much more alike than different.
Factors of Genetic Change
Genetic variation is essential
to the long-term survival of many species, including humans. It allows a
species to adapt to changes in the environment. Within a population that has a
high amount of genetic variation, some individuals may have traits that allow
them to survive even major fluctuations in environmental conditions. For
instance, certain alleles (variants) of genes make animals or plants resistant
to disease-causing microorganisms, which can cause severe damage and even
extinction to the species they attack. If not for the existing amount of
genetic variation among humans, diseases such as plague or smallpox—which have
infected or killed millions of people in the past—could have easily wiped out
entire populations, or possibly the human species as a whole.
Population genetics is the study of genetic
variation in populations. For many years, scientists have known that gene
frequencies—the frequency with which specific genes appear in a given
population—change over time. That is, some genes become more common and others
less common. The factors that influence genetic change in populations are well
understood. There are four basic factors: (1) mutation, (2) natural selection,
(3) random genetic drift, and (4) gene flow and migration.

DNA Strands
Nucleic acids are complex
molecules produced by living cells and are essential to all living organisms.
These acids govern the body’s development and specific characteristics by providing
hereditary information and triggering the production of proteins within the
body. This computer-generated model shows two strands of deoxyribonucleic acid
(DNA) and the double-helical structure typical of this class of nucleic acids.
Ken Eward/Photo Researchers,
Mutations are rare, random
changes that occur to the genes of an individual during a lifetime and that are
transmitted directly to offspring. Mutations occur at the level of the
molecular genetic material, DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). A DNA strand is made
of substances called nucleotides, joined one to the other. Within each
nucleotide is one of four types of bases: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine
(G), and thymine (T). Their sequence on the strand is responsible for the
specific biological information carried by DNA, just as the order of letters in
a book forms meaningful words and sentences carrying information. Mutations are
replacements of one nucleotide base by another (for example, A by T or G or C)
or the loss or addition of one or more nucleotides in specific positions.
The effect of a mutation
can be inconsequential, advantageous, or disadvantageous to the individual
carrying it. Most have no effect. An advantageous mutation increases an
individual’s success in reproducing offspring and may allow an individual to
adapt to changing environmental circumstances. An advantageous mutation might,
for example, make an individual able to withstand changes in climate or to
digest new and plentiful sources of food. Through the process of natural
selection, described below, an advantageous mutation will likely spread to all
the individuals of a population over successive generations, usually taking
many thousands or even millions of years.
Natural Selection
Natural selection is the
principal way that organisms adapt to their environment. It is the very basis
of the evolution of all living organisms. In natural selection, a trait that
provides individuals with greater evolutionary fitness (reproductive
success) will increase in frequency over generations, and one that makes
individuals less fit will decrease. An initially rare gene resulting from a
single mutation will become common in a population if it produces an effect
that enables individuals to better adapt to their environment. Those with the
beneficial gene will survive longer and produce more offspring than those
without the gene. Offspring who inherit the favorable gene will also leave more
offspring, and individuals with the gene will soon outnumber those without it.
Natural selection thus
automatically sorts out and preserves useful changes in the gene pool,
the total of all genes in a population. Successful genes—or more specifically,
certain alleles—become widespread in the gene pool of a population, and
therefore the characteristics of individuals with successful genes also spread.
How quickly an adaptive trait spreads through a population depends on the
magnitude of the difference in fitness between individuals with the trait and
those without it.
Scientists have shown
that many of the differences in human populations—such as skin color, body
type, and susceptibility to specific diseases—evolved through natural selection
as adaptations to local environmental conditions. These adaptations are
explained in the Variation and Environmental Adaptation section of this
Random Genetic Drift

Pitcairn Island
Steep cliffs line Bounty Bay
on the northern coast of Pitcairn Island in the Pacific Ocean. In 1790
mutineers of the British merchant ship HMS Bounty, accompanied by a small group
of Polynesian men and women, settled on the island, which was then uninhabited.
Subsequent generations of islanders faced reduced genetic diversity because
they all descended from a small number of original settlers, a phenomenon known
as the founder effect.
Wolfgang Kaehler/Corbis
Besides mutation and natural
selection, pure chance factors may change the frequencies of genes present in a
population. Most genes occur in two or more forms, or alleles. For each gene,
an individual inherits one allele from the mother and one from the father. Even
though a parent may have two different alleles of the gene, only one will be
passed down to a child. Which allele is passed down is determined entirely by
chance at the time of conception. Random genetic drift refers to the
change in a population’s gene frequencies resulting from this chance factor.
Due to genetic drift, certain alleles will disappear from a population—even if
they confer evolutionary fitness—simply because they occur in very low
frequencies. At the same time, other alleles will become widespread because
they occur in higher frequencies.
Random genetic drift does
not usually have a major effect on a population’s gene pool if the size of the
population is large. If the population is small, however, genetic drift can
dramatically influence gene frequencies. The founder effect illustrates
this phenomenon well. The founder effect refers to the founding of a new
settlement by a small group of individuals. The sudden establishment of
a small, isolated population, whether intentional or accidental, creates a
situation in which the alleles of a very few individuals will become
predominant as the population grows. For example, in 1790 the Pacific Ocean
island of Pitcairn, which had previously been uninhabited, was occupied by a
few mutineers from the British merchant ship HMS Bounty, along with a
small group of Polynesian men and women whom the sailors had brought from
Otaheite (now Tahiti) and other islands. This low number of settlers passed on
a very small sample of genetic variation to the next generations of Pitcairn
islanders—a strong founder effect. The genes of these settlers—including
alleles that were formerly very rare—would have a high likelihood of passing on
to large numbers of descendants, becoming more prevalent in each new
generation. In a similar way almost all island populations have unusually high
frequencies of certain genes.
Epidemic diseases, wars,
and destructive natural events, such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and
floods, can create a similar situation, known as a population bottleneck.
The calamity leaves a reduced population in which the genes of only a few survivors
Gene Flow and Migration
Another source of genetic
change in human populations is gene flow, the exchange of genes between
populations. Gene flow occurs directly when individuals from one population
mate with members of another population, thereby introducing their genes into
the population. Increased gene flow between populations generally makes them
more alike than they had been previously. Gene flow also occurs indirectly. For
example, if population A interbreeds with population B, and population B
interbreeds with population C, some genes from population A will pass to
population C. In this way, gene flow occurs across vast geographic regions and
connects distant populations. In fact, global gene flow maintains the unity of
the human species, ensuring that people from any two populations in the world
can successfully mate. If a human population became isolated and no longer
shared gene flow with other populations, it might, over hundreds of thousands
of years, lose the ability to breed successfully with other human populations.
At that point the isolated population would be considered a new species.
In humans, gene flow often
occurs as a result of migration. Migrations most frequently occur on a small
scale, as when individuals or families move to a neighboring village, town, or
city. Small-scale migration usually takes place at short distances and is
reciprocal—that is, members of neighboring populations each migrate to the
region of the other population. Large-scale or mass migrations occur when a
large group of people moves to a new region, often because of the effects of
war or natural disaster.
Mass migration and major
population resettlements dramatically increase gene flow. For example, Africans
who were brought to the United States as slaves, as well as their descendants,
intermixed with white populations. Today the gene pool of those who identify
themselves as African American is intermediate between that of American whites
and African blacks. On average, African Americans in the United States have 30
percent European ancestry. Those African Americans in the northern United
States may have up to 50 percent European ancestry while those in the Southern
states—where laws and cultural values long prohibited racial mixing—may have as
little as 10 percent European ancestry. This difference illustrates the power
that psychological and cultural barriers can have in decreasing gene flow.
People who feel deeply rooted in a particular racial or ethnic group may have
some animosity toward the mating of people with different physical appearances
or from different cultural backgrounds. Religious and socioeconomic differences
can also act as barriers to gene flow. However, people are highly social by
nature. Even with the effects of racism and ethnocentrism (a belief in the
superiority of one’s own social or cultural group), people have always
intermarried and interbred with members of neighboring groups.
Historically, natural
barriers such as large rivers, seas, deserts, and mountain ranges have prevented
migration and reduced gene flow between certain regions. Geographic distance
also impeded migrations; people preferred to migrate only short distances. Over
the course of the past several centuries, technological improvements in
transportation have reduced the influence of geography and distance. For
instance, people now can travel easily from one side of the world to the other
within a day by airplane. In general, however, populations tend to be more
similar to their neighbors and more different from populations that live far
Variation and Environmental
The differences among
people most easily and commonly noticed include those in skin color, body
shape, the shape of the face and facial features, and hair color and texture.
Many of these variations evolved as simple adaptations to the environments in
which our ancestors lived. As discussed earlier, current research supports the
idea that the modern human species, Homo sapiens, evolved first in
Africa within the last 200,000 years and that all living people are descended
from a relatively small population. This original population shared a similar
climate, and its members probably looked very similar to each other. However,
within the last 100,000 years, humans expanded out of Africa and eventually
settled a wide range of climates, from hot, humid rainforests to frigid
tundras. In order to survive, populations were forced to adapt to extreme
conditions both biologically, by the process of natural selection, and
culturally, by producing innovations such as clothing.
Variations due to climatic
adaptation generally affect exposed parts of the body rather than internal
structures. The reason involves a basic fact about the human body: its
temperature must stay very close to 37ÂşC (98ÂşF), regardless of the external
temperature. Overheating of the body to above 42ÂşC (105ÂşF) is especially
dangerous for the brain and may cause death. Thus, people have evolved a
variety of external physical characteristics that work to increase or decrease
the exchange of heat between the interior and the exterior of the body. For
instance, people indigenous to the Arctic have short, stout bodies adapted to
retain heat, while people indigenous to equatorial savannas have tall, lean
bodies adapted to dissipate heat. However, these physical distinctions do not
mean that all Arctic peoples or all equatorial savanna peoples have identical
bodies. To the contrary, the same feature can and often does vary broadly among
members of the same population.
Because climatic adaptations
affecting skin color and body shape are outwardly visible, populations that
evolved in the same type of climate tend to appear similar, and populations
that evolved in different climates tend to appear different from each other.
However, genetic research has shown that the seemingly large amount of physical
variation among people has resulted from very few biological changes. All
people differ very little biologically.
Although most scientists
agree that variation in physical features most often results from environmental
adaptation, other factors may also contribute to differences. Darwin suggested
that a type of natural selection known as sexual selection accounts for some of
the differences we observe among human populations. According to this
hypothesis, some physical traits evolved the way they did because of
competition among individuals for mates; traits that provided an advantage in
attracting a mate tended to persist. Others believe that a certain amount of
variation in human traits is nonadaptive—that is, some human features
simply occur in a broad range of variation for no particular reason.
Skin Color
Skin color, perhaps the
most conspicuous human trait, is determined largely by the amount of the
pigment melanin in the skin. People with large amounts of melanin have dark
skin, and those with little melanin have light skin. The function of melanin is
to absorb ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Thus, many scientists have
proposed that dark skin, with its high amount of melanin, is an environmental
adaptation that evolved to protect people in areas of high solar radiation from
sunburn and skin cancer.
In support of this argument,
many populations of tropical areas—where solar radiation is most intense—do
have dark skin. For example, indigenous people in tropical Africa, Australia,
and parts of India and the South Pacific have very dark skin. However,
inhabitants of tropical Central and South America have much lighter skin than
these populations. Although the reason for this difference is debated, native
Central and South American populations usually live in forest areas, where
shadows from trees considerably reduce their exposure to solar radiation.
Moreover, forests are very humid, a factor that also decreases the intensity of
ultraviolet light. Thus, African Pygmies and, to a lesser extent, other
Africans who also live in forest areas are lighter in skin color than Africans
who live in unforested areas. Darker skin is more often observed in tropical
savannas and deserts.
Ultraviolet light has
another effect on the human body—it converts certain molecules in the skin to
vitamin D, a nutrient necessary for absorption of calcium into the bones. Too
little vitamin D leads to rickets, a debilitating disease that causes bones to
soften and deform. As African populations migrated north into Europe, where the
level of ultraviolet radiation is lower than at tropical latitudes,
darker-skinned people would have developed rickets if their diet did not
contain enough vitamin D. Women with rickets would have suffered deformation of
the pelvis and a high risk of death during childbirth. The European diet of
5,000 to 10,000 years ago, prevalent in wheat and other cereals produced by
agriculture, was very poor in vitamin D. But their diet contained a precursor
of vitamin D that could be converted to vitamin D through exposure to
ultraviolet radiation. Over time, therefore, natural selection favored
lighter-colored skin, which maximizes absorption of whatever sunlight is
available so that the body can produce enough vitamin D.
Two other observations
support the idea that skin color is an adaptation to the level of ultraviolet
radiation. First, people with darker skin have a lower incidence of certain
types of skin cancer that are most likely produced by exposure to ultraviolet
light. In addition, the existence of sun tanning, which darkens skin when it is
exposed to ultraviolet radiation, demonstrates the importance of having darker
skin in areas of intense solar radiation.
Body Build

Adaptation to Cold
Inuit people, who live in the
extreme cold of the Arctic, tend to have short, stout bodies that conserve
B and C Alexander/Photo Researchers,
Body size and shape also
vary with climate. In hot, arid regions, a tall, slender body with long
extremities increases body surface area relative to volume, which helps to
dissipate heat by allowing large areas of skin to sweat. For example, pastoral
(animal-herding) peoples who live in the hot, arid savannas of eastern Africa,
such as the Masai, tend to have this body shape. In hot, humid climates, where
sweat cannot evaporate and therefore is not a very efficient cooling mechanism,
smaller bodies achieve the same result of increasing body surface area relative
to volume, helping to dissipate heat more efficiently. In addition, a smaller
body requires less muscular work for movement and decreases the body’s internal
heat production. Pygmy groups in central Africa epitomize this type of

Adaptation to Heat
Masai people, who live in the
arid lands of eastern Africa, tend to have tall, lean bodies that disperse heat
Bildarchiv Okapia/Photo
Researchers, Inc.
Bigger, rounder bodies
are beneficial in cold climates. This type of build conserves heat in the core
of the body, preventing dangerous drops in the temperature of internal organs.
Arctic peoples, such as the Inuit, tend to have this body type.
Larger size, more compact
shape, and shorter limbs are favored in colder climates, and the opposite
structure is favored in warmer ones. These are well known general evolutionary
rules, observed also when comparing similar animal species living in different
Facial Features
Certain facial features
may also have evolved different forms in response to differences in climate.
For instance, most people indigenous to the Arctic have thin eye openings
padded with fat that can protect against freezing winds. Cold climates seem to
favor small noses, to decrease the chance of the nose freezing, and small
nostrils to warm the air more easily when it is inhaled. Nostrils seem to be
largest where air is warm and humid, as in tropical forests. If nose shapes did
arise as climatic adaptations, they have less significance today, when people
in industrialized nations spend much of their time indoors in
temperature-controlled environments.
Lung Capacity
Some physical adaptations
seem to result not from natural selection but rather from the body’s ability to
adjust to its immediate environment. For example, people who live at high
altitudes, such as the Quechua of the South American Andes and the Sherpas of
Nepal, have greater lung capacity than their lowland counterparts. This allows
them to take in more air, compensating for the low amount of oxygen in the air
at high altitudes. Studies of the Quechua show they also have more red blood
cells and larger capillaries than lowland natives, adaptations that help to
transport oxygen more efficiently in the body. A child born in the lowlands but
raised at high altitudes will develop the same adaptations. This fact suggests
that these adaptations arise from the plasticity of the human body, not from
long-term evolutionary forces.
Sickle-Cell Trait and
Resistance to Malaria

Sickled Blood Cell
The curved, crescent-shaped
blood cell (bottom, left) signals the presence of sickle-cell anemia, a genetic
disorder that affects 72,000 people in the United States, primarily African
Americans. Caused by a defective gene, this anemia results from abnormal
hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying component of red blood cells, which distorts
the shape of blood cells after they have released oxygen. The misshapen, or
sickled, cells cannot pass smoothly through tiny blood vessels. The resulting blockages
cause intense pain and serious deficiencies of oxygen and other blood nutrients
throughout the body.
Omikron/Science Source/Photo
Researchers, Inc.
The incidence of certain
genetic diseases can differ among human populations as a result of environmental
adaptation. One such case is the high occurrence of sickle-cell anemia among
peoples of sub-Saharan Africa compared to other groups. This disease can lead
to severe infections, damage to the internal organs, and death. Sickle-cell
anemia is caused by a mutated gene that produces an abnormal form of
hemoglobin, a protein that transports oxygen in the bloodstream. The abnormal
hemoglobin, called hemoglobin S, deforms red blood cells from their normal disc
shape into the shape of a crescent, or sickle. Not every person with the
sickle-cell gene, however, suffers from sickle-cell anemia. Only individuals
who inherit two copies of the sickle-cell gene, one from their father and one
from their mother, contract the illness. People who inherit one sickle-cell gene
and one normal hemoglobin gene have what is known as the sickle-cell trait.
These people generally do not have any health problems, but they can pass the
abnormal gene to their children.
Because people with sickle-cell
anemia often die before reaching reproductive age, scientists initially
wondered why the forces of natural selection had not eliminated the sickle-cell
gene from human populations. The answer, proved by experiments in the 1950s and
by later observations, is that having one copy of the sickle-cell gene makes an
individual resistant to the most common form of malaria (Plasmodium
falciparum malaria), a deadly disease caused by parasites and transmitted
by mosquitoes. In malarial areas such as sub-Saharan Africa, carriers of one
sickle-cell gene have a survival advantage over individuals with normal
hemoglobin genes, who lack resistance. Individuals with protection from malaria
will live longer and produce more children, so natural selection maintains the
sickle-cell gene. However, whenever two carriers of the sickle-cell gene mate,
by chance some children will inherit the gene from both parents and will suffer
from sickle-cell anemia.

Malaria and Sickle-Cell Trait
Traits associated with racial
differences often relate to environmental adaptations. A genetic mutation to
the hemoglobin gene, which affects the development of red blood cells, is most
common in parts of Africa where malaria is prevalent. Individuals who carry one
copy of this mutation, known as the sickle-cell gene, are less susceptible to
the most common form of malaria than people without the gene. Those who inherit
two copies of the sickle-cell gene usually develop sickle-cell anemia. In the
United States, this disease is most prevalent among African Americans, many of
whom have ancestry in regions of endemic malaria.
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The frequency of the sickle-cell
gene in a population depends on the intensity of malaria where that population
lives. If environmental conditions change and affect the malaria rate, the
frequency of the sickle-cell gene can also change. For example, many African
Americans whose ancestors came from tropical sub-Saharan Africa are carriers of
the sickle-cell gene, and therefore the incidence of sickle-cell anemia is
somewhat higher among African Americans than among other groups in the United
States. Over time, however, this difference will decrease in magnitude because
malaria is almost unknown today in North America. Natural selection should
slowly wipe out the sickle-cell gene in African Americans because in the
absence of malaria, it has no adaptive properties, only the potential to cause
sickle-cell anemia.
At one time medical authorities
viewed sickle-cell anemia as a marker of race, because the disease occurs
primarily in people of African ancestry. Today, scientists understand that the
presence of the sickle-cell trait merely indicates that a person is descended
from a population that lived in a malarial area. Populations in the
Mediterranean, the Middle East, and India also carry the sickle-cell gene,
although at lower frequencies.
Besides the sickle-cell
trait, many other genetic conditions confer some degree of resistance to
malaria and are frequent in areas where malaria is widespread. Thalassemia is a
blood disorder that can cause mild to severe anemia. Thalassemia results from
the inheritance of certain mutated genes that produce an abnormal form of hemoglobin.
Like the sickle-cell gene, people can carry thalassemia genes without suffering
from the disease, and carriers are partially resistant to malaria. The
thalassemia genes are present in many populations, especially of Mediterranean
origin, but also elsewhere. Other genes provide resistance to malaria without
causing health problems. The Duffy gene makes a protein present at the surface
of red blood cells. This protein helps one variety of malarial parasite, Plasmodium
vivax, to enter into the red cell. But individuals with an allele of the
gene known as Duffy-zero lack this protein and are resistant to infection by
the parasite. Having the Duffy-zero allele in one or two copies involves no
known disease or disability. Not surprisingly, in Central and West Africa,
where the parasite is frequent, almost all individuals have two copies of the
Duffy-zero allele (also known as the Duffy negative trait). But outside this
area the frequency of the gene decreases rapidly, and it is practically unknown
outside of Africa.
Based on years of research
into human variation, the majority of anthropologists and biologists now reject
race as a biological concept. However, the idea that people belong to different
races remains deeply embedded in many societies. People continue to classify
themselves and others as members of particular races, usually based on skin
color, hair, and facial features. More importantly, race continues to define
how many people think about and behave toward one another. Many people are
treated unfairly or discriminated against because of their perceived race.
Thus, race remains very important as a social concept—one that social
scientists must take into account to understand society and human behavior.
In many societies, a dominant
group of people exercises greater influence over government, business, and
culture than do other groups. Minority groups differ from the dominant
group in some way, and they often suffer from discrimination and have less
political power. Traditionally, racial minority groups are defined on the basis
of physical differences from the dominant group, and ethnic minority groups on
the basis of cultural differences, such as language or religion. In practice,
however, many minority groups are defined by both physical and cultural
differences. Examples of minority groups in the United States include African
Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic Americans or Latinos,
and Jews. Statistically, many minorities have a lower average socioeconomic status
than the dominant group in their society. Minorities also often face barriers
in education and employment. For these reasons, race and racial discrimination
have become important political issues in countries with diverse populations.
Prejudice, Racism, and

“Whites Only” Waiting Room
A black man is ordered out of
a “whites only” waiting room. Separate facilities for blacks and whites were
maintained throughout the South from the end of the 19th century until the
Express Newspapers/Archive
Prejudice refers to preconceived
attitudes or opinions about other people. Prejudices may be favorable or
unfavorable, but the term usually refers to negative attitudes held toward
others based solely on their membership in a specific group. Racism is a
form of prejudice based on perceived physical differences and usually refers to
unfavorable or hostile attitudes toward people perceived to belong to another
race. Racism usually results in a belief in the superiority of one’s own race.
One cause of prejudice and racism is the human tendency to form stereotypes,
generalized beliefs that associate whole groups of people with particular
traits. Racial stereotypes are exaggerated or oversimplified characterizations
of the appearance, personality, and behavior of a group of people. For example,
at one time or another, certain racial groups have been described as lazy,
stupid, athletic, dishonest, violent, or miserly.
Whereas prejudice and
racism refer to beliefs or attitudes about people, discrimination refers
to actual behavior based on these attitudes. For example, racial discrimination
takes place when an African American couple is denied a bank loan for a house
that a similarly qualified white couple would have received. In the United
States prior to the 1960s, a lack of federal laws permitted discrimination
against black Americans in housing, employment, education, public accommodations,
voting, and access to the judicial system. These forms of discrimination led to
the civil rights movement in the United States, a movement by black Americans
to achieve racial equality. Today, federal laws and government policies have
outlawed most forms of racial discrimination. Some policies are designed to
redress the effects of past discrimination. For example, affirmative action
programs are designed to favor racial minorities in hiring and promotion,
college admissions, and the awarding of government contracts. See Discrimination:
Racial Discrimination.

Apartheid Tensions
Under apartheid, South
Africa’s policy of racial segregation, tensions ran high between the black
population and supporters of apartheid. These black South Africans read a
newspaper account of a 1973 clash between police and black miners that resulted
in 11 deaths.
Much of human suffering
throughout history has resulted directly from racism and racial discrimination.
For example, beginning in the 17th century, Europeans sailed to West Africa and
imprisoned people to be sold into slavery
in the Americas. Millions of Africans were taken as slaves. In South Africa in
the 20th century, a system of enforced racial segregation known as apartheid
caused blacks and so-called Coloured people to suffer severe mistreatment,
violence, and even death at the hands of a ruling white population. During the
1920s and 1930s, the Nazi Party of Germany believed in the superiority of the
“Aryan race.” The Nazi party conducted a horrific campaign of racial
extermination, known as the Holocaust, against Jews and other people who were
believed to belong to inferior races. Millions of Jews were killed.
In some cases, the mistreatment
of a group of people is based primarily on cultural differences but also
involves prejudice based on racial stereotypes. The term ethnic conflict
refers to strife among people who differ more culturally than physically. One
example of a serious ethnic conflict is the wars among Serbian, Croatian,
Bosnian Muslim, and Albanian ethnic groups in the former Yugoslavia during the
1990s (see Yugoslav Succession, Wars of). Another is the mass genocide
of ethnic Tutsis by ethnic Hutus in the African country of Rwanda in 1994.
Race and Intelligence
Although cultural differences
among peoples may not be rooted in biology, such differences often coincide
with differences in physical appearance. Therefore the two types of variation
can appear to be somehow related. It can be particularly difficult to determine
whether differences in behavior—such as in basic temperament, styles of
communication, or forms of ritual—have any genetic basis. Thus, many people
tend to associate the behavioral and cultural differences among peoples with
the physical differences among them, often unconsciously. These kinds of
associations can be difficult to avoid, even though scientific evidence does
not support them.
The problems of presuming
that human physical variation corresponds with cultural variation have become
clear in many attempts to draw links between race and intelligence. Numerous
studies find a difference in average intelligence test (IQ) scores among racial
groups. For instance, the average IQ of white Americans exceeds that of black
Americans by about 15 points. Some people have interpreted this difference, on
the basis of totally inadequate scientific evidence, as due to genetic
differences. These people believe that whites are innately more intelligent
than blacks. However, this conclusion fails to consider two important facts.
First, cultural and environmental factors undoubtedly have a strong influence
on the skills measured by IQ tests. Because of years of prejudice and
discrimination, black Americans are more likely than white Americans to live in
poverty, to have less access to good education, and to encounter prejudices in
the classroom—all factors likely to affect IQ scores. Second, the comparison
between “blacks” and “whites” reflects socially constructed racial categories,
not genetic ones. According to genetic studies, two whites or two blacks picked
at random are almost as different genetically, on average, as a black person
and a white person. In addition, a substantial portion of the “black” gene pool
was contributed by whites.
Most scientists agree
that environmental factors alone are sufficient to account for group
differences in IQ scores. However, research on this topic has yet to identify
the exact causes of these differences, and some theorists continue to promote a
genetic hypothesis. See Intelligence.
Race and Disease
Scientists have noticed
that certain diseases occur with higher incidence in various racial and ethnic
groups. For example, about 1 in 25 people of northern European ancestry is a
carrier of a gene that can cause cystic fibrosis, about ten times the rate seen
among people of African or Asian descent. Likewise, African Americans are more
likely to carry the gene that can cause sickle-cell anemia. Many
population-specific predispositions to disease probably evolved as the result
of adaptations to historical environmental conditions. Some scientists believe
that the cystic fibrosis gene spread in northern European populations because
it conferred greater resistance to an infectious disease such as tuberculosis
or influenza. The higher incidence of sickle-cell anemia among African
Americans reflects their African ancestors’ adaptation to malarial conditions.
The sickle-cell trait, however, is not an indicator of race—not all people of
African descent carry the sickle-cell gene, and not all people who carry the
gene are of African descent.
Ethnic groups with a higher
incidence of certain diseases are usually small and rather specific. Often the
higher frequency of disease results from the founder effect or a population
bottleneck at some point in history, in which many people are descended from
just a few. For instance, researchers have found that the founder effect
accounts for the high prevalence of Ellis-van Creveld syndrome (which causes
heart defects, dwarfism, and extra fingers or toes) among the Amish people of
Pennsylvania. Some researchers have suggested a similar explanation for the
high incidence among Ashkenazic Jews (Jews of eastern European descent) of the
gene causing Tay-Sachs disease, a lethal brain disorder. Tay-Sachs is not a
“Jewish” disease; Jews not of eastern European descent carry the gene at the
same frequency as the general population. The gene also occurs in somewhat higher
frequencies among non-Jewish French Canadians and among Cajuns in Louisiana
(Cajuns derive in part from French Canadians). Other genetic diseases, rare
elsewhere, have an unusually high frequency in Ashkenazic Jews, indicating that
this group experienced a strong population bottleneck some centuries ago.
Knowing that a certain
population, however defined, has a statistically higher incidence of a specific
disease can be of great value in the prevention and diagnosis of the disease.
For example, African American couples may choose to undergo genetic screening
to determine their risk of having a child with sickle-cell anemia. Physicians
can make better-educated diagnoses with the knowledge that a person may have an
elevated risk of contracting a specific disease. Therefore, medical researchers
continue to examine how disease risk varies across racial and ethnic groups.
Unfortunately, medical
authorities and researchers too often accept socially defined racial
categories, such as those used by the U.S. Census Bureau, as if they were
scientifically meaningful. By reporting results of studies in terms of
differences between races, researchers may inadvertently perpetuate the idea
that races are biologically distinct and that observed differences in risk are
due to innate racial differences. For example, many studies have shown that
hypertension (high blood pressure) is about twice as common among black
Americans as it is among white Americans. For many years medical authorities
cited this difference as evidence of genetic differences between the races. But
researchers who compared blacks from the United States and West Africa found
extremely low rates of hypertension among rural West Africans—less than half
the rate of hypertension among white Americans. The researchers concluded that
environmental, not biological, factors accounted for the increased rates of
hypertension in African Americans—factors such as diet, exercise, and the
stresses associated with racial discrimination. Because of the potential for misinterpretation
of findings, some public health experts have called on the scientific community
to abandon the use of racial labels in medical research.
In contrast to race-based
disease research, the study of relatively small populations that are isolated either
geographically (for example, on islands) or socially offers unusually good
opportunities to understand genetic diseases or the genetic variation of
medically important traits. For example, researchers can learn about a
population’s degree of sensitivity to a particular drug. Knowledge about
diseases in such well-defined populations is of potential importance for the
members of that population and for medical genetics in general. But these
populations bear no resemblance to the races listed by the U.S. census or to
those identified in old-fashioned classifications.
Contributed By:
Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights
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Dr Jideofo Kenechukwu Danmbaezue,
Professor of Clinical Psychometrics
EVERY GOOD CITIZEN OF OUR DIGITALISED GLOBAL VILLAGE MUST JETTISON ALL FORMS OF RACIAL PREJUDICES AND RISE ABOVE MENTAL SLAVERY THAT HAS BEEN RETARDING HUMAN DEVELOPMENT FOR CENTURIES! We were all born viviparous, same air, water, food, sleep and die similarly, as it is same Almighty Creator sustains the Good, the Bad & the Ugly with same Laws of Gravity & Daylight%