T h e W o r l d’ s H o t e s t C a k e
for Now !
Insert a diagram of a beautiful one
step cake here
Baked By:
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1990 is an interdisciplinary socio-cultural organisation for modern scientists
who desire a self- fulfilled life spiced
spiritual devotion, wisdom and happiness.
Our motto speaks volumes for
ISBN: 987 - ……………………
© 2001 Chefs JUDE, JIDEOFO & KENEZ
E-mail: saintkenez@yahoo.co.uk
ã COPYRIGHTS All rights reserved.
part of this work may be reproduced, or transmitted, in any form or by any
means; electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, or stored
in any retrieval system, of any nature, without the written permission of the
Published by:
Danis Family Villa,
P.O.Box 139
Umuelechi Umuezeawala IHIALA,
in R. O. B.
Printed by:
20 Agba Street, Onitsha, Anambra State of Nigeria.
Phone: 046-487314, 0803-7873021, 234-46-413911.
One: The Six Days
Creation Story….
Two: The First
Hypnotic Surgery…
Three: Laying
Foundations for Adam’s fall…
Four: Human Frailty,
God’s Engineering.
Five: The Genesis of
Human Frailty.
Six: Cain’s
Paternity In Dispute…………
Six (a) A
Continuation of Cain’s Paternity….
Seven: The Doctrine
of Original Sin…
Eight: The First
Sanitation Exercise Fails.
Nine: The Conclusion
of the Discourse
Angelic Verses:
Wonders in Creation
Epilogue: Rascals Could Be Masked
1: King James
Version, Genesis 1-10
2: Answer These
Questions & Win $1,000
Igboland, my people say “He who eventually succeeds
in climbing to the top of the Iroko tree (oak), should collect all the firewood he can, for he may
never again perform that feat.” Again, our sages say “Anyone lucky to
see an eagle should admire its royal beauty, for one does not see an eagle
frequently!” We do not, as a matter of tradition, explain idioms!
Only the wise can! So it is with this hot cake baked by three young chefs, who
throughout their productive years applied their God-given intellect to decipher
the puzzle, we call the Book of Genesis in the Bible.
Many priests, pastors and bishops use the contents
of the bible without ever bordering to unravel its true implications. Many do
not know how to read between the lines. Many do not apply inductive or
deductive reasoning when it comes to matters of faith, doctrine and dogma.
Often they end up becoming recalcitrant fanatics or mystics!
However, the three young chefs have not allowed
these follies to becloud their rational powers. This is the best spiritual cake
I have ever been served in decades. Taste it and declare your own result or
finding! It is bitter and sweet, as well as aromatic and spicy. Religious
fanatics and/or mystics may not find it easy to chew or swallow. Nevertheless,
if they do, they will sooner that later wake up and realise that they have been
hypnotised for too long.
I must emphasise here, however, that they have only
served us an appetiser! We demand that a full course meal be served in
subsequent years, since pastries are best served as desserts! They have
promised to do so, IF AND ONLY IF, they get one million replies to the
questionnaire at the appendix section of this booklet. You stand a chance of
winning up to $1,000 or its equivalent in your own currency, if you can answer
the ten questions they posed there. Your ability to score highly in those
questions will determine whether they will bake another hot cake. So, I urge
everyone who has been privileged to thumb through the pages of this wonderful
book to oblige us by responding to all of them. Contact us through our e-mail
addresses. Moreover, it will assist them evaluate the receptiveness of the
reading audience. Encourage your friends to buy their own copies, as only the
original forms excised from this booklet are recognised entry forms for the
It is worthy of note here, to let everyone know that
the simple sentences as found in the Christian Bible is the only authority
recognised by the chefs who baked this cake! Theologians are not needed when
the Holy Spirit inspires anyone! For this reason, the first eleven pages of the
King James Version, is reprinted verbatim in Appendix 1. It is presumed that
readers can easily have access to the Good News Bible edition hence it is not
reprinted! One needs to read each reference in the Bible quoted, to appreciate
the veracity of each line of argument, syllogism and/or premise!
In one short sentence: if you want to be the second
wisest man after King Solomon of the Bible, you must read this concise booklet
and apply the principles enunciated therein. You can also request the
registration forms to join as a member of our inter-ethnic social organisation
christened: “INTEGRATIONAL SPIRITAN MOVEMENT,” that recognises fellowship of
all humanity. Our motto, which is One Almighty Creator, One Created
Universe, One Human Family, succinctly summarises the aim and objectives of the movement. Put on your thinking
cap! Do not sit on the fence. Take a decisive step today. Stand out of the
crowd. Join us and live happily ever after.
Mazi Okolie Animba, FCASSON
Secretary General
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This diminutive booklet which is a miniature compendium of practical wisdom based on the inspired contents of the first ten chapters of the Book of Genesis found in the Christian Bible is
TRUTH, who in their individual lives are determined to uphold the truth at all
times, defend and propagate the truth at all costs, and are ready to die for
the TRUTH, if the need arises!
We hereby
pay homage to all the authors we read during our schooling years, our lecturers
and most importantly the publishers of the books we consulted in our short span
of earthly existence! However, in a special way we thank the under-listed
companies for their colour plates, which we have used to enhance the appetite
of our dearly cherished audience!
1. PAGES 1 –
from “New Marked Reference Bible”(1928 & 1956) Zondervan Bible Publishers,
Grand Rapids, Michigan, U.S.A.
Children’s Bible in Colour” ( 1962 )The Hamlyn Publishing Group Limited,
London, New York, Sydney, Toronto.
3. PLATE OF THE HUMAN BRAIN-“Unsolved Mystery”
…from “Life
– How Did It Get Here? By Evolution or By Creation?” (1985) Watchtower Bible
& Tract Society of New York Inc. Brooklyn, U.S.A.
…from “ Psychology Today “- An Introduction, (1972 ) 2nd
Edition, CRM BOOKS; Del Mar, California.
standing on their shoulders, we may not have seen clearly enough to discuss so
creatively. This is the eternal desire of all loyal students and the
satisfaction all publishers and teachers derive from their labours. We hope we
have not disappointed any of you! Finally, we owe our Christian world-view to
our zealous parents who nurtured us and imprinted on our youthful minds that
golden reverence for fair play, truthfulness and love that only the Almighty
Father can bestow!
For that
privilege, we remain your grateful sons! May our youthful exuberance not be
Chefs Jude, Chef Jideofo, & Chef Kenez
**This 11th day of March 2001 **
Wisdom was given to Solomon just
for the asking. To date God gives wisdom to those who sincerely kneel down and
truly beg to be given some. It may take fifty years to get an answer,
nevertheless insist and persevere, for a thing of value does not come easily.
You must pay something to get a valuable treasure. No sacrifice, no
satisfaction! No cross, no crown! In addition, no sorrow, no joy!
Book of Proverbs opens the very first chapter, with these eternal words in
verses 20 – 33, which epitomises what we want our readers to think about. Since
many editions exist, we want to reprint what we have from the most current copy
of the Good News Bible edition:
20. Listen! Wisdom is calling out in the streets and
market places.
21. Calling loudly at the city gates and wherever people
come together.
22. “Foolish people! How long do you want to be
foolish? How long will you enjoy pouring
scorn on knowledge? Will you never learn?
23. Listen when I reprimand you; I will give you good
advice and share my knowledge with you.
24. I have been calling you, inviting you to come but you
would not listen. You paid no attention to me.
25. You have ignored all my advice and have not been
willing to let me correct you.
26. So when you get into trouble, I will laugh at
you. I will mock you when terror
27. When it comes on you like a storm, bringing fierce
winds of trouble, and you are in pain and misery.
28. Then you will call for wisdom, but I will not
answer. You may look for me everywhere,
but you will not find me.
29. You have never had any use for knowledge and have
always refused to obey the Lord.
30. You have never wanted my advice or paid any attention
when I corrected you.
31. So then, you will get what you deserve and your own
actions will make you sick.
32. Inexperienced people die because they reject wisdom.
Stupid people are destroyed by their own lack of concern.
33. But whoever
listens to me will have security. He will be safe with no reason to be afraid.”
This is our prologue to this trilogy. You will note who is
ignorant, who is knowledgeable and who is wise. Make no mistakes about it;
knowledge, learning and wisdom are three separate entities! Please read the
Wisdom of Solomon – Chapters 6, 7, 8 and 9 for more elucidation of this
principle. One of the oldest books on spirituality “UNTO THEE I GRANT” says on
page 27, BOOK FIVE: Chapter 1:
1. “Joys of the understanding are the treasures of God;
And He appointeth to everyone his portion; in what measure seemeth good
unto Himself.
2. “Hath He endued
thee with wisdom?
Hath He enlightened they mind with the knowledge of truth? Communicate
it to the ignorant, for their instruction; communicate it to the wise, for
thine own improvement.
3. “True wisdom is
less presuming than folly;
The wise man doubteth often, and changeth his mind; the fool is obstinate, and doubteth
not; He knoweth all things but his own ignorance.
4. “The pride of
emptiness is an abomination;
And much talk is the foolishness of folly; nevertheless it is part of
wisdom to bear with patience their impertinence, And to pity their absurdity.
5. ”Yet be not puffed up in thine own conceit,
Neither boast of superior understanding;
The clearest human knowledge is but blindness and folly.
6. “The wise man
feeleth his imperfections and is humble;
He laboureth in vain for his own
But the fool peepeth in the shallow stream of his own mind, And is
pleased with the pebbles which he seeth at the bottom; He bringeth them up, and
sheweth them as pearls;
And with applause of his brethren, delighteth he himself.
7. “He boasteth of attainments in things that are of no
worth; But where it is a shame to be ignorant,
There he hath no understanding. Even in the paths of wisdom, he toileth
after folly;
And shame and disappointment are the reward of his labour.
8. ”But the wise
man cultivates his mind with knowledge;
The improvement of arts is his delight; and their utility to the public
crowneth him with honour.
9. “Nevertheless,
the attainment of virtue
He accounteth as the highest
And the science of happiness,
the study of his life.”
Our interest and motivation come from
the ninth and second verses respectively. This version of “UNTO THEE I GRANT” was revised by Sri Ramatherio and has private
and limited edition copies. We stumbled on this copy through a maternal cousin
sometime in 1979 at my GRA Quarters, Nigerian Air Force Base, GTG, Kawo, in
Kaduna, Nigeria. The book fascinated and fired our youthful minds at the time
but we never read it in full. Even to date, we cannot claim we have read it
from cover to cover.
Other books we have read that can
compare with it are those of King Solomon-the Wise, Joshua-Son of Sirach,
Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and that of Job! If you desire wisdom, you need to
read all of them! You may have other wisdom books from your religious faiths,
such as Zorastrianism, Confucianism, Buddhism, Hinduism, or any other that has
gained world acclaim. The same Holy Spirit of Almighty Creator is responsible
for all the inspiration. Study them and pick the morals in them, integrate them
into your lifestyle and teach them to your offspring. That is our position in
Kenezianism. Now read the whole of Chapter 12 in the Book of Daniel in the
Bible and you will be surprised by the divine truths contained therein! This is
our Birthday cake to all rational human beings irrespective of your sex, race,
class, creed and culture! Wisdom is hard to acquire! Having a consensus on it
can save humanity! I.S.M. is one such symbiosis!
Chefs Jude, Jideofo, Kenez.
– The Meeting Point of Philosophy and Theology
A Christian student
named Jude – once had as roommate a philosophy student named Jideofo who kept
sharpening his wits as they argued on some theosophical issues raised in their
institution in the early 1970s. Both graduated with “ magna cum laude” degrees!
Some thirty years later, they were together again to rekindle the youthful
arguments courtesy of a clinical psychologist named Kenez, who had earlier
convinced Jideofo that the creation “days” might have been “6 million years”
for each day as well as 60 billion years. This was because of an argument raised
by Jideofo, which had set off a tirade of lectures on the scientific basis for
some theological truths.
“God is ageless.
‘Time’ is human language. Anything human might acquire new connotations over
the centuries. The translators of the bible story could also have erred in
their interpretations. “God created the world in six days and rested on the
seventh” … could have been a misrepresentation of the original manuscript
concepts! “What, if one day was equivalent to 10 billion years or even one
million light years … and we human beings arrived only on the 70th
billion year or the seventh million light year … and since then the “old man”
has been having his siesta – hence all the calamities present in the world
today … May be when He wakes up – He will re-order the world … as at now let us mind our business –jo–ooh!
Let’s solve our problems!”
Jideofo quickly found
Jude’s e-mail address and invited him to join them in a discussion that would
be beneficial to the whole human race! The following discussion sessions are
the results of those our youthful exuberance or call it innocent adventurism! You
will note that there is no bibliography at the end of this book! The reason for
this is simple; no one else was referred to except the Holy Spirit of the
almighty creator of our universe! To Him we owe all the youthful vituperations
you are about to read from here onwards.
May all honour, adoration, praise and thanksgiving be to the Creator of
the universe. Happy reading!
Jideofo: My colleague Kenez – “here you meet my
room mate in 1970 – 1975 – who delighted in teasing me with his immature
theological insights – he often described as “truths” – “dogmas” or
Kenez: “Hello” Jude – how are you? I have
heard a lot about you from this admirer of yours – Jideofo – Hehas related some
of the arguments you had as students.
Now that both of you are more mature and fully established in the ways
of this world – do you mind re-opening the “can of worms” ; both of you partially
closedsome thirty years ago?
Jude: Thanks my dear Kenez – it is a pleasure
meeting you – hope you will resolve some of our discourses; that’s what I
called them – although my friend Jideofo – insisted they were arguments. An
example is the Christian Bible Story of Creation – Genesis Chapters
I and 2.
Jideofo: My friends – as a student of
philosophy – Let me remind you that your quotation is out of context – Which
version of the Christian bible are you quoting –? When you say chapters and
verses – do you realise that the original papyrus accounts were in prose –
someone re-organised the contents into verses – and muddled up some paragraphs,
headings, contents and narratives. So
my dear – don’t ever take us for a ride. One – which version are you talking about:-
Duoay,, King James Knox, RSV, Jerusalem, GNB, NIV, Living or Revised
International versions, Two – what edition and year of publication? Quote
correctly, my friend!
Jude: Thanks for reminding me. I forgot that a
pagan philosopher was around. Shall we use the King James Version?
Kenez: No – a thousand times no! – The
Anglo-Saxon English there is horrible – unintelligible to modern Man and truly
parochial and ethnocentric – Quote from a modern English version – never King
James or Duoay version.
Jideofo: Thanks – a Daniel has come to judgement!
Kenez: No – that is not the spirit – nor my
motivation; rather it’s for clarity of thought – comprehension and the
establishment of unambiguous premises – these were and are my reasons for
preferring a modern English version – readable and meaningful.
Jude: Then let’s use the bible that states in clear
terms that it is “Today’s English Version” – by that I mean THE GOOD NEWS
Jideofo: Which of the Good News are you talking
about – the Catholic or Protestant version – or is it the United Bibles
Societies or the American Bible Society or the British or Foreign Bible Society
version- which – what is the year of publication and copyright – my friend?
Jude: Let us leave out these minor details – shall
we – I’m quoting from the Second Edition of THE GOOD NEWS BIBLE WITH THE
DEUTEROCANONICAL BOOKS – copyrighted in 1994 – coded GNBDC 053p, ISBN 9966 – 40
– 830 – 4.
Jideofo: That’s better – let me sheath my
dagger for the time being – however – it might interest you to note that, the
version before that publication personalised most statements – prose and
narratives – whereas the latter, you have just quoted – generalises statements.
By that I mean; it makes some statements on behalf of the group rather than on
behalf of an individual.
Kenez: What do you mean by that Jideofo – I
thought your friend, my acquaintance today Jude – says you are a pagan – why
does a pagan know all these. Jude – did you ever notice these minute
differences, both in versions, quality of English, personification of
statements or
generalisations as our learned Jideofo has
Jude: Honestly my dear friends – I have not – nor
has my Christian brothers and sisters – We always took our pastors, priests and
bishops quotations as final – no rhetoric during a homily – you remember?
Kenez: Well, I am open to new information –
I am still a student of life, of words, of science – our dear Jideofo – needs
to substantiate his claims.
Jideofo: A simple demonstration of translations
that vary can be glimpsed at MARK – chapter 16 – verses 17 and 18. KJV varies
from RSV – which also varies from GNB. Check it out at your private
meditation/readings. Or simply compare the very first sentence in the Bible in
about six different versions of the Bible, you will find that only RSV agrees
with KJV! Again – even within the same
Good News Bible Version, editions vary in generalisations or
personifications of statements that are noticeable to the keen observer, e.g.
Exodus, Psalms and Proverbs. For a sample of the
clumsiness of
chapters and verses – the very first chapter in Genesis –ends in chapter
2, verse 3. – And Chapter 2 should have started in verse 4. Check this simple
one out- and you will see. Again look at – the last two verses of chapter 4 and
contrast it with chapter 5 verses 3 – 5.
Kenez: So you see my new friend – Jude –
Unlike Jideofo – you are simpleton – just tagging along with your preachers –
teachers – without any inquisitive mind or opinions of your own – A theologian
is not a scientist – nor is he a philosopher – and you are living in a modern
world of Internet - So learn to take things with a pinch of salt!
Jude: Okay, thank you both – my friends – that’s
the advantage of socialising with learned friends like you - Thanks again – yet let’s not forget the topic
at hand … The creation of the universe
in six days and God resting on the seventh day? Do you two want to contest the
facts in the Bible.
Jideofo: What are the “facts”? – Kenez, do you
now see why I call Jude – a garrulous harbinger of doctrines and dogmas. – He
now calls a story narrated by Moses - facts! Facts indeed! What are facts! My
friend, what do you mean when you say facts? Educate us…
Jude: Facts are indisputable events, data,
narratives made by the Almighty – everyone knows that God does not lie – so we
believe every word in the bible since God inspired them.
Kenez: Jude, let’s forgive you – you do not
know what a fact is – so let’s go on with the discourse on the creation story
as you intended. Now what is the main
objective of the legend!
Jude: That An
Almighty Creator – created all things in six days and rested on the seventh –
thereby giving us a law to rest on Sundays and worship him – this part can also
be found in Exodus 20 verses 8, 9, 10 and 11. – Can we turn to that?
Jideofo: No – you cannot put two hands into your mouth at the same
time – can you? - Alright try it – here are two biscuits – big and round ones –
put the two inside your mouth at the same time with both your right and left
hand … … (laughter – as Jude tries and fails). You see what I mean.. Let’s
dissect the creation story first, then we will later analyse Exodus chapter
20. What do you understand by “In the
beginning, God created the heaven and the earth” – as rendered by both King
James Version and RSV – but in GNB – it is stated “in the beginning, when God
created the universe, the earth was formless and desolate” – Now, theologian –
Jude: There was
nothing in existence before God decided to create the world. The world was
formless – darkness filled the earth – Then God said “Let there be light and
there was light?’
Jideofo: You see my
friend – you have contradicted even your own words. If “there was nothing in existence” your choice
words – then how come you talked of “the world was formless – and darkness
filled the earth.” Can’t you see that the story is more of a moral lesson for
children or neophytes in theology or catechesis!
Kenez: Let’s see whether we can
intellectualise the story this way: The essence of it all is that someone was
responsible for everything that exists.
Jideofo: That’s the
point – my enlightened colleague – the problem with our dogmatised friend, Jude
and all Christians who are puerile in their realisations – is that they often
take the words in the bible too literally. Some ALMIGHTY INTELLIGENCE – well
organised in thought and action arranged the whole cosmos – put us here on
planet earth and other things on other planets – don’t forget that at least
nine other planets exist – they are bigger than ours and some have one thousand
moons while we have only one!
Kenez: My friends –
do you realise that there are actually two creation stories in that quotation
Jude gave. Look at the bible – chapter 2 – verses 4 – 25 is the original
creation legend Moses learnt in Egypt as a boy in Pharaoh’s court. He then
reorganised it in the desert after his Mount Sinai experience into an orderly,
itemised and chronologically revealed story – to guide his flock and give moral
lessons which parents can pass onto their descendants! That is how chapter ONE
to chapter TWO – verse 3 came about.
Jideofo: Thank you – my magister! – That’s more
comprehensible – I wish all preachers told us the whole truth instead of
dribbling us around like small children.
Kenez: Very well – if both of you realise
why we can even discuss – it is because we were created with a nervous system –
a tongue, vocal cords, ears, eyes and the ability to reason, agree or disagree.
These are the facts of the bible story of creation – not the primitive legend
– credited to Moses who was neither a scientist, nor a theologian! Moreover, a
friend tells me that Moses wrote in hieroglyphics not in Hebrew!
Jude: What do
you mean by that? Remember God appeared to Moses and convinced him to go and
liberate the Israelites from Egypt. Moses was reluctant until God showed him
signs and wonders in the burning bush; the rod that turned into a snake and his
leprous hand that healed at his will. Later Aaron was given to assist him talk
as he again complained that he was not eloquent in speech, lacked the skill of
oratory and was a stammerer.
Kenez: Yes – and God also promised to give him
what to say when he got to Pharaoh. God
literally spoke to Pharaoh using the vocal cords of Moses and Aaron. The acts,
miracles, prayers, etc were all at God’s instance, so the Pentateuch were all
written based on the revealed stories to Moses by God – the one who created all
the stars in the heavens and all the animals on earth, the birds of the air and
the fishes living in the sea!
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Jideofo: Fire on, my Kenez – a Daniel has come to judgement, Now I
am ready to learn of the brain, eyes, ears, you talked about – Tell us – Kenez,
how does the simple creation story relate to anatomy and physiology? Is there
any common ground for philosophy and theology?
Kenez: For
the emotionally and intellectually mature mind, there are many. For ease of
comprehension, let me itemise them. The creation story enunciates the
Nothing existed before creation
God is, was and will
ever be
He initiated the void, darkness and light.
He created forms, figures and space
He made these out of nothing
His word was all he needed to create
The tongue is powerful and it has been given to man to
Time began with God’s decision to make things
Man is the summit of creation
Man was all-intelligent and a friend of God at
creation, though later he lost that relationship.
My friend, even King David
summarised it thus – God’s Glory And Man’s Dignity –
Psalm 8 – in GNB edition, note specifically verses 5 and 6. Compare Psalm 8
with Psalm 104 – In Praise of the Creator – and then you would have gotten the
moral message of the Genesis account of creation. Now read SIRACH (Ecclesiasticus)
Chapter 42 vs. 15 – 25; Chapters 43 and 44.
Jideofo: Stop, my learned friend – you’ve got me confused and
dumfounded – what I hoped to hear more about was the comment you made about our
eyes, ears, tongue – in short – how our bodily senses point to an Almighty
Scientist/Creator. I will read your
references later. For now, how does our eyes or our ears show the veracity of
Genesis 1 – 2.
Kenez: Okay – if you take a cellular phone
today and assume it was made by chance or by a common man you would be laughed
at – right? Everyone will stare at you.
Jideofo: Yes, its madness for anyone to think that the Internet,
computers or cellular phones are products of chance or those of a nincompoop!
Kenez: In like manner your eye, ear, nose, skin
and tongue were and are the products of an Infinite Intelligence, for no
scientist can make any of them. They
have tried and failed – these gadgets repair and replenish their stock. Let’s
start with your skull and brain, which we are using right now to discuss and
The human brain is the control centre of all the senses and nerves. It
is the place for thoughts, words and actions. Any decision not taken at this
centre is involuntary and is not humanlike. Nevertheless, it is so soft and
delicate that its creator encased it in a hard compartment – the skull. The
skull protecting the brain is made of tough fibre; hard and light in weight but
so strong that any footballer that kicks it in error gets fractures in his leg.
Think about that. It is made up of pieces so tightly joined together that no
force can separate them until death, ‘rigor mortis’ and decay. The skull is
light but strong. It is shaped into a design that makes architects and
engineers marvel and admire its curves, intricacies and strength. Scientists do
not yet understand how a person remembers, thinks or feels. Their best is all
guesswork based on experiments on animals.
However, they realise and accept that the brain is an unbelievably complicated
organ for signals, stimuli and responses – AN INTERNET FOR HUMAN THOUGHTS,
WORDS and ACTIONS. It has ten billion cells – 10,000,000,000,000 – that never
sleep and these cells are linked with billions of inter-connectors, fibres,
dendrites and axons. Signals combine
both electrical and chemical reactions before interpretations are made. In
short – the brain is a nerve centre of electro-chemical network that runs the
body – breathing, digestion, excretion, movement and reproduction. In some
parts of the brain a hundred million cells – 100,000,000 – fit into a cubic
inch, and everyone of them is equally connected to at least sixty thousand
other cells – 60,000 – In summary – it is an awesome mass, that is
sophisticated, palpable and elaborately synchronised.
Jude: That’s
it my dear Kenez – where, when and how did you acquire all these. These are
better arguments that will even convince atheists – if they exist at all.
Jideofo: Atheists do not exist – when someone says “There is no God”
– he is not saying that God does not exist, rather he is merely disappointed
that God is absent in the affairs of men; otherwise how does so much injustice,
immorality and suffering exist. A denial is a form of assertion. “There is” –
is emphatic that some concept exists but not comprehensible at the time of self-realisation/discussion.
“no God” translates, - He was supposed to be around but he is not available.
Maybe He is still resting – the present millennia may be part of an anniversary
of the seventh day. We are yet to get to the anniversary of the second week of
creation! Kenez – what of the eyes and the ears you talked about?
Kenez: Yes my friend – Your eyes are
the best pair of binoculars, telescope or electromagnetic camera that
exists. The way in which you see things
– e.g. see and read this printed material – is because of God’s incredible
design. All scientists put together cannot manufacture or invent a living eye –
eyes – not even that of an ant, an insect or a bird.
The back of the eye, called
RETINA, is a part of the brain itself. Your eyes act as the doorways for light,
colours, objects etc, to be focused on or photographed. In fact the inventor of
the camera and printing only copied the processes through which our eyes and
the brain recognise objects and retain information that are pictorial. Remember that when you dream – you see
colours, light and three-dimensional objects.
Your eye as the camera, with a lens the size of the pupil (0.025cm in
circumference) adjusting to brightness or darkness using the ciliary muscles
that contract – adjust to the distance of the object, its brightness or
intensity of colour, so that light rays focus in your retina.
The retina has one hundred and twenty five million – 125,000,000 – tiny
rods and several million cones – 700,000,000,000,000 – all mixed in a peculiar
sequence such that your brain gets and analyses the picture you see in
technicolour! There are chemical adjustments for night vision – whereby it is
the rods that play the dominant roles in sight. In real life, your eye sees at
one time several hundred million visual fragments, and the brain pieces them
together and interprets them to see the essential/or important things, which
you want to see.
Hence, at anyone time you can focus your gaze at only one part of the
object seen. This is why two people may describe an object seen in daylight
Your ears: Here sound waves enter through the intricate design of the pinnae –
look at the mirror and notice the shape of your outer ear – it is fixed and
immobile unlike that of the rabbit, rats, and domesticated dogs – whose pinnae
are mobile and they can rotate it. There is a bitter wax in the ear that keeps
insects away from the ear canal. The eardrum vibrates, and three tiny bones in
the middle part of the ear magnify this wave or sound motion twenty – two
times. A tube is there to keep air pressure equal to prevent lacerations, tear
and bleeding.
The inner ear is a jewel of design, with an arrangement of crevices so
arranged that they cushion or soften harsh sounds. The modulated sound waves then travels to the
great auditory nerve which has twenty – five thousand fibres – 25,000. Note
that the semi-circular canals, the incus, the malleus and the cochlea have been
skipped for ease of narrative.
The sound waves travel to the brain where they are interpreted – their
pitch, resonance, decibels, tonality and information are interpreted. My friend
– I am getting weak – I need to rest – another attribute of all living and
created things – REST, SLEEP AND TIREDNESS. Please read books on physiological
psychology, zoology and anatomy for other details.
Jideofo: Thanks, Prof. of Scientific theology. This is what the
present era needs. Theology based on scientific data that will convince even an
irreligious individual, if such truly exists.
Jude: Yes,
we deserve a rest – but not before a vote of thanks to Kenez my erudite lawyer
of biblical knowledge. We both thank you for enlightening us and settling the
discourse that never arrived at any conclusion over three decades or more. For
long the evolution, theory had held us bound and many sophists like my friend,
all became disciplines of Charles Darwin! Today, I am happy that my roommate
Jideofo has accepted the Genesis version of the creation story.
Jideofo: There
was a void, a yawning gap in simple logic and rational dialogue. That was what
Darwin exploited. If anyone studied McGregor Mendel’s theory of genetic
inheritance, he too could equally revert to the creationist theory! Simple!
Moreover it later became scientific laws which botanists, zoologists,
agriculturists, in fact all scientists accept! It is no more a theory! Did you
know that McGregor Mendel was a catholic monk? The Mendelian laws, which our
children read nowadays, are named after him!
Jude: Thank
you for that new information, yet we must schedule another discussion time to
x-ray and analyse the details of Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel –
Kenez: Okay – but remember the
For perfect circles and spheres in geometry, we copied from the Creator’s
design: – the sun, the moon, oranges, apples and even the flimsy soap bubbles
that children make;
For symmetry, observe the human vertebrae, each can be split and folded like
identical pages, the same is applicable to palm fronds and coconut fronds
For lobes- examine a peeled orange, grape or tangerine, nothing is
better designed,
For cylindricals - see the hollows in a paw-paw
fruit or the stem; in a cocoa pod or the coconut fruit. Lastly, nothing is more
beautiful as sunrise and sunset, nothing more serene as a calm seashore.
Worship their Creator, if you have nothing else to bow to! Admire nature, and
obey all the natural laws!
That is the message
of Genesis 1 & 2.
Jideofo: To sum up all we have said today, can we say that Kenez has
tried to let us know that, from science alone one can prove that a SUPREME
CREATOR does exist! We do not need those primitive legends that Moses learnt,
1. Everything that man invents or
manufactures, has its raw materials derived from what is already in existence
in the universe.
2. Whatever is in existence was
made at a point in time and at a place and therefore obeys certain natural laws
that govern its existence.
Therefore, for the universe, time, space, gravity, daylight and
darkness – there must be an inventor, a manufacturer or otherwise a creator.
these necessitate the existence of ONE AND ONLY ONE SUPERNATURAL BEING who
created everything out of nothing, who designed and regulated their births,
life spans and deaths. If none existed, human beings would have created one!
That is exactly what our ancestors really did, whether as Polytheists,
Monotheists, Animists, Zoroastrians or Buddhists. Currently Judaism, Christianity
and Islam are only redefining religious faith, doctrines and modes of worship!
The multiplicity is an aberration! We must stop it!
Jude: Thank you, Jideofo for that splendid
Bye for now!
Kenez thanks as well!
Kenez: Not so fast, my friends. Where are you
hurrying to? We have an unfinished business here! Why was the legend of GENESIS
necessary in the first place? Is that of the Bible, the only one in the world?
Every community or ethnic group has its version of how the world came into
being. Why should we accept that of Moses and the Israelites? From where did
Moses gather the information he weaved into what is now the ‘Creation Story’?
Let me remind everyone who cares to learn that the word religion is derived from the Latin noun ‘religio’, which denotes both
earnest observance of ritual obligations and an inward spirit of reverence.
In modern usage, religion covers a
wide spectrum of meanings that reflect the enormous variety of ways the term
can be interpreted. At one extreme, many committed believers recognise only
their own tradition as a religion, understanding expressions such as worship and prayer to refer exclusively to the practices of their tradition.
Although many believers stop short of claiming an exclusive status for their
tradition, they may nevertheless use vague or idealising terms in defining
religion—for example, “true love of God,” or “the path of enlightenment.” At
the other extreme, religion may be equated with ignorance, fanaticism or dreaming.
Jideofo: My friends, I have read somewhere
that by defining religion as a sacred engagement with what is taken as a
spiritual reality, it is possible to consider the importance of religion in
human life without making claims about what it really is or ought to be. Religion
is not an object with a single, fixed meaning, or even a zone with clear
boundaries. It is an aspect of human experience that may intersect, incorporate
or transcend other aspects of life and society.
Jude: Such a definition avoids
the drawbacks of limiting the investigation of religion to Western or biblical
categories such as monotheism (belief in one god only) or to
church structure, which are not universal. For example, in tribal societies,
religion—unlike the Christian church—usually is not a separate institution but
pervades the whole of public and private life. In Buddhism,
gods are not as central as the idea of a Buddha
(fully enlightened human being). In many traditional cultures, the idea of a
sacred cosmic order is the most prominent religious belief. Because of this
variety, some scholars prefer to use a general term such as the sacred to designate the
common foundation of religious life. Religion in this
understanding includes a complex of activities that cannot be reduced to any
single aspect of human experience. It is a part of individual life but also of
group dynamics. Religion includes not only patterns of behaviour but also
patterns of language and thought. Often, it is a highly organised institution set
apart from a culture, or an integral part of a culture. Religious
experience may be expressed in visual symbols, dance and performance, elaborate
philosophical systems, legendary and imaginative stories, formal ceremonies,
meditative techniques, and detailed rules of ethical conduct and law.
Kenez: Each of these elements assumes
innumerable cultural forms. In some ways, there are as many forms of religious
expression as there are human cultural environments. We can now appreciate the
dilemma of Moses in the desert. He needed a spiritual tradition to stem the
tide of rebellion. Consequently, no one culture or people can claim supremacy
over supernatural knowledge, divine inspiration or cosmic revelations. The
crusades and jihads so far recorded in the history of humanity owe their origin
to this fluid state of affairs. We hope to end that uncertainty by baking these
religious cakes! Let’s call it a day! Goodbye!
Jideofo: We have reconvened to analyse yet another ‘bone of
contention’ or call it ‘another cause of disagreement’ in the creation
mythology (Babylonian legends) that Moses learnt in Pharaoh’s court in Egypt.
Jude: Watch
it, Kenez do you notice how this mad friend of mine caricatures theological truths?
Kenez: I
don’t see any caricatures – which one – is it that Moses learnt some legends or
the satire that the whole creation story is all mythology?
Jude: I
can’t place you even! Where do you belong? Are you a theist, an atheist or a
free thinker?
Kenez: Congratulations – Jude – your command of
English and concepts is quite interesting – I am a free thinker – if you
classify me so.
Jideofo: And me – my friend Jude – how do you qualify me?
Jude: A
theistic atheist – a mad philosopher an unclassifiable demagogue, a sophist
(Laughter –
roaring laughter.)
(Jideofo & Kenez:
almost choked – for 2 minutes)
Stop it – all of you,
heathen and pagans – are we emotionalists or are we sane rationalists?
Jideofo: We are both – didn’t you hear our chameleonic Jude state
that I am an amorphous amphibian just now – the proverbial bat of Igbo
literature – “usu” – that is neither a flying bird nor a rodent?
Kenez: Yes,
I heard – I am not deaf – but you didn’t get his meaning. You should thank him.
He called you – A DISCIPLE OF KING SOLOMON – that’s what my best friend call me
… A wise idiot – or else how could I – in my former life cycle – claim to be
the son of David, the wisest King that ever lived and yet married 1000 wives?
Jideofo: Oh! So you also have thought seriously about that
contradiction also – women – no– “woe–to– man” Jude – tell me how else did
these daughters of Eve arrive to dethrone Solomon the Wise?
Jude: We
haven’t got to that yet – like you said, let’s not put our two hands into the
same mouth at the same time.
Kenez: Yes I agree, (laughter) – which reminds me – where are
those scientists – who call themselves surgeons, anaesthetists or
anaesthesiologists? – Tell them that they are pretenders and imitators of the
ORIGINAL NO. 1. DOCTOR IN THE BIBLE – God the Almighty Creator!
Jideofo: Come here, Kenez, - are you sure you’re for real –
Christian or Moslem or Buddhist or Jewish so you have x-rayed that medical feat
Kenez: Why not – or else how did the first ever
mistake come to be made? Read Genesis –
chapter 1 verse 14 to 19, and again chapter 2 verses 18 – 25. In the former,
the legend tells us that the sun and the moon were created on the fourth day –
so how did we know the first, second and third day if the sun had not already
begun its work? – In the latter case – how come God discovered he made a
mistake by leaving Adam lonely – until the eight day – Did he for unknown
reasons become oblivious of the fact that He was OMNISCIENT? All knowing!
Jude: There
you go again – it was His plan to create woman out of man, one rib for Eve to
appear. Read verse 22 – it’s very clearly stated.
(Bleep – Bleep –
cellular phone interrupts).
Jideofo: Hello – who’s speaking … e he – why? What for … at this
time … No – no – no – tell him or her to come tomorrow by 11. a. m!
Jude: Who was that? – Jideofo – I’m
asking you.
Jideofo: It’s the daughter of Eve your church has imprisoned me
with! – my wife of course! - Can you imagine – that my mechanic says I should
come home and pay for the repairs he made on her car totalling N5, 500. 00k.
Kenez: How did you come into the picture – my
dear, hasn’t she any income of her own – to pay for the car she uses?
Jideofo: Never mind – let’s not derail from the topic at hand – may
be – her great – great – 10 times or a million times great grandmother’s lover
has intimated her that we are about to revisit the love affair or how her
generation arrived in the creation narrative as an AFTER THOUGHT?
Jude: Heh?
Tufia – what are you saying, my dear – that your sisters and mother – are all
after thoughts?
Jideofo: Yes – a thousand times yes – or haven’t you read it in the
bible also – you fanatic – Read chapter 2 – verses 18 – 20. – “but not one of them was a suitable
companion to help him” Then read chapter 3 verses 8 – 13.
Jude: There
you go again – let’s finish one first, before that one – in another discourse –
“Eve was made out of one rib of Adam”
– that’s where we are now.
E – heh – tell us more
about that – how – read it aloud – I’m sure you have a good copy of Good News
Bible there – read to us.
Jude: Well
if you insist – chapter 2.
v. 21 – says “Then the Lord God made the man fall into a deep sleep,
and while he was sleeping, he took out one of the man’s rib and closed up the
v.22. He formed a woman out of
the rib and brought her to him.
v.23. Then the man said: “At
last, here is one of my own kind – Bone taken from my bone, and flesh from my
flesh – ‘Woman’ is her name because she was taken out of man”
v.24. That is why a man leaves
his father and mother and is united with his wife, and they become one.
v.25. The man and the woman were both naked, but they were not
Kenez: Go
ahead and read verse 20 – please, chapter 3 verse 20,
Jude: Chapter
3, verse 20; says: “Adam named his wife Eve, because she was the
mother of all human beings.” Chei – and I have never bothered to see
the contradiction … Heh?
Kenez: What
contradiction – I don’t see any – or do you Jideofo…
Jideofo: None whatsoever – over here – hey
Jude: Come
off it, both of you are really joking or are you drunk upstairs, Ch. 2; v.23 –
contradicts Ch. 3 verse; v. 20… can’t you see that? Even my little son can!
Kenez: So
you are now becoming wiser and less dogmatic, good! Yet I do not see what’s new
in the narrative – so far – INCONSISTENCY is part of what makes the bible
narrative a legend, a myth, a moral story to bring out religious sentiments –
which will later form the foundations of commandments, ethics, norms and mores to
guide human conduct.
Jideofo: Dear Jude – Ch. 3 verse 20 – is a commentary by the writers
of the version you are holding. It may
not be in the original manuscript. But Ch. 2 verse 23 is a quotation – look at
the quotation marks closing those wise words of Adam – the verse 24 – was an
addendum suffixed by some great theologian or marriologist, who wanted a garb
of divine injunction for dressing up the Christian marriage institution. Then observe the drama of verse 25 – compare
that with chapter 3 verse 7 and later verse 21 … It’s puerile, a pointer to combinations of
legends to bring out moral and social dogmas!
Jude: I
am getting more confused as these irregularities are pointed out. All along I
had never noticed them nor ever bothered to ask our priests and pastors, these
relevant questions! Even then, where and
when could you have been permitted to ask questions – in church or is it at
catechism classes? Na-wah? Oh – oo.
Kenez: Now to the main issue – what actually
happened is this. The first Adam was a
hermaphrodite – he was formed from the soil and given the breath of life. He
was created before all other things, he was a wealthy prince and equally he was
very intelligent for even the garden and all things were made for him. He named
all that God created – see verses 7 and 8 of Chapter 2. Later see that verses
15 – 20 excluded “any-female -Adam.” He was alone and animals were made to
please him and keep him company. These animals were in pairs – male and female
not one of them was a suitable companion to help him.” GNB – “but
for the man there was not found a helper fit for him” – RSV. “But
for Adam there was not found any help meet for him” KJV. I want all of
you to note the minor differences but remark in full the reason for the creation
of “Eve” and how?
Jideofo: What you call minor is really great – for how can one
explain verse 16 – when Eve had not been created ---
Kenez: Good
reasoning – my dear friend – that is the major point, which I want everyone to
imagination why God had to punish her at all – see verse 16 – are two of you
still with me?
Jideofo: Let us get back to the real reason for Eve’s creation and
how the medical feat was accomplished.
Jude: Yeah! – Let us deal with that
Kenez: Then
look at the second creation story which is chapter 1 verses 1 – 31 and chapter
2; verses 1 – 3: In this legend, reorganised by Moses after the Mount Sinai
experience – Man – the Lord of the material universe was created last. Verses
26 and 27 – reads.
v.26: Then God said, “And now we
will make human beings; they will be like us and resemble us. They will have
power over the fish, the birds, and all the animals, domestic and wild, large
and small.”
v.27: So God created human
beings, making them to be like himself.
He created them male and female, blessed them and said “Have many
children so that your descendants will live all over the earth and bring it
under control”…
Verses 28 –
31 – gives dietary rules; which we have all violated to date!] crosscheck KJV
and RSV for minor differences in translations.
However, note – this narrative is a classical rendition by a princely
author, one who had royal training, knew the value of constituted authority and
the need for a chain of command – so the reason for many human beings being
created here and in duplicates; male and female became clear if one must
resolve the issue of where Cain got a wife and who were his parents–in--law
after the death of Abel whom he murdered.
In short –
what I am saying is that this very narrative is the handiwork of later
theologians or the educated Moses who was raised in the palace and customs of
Egyptian royalty. “Male and female he
created them” is manufactured. Here also
the reason for creating men and women was elaborate –
they will be like us
resemble us
have power over the fish, the birds and all animals etc
have many children
so that their descendants will live all over the earth
and bring it under their control.
Note verses 29 and 30 for what God provided as food.
Jideofo: My magister, hence – you are begging the question. We can
read all that at home – now lets know why you claimed that the first Adam was a
hermaphrodite – That’s the new one I’m really interested in – or didn’t you say
so earlier?
Kenez: Of course, I did – don’t be in a
hurry – these are necessary premises before we arrive at very incontrovertible
The “second story” Chapter 2, verses 4 – 25 – is
actually the earliest legend on creation and makes a reading that is more
meaningful if human disobedience and the consequences can easily be explained.
You cannot lay the blame of the fall of Adam on a group
of human beings, created male and female, right from the onset.
The error of the story in Chapter 1, verses 26 – 31 is
that only dietary rules for men and animals were given – but no one tree was
labelled – tree of life, nor anyone other – labelled – tree of knowledge of
good and evil.
One needed to know – what God gave as laws regarding
which fruits to avoid before one could be held accountable for disobedience
which attracted such heavy penalties as is given in Chapter 3 verses 14 – 19.
Please read it in detail when you get home.
Whereas the account of creation in Genesis 1 does not
connote any moral lessons, the account in Chapter 2 – does in graphic details
and over flows to Chapters 3, and 4. Therefore lets see what truly happened. In
two subheads, I want to treat it.
The Hypnotic surgery on Adama, the Hermaphrodite
Laying the foundations for Adam’s fall by God.
* Adama refers to the first man created
before the operation that resulted in the duplication of the female-man who was
named Eve
Anaesthesia – “is the state of being
unable to feel pain, heat, cold, etc especially as a result of drugs given
before a medical operation” – but God did not give Adama any such thing.
Hypnosis: “is a state in which a
person appears to be fully conscious but can be influenced to perform certain
actions or say certain things” – but in Adama case he slept whereas he did not
take a hypnotic drug. So what actually did God do to Adama?
I guess God combined
the two processes – for sure we are not old that Adama received any medicinal
concoction – nor were we told that any
injection – whether
i.v. or i.m, was administered.
Therefore, again the Almighty was at his best – being both the first
Anaesthesiologist and the first hypnotist to be recorded in the bible.
Why was a deep sleep necessary? Couldn’t God use another mud to mould
Eve and breathe into her nostrils? Yes, he could. So why did he need to put
Adama into a deep sleep?
My answer is this? God needed to remove some organs he had
already put on Adama and put them separately. Since, in nature to date, some
descendants of Adama do appear with both the male and female parts – it is
plausible to assume that they remain the nearest copies/duplicates of the
original Adama in Chapter 2 – verse 7.
when God saw that he cheated Adama, he resolved to separate the male and female
parts of Adama. Other animals were in pairs and Adama had named all of them but
he was alone and “none was found fit
enough to be his mate.” So he had to undergo surgery to have a duplicate
who would share his hermaphroditic nature … hence the necessity that Eve came
from his body and not from another mould from the dust of the earth. The
surgery needed to be painless and still Adama had to know that “the bones and
flesh were removed from him” – hence the hypnotic anaesthesia! It was necessary
and essential.
– unbutton your shirts – as I am doing now.
Have you done so – remove your singlets if you have any – Now tell me –
of what use are the stumps on your chest that resemble the breasts of women …
what are they? How did they come there? Of what use are they? At least we know
what women do with their breasts after childbirth. Now tell me the history of
the male ‘breasts’ and of what relevance are they?
Jude: It’s
the Lord’s design, that’s all. He was/is the Creator, the Potter, the Architect
… so He was/is free to do as he pleased with the mud/mould.
Jideofo: My dear Kenez – now that you raised the question, methinks
– they are leftovers – just like you said – “STUMPS” – reminders that once
something bigger was there!
Kenez: You
are right – that’s the right answer. Now, you may observe that some men develop
full breasts that dangle as they increase in size and fat … Even in gorillas
and chimps, our closest cousins. Our stumps are surgery leftovers!
My friends,
in addition God removed the UTERUS and VAGINA in Adama and placed all in the
body of Eve. The hypnotic surgery was a clear-cut separation of sexual organs
and a reduction of the creative powers of Adama – such that he alone could not
single-handedly produce offspring, whenever he wanted! Now read, Chapter 1,
verse 26 – “like us and resemble us” includes ability to create new
forms, reproduce asexually or bisexually – if and whenever two Adamas choose to
mate. Also, note that certain protozoans to date reproduce asexually.
Yes even some multi-cellular
animals: insects and worms, for example; the earthworm.
In short,
God reduced the powers of Adama – which was a deliberate after-thought – to
weaken Adama’s rule over other animals he had named. In concluding this portion
– let us remind ourselves that the true creation story and the first one is
in Chapter
2, verses 4 – 25, whereas the re-organised version in the whole of chapter 1 up
to verse 3 of Chapter 2, was a deliberate and an elaborate attempt made by an
educated author to synthesise the former into a coherent, chronological and
more meaningful narrative. So, whereas the 1st legend states that
only Adam was created – and later duplicated to get Eve – the 2nd
story simply states that God created many human beings on the same day – “male
and female created he them” – KJV,Verse 27.
In fact, to
better appreciate the dilemma of the second author read King James Version –
and see how singulars and plurals are mixed up. What led to these double talks
– other than re-writing the legends? - Forgery is difficult! Cookery is
I hereby
submit, unequivocally, that we should stop deceiving ourselves:
1. The first Adam that God created
was a hermaphrodite who was super intelligent and he was the one given the law
of the forbidden tree. Ch. 2 verses 16
and 17.
2. Eve was created on the eight day
after God had rested and was able to see and effect corrections. He pitied
Adama for his loneliness – then he performed the hypnotic surgery to give him a
3. In addition, since then neither
God nor Adam has rested. Our generation inclusive!
Jideofo: I will suggest that all men
write a joint petition to God the Creator to reverse his hypnotic surgery and
end this confusion he started! He didn’t seek for nor did he get the permission
of Adama before operating on him! The transfer of his breasts, uterus,
fallopian tubes, vagina, labia minora and majora was done without a signed
medical document of consent as is practised today in every hospital. The surgery
has brought us more harms than good! Our wives should return what was removed
from our bodies!
Jude: Mind your language, my pagan
philosopher, before you commit blasphemy or sacrilege! All
you need ask for or do in this situation is to educate your wife that she
should stop being stingy whenever you want to enjoy what rightfully belongs to
Kenez: I concur with you 100% Let us disperse, jo—oh!
Jude: Dear
Kenez, what of Adam’s fall, how do you explain it - you said it was not his fault please
Jideofo: My dear friend, Jude, before calling Kenez – can’t you tell
us your own interpretation first…
Kenez: No
let him just read out Job Chapter 1 verses 6 – 12 – so we can see who were
referred to in Genesis 1, verse 26 – of KJV or RSV.
Jude: Job
1 – verse 6: KJV and RSV – reported thus:
“Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present
themselves before the Lord and Satan came also among them. GNB –
v. 6: “When the day came for
the heavenly beings to appear before the Lord, Satan was there among them…
v.7: The Lord asked him;
“what have you been doing?”
Kenez: That’s okay – now read the Genesis
account of what transpired before Adam fell, in Chapter 3.
Jude: Before jumping to Chapter 3, you had asked
me to read from KJV. Genesis – 1 verse 26:
v. 26: “And
God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let him have
dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the
cattle, and over all the earth and over every creeping thing, that creepeth
upon the earth”
RSV agrees
completely but in the GNB, the rendition is thus:
v.26. Then God said, “And now we will make human beings; they will be
like us and resemble us. They will have power over the fish, the birds and all
animals, domestic and wild, large and small.”
Kenez: What
do you think Jideofo? If you were a
prince in heaven, a Son of God, and your father, the King hands over everything
all of you have created to another son to control – leaving you out in the cold
– with nothing to control?
Jideofo: I will rebel, of course, its only natural – and this I
could do in many ways, First: – organise a rebellion with the other princes,
Second: - Ask my daddy, Why? And get my brother princess to ask Him also; or
Thirdly: – overthrow the man in charge of these things and take over the
control, dominion of all created things; all the fishes, the birds and all the
animals – large and small!
Kenez: Correct ! That’s what a normal
prince, a regent or a true offspring of a king would do! – and that’s what
Prince Satan did – he chose the last option – overthrow the created man!
Jideofo: Exactly – why haven’t I ever thought of it before – Jude,
are you with me? Do you see what I see?
Jude: No,
not exactly – please my friends – don’t get angry with me – you must realise
that I’ve been spoon-fed all along with doctrines and dogmas – and I am
deficient in this theosophical rationalisations of yours.
Jideofo: Come off it, my friend – let me simplify it. Suppose your earthly Dad hands over the
running of your home, cars, TVs, CDs, computers, all the drinks and food in
your home to a house-help – a mere servant while you are a legitimate son of
that Daddy – what will you do – in sincerity – tell us. Be honest with us!
Jude: I
will sulk, I will feel cheated, I will be angry, I will become depressed – and
I will try to show my Dad that I’m annoyed!
Jideofo: Is that all? You’re a simpleton! Can’t you do something positive
and practical about the sad situation? Be honest, my friend.
Jude: What
am I supposed to do? If I want to be a
good son of my Dad – I will respect his decision and wait for an appropriate
time to question him about it – or else He may throw me out and disinherit me!
Jideofo: That’s better. You are now thinking – but yet too slow and
sluggish for the likes of Prince Satan.
Kenez: Correct!
Exactly what I discovered when I read Genesis Chapter 3, verse 1: KJV says:
“Now the Serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the
Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman… Yeah, had God said, Ye shall not
eat of every tree of the garden?”
GNB translates that portion thus:
Now the snake was the most cunning animal that the Lord God had made. The
snake asked the woman: “Did God really tell you not to eat fruit from any tree
in the garden?”
Now my friends, – was Satan a snake originally? –
is the first crucial question we all must find
answers to.
Jideofo: No, of course, he was demoted and cursed before he turned
into a creeping animal. Read Genesis 3; verses 14 and 15 –Hey Jude! Don’t be
afraid, read that quotation from GNB, --it’s clearer and simple.
Jude: GNB,
Genesis 3 verses 14 and 15;
God Pronounces Judgement:
v. 14: Then the Lord God said to
the snake, “You will be punished for this: you alone of all the animals must
bear this curse; from now on you will crawl on your belly, and you will have to
eat dust as long as you live.
v.15: I will make you and the
woman hate each other; her offspring and yours will always be enemies. Her offspring will crush your head, and you
will bite her offspring’s heel.”
Kenez: Did
you notice that there were two punishments in that judgement, in the very first
criminal case, at the very first criminal magistrate court. Separate verses 14
and 15 – and then you will ask yourself – why was ENMITY and HATRED involved in
verse 15, as opposed to change in the anatomy of the snake? … I will discuss
that later, when we come to CAIN’s PATERNITY IN DISPUTE, for now let’s
concentrate on the original shape, anatomy and physiology of Satan, a Son of
God, and a prince in the heavenly court!
Jideofo: Wait a minute – my dear Kenez – what did you say just now
about the paternity of Cain – That’s a new one – I want that first!
Jude: Again,
let’s be rational – its “the fall of Adam” that we are presently concerned
Kenez: Yes, thank you – Jude for halting
Jideofo – He’s too inquisitive and loves confabulations – illogical jumbling of
concepts or premises, ideas or arguments.
Now – listen carefully: From Job chapter 1 verse 6 – we learn that the
original Satan or Lucifer was an angel, a prince or a Son of God. Moreover he always attended the royal court –
that is – a meeting or assembly where God, the King of creation holds court
with his princes – similar to the Igboman`s IGWE-IN-COUNCIL, an Executive or a
Board meeting of a modern company. See Job Chapter 2, verse 1, for a
confirmation or go to the end of the bible and consult The Epistle of Jude;
verses 8 and 9 or again refer to 1st John 3; verses 7 – 10; or
better still 2nd Cor. Chapter 11; verses 11 – 14, or 1st
Chronicles; chapter 21 verse 1.
In all these
places, Satan is shown to be a supernatural being, powerful enough to influence
and mislead children of God and so had a portfolio in the Heavenly Senate –
that portfolio is, was and will ever remain – THE EXAMINER, THE TEMPTER – THE
MINISTER OF EDUCATION – to set examinations, invigilate, score and fail lazy
students. So no one should be in doubt as to who created Satan in the first
place, his role and duties, and why he tested and fail Eve and Adam in the
garden and continues to date to test and fail many lukewarm Christian and great
grand children of Adam and Eve forever and ever.
Jideofo: Great, this looks more rational than all the theological
tirades we have been fed with from childhood.
What I have learnt from your expose are:
That the original shape of Satan was godlike – not
snake like
That Satan was/is a son of God
That in the heavenly senate Satan is a Divine Prince,
named; Lucifer
He has the portfolio of tempting the children of Eve
and making them disobey God
He is the most successful minister of
God’s government for now as he has overthrown Adam and now rules the whole
Kenez: That’s very brilliant, Jideofo – you
are a computer analyst – and a precise summariser of lengthy discourses. However let us dissect the procedure in the
fall of Adam: Note Genesis: Chapter 1 verses 15 – 17: - GNB edition states:
v. 15: Then the Lord God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to
cultivate it and guard it.
16: He said to him, “you may eat the fruit of any tree in the garden
17: Except the tree that gives knowledge of what is good and what is bad. You
must not eat the fruit of that tree; if you do, you will die the same day.”
KJV varies a
little but the same command is clear! We must all note that this Adama – was
alone – and that Eve was not around, she had not been created, so she could not
have known of this command directly from God. Only Adama, the hermaphrodite,
was commanded directly. So, we might ask:
1. How did Eve come to know about this command?
2. How did the snake also know about it - hence it
tempted Eve?
3. Should Eve
actually be punished for an offence she
was ignorant of?
4. Was she really innocent of the crime she was
5. Of what
relationship had her offence with the dictates
of her punishment in verse 16 ---
In addition,
he said to the woman; “I will increase your trouble in
pregnancy and your pain in giving birth. In spite of this, you will still have
desire for your husband, yet you will be subject to him.”
relationship is there between mere eating of a fruit of a forbidden tree with
labour in childbirth, libido in coitus and obedience to Adam? Now, read verses
22 – 24; God introduces another tree – “He must not be allowed to take the
fruit from the tree that gives life, eat it, and live for ever.” – etc – our
great grandmother was stupid then, or she didn’t know of this other more
beneficial tree. She should have eaten that first and given to our great
grandfather Adam so we could/can live eternally. So the question arises. Who
were being addressed when God said the contents of verse 24?
Jude: A sophist at his best. I have
listened with rapt attention – and taken note of your reference to other
portions of the Bible. I am yet to decipher where you belong. For now, I can’t
place you as an atheist, an agnostic, an animist or a pagan! But I must go
home, read and those your references before I can respond to these eye-openers!
Jideofo: My friend, you need to, and that, very quickly too! – For
I’m eager to get to those other areas that Kenez talked about:
The paternity of Cain in dispute
Incongruity of Eve’s punishment to a simple
dietary disobedience
What fruit could a snake convince a woman to eat
and then give to her husband that is no more in existence today?
Where is this Garden of Eden? Moreover what part
of the world map can it be located now?
Why was enmity necessary between Satan and Eve –
were they formally in love?
What sin did Satan, the son of God commit,
beside his royal duty of tempting men and women that merited the change of his
physical characteristics, to become the only animal that crawls on its belly,
the only one without legs and yet the most intelligent and cunning?
Softly, softly, my
philosopher friend – Have you accepted that it was God who planned the fall of
Jude: Yes,
let him answer that one first – Jideofo – over to you… I have always wondered how this atheist gets
all the information he bandies about. Did God plan the fall of Adama, and if so
provide enough evidence to convince us?
Jideofo: Yes – a hundred times yes! – Because
God is both omniscient and omnipotent
The Bible cannot lie despite variations in translations
The story of Job educates us that Satan is a son of God
He must have been created or born by the Lord God
before Adam was created
He had other princes, with whom he shared duties in the
royal court of their father – the Lord God.
As a son, he had his duties to perform. See Daniel 1011-21
Therefore, God tempted Adam as He tempted Abraham and
Job, but whereas those two men refused to fall, Adam fell because of Eve.
Therefore, whoever created Satan, Adam and Eve was responsible for setting up
the chain reaction! God supplanted Adam by anaesthetic surgery, duplicating
him, separating the male and female organs and making Eve weaker and a ready
prey to the cunning snake! The same God allowed Satan to tempt Eve. Therefore,
the buck stops at God’s desk, Q.E.D.!
Jude: Dear
friends, I have had the chance to read some of the references Kenez made during
our last discourse a fortnight ago. Well, congrats! My friends, it was quite
interesting – one really continues to learn until one reaches one’s graveside!
Jideofo: Thanks my friend – so you are gradually stepping down from
your theological “I- know-it-all-throne,” that’s a progressive move – keep it
up. As for me; DANIEL Chapter 10, all the verses – were quite illuminating.
Every man or woman who prays to God Almighty needs to read, think understand,
meditate and internalise it – I’d also like to call their attention
specifically to 1 John, Chapter 3, verses 7 – 10:
Kenez: That’s exactly the message of Genesis
Chapter 3 – HUMAN DISOBEDIENCE is of
the devil – the Evil one – Lucifer or Satan, a Son of God, a Prince of Heaven,
whose duty it is to tempt us. Make no
mistakes about it – He is a well-informed Field Marshall in his trade –
“destroy and kill” – how does he achieve so much success? – Ask yourself; why
am I weak, Answer – see Romans chapters 6, 7 and 8. Though Saul of Tarsus was not a modern
psychologist, he was truly inspired in those three chapters and dissected HUMAN
FRAILTY, - so I want to ask – whose engineering was this frailty – was it God’s
or Satan’s… I want answers – my dear friends or else we shall dismiss for today
– I want to attend to my patients – you know, Wednesdays are my consultation
days every week – come rain, come sunshine
Jude: Hallelujah
– Sir Kenez has turned a new leaf. I knew that gradually you would unfold like
a budding flower – and this pagan philosopher-- my dear Jideofo, would smell
your beauty and fragrance.
Jideofo: Come off it, my friend – have you never heard of the
terminology “the Devil’s Advocate” – Not all devil’s advocates are his
disciples – I am not one – but I hate faith without reason – or belief without
rationalism – that’s all – that’s my philosophy of life! Jude – let me educate you – you have not read
the shortest epistle in the whole bible, or have you? Otherwise, why answer a name you didn’t even
know its origin. Do you know that your
real name is JUDAS THADDEUS?
Jude: No, it can’t be – I disagree.
Jideofo: You see, my learned friend, Kenez – this bosom friend of
mine lives in a fool’s paradise – he answers a name he doesn’t even understand.
Well, not to digress – Judas Iscariot and Judas Thaddeus were both apostles of
Jesus, the Christ – but the latter’s name had to be modified to distinguish him
from the traitor who betrayed their Master.
Kenez: Congrats!
Jideofo – a walking encyclopaedia you must be! Jude – give him a handshake – He
is 100% correct! Later, read the Epistle
of Jude – the most concise and most powerful letter written by any of the
twelve apostles. Judas Iscariot was a genuine replica or true descendant of
Lucifer/Satan, He was the only educated one, an accountant, and he was more
cunning than all the other apostles of Jesus, the Christ were!
Jideofo: In addition – my dear friends – chapter 5 of Romans
dictated by Saul of Tarsus and written down by Dr. Luke – his secretary and
personal physician documents in graphic detail a comparison of Christ and Adam,
of Human Disobedience and its results – its aetiology – prognosis and therapy.
Verse 12 says this:
“Sin came into the world through one man, and his sin brought death with
it. As a result, death has spread to the
whole human race because everyone has sinned.
There was sin in the world before the law was given, but where there is
no law, no account is kept of sins.”
By the way,
I am quoting from GNB – my favourite – not archaic KJV, which muddles
everything up. If you doubt me, go home and compare verses 12 and 13 in the two
Kenez: My encyclopaedic Jideofo –
thanks – my question then is – who brought sin into the world –if I take your
quotation as “inspired truth” – Note – “There was sin in the world
before the law was given” – So Adama was created after sin had
already existed. Some angels had already rebelled against God; maybe for that
reason the “snake” Satan was already evil and plotted against Adama. He looked
for a way to force Adama disobey God, the Creator. This Satan couldn’t do until
God made the law of the forbidden fruit in Genesis Chapter 2, verses 15, 16 and
17. All that Satan did was bid his time till God made a law!
Jideofo: Ride on – I am following.
Jude: Wait
a minute – I am confused – I thought Paul was referring to the Mount Sinai
laws, the Ten Commandments?
Kenez: We were not told that – moreover many
had already been punished before the Exodus from Egypt. Remember Lot’s wife, the Tower of Babel,
Noah’s generation before the Deluge or Flood – the laws had already existed
long before all these episodes. My dear Jude put on your thinking cap!
Jideofo: Ignore the dogmatic simpleton and carry on with your trend
of syllogism. Am I excited? – yes! Am I learning something new? – of course,
yes again! Am I becoming wiser and more humble? – oh yes! Holiness and
sainthood are not restricted to irrational Christian fanatics or mystics like Jude
Kenez: There’s
no need for name calling here – how can a philosopher like you call a Christian
scientist like Jude, a fanatic?
Jideofo: Because at times he allows the child in him dominate the
man in him. This has always been my
quarrel with him – at times he reasons like an adult – at other times like a
hypnotised adolescent Christian – I am sorry…
Now let me state my
routes for this debate:
God created the Angels, some rebelled and they were
God then decided to create animals and man in their
Satan loathed this scheme and plotted on how to
overthrow the man.
To achieve the fall of Adam, the creation of Eve was
Cain was the next victim of Satan’s plot, whereas Abel
refused to fall.
Over the next generations of Adam – God recreated him.
Enoch in Genesis Chapter 5 was the first replica of the
original Adam.
Lamech in Chapter 4 was the first replica of the sinful
Noah eventually arrived in Chapter 7,8, & 9 – as a reincarnate of Abel.
The flood was God’s first attempt to clean up fallen
Adam, yet the experiment failed because he still allowed one of Noah’s three
sons that survived the flood carry on the genetic code of sinfulness.
So my thesis
is this * Human frailty was the design of God on the eighth day of creation.
Satan as a heavenly prince could have suggested that Adama the hermaphrodite be
duplicated! This, he reasoned, was necessary so that he could tempt the weaker
vessel and so get at Adama. Moreover, he succeeded excellently!
Note also that, the first Adama was gifted, super
intelligent and law abiding – that was why God came and strolled with him in
the evenings, until the arrival of the naked and tantalising Eve, and soon Adam
found out he was naked and hid on the subsequent strolling appointment. Please,
read Genesis Chapter 3, verses 8 and 9.
Note also that whereas Adam’s wife succeeded in tripping
him into disobedience, Job’s wife failed woefully, Job Chapter 2 verses 9 and
10. To date, the Almighty Creator has continued to look for a way of cleansing
humanity of our sinful attitude – yet no solution seems in sight! Why, then did
Christ die? May be Jude here, the student of theology, may come to our rescue!
Also, tell us, why God did not use Enoch, Noah or Job to replenish the earth
with obedient men?
Jude: Well
we have an explanation that most Christian theologians accept – that Christ is
the second Adam sent to repair the damage the first Adam did. What you call
Adam’s fall is truly a failure to choose right from wrong. There is the
doctrine of free will. Of all the animals, God gave only Adam and Eve, the
upright carriage, frontal eye vision, a voice and the ability to speak a
language! Only Adam could talk, and he was God’s friend, such that God brought
all his creatures to Adam, so he could to name them. What a privilege! See
Genesis Chapter 2; verses 19 and 20. So the first Adam was super human,
intelligent, and could choose and invent names! God, in verses 15 and 16, gave
Adam the freewill to choose any fruit to eat, but in verse 17 He stated thus:
“Except the tree that gives knowledge of what is good and what is bad.
You must not eat the fruit of that tree; if you do, you will die the same day’ – Good News Bible
A more
dramatic narration can be glimpsed at from the KJV
v. 15. And the Lord God, took
the man, and put him in
the Garden of Eden to dress it and keep it.
v.16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying,
Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
v.17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good
and evil, thou shalt not eat; for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou
shalt surely die”
King James Version.
The point to
note is that there were many trees to choose and pluck their fruit except this
narration mentions that for avoidance of doubt this particular tree was planted
at the centre of the garden. To confirm these refer to the snake’s conversation
with Eve, in verses 1 – 6 of chapter 3. Specifically, verses 23 tells us that
Eve stated its position.
v.2 “We may eat the fruit of any tree in the
garden” the woman answered;
v.3 “except the tree in the
middle of it. ………GNB version
Here, Eve
adds the law forbidding their touching it even. These regulations they were
free to obey or disobey!
Jideofo: Please Jude, don’t take offence, but let me ask a few
pertinent questions. From your narrative so far;
If Adam and Eve had freewill before eating this fruit,
then what meaning has verse 17?
Why did the snake, Eve and Adam not die immediately
they ate it? For I assume that if Eve
ate and died immediately, she would not have lived long enough to give it to
Where was Adam when Eve and the snake were conversing?
Did he go hunting?
Jude: The
meaning of verse 17 – is straightforward – God gave Adam the permission to eat
every other fruit of his choice except the fruit from the tree planted in the
Was any tree labelled
bitter or sweet, ripe or unripe, good or bad, had Adam any knowledge of a good
fruit or a bad fruit before he ate the fruit of that forbidden tree?
Jude: He
had a choice of every other tree, of any other fruit. The sin they committed is
that they disobeyed God – simple – they were commanded and they refused to
adhere to the command – and that truly is the definition of all sins ever since
Kenez: The issue is that you are begging the
question. I asked; did Adam know a good fruit from a bad one before he ate the
forbidden fruit – can’t you see my dilemma?
Jude: I can’t – I’m sorry
Jideofo: Then listen carefully. Adam was the only one around when
this law was given. He was God’s friend, and was super-intelligent. He named
all the birds and the animals, but not a single plant, grass or tree. These
were all created before him. The
question then is – if Adam had not been privileged to know the names of the
trees how could he have known which produced good or bad fruits, sweet or
bitter ones?
Jude: His
taste buds were there to help him! I can’t see the slant of your question!
Jideofo: So, Adam and his wife had to go around tasting all the
fruits produced by all the various trees before they could decipher the sweet
and good ones different from the bitter and bad ones?
Jude: Yes of course
Kenez: My
dear Jude – read verses 16 and 17 again, let’s think now.
Jude: v. 16. He said to him, “you may eat the fruit of any
tree in the garden,
v.17 except the tree that gives knowledge of
what is good and what is bad. You must
not eat the fruit of that tree, if you do, you will die the same day.”
Kenez: Jude interpret for us, or answer the
How many people were there?
What is free will in the absence of knowledge of what
is good and what is bad?
Jude: Truly
I can now see the point –
A. Only Adam the hermaphrodite was
commanded – so only God and Adama were dialoguing. There were only two persons
– one man and one creator God.
B. Choice presumes knowledge of what is
advantageous from that, which is disadvantageous. A little while before this
command, Adam was only “to dress it and keep it” – then he was permitted to eat
any freely.”
Kenez: Watch
a little child – have you ever done so – Do you notice that everything that
comes his way, he puts into his mouth?
Jude: Yes – I have – I now remember.
Jideofo: Me too – I know that much – but I have never bothered to
ask why? But now that Kenez has raised the question, it seems to me that’s
exactly the level of experience and knowledge of Adam prior to eating the
forbidden fruit – yes – that’s it.
Kenez: And they tasted it and “surely did
not die.”
Jude: No,
they died spiritually. “Death” there is
not literal but idiomatic – sin means separation from God and that in spiritual
death – that is the reference there my friend.
Jideofo: There he goes again – the blind trying very hard to lead
those who can see more clearly.
Jude: No,
not exactly – read the judgement – and you will see that God arranged the
salvation of man right from there. See
verses 14 – 15; - The snake was punished severely – and enmity and hatred
between his seed and the seed of the woman was ignited by God, who further
promised to send a seed of the woman to crush the head of the snake… that was a
reference to the Saviour – the second Adam – our Lord Jesus Christ!
Jideofo: I sympathise with you Jude – where, the hell did you get
that forgery? It is not stated in the bible – or else give me the chain
references to buttress your assertion.
Jude: I
don’t have all at my fingertips presently, but you can check out the following;
Romans Chapter 5, verses. 12 – 21 or 1 Cor. 15, 45 – 49.
Jideofo: Very smart of you – but have you also not read 1st Tim
Chapter 2, verses 13 and 14 which state thus:
v. 13: For Adam was created
first and then Eve
v.14: And it was not Adam who was deceived, it was
the woman who was deceived and broke God’s law.
v.15: But a woman will be saved through having
children, if she perseveres in faith and love and holiness with modesty.
Jude: Great
philosopher – you are now my convert!
Jideofo: Go to the Garden of Eden – my friend – you are missing the
point. The topic under scrutiny is - that HUMAN WEAKNESS – was designed by God
the Creator, and to date, I attest to the fact that Adam’s fall was remotely
controlled by the Creator himself – using his son of darkness, Satan and Eve,
His daughter of vanity, as an accomplice to achieve Adam’s fall.
Kenez: My
friends – only Eve knew that the tree was planted in the middle of the garden,
because the analogy applied to her body. The vagina and pubic hair is at the
centre of any and every woman if she lies down and spreads both hands and feet
wide apart. So also are the penis and the testicles if any man lies down naked
and spreads out his hands and legs wide apart.
Eve and Adam were virgins at their creation, but God had
not legally married them – and so He allowed them to live in innocence, without
libido or sexual desires yet. Nevertheless, the woman was very pretty,
beautiful and succulent. Satan was like a man – all angels appear in human
forms – Gabriel, Michael, and even the ones that saved Lot from Sodom and
By allowing the
beautiful virgin Eve stroll around in the nude, God was setting a trap, not
only for Himself, but also for the princes, angels and Adam also, It was not
before the Handsome and lustful Lucifer, the Satan desired Eve and seduced her
to have the first sexual intercourse. This could happen to any virile man
today! Moreover, like any other female of today, she equally enjoyed it and
later tutored Adam how to make love to her. The results – see Chapter 3, verse
7: GNB
“v. 7: As soon as they had eaten it, they were given
understanding, and realised that they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves
together and covered themselves.”
It is
noteworthy to read the dramatic effect in KJV. – See Chapter 3, verses 1 – 13.
It is hilarious. Go home and enjoy it.
Next time we shall deliberate on the drama! For now – I am hurrying over
to my clinic to earn a living for my family – or can both of you raise N5, 000
on the spot – so I can forget it and allow the discourse to continue … I am yet to land – oh. All I have given you
is a sudden appetiser – “a de’ja vu” – an “aha– experience” Also think about
this – when was the first time you had sexual intercourse. It might take you a
very long time to remember. When you do remember, tell me – who showed you the
way. Who lectured you and graduated you? Was it not a great granddaughter of
the same inquisitive Eve?
Jideofo: (clapping and later shaking hands with Kenez)
My own magister! You can go jo-oh! – We shall tie up the loose ends if only my
friend here – Jude will agree.
Jude: I
am dumbfounded. I have never seen a clever sophist, a scientist and a
theologian rolled into one human being – who walks the earth – in human form.
Jideofo: That’s why you are warned to “beware of silent men” who
pretend they know nothing – and even look and behave “naïve” – it’s all a smoke
screen. They are the harbingers of volcanic eruptions when it comes to insight,
divergent thinking and radical revolutions.
Jude: On
a more serious note – my friend – do you really get the gist of Kenez over
ruling statements?
Jideofo: Of course, yes – He said that we have been fed with fables
and legends – as children are meant to – camouflages and analogies being freely
employed to cover up immorality in bible stories – for the sake of not
scandalising the youth - and turning Genesis – into a pornographic narrative.
Jude: So,
the Snake – that cunning fool – actually “raped” Eve! No! – Seduced her? – no ,
gave her a practical lecture on bedmatics and asked her to go home and teach
Adam his first lesson on romance and coitus.
Jideofo: Of course, or do they not do the same to date? Jude, was it
not a woman that gave you the first lesson in sexual intercourse. That’s the
forbidden fruit for sure, because you will live long and happily if you’ve
never tasted it at all – but no sooner have you indulged in the first sexual
act – than you are enslaved to libido and sexual urges – and gradually you
begin to die. Whether you want to believe it or not, Kenez has resolved a
riddle we have had for thirty years. Great men think great ideas. Eve’s first
bed partner was not Adam, but Satan. Moreover, to date his great grandchildren
still move around raping and disvirgining girls at their teens!
Jude: In fact, what Kenez has said so far,
makes more sense than all we have been spoon-fed at our nursery and primary
school ages! How I wish I had known all these by then, I would have had less
scruples and guilt feelings than I now carry around. It is sad to realise that
all along these theologians knew the truth, but deliberately fed us with lies!
I will never be taken for a ride again! From now on, it is IF YOU CANNOT PROVE THE
whether it is really an advantage to be born into a family that has already
been dogmatised. Most Christians are never given the breathing space to rationalise
the faith of their parents. This must stop. It the root of all the fanaticism
in most of the syncretic factions, breakaways and denominations that dot our
street corners. Mushroom prayer-houses spring up on this type of deceptive
interpretation of Bible narratives!
Kenez: That is exactly what the
animator and the founding fathers of INTEGRATIONAL SPIRITAN MOVEMENT are seeking answers to. This
book is the first instalment in a long line of more controversial books that
must provide authentic and lasting answers!
natural scientists is free to join in this onerous duty of finding lasting
solutions to religious bigotry, dogmatic recalcitrance and ethnocentric
doctrines that have been the bane of world peace.
Jideofo: Of what use is the United Nations
when they cannot stop international wars or fratricidal killings within the
same religious faith due to fanaticism and mysticism. Why is Pakistan at war
with India? Why has it been impossible to halt the senseless aggression in the
Middle East? Who owns the land, but God?
Jude: Yes, it is time to ask the
secretary-general of that world body to render an account of his stewardship
and those of his predecessors! For how long shall we have such a toothless
bulldog? If it cannot bite, it should be dismissed for inefficiency. Human
frailty does not include diplomatic redundancy. Or does it?
Jideofo: While recovering from our last discourse on human weakness,
I pondered on why the weaker vessels dominate the stronger vessels. By that, I
mean that some wives always try to control their husbands – why, Jude – do you
Jude: How am I supposed to know – you said I
was a fanatical simpleton – so why ask me that question? You philosophers are supposed to know better
– or else ask Kenez – the almighty psychologist you call, your MAGISTER!
Kenez: It
hasn’t come to that – has it? Look, Jude, if you would like to discontinue the
discourse, then kindly tell us and we can disperse – otherwise cut out all
those your buffoonery … Don’t insult my intelligence!
Jude: That’s
not what I meant, my friend – you must instruct my adamant friend, Jideofo to
stop calling me names.
Jideofo: I will only stop, if and only if, you start thinking for
yourself – instead of swallowing every concept you are fed with by your
priests, pastors and fanatical Christian friends.
Jude: Okay
I will try – back to the question of women trying very hard to dominate their
male friends or partners in love affairs or marriage–it’s simple! Their great
grandmother did it in the Garden of Eden and succeeded – so why can’t they? –
It’s in their genes – moreover psychologists warn us that whereas men are
rational women are intuitive. They are struggling to assert themselves.
Jideofo: (After clapping for
thirty seconds) – Great – yes I knew it – the stuff had all along been
there – but dogmas and doctrines tried to stifle your capacity to think
aloud. My magister – Kenez – don’t you
Kenez: Everyone
has the ability to reason things out – Adam was super-intelligent and kept the
law – Did you think Satan never tempted him and failed woefully?
Jideofo: I think he must have, hence he suggested to his Father, the
Creator: “Daddy do you see that Adam is alone and lonely of all the animals and
birds, we created in twos? Let us duplicate Adama – so, at least he can have
Jude: A
trickster at his “politricks” – all he wanted was to plot the fall off Adama
using God as the instrument to create a ‘weaker Adama’ – named Eve – so he
could easily deceive her to eat the forbidden fruit.
Kenez: Good, you are now catching up – my Jude
– The Creator’s error in engineering Eve was the crux of Adama’s fall. Satan ensured that a fundamental engineering
mistake was made during the moulding of Eve – a.k.a—the first hypnotic surgery!
Since he was the most cunning of created beings, but had failed to tempt Adama
– he saw to it that a weaker vessel was fashioned, paving the way for an easy
And to
date, the calamity that befell Adama is still re-enacted in all-human miseries
and disasters. Men go to wars over their love for women; robbers destroy and
kill in order to please their girlfriends; some boxers and wrestlers perform
under excruciating pains to continue impressing their female fans! Most human
catastrophes; social, political and ethical are traceable to feminine
machinations, and/or plots, consciously or not, voluntary or not. But
definitely sensual pleasure is at the root of it all – witness Adam’s fall,
Lot’s wife, David’s murder of Uriah, Solomon’s fall from grace to grass or the
most classical example to date – Samson’s fall and blindness due to the love he
had for the Philistine woman, - Delilah!
To date
sons of the same parents – I mean sibling brothers, live and interact in love
and unity until they all get married – and then, the bubble bursts –
antagonism, petty jealousies, subterfuge and disunity are enthroned. These problems were smoothened out before,
but now their wives engineer and destroy the bond of unity and fraternal love,
therefore my thesis is this – God created the genetic load for human frailty
and implanted same in Eve, who as the mother of all human beings thereafter
transmitted the tendency to seek pleasure and praise at all costs and avoid
pain and blame at all costs. Eve was, is
and will ever remain the grandmother of feminine frailty, which mothers
transfer to their children – sons and daughters at birth, via their 23
chromosomes during fertilisation, pregnancy, gestation, delivery, breast milk
and child rearing practices.
Jideofo: That’s a very long one – but I notice gaps here and there.
Could we take it piece-meal -?
Jude: Yes – there are five main senses
in man – those of sight, smelling, hearing, tasting and touching – touching is
same as tactile and has all the skin areas of the body.
Kenez: That’s it – largest surface areas –
but do you know the headquarters of all tactile senses…
Jideofo: Should it be the tongue?
Jude: (Laughter)
So there
is something a student of philosophy is yet to learn … the tongue is the organ
for taste – bitter, sweet, sour, - as well as for talking and singing – not
tactile – my friend.
Kenez: Good – my friend – just as you have
mentioned – the tongue is the main organ for tasting – so what are the main
organs for the others –
Jude: The eyes for seeing, ears for hearing, the
nose for smelling and eh-eh the skin for tactile –
Jideofo: Wrong – you were asked the main organ not the general one –
every organ has skin; ears, eyes, nose, tongue, hands, feet, etc – the main
organ for feeling and in fact the largest sense organ in all animals is the
penis in males, and the vulva in the females.
Great – we have
educated men here – Now – who created the vagina, ‘labia majora’ and ‘labia
minora’, and essentially the clitoris in females.
Jude: God,
of course! No one else – No, not ever Satan could, has ever or ever will create
Kenez: Jideofo – do you agree?
Jideofo: Ride on, the question is unnecessary!
Kenez: The
testicles and the penis in man are the largest organ for tactile sense – weight
for weight. The penis of an elephant is small compared to its body size and
weight, - so also is the horse, camel or buffalo! Even our closest cousins –
the apes: gorillas and chimpanzees – have smaller penis and testicles – weight
for weight – when compared with that of the human male, why? Ask Desmond
Morris, in his masterpiece “THE NAKED APE,” or else why do we have longer and
larger penis?
Jideofo: Whom are you asking?
Am I a Son of God, or do I attend the heavenly courts or senate – Ask
the inventor of the penis – Ask the Almighty Creator.
Jude: Look
here – my friend, don’t blaspheme – use your head and apply some hydraulic
fluid to your tongue.
Jideofo: I’m sorry – I apologise – but why should Kenez ask us such
impertinent questions as if we had answers – He should expatiate his thesis on
THE GENESIS OF HUMAN FRAILTY – and leave us out of it; Kenez, am I right?
Of course, you are – but
rhetorics are part and parcel of oratory and argumentation – Did I ask you – in
the first place – why are you furious and behaving like a neophyte in logic? Read: Genesis chapter 3; verses 2 and 3
from KJV or GNB.
Jude: (reading from GNB… Gen 3, verses 2 and 3, and
also 4 and 5).
v.2 “We may eat the fruit of any tree in the garden” the woman
v.3 “Except the tree in the middle of
it. God told us not to eat the fruit of
that tree or even touch it, if we do, we will die.
v.4 The snake replied, “That’s not true; you
will not die.
v.5 God said that, because he knows that when
you eat it you will be like God, and know what is good and what is bad.”
Kenez: That’s my thesis – God created Eve
for Adam – but wanted some time to elapse so that both could get adjusted to
each other, like our present day courtship and engagement, before he could
officially wed them as we do these days!
Jude: Yes – I see.
Jideofo: Ride on…
Kenez: What happened was that Satan could
not wait to eat from the pubic region of the beautiful Eve – he was in love or
lust or both – see Genesis chapter 6, verses 1 – 8 – entitled “HUMAN
Satan made
love to Eve – using his organ of maximum tactile feeling and sensitised Eve’s
labia, clitoris and vagina – the result – THE IGNITION OF AN ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT
– so hard to break – an illegal opening ceremony or cutting of the tape to mark
the onset of human reproduction.
Who put the gadgets there in the first place,
Who wired the gadgets,
Who engineered the circuit, the transformers, the
electric current, the crescendo, the orgasm,
the plateau, etc.
God, of course! However, it was Satan who
switched on the generator earlier than the date God proposed to inaugurate the
Jideofo: So what you are saying is that sexual intercourse is the
most sophisticated sensual pleasure God ever created?
Kenez: Yes, or don’t you agree? If there is
any other, inform us. Educate us, please. You may refer to Desmond Morris I
earlier quoted, or else ask any clinical psychologist you meet next. Finally,
ask Masters and Johnson, two renowned researchers in human sexuality
Jude: I could not agree more – it is – and it’s
the one that leads men into sin, greed, lust, promiscuity more than anything
else. It is the beginning of dying.
Kenez: Thank
you, my dear Jude – that is the conclusion of the matter. Gen. 6, verses 2 - 3
v. 2: some of the heavenly
beings saw that these young women were beautiful, so they took the ones they
. 3: Then the Lord said, “I will not
allow people to live for ever; they are mortal.
From now on, they will live no longer than a hundred and twenty years.”
The result
was that giants were born and wickedness; extortion, bullying, rape, lust for
power, wealth and fame corrupted the world. In actual fact, this was a
commentary on what happened in the Garden of Eden – a romantic scenery – where
Satan made love to Eve – and downgraded humans meant to live for ever to
‘mortality’, doomed to ageing and death. Therefore, sensual pleasure – sexual
intercourse – is s the genesis of human error, human weakness, concupiscence
and death!
Jude: Kenez
– who are you? Where did you come from? Why have I not met you all through my
youthful years? From where do you get
your information – I hope you are not the beast with the number 666.
Jideofo: Will you shut up your mouth – Jude – I mean
Jude: Don’t
get me wrong my friend – I am only commending Kenez – he is a genius – yes –
watch how he interprets all the arguments we had in our school days – don’t you
see him reducing all of them to ABC Simple arithmetic – I love his style.
Kenez: "Know you not – that ye
also are small gods!” Who said that, when and where was it said!
That’s your homework – But to buttress my thesis – you will get the best
translation in KJV, Gen. 6: verses 1 - 3. Go home, read it, meditate on it –
and you will realise that God the Creator – regretted ever creating sons of God
and sons of Adam.
origin of human frailty is that two gene pools of humanity, in other words, two
types of human beings are in existence; the descendants of Cain, whose father
was the Snake, and the descendants of Seth, whose father was Adam! And to date, this state of affairs exist
without many theologians, priests, and bishops being aware of it! We shall
address this in the next discourse!
Jude: Here
I agree with you completely, so let me read out some of the relevant verses
that you have quoted. I have KJV here, do you mind my quoting from it?
Gen. 6: v.1. And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the
face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them.
v.2. That the sons of God saw the daughters of
men that they were (beautiful) fair; and they took their wives of all which
they chose.
v.3 And the Lord said, “My spirit shall not
always strive with man, for that he also is flesh; yet his days shall be an
hundred and twenty years.
v.4 There
were giants on the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of
God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same
became mighty men, which were of old, men of renown.
v.5 And God saw that the wickedness of man
was great on the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart
was only evil continually.
v.6 And it repenteth the
Lord that had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.
v.7 And the Lord said, I will destroy man
whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man and beast, and the
creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made
v.8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the
Kenez: Thank
you Jude – Jideofo – is anyone in doubt as to who engineered Adam’s fall and
how human frailty, wickedness, greed and lust emanating from those giants
messed up God’s wonderful creation. God
should take the blame in full. I rest my
Jideofo: Excellent…Q.E.D; ‘Quod erat demonstradum.’
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Jude: Welcome
my co-debaters, panel of judges – our admirers – and distinguished audience and
our readers still – Praise the Lord! I have had stomach troubles for a whole
week – after the last heated discourse on THE ORIGIN OF HUMAN FRAILTY…
Jideofo: You are not alone, my dear Jude – I had diarrhoea – but I
recovered in just twenty – four hours – I loved that peppery dish, Kenez
served. For once, we men ought to hide our heads in shame – and stop boasting –
More often than not – we are second fiddles in this game of eating the
forbidden fruit. Whoever marries a virgin these days? Whoever really knows the
biological father of his first child?
No one, my dear
Jideofo – No, not even Adam. He was so
uncertain of both Cain and Abel until he was one hundred and thirty years old.
He lived in fear and anxiety and never uttered a word until the birth of Seth;
- please let someone read KJV, chapter 5:
Jude: Why
the conversion – I thought we agreed to always read from Good News Bible?
Jideofo: Yes, stone head, so when KJV is requested, then there must
be a reason – read, my friend, read. KJV,
Chapter 5, verses 1 – 8
v. 1: This is the book of the
generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God
made he him.
2: Male and female created he them;
and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were
3: And Adam lived a hundred and thirty
years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his
name Seth.
4: And the days of Adam after he had
begotten Seth were eight hundred years; and he begat sons and daughters.
5: And all the days that Adam lived
were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.
6: And Seth lived an hundred and five
years and begat Enoch .. e t c.
Jideofo: So where are you dragging us to? – Is it the old age of
these early men – aha – having a child at 130 years or 105 years? Divide each
of those years by seven to get their accurate ages. For them at that time,
seven days was a month in our current calendars!
Kenez: No, not at all. Look at verse 3, critically – do you see –
what I’m seeing –“ and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and
called him Seth.” – GNB renders it thus:
v. 3: when Adam was 130 years
old, he had a son who was like him.” And he named him Seth.” – note
also that chapter 5 – is entitled “THE DESCENDANTS OF ADAM”
which I believe was copied from the RSV version – so let’s see its account and
RSV: Chapter 5, verse 3.
v. 3: when
Adam had lived a hundred and thirty years, he became the father of a son in his
own likeness, after his image, and he named him Seth.”…
any of you smell a rat? If you don’t – I will go home. Are both of you so
blind? Think – yes – think.
Jideofo: Give me a minute – let me re-read them and compare all
these narratives – something is fishy – I smell something – but I can’t place a
finger on it yet. Have some patience
Kenez – or are you that short-tempered.
Kenez: Yes, class dismisses … see you
during our next discussion meeting – Good- bye and God bless and open your
Jude: Jideofo
– how did you meet this monster, you address as MAGISTER – ever since he joined
us – I’ve been dribbled, mesmerised and humbled.
Jideofo: He may be an angel sent to educate us more. Remember, the Ethiopian Eunuch and Philip –
in the Act’s of the apostles…
Jude: “Do you understand what you are reading” – Philip, How can I, unless
someone guides me!”
Jideofo: So I invited him – “to come up
and sit with us”
- … Let him open his mouth like Philip – and explain the intrigues in the
Bible. I won’t grudge him his exceptional insight! He can probe things and is endowed with
divine wisdom … Are you sure this is not our own version of KING SOLOMON – the
wise? (After some minutes
– they disperse – and each decides to seek out Kenez privately, to beg
him to join them in the next discussion session. Jideofo is the one that goes
in search of Sir Kenez. At his gate, he greets the gate man thus…):
Jideofo: Hello – is the Doctor in? – Hello ! – gate man or woman?
Which ever you are?
Gate man: Welcome
– visitor – I am here – but like you inadvertently pointed out – I am no more
very certain which I am – a man or a woman – or else tell me how a fully grown
man can idle the whole day at the gate – opening and closing it. That’s a job for a woman – the weaker sex –
isn’t it?
Jideofo: No, I disagree, though I must say I am impressed with your
English – how did you leave such high flying vocabulary e.g. “inadvertently” or
“idle away hours.”
Gate man: Who are you looking for?
Jideofo: Of course, you know – whom? The house
Gate man: Wrong – He denounces that terminology – He calls himself – the
house caretaker – a leaseholder. That’s my Oga –for you – a down –to-earth
Jideofo: My friend – there you go again – big words how did you come
about them –
Gate man: Your friend – the caretaker – Solomon’s Disciple. He uses them, I look them up in the
dictionary and I practise them on visitors like you --- (he giggles)
Jideofo: Enough of the pleasantries – where is the leaseholder,
caretaker or whatever he calls himself?
Gate man: At the library – so he didn’t tell you?
Jideofo: No – which library –and where…?
Gate man: Walk straight across that small hut – the one painted white –
then trek about half a kilometre along the riverside – and you will find him –
sitting on a rock facing the east – peering over the forests, hills and the
skyline – that’s his library – a library stocked by nature – “A NATURE LIBRARY”
Dr. Kenez calls it.
Jideofo: Thank you; my dear gate man – you should become a
University Registrar – rather than this job you have.
follows the directives – but misses his way – In his confusion, he starts yelling “Kenez! – Kenez!” at the top of his
voice. Still no response. He comes back to the gateman – who reprimands
him for yelling the name of his Black Solomon, moreso in the costliest library
in the whole word.)
Gate man: Didn’t you know that noise is forbidden in any and every
library world-wide – so what the hell made you scream inside my Oga’s library.
After the white hut – the rest of the garden, Orchard – is his “Garden of Eden”
– the library where God tutored Adam and Eve.” That is what he calls it.
Jideofo: Sorry dear – I am a fool – I did not imagine that an empty
bush – or garden could really be a library.
Gate man: Sure enough – I was in the same position as you – ten years ago
– when I first took up this job. But
over the years – I have learnt differently –I’m now the wiser for it!
Jideofo: So you go and call him – yourself…
Gate man: Okay – let me do as you say…
(He leaves in search of Kenez … comes back in three minutes … with a
sleepy Kenez)
Kenez: Jideofo – hello – how are you? Is everything in order – why the surprise
visit – ehe! – let me see – two of you are ready to continue our discourse?
Jideofo: Yes – and as I was the one who made contact with you
initially – I have come to apologise for our sluggish mentality in not
following up with your speed of thought? Pity us – we had to think at our
level, at our social – speed and mundane insight!
Kenez: That’s where all of you, humans – go
wrong! Why think – when you could ask
for and get insight free of charge.
Jideofo: What do you mean! Show me how – so that I too can declare information, data,
evidence, premises and arguments with certainty, like you do.
Kenez: That’s why I am always at home with
nature. You may think I didn’t hear your
calls – I did – but I was naked!
Jideofo: What do you mean?
Kenez: Yes,
like Adama – I thought you saw my pair of trousers, my singlet and pant beside
the guava tree, near the river – Oh, poor you – you lack observation – too!
Jideofo: I did. I thought your gardener left them there, so…
Let’s go back and you
show me the dresses that you saw …(They get to the guava
tree, but there are no dresses in sight) Where are they? You saw
them there? Of what colours?
Jideofo: Now, I can see – the colours were same as the trouser and
singlet you are putting on now – My dear Kenez do you mean, you move around in
this garden in your birthday suit?
Kenez: Exactly, and even at night, especially
during moonlights – I even invite my wife to join me in this zoological,
botanical or mature lectures here. Our
teacher, the professor of creation Himself – teaches us – and the Holy Spirit –
takes us on tutorials. If you doubt me, remove your dresses now. I am the
gardener here, and this garden is hedged in completely – no hidden cameras, no
videos and only one gate – that one over there. On the other hand, are you
afraid the birds might see your nakedness?
Jideofo: No – no, but I’d prefer the moonlight option. A helicopter
might appear in an evening like this and hover around here.
Kenez: Now, you can better appreciate what
Adam and Eve felt in Genesis 3 verses 7 – 13.
Let’s go home for now. When you
reach your bedroom at night – read 1st Kings Chapter 3 verses 4 –
15. Tonight when you go to bed, lie down naked, wake up at 5 a.m. and imitate
Solomon, the Wise!
Jideofo: So I can rest, assured that you have
forgiven both Jude and my humble self? You will then join us?
Kenez: Sure, I will be there!
(A happy Jideofo hugs Kenez, thanks
the gate man & leaves.
He finds Jude and intimates him of his achievement..)
Jude: I thought we had lost him
forever. I am happy you succeeded in convincing to attend the nest session of
our exuberant debates. I am every grateful you did the yeoman’s job.
Jideofo: Do you have a library?
Jude: Yes, I do.
Jideofo: No! You don’t. Wait until you enter that
of Kenez. It has a gate man and the
sky is its roof! No one wears a pant or singlet in it. I have never seen such a
library till yesterday!
There you must consult reference materials in the nude, while birds and insects chirp
away! Wonders shall never end!
Jude: Sorry
my colleagues – I was dumbfounded during our last discourse and I treaded
softly – in order to avoid errors and behold – that in itself – was the
greatest error.
Jideofo: Enough – we are here – let’s go straight to business.
Kindly remind us where stopped, you Christian fanatic.
Jude: Kenez
gave us some quotations to read and digest – and the most meaningful to me is –
Genesis 5 – I read it through three times and I asked – was Seth the first son
of Adam?
Kenez: Now you are coming home! – Did you note
is there any title given to Chapter 5?
Jideofo: Whatever brought in the concept into Kenez mind, I can’t
decode – Hey you, Kenez – from where and since when did you start doubting the
paternity of Cain?
Kenez: Good – have you ever read Genesis,
Chapter 4 verse 8 in GNB version, critically? This is what it says:
“Then Cain said to
his brother Abel, “let’s go out in the fields. When they were out in the fields, Cain turned on his brother and killed
You need to
sit down, digest its meaning, scrutinise its import and think deep before you
arrive at the following crucial questions:
Who taught Cain how to plot an assassination?
Who or what gave him the courage to kill Abel?
Was Abel truly his biological brother – if so from
where did he conceive the wickedness of heart to hurt his only sibling?
Did someone else tutor Cain? Definitely, Adam could not
have done so! -- So, who did?
Note, why did God even reprimand him in verse 6, and
warn him in verse 7, even before he took the action?
v. 6: “Then the Lord said to Cain, “why are you
angry? Why that scowl on your face?
v. 7: If you had done the right thing, you would
be smiling, but because you have done evil, sin is crouching at your door, it
wants to rule you, but you must overcome it.”
Who could
have been so clearly warned and yet go ahead to commit a novel crime – that no
one else had ever thought of – no, not even brothers and sisters during the
time of Sodom and Gomorrah?
Jideofo: Now, I can see clearly – what you are implying.
Jude: And so – always seeing – now
translate, if you can see clearly.
Jideofo: Are you blind? If Cain respected God as the Almighty
Creator and his grandfather – he would have listened to his warning and taken
the advice to overcome the sin that was crouching at his door.
Jude: Good – and so – what next?
Jideofo: He behaved like his progenitor – the snake that disvirgined
Eve – yeah – yes – Cain must have been the result of Satan impregnating Eve
Kenez: Yeah,
I knew, both of you would crack the nut – simple – moreover remember Adam was a
novice – and even if he did learn anything – his gonads were immature at that
point in time and he know nothing about ovulation dates, menses and
menstruation cycles?
Jude: Hey,
Kenez – super blasphemy – my eardrums will soon burst – stop it, heretic?
Jideofo: Who is a heretic? You are the one – you heard God warn Cain
and he refused to listen – Now, you his descendant have refused to listen to
Kenez – give a good interpretation of the origin of murder as the second sin
of the bible!
Jude: I
am sorry – after Adam’s fall – sin took over control of human beings and Cain
was the first human being reportedly born to Adam and Eve as a result of carnal
knowledge – see Genesis 4 – verses 1 and 2, especially in the KJV – whose
rendition is crystal clear!
v. 1: And Adam knew Eve his wife;
and she conceived, and have Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the Lord.
v. 2: And
she again leave his brother Abel. And
Abel was a keeper of sheep, but was a tiller of the ground.
Kenez: Who said, “I have
gotten a man from the Lord!”
Jideofo: Eve, of course!
Jude No!
It was Adam.
Kenez: Jude so you are so daft that you can
be looking at deceit and forgery and not recognise either? That narrative
stated in black and white, whether it was Eve or Adam “I have gotten a man from the
Lord” not from his loins. To clarify this issue – revisit the
quotation I gave you the other day – Genesis 5, verse 3, specifically:
– Genesis 5 verse 3.
v. 3 And Adam lived an
hundred and thirty years and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image;
and called him Seth.
Are you
still blindfolded by theological deceits and theories? Why did the narrative emphasise the
1. Adam waited for one hundred and thirty
2. Why was the verb “begat” used as different
from “knew Eve, his wife; and she conceived, and bore Cain”?
3. Nothing can prove it better than – the
double emphasis in verse 3 – “and begat” a son in his own likeness” and “after his image.”
“Called” and
“named” are dissimilar – especially when reasons for the names are added
Read that
verse again:
“v.5 and she bore Cain and said, I have gotten a
man from the Lord.” --KJV.
Notice the
reason for the name as stated by either Eve or Adam; note the addendum by
theoretical theologians! “I Have Gotten
A Man By The Lord.” - that “from” was inserted by deceitful
writers or forgers!
Now compare
that translation with GNB version;
Gen. 4: verse 1: “Then
Adam had intercourse with his wife, and she become pregnant. She bore a son and
said; “By the Lord’s help, I have acquired a son.”
Yet another
clearer verb denoting “assistance” RSV – says; almost the same thing but let’s
see its own translation…
“Gen. 4 –
verse 1: Now Adam knew Eve, his wife and she conceived and bore a
son, saying, “I have gotten a man with the help of the Lord.” Jude
and Jideofo, my dear ones, – can’t you see “
a man gotten with the help of the Lord” – is different from the narrative
in Chapter 5; entitled ”The Descendants
of Adam.”
The earliest
writers were not unaware of Cain and Abel before they went ahead to expunge the
two names from the true descendants of Adam. Moreover – Adam waited for an hundred and thirty years” to mature properly
before he was credited with having a son, naturally – from his own gonads “in
his own likeness” and as if that was not enough – it is doubly emphasised; “after his image.” Developmental
psychology today confirms that the growth hormone oestrogen ensures that female
sex organs mature earlier than those of males that are controlled by the
androgen hormone! Read scientific books, my man, and not only the fables in the
bible! I studied Human Anatomy and Physiology for three years at a postgraduate
level, and in a School of Medicine for that matter. I am sure of my data. This
is science, not theosophy nor moral theology!
Jude: My
colleagues – this is too much for me – I need a recess – another fifteen
minutes to see clearly. Where am I, what have I gotten myself into? – Arguing
with demonic demagogues and geniuses.
Jideofo: You are the demon here – since you see the clearly printed
“WORD OF GOD” – and refuse to comprehend it by yourself – because you have been
fed with manure from childhood … tied to the apron strings of Reverend Pastors
and half-baked preachers!
Kenez: Will someone, please read from the New
International Version…NIV: please–
Jideofo: (reading) Chapter 4, verse 1:
“Adam lay with his wife Eve, and she became
pregnant and gave birth to Cain. She said, “With the help of the Lord I have
brought forth a man.”
Chee eh! Now over to you, Jude. Who is LORD,
in this passage? The lover, of course, It’s Lucifer! The most handsome of the
angels! The seducer, the tempter, the examiner, the rapist! God changed him
into a snake for that very reason. Moreover, to date, women still flock around
very handsome men. They will do whatever it takes to arouse you, seduce you or
even undress in front of you. Nevertheless, most of them lack the courage to
verbalise what they need! Why does that happen?
Kenez: The issue here is:
1. If Cain and Abel were biological sons of
Adam and Eve – why were their names eliminated in Chapter 5, and in The Gospel
of Luke; Chapter 3, verses 21 – 37? When you get home today, compare them!
2. Finally, read 1st Chronicles,
Chapter 1 verse 1, and you will not be left in any doubt that both Cain and
Abel were not sons of Adam, though Eve gave birth to them!
3. If Cain and Abel were of same parents –
could Cain ever have imagined killing Abel, his only sibling, junior brother?
For clarification read John Chapter 8, verses 43 – 47 and you will balance the
If Cain was
Adam’s biological son, from whom did he get the genetic code for assassination?
Sorry –
there were neither genetical screening nor family counselling before marriage
in those days when these things happened. If it were today, both Cain and Abel
could have benefited from medical science and truly known who their biological
fathers were. Sure they were Eve’s sons – but there is not a single thread of
evidence to authenticate that they were Adam’s sons.
today – a pregnant woman can get married, later have intercourse with the
official or legal husband and still bear a child resulting from an illicit love
affair before the wedding ceremonies. Even in the bible – there were cases like
That of the virgin mother!
Moreover, if
Uriah had been alive – would David’s child not have answered Uriah’s name –
whereas only Bethseba would have known the true father of her child. Even at
that, the child died – and to date, no one has told us how, where and when
Absolom came into the picture. Check 2nd Samuel, Chapters 11 and 12;
and tell us why, after Bathseba bore Solomon, David named him – but in verse
25: “The Lord loved the boy and commanded the prophet Nathan
to name the boy Jedidiah”… (The 8th son of David).
Jideofo: True my friend, but remember, Jude has appealed for a
recess – let us grant him that request – whenever he has sorted himself out –
we shall continue.
Jude: Am
I sure of my own first child today? – may be I need to go to a teaching
hospital to ascertain the paternity of all my children – chei – na waooh! How?
Jideofo: Things that women and gods do – Na wah? They sleep with
angels – and yet claim that they are our wives. No one is ever sure these days
– which children are biologically his, If you doubt me – read Genesis chapter 6
– verses 1 – to – 8 – which Kenez referred us to earlier.
Kenez: All I am saying is that we must put
on our thinking caps! I have not stated that Adam is not the father of Cain.
The wonder is –No bible translator gave us details of any sexual intercourse in
well documented and the miraculous births of:
1. ISAAC, the son of Abraham and Sarah,
Genesis: 18, vv
9-15 & Genesis: 21, vv 1-8.
2. SAMSON, the son of Manoah and Zorah,
Chapter 13, read all the verses!
3. JOHN the Baptist, the son of Zechariah and
Elizabeth, in Luke: 1, vv 5 -25 & vv 57 – 66.
that, that of the whole bunch, only Zorah behaved wisely.
Virgin Mother of Jesus should have copied Zorah’s example and saved us the
guesswork on whom truly was the biological father of Jesus, the Christ! Despite
this transgression to buttress my assertion, do mothers in your culture have the
right to name the babies born in a family? Even if in the cases of some Jewish
figures in the bible it was so, why then does the same bible record with
emphasis; ”Adam named his son; Seth? Moreover, even it is permissible, from
whose genetic code did Cain inherit the ability to plot and assassinate his own
blood brother?
Jude: So
what you are saying is similar to the statement “BY THEIR FRUITS, YOU SHALL
KNOW THEM!” Mathew Chapter 12, verse 33?
Jideofo: Wrong again – see Matt 7, verse 17 – that is the one
appropriate for this discourse – read on till verse 20 where your quotation is
lifted from, confused Christian!
Jude: How
inconsistent you can be, Jideofo – so you know so much of the Bible, yet you
pretend to be a heathen philosopher!
Kenez: Both
of you are quarrelling over statements alluding to Cain’s parentage – but John,
the Apostle in his first letter states it affirmatively.
1 John Chapter 3, verse 12.
v.12 We
must not be like Cain, he belonged to the Evil one, and murdered his own
brother Abel! Why did Cain murder him?
Because the things he himself did were wrong, but the things his brother did
were right. ”
Now the final nail on the coffin of all fanatical
3, vv: 21 – 37 and you will see the correspondence between OT & the NT!
Cain and Abel were omitted in the genealogy
of Jesus! Whereas Adam was specifically named “the Son of God.” Cain was no!
Again, Matthew had a genealogy that stopped
at Abraham, Luke traced it further to Adam, and notice that Cain was again
clearly omitted.
In the Book of Numbers, an accurate and
chronological census of the descendants of Adam, Cain is completely omitted!
These are
not errors of omission but statements of the facts! Can anyone tell us why an
overzealous translator or dogmatist decided to deceive the whole human race
with the falsehood that Cain was a biological son of Adam, by inserting “sexual
intercourse” in the narrative? Where else, in the whole bible did such a
deceptive insertion occur? If anyone knows, tell us! Do you need to tell anyone
that a married couple had sexual intercourse before giving birth to children?
Therefore, its time we were told the truth! Cain was not Adam’s son, so also
was Abel! The first son of Adam is Seth! Q.E.D.
Jideofo: Only God can save our generation then, if even at the
beginning of creation, illegitimate sons had already started committing coup
d’etats” – who can state “whose son”, his first child may be – until a
paternity test is carried out … No one, ask Adam, Uriah or Joseph, the carpenter.
Kenez: Let’s disperse, jooh! You are both
missing the point I’m raising. Abel had a different super-biological father
from the super-biological father of Cain – hence the differences in character,
occupation and respect for their Grandfather GOD! not Adam! This was clearly
demonstrated and tested by the sacrifices with their first fruits of their
professions at harvest time!
Cain’s true
father is the destroyer, a killer and a liar right from the beginning. Please
go home and read the gospel of John; Chapter 8 vv. 31-47 especially 44, and you
will see where Jesus exposed it all!
may be to resolve that, another ‘holy’ angel had to counter that by fathering
Abel. Nevertheless, Cain’s father quickly advised his own evil son to eliminate
Abel and so populate the world with only his own evil genes. In addition, to
date he still does! This is why, to date we have evil children right from their
birth of whom, King Solomon rightly said were “crooked”
and “no one can straighten out what God has made crooked”. See the Book of Proverbs for more.
Then this
another final nail on the coffin of falsehood in the narratives. Turn to
the concise epistle of Jude, which has only one chapter, read and explain to me
verses 14 – 18! That’s the final proof that though Eve was the mother of Cain
and Abel, Adam was not their biological father, hence he refrained from giving
them names! Eve did. In addition, she explained how and from whom she got them,
“from the Lord I’ ve gotten a son’!
Her words not mine! The term ‘Lord’ was not a preserve of God at the time, or
even today. There are thousands in Britain! In addition, in all churches today,
all bishops are called: ‘Lords!’
From this
perspective, I’ve always stated without any shred of doubt in my mind that Jesus,
the Christ was the second Abel, not a second Adam. Jesus was a seed of the
woman promised, whereas Adam came from the dust of the earth! For reincarnation
to be foolproof, the circumstances of birth or creation have to be duplicated
not replicated! Do you get the slant on my thesis?
However, let me place it on record here, that on my own as
a mortal man, I could not have deciphered these camouflaged narratives. I never
set out to do so, all I did as a teenage student in 1963, was to ask my Irish
Rev. Gentleman who took us in Bible Knowledge then, this puerile question:
“Rev. Fr. who taught Cain how to
commit murder?
And he was very honest by replying:
“ My dear Jude,
I never thought about that and I’m not sure! However I will try to find out.”
He did not tell me his finding until the outbreak of the civil
war in 1967 when all expatriates left our homeland for theirs! I participated
as an adolescent field officer in the Biafran commandos. I grew up seeking an
honest answer unconsciously until the year 2001 when God’s Holy Spirit decided
to give me these answers I have shared with you!
My thesis therefore is; there
are two species of humankind; -the free ones - sons of Adam through Seth
and the slaves -sons of Satan through Cain.
Jesus, the
Christ told us so in plain language. See the Gospel of John, chapter 8, vv. 31
– 47. For your convenience, look at some of them taken from GNB:
v. 42: “If God really were your Father, you would love me, because I
came from god and now I amhere. I did not come on my own authority, but he sent
v. 43: Why do you not understand
what I say? It is because you cannot bear to listen to my message.
v. 44: You are the children of
your father, the Devil, and you want to follow your father’s desires. From the
very beginning he was a murderer and has never been on the side of truth,
because there is no truth n him. When he tell a lie, he is only doing what is
natural to him, because he is a liar and the father of all lies.
v. 45: But I tell the truth, and
that is why you do not believe me.
v. 46: Which one of you can
prove that I am guilty of sin? If I tell the truth, then why do you not believe
v. 47: He who comes from God
listens to God’s words. You, however, are not from God, and that is why you
will not listen.”
I have
nothing to add or subtract, except this: HALF-BAKED PASTORS HAVE ALL
ALONG BEEN PREACHING US TO. They may even be the descendants of the
Devil through Cain masquerading as good priests! The first grandchildren and descendants of the Snake are detailed in
Genesis Chapter 4, verses 17-24. They are Enoch, Irad, Mehujael, Methushael,
Lamech, the first polygamist, then Jabal, Tubal Cain. QED!
Jideofo: As the unopposed convener of this theosophical debates – I
now want us to peer into doctrines and dogmas – with an honest view of sieving
out the beneficial seeds from the useless chaff! We shall, subsequently, throw
away the chaff !
Jude: As
you have claimed that you are the most qualified to introduce this topic – what
are the definitions of “dogma” and “doctrine?”
Jideofo: Since you are a fanatic – I will not bother you with a
philosophical definition – let’s settle for dictionary definitions – “DOGMA” –
by A. S. Hornby (1976) re-edited by Jonathan Crowther (1995) says:
Dogma: [c,u] a belief or set
of beliefs held by an authority or group, which others are expected to accept
without arguments: political/social/economic dogma. E.g. she started to
question the dogmas of the church.
Dogmatic: adj. (derog.) insisting that one’s beliefs are right and that others
should accept them without paying attention to evidence or to other opinions
e.g. you can’t be dogmatic in matters of taste; dogmatic attitude/approach/
view dogmatically (adv.) state something dogmatically.
Dogmatism: [u] {derog) the tendency to be DOGMATIC: religious/political
dogmatism.From the above, Jude – you are now aware that you have been led by
the nose all your life. I want you to
seek for data; facts or evidence to back up your “theocentric” dogmas.
Kenez: That’s
where I blame you, bookworms – does Hornby or Crowther monopolise the wisdom of
definitions – if we accept those definitions point blank – are we not equally
guilty of dogmatism?
Jude: A
Daniel has come to judgement, Oya--ah. – Jide the sophist, – answer that one!
Mr. Philosopher unlimited!
Jideofo: Remember, I said let us consult simple, everyday
definitions by the owners of the language – but that does not exclude other
definitions by so many egg heads, linguists and philosophers … eh- m ..
Kenez: Do you want to laugh? If you want the
authentic definition of “dogmatic” – you ask the owner of the “matics” Simple!
Find a dog! – And he will tell you what his “matic” is all about! Or hasn’t any
of you, a dog in his home?
(Roar with laughter – ha ha –he
Don’t choke yourselves
with laughter – I’m dead serious, for MATHEMATICS, we ask Matthew, for
STATISTICS, we should ask a Stanley or Stanislaus and therefore we must ask a dog
Jideofo: It is true you know! Religious fanatics swallow dogmas as
the dog swallows fou-fou or rice! Any dog will salivate at the sight or odour
of food – and then you can lead it “by the nose” – to eat anything else you
throw down.
Even when
a dog is eating jellof rice with biscuit bones and salad, if you throw boiled
yams with stew – it will abandon the jellof rice meal for the last one thrown
at it. If you next throw human faeces – it will abandon both rice and yam and
eat the latest - the faeces – that is exactly what fanatics do. They rush at
any latest doctrine or dogma that tickles their fantasies! They run from one
crusade ground to another; chasing shadows, new deliverance antics, the latest
signs and wonders! Therefore, the definition is clear, unambiguous and
appropriate. Jude, are you with me?
Jude: I am not – mind your language.
Kenez: Fault his argument or analogy, – not
find fault with his assertions – that’s the spirit here. Use of intellect, not
Jude: What is a doctrine? What is a dogma?
We shall take the two along, before I can state my defence.
Jideofo: From
the same simple dictionary, we have:
“Doctrine": [c,u] a belief or set of
beliefs held and taught by a church, a political party, a group of scientists,
etc, - a Catholic doctrine! – A Marxist doctrine! e.g. progress has swept many
of the old doctrines away.
“Doctrinal”: (adj.) of or
related to a doctrine or doctrines: doctrinal controversy, (derog) --a rigidly
doctrinal approach. Whoever the cap
fits, wear it. Jude, over to you for a synthesis. Jude: I’m
see – so the little difference is that churches or political associations
enunciate doctrines and when they are elevated to “unquestionable” or
“infallible” doctrines – they graduate into “dogmas” –
Kenez: One hundred per cent (claps, for Jude!)
Jideofo: I always knew that my friend Jude, is very intelligent –
however his upbringing and parentage are to blame for his myopic view of the
world, of events, and of religious practices.
Jude: Wrong,
it was my desire to be a doctor of the church – which is to be blamed! …
Kenez: Oh!
Yeah! Therefore, you wanted to be a “doc” of the church in order to “trim” some
of its teachings. That is how they manufacture and patent their doctrines. Did
you ever know that it is the Jesuit Fathers that formulated and fine-tuned most
Catholic doctrines.
Jideofo: No – how could I? Jude did you?
Jude: Of
course, I knew – I was only bidding my time – till I was declared “doctor of
the church” to unleash my attacks on some of the irrational dogmas, e.g. the
doctrine of one still being a virgin after child birth!
Kenez: So,
what happened, how did they decode you? By that I mean, who sold you out?
Jude: I
opened my mouth too wide – and too early also – so they feared that another
Martin Luther was in the making … I ran off – can’t wait to be unmasked by the
infidels, gossippers – can you? So, where are we? Can I ask a question that has
been bothering me for decades?
Jideofo: Why not – that’s why we are all here!
Jude: We
have this DOCTRINE OF ORIGINAL SIN, which all Christians accept, irrespective
of denominations and other minute differences in liturgy and catechesis. It has
been a cause of disagreement – on it all is founded – what do you think?
Jideofo: You are yet to educate us on what the doctrine states, and
the dogma deriving therefrom!
Jude: Simply
put – that Adam’s fall condemned all his descendants to the sin he committed –
that of disobedience – eating the forbidden fruit!
Jideofo: In other words – all of us have sinful
Jude: Yes, they call that
Jideofo: Then they are correct – 100% - so I do not see your quarrel
with that doctrine or dogma.
Kenez: Jude,
don’t you see that at least Jideofo is not an atheist. He swallows this original
sin doctrine hook, line and sinker?
Jude: I
am amazed. He could be jesting. It is in his nature to play the fool
Jideofo: Look, - who is suggesting “playing the fool” – No – I am
dead serious – the doctrine is correct, logically valid and therefore
Kenez: Can someone look up the word
“CONCUPISCENCE” in the dictionary? What does it really mean?
Jude: Let
Jideofo do – for he is at home with concepts, terms, logic and definitions
Jideofo: I know that much – for it there on page 238: “concupiscence [u] (often derog.) Strong sexual desire; LUST,”
- and we are still under that strong desire for sexual
intercourse to date. Therefore, the theologians are for once – 100%
Kenez: Before, we all become dogmatic –
what does “lust” really mean, Jideofo – since you are holding the dictionary –
tell us now -
Jideofo: On page 702 – “Lust”- [u] (often derog.) [u,c] 1. for somebody, a strong sexual
desire: curb one’s lust, gratify one’s lusts.
2. (for/of sth) - an intense desire for or enjoyment of something: a
lust for power/gold/adventure.
See also BLOOD LUST. So let’s see that also - -. eh – on page 116 – “blood lust”—(u) a strong desire
to kill” - There you are and I rest my case – The doctrine is
Jude: My
problem is not its correctness but the failure of Jesus Christ, the Saviour in
absolving and obliterating it once and for all – was that not why he came? –
See Genesis chap. 3 verse 15: in GNB; which reads:
v.15. I will make you and the
woman hate each other; her offspring and yours will always be enemies. Her
off-spring will crush your head, and you will bite her off-spring’s heel.”
My grouse is
that Jesus Christ was the one foretold there – his mission was to crush the
Serpent’s head or did he fail in his mission? Why is still there? – This
doctrine concupiscence after he had sacrificed himself on the cross at Calvary?
Kenez: Do you have a shallow mind? If a bank account is opened for you and in
your name, do you withdraw from, or benefit from the account by sitting
complacently at home?
Jideofo: No, the beneficiary must learn how to read and write, then
how a bank account is operated; he also needs a recent passport that can
identify him as the beneficiary, more so, when the humanist who deposited the
money in his favour is not around. He
has to take a bath, dress neatly, enter a vehicle, pay the transport fare,
dismount at the right bus stop, trek to the bank, pass the security check
points before he enters the section of the bank to withdraw any amount he
problem today is the wrong formula, the childish preaching done these days –
“God will forgive all your sins, just repent, for Christ has paid the price.
This is utter nonsense – Are you with me – Kenez?
Very impressive –
Jideofo – your analogy fits in most appropriately. My greatest problem with
everyone is the thinking, prevalent these days, that one can go on committing
sins and repenting for as long as he wishes – why – they claim the blood of
Christ has already been shed for their sins. Just like a tipper truck that
loads and off-loads trips of laterite or sand at a construction site!
Therefore, they go on committing sins, right, left and centre. What a breed of
sinners, tutored by another breed of greedy evangelists, who were equally
groomed by another breed of half-baked pastors.
there right from birth – in clear terms – THE PROPENSITY OF ALL ANIMALS, MAN AND WOMAN
Psychologist, I can confidently tell you that there are six major instincts of
survival, whereas the average textbook states only four: They are:–
1. Every animal breathes in oxygen and exhales
carbon dioxide and water vapour in order to survive,
2. Every animal eats to sustain its life,
3. Every animal drinks water when thirsty,
4. Every animal excretes unwanted materials,
5. Every animal needs rest and sleep to allow
for bodily repairs, and finally
Every animal
indulges in sexual intercourse for species survival!
To dignify
humans and pretend that we are superior to lower animals we arrogate to
ourselves, the term: “rational beings” and then conveniently call them “drives”
rather than “instincts”!
Yet they
were designed and put there by the original architect, engineer and inventor of
all beings.
Jude: You are 100% correct there! In fact I
have not forgotten my elementary biology and the mnemonic I used for
remembering the seven characteristics of all living things: GRIMNER, others
at micro and macro-cellular levels – ensure physical development,
exchange of life giving gases oxygen versus
carbon dioxide as ordained by God,
Self preservation – early warning systems of danger,
The criteria of all living things – immanent motion,
We eat to live – not live to eat which lead to gluttony and/or drunkenness,
these are inhuman,
Removal of useless and poisonous by products of nutrition, and finally
replenishing the species – the misuse of which leads to lusts of the flesh;
homosexualism, lesbianism, fellatio, etc.
Jideofo: I knew it! I was confident that my friend,
Jude, is an intelligent student besides being a natural scientist.
Unfortunately, he fell into the hands of religious mystics and fanatics and
became one by both classical and operand conditioning! We may as well remind
scientists that “birth” and “death” are two other characteristics of all living
things, which they easily forget! Sorry for our interruptions, my magister,
fire on….
Kenez: Jude also learnt by modelling.
However, to return to our topic. These survival instincts or drives are basic
biological lessons every young student learns in junior secondary education.
We, sooner than later forget them and attribute all our errors in obeying
natural laws to the devil. That is the bane of all human beings who are
ignorant and lazy. They manufacture easy doctrines to explain away every human
problem. “The Devil pushed me into committing the sin!” they claim, -- False!
You refused to obey the laws of nature and therefore become ill – [ill at
ease]. Obedience to natural laws results in health, success and happiness!
Instead of blaming ourselves, we externalise the cause, we project our failure
unto someone else – the Devil.
Of the
last is exclusively reserved for SPECIES – SURVIVAL, mainly to replenish the
races of humankind. Moralists will tell you, it is meant only for adults, who
have preserved themselves until legal marriage! Nevertheless, today what do we
find? Even toddlers indulge in sexual activities.
You may
be shocked! See what the great grandmother of all human beings said in Genesis
Chapter 3; verses 2 – 3, GNB:
v.2. “We may eat the fruit of
any tree in the garden; the woman answered,
v.3. “Except
the tree in the middle of it. God told
us not to eat the fruit of that tree or even touch it; if we do, we will die.
Note that
emphasis – “or even touch it” – God forbade masturbation,
right from the infancy of Adam and Eve. Both were only a day old, or at most,
they were below ten years old, since both had just been created – more
especially the woman, who came last. They were forbidden from “even touching their genital parts.” Nevertheless, what do
we find today?
of today are even more sinful right from the cradle! However, with God, a sin
is a sin! There are no distinctions, gradations nor differentiation into venial
and grave or mortal sins! Do not mind the money spinning doctrine of demonic
theologians that held the world bondage for centuries! Sin is sin, no matter
who, when, how or where it is committed! It was, is, and will never be
graduated! If human infants indulge in the ‘sin’ of masturbation, according to
religionists, I submit that HUMAN NATURE IS AT FAULT RIGHT FROM BIRTH. Therefore, what the fathers of the Churches
are inadvertently saying is this: Every human being is sinful right from birth.
This they baptise, --‘ORIGINAL SIN!’ Sexual and other sensual pleasures remain
the bane of all humanity. We do not wait to mature and be legally licensed to
use our genital parts and so our sins lead us to early deaths.
See the
Epistle of James, Chapter 1, verses 14 and 15 in GNB edition:
“v. 14: But a person is tempted
when he’s drawn away and trapped by his own evil desire.
v. 15: Then
his evil desire conceives and gives birth to sin; and sin when it is full grown
gives birth to death.”
Thanks to
John, the beloved brother of Jesus, the Christ, the Devil has been cleared! So
the onset of death is EVIL DESIRE, and all temptations are initiated by selfish
gratification of the senses, especially that of sexual desire! With it comes,
Look at the
snake’s ‘modus operandi’ – Genesis Chapter 3, verses 4 and 5;
v . 4: The snake replied,
“That’s not true; you will not die.
v. 5: God
said that, because he knows that when you eat it you will be like God and know
what is good and what is bad”
Imagine the
snake stating that God told them a lie. That’s his trade. He had always been a
liar from the beginning – as Jesus the Christ clearly states in unambiguous
terms; see The Gospel of John, Chapter 8, verses 44 – 47! I advise that both of
you – Jude and Jideofo – digest the whole of that chapter! Especially meditate
on verses 31 – 47; then and only then will you know – who are the true DESCENDANTS OF THE SNAKE,
and who are the true DESCENDANTS
OF ADAM; Seth, through Noah down to Abraham and then to all genuine
Jideofo: Are you saying therefore that ORIGINAL SIN – is sensual
pleasure, telling lies against God and man?
Kenez: Yes,
but I am saying much more, I am exposing the chain reactions or the cycles of
sins. See what Eve did in Genesis
Chapter 3, verses 6 – 7.
v. 6: The woman saw how
beautiful the tree was and how good its fruit would be to eat, and she thought
how wonderful it would be to become wise. So she took some of the fruit and ate
it. Then she gave some to her husband
and he also ate it.
v. 7: As
soon as they had eaten it, they were given understanding and realised they were
naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and covered themselves.”
The sin of PRIDE, followed by SCANDAL, followed LUST and BLASPHEMY; accusing
God of telling lies. That is Satan’s strategy to date. He still uses that
methodology to deceive foolish people! So, be vigilant! Watch out!
First: --Evil desire – natural instincts are aroused,
Second: –The Master of lies – Satan, convinces you it’s not
against God’s laws.
Third: -- Wrong motivation, pride, lustful and rosy pictures
are painted for you
Fourth: --Negative impressions of wisdom – the ways of the world are
presented as being in vogue,
Fifth: --Then you indulge in sensual pleasure, immorality, and
a momentary pleasure or satisfaction,
Sixth: --Scandal – you entice someone else to indulge in it
Seventh: --Both of you are caught pants down and feel ashamed,
you begin to regret, feel guilty and subsequently other use ego defence
To date,
our children bathe in the open, unashamed, unembarrassed until they indulge in
their first sexual act! Then, you cannot convince nor force them to bathe in
public again. It is same in pre-literate societies. Virgins wear “jigida” beads
around their waists, their whole body, breast and buttocks fully exposed to
public glare – No shame, no guilt.
It’s all
normal in all races of mankind, until the virgin is defiled by a lustful male
descendant of the Snake –Then and only then, does she cry, run home, weep
bitterly, then confides in or confesses to mummy and daddy. She is clothed and
taken to the home of the one who defiled her. There she is secluded from the
public until arrangements for marriage are enforced on the culprit and his
immediate family!
Today –
this has not changed! The ORIGINAL SIN – is that Adam and Eve did not wait for
God to wed them! Their gonads were yet to mature for useful reproductive
activities and then God would have wedded them formally and legally. Meanwhile,
because Eve was extremely elegant and beautiful – The Snake/Lucifer – the Evil
Angel, a Prince of the heavenly court, a Son of God, – could not resist seeing
the naked virgin. He enticed and seduced
her; displaying his genitals! To date, an erect penis is a wonder to behold by
any woman! Most cannot resist it! Eve was not different.
**She saw how beautiful the tree
(penis) was and how good (sweet) its fruit would be eat (how romantic and
enjoyable it would feel inside her vagina) and she thought how wonderful it
would be to become wise (how pleasurable it would feel to control an angelic
being) so she consented. **
Then she
enjoyed her first sexual intercourse and definitely, she must have reached
orgasm. For we are told that she later tutored Adam, the innocent, puerile and
naïve novice on the use of the forbidden tree dangling upside down between his
thighs. To date, young and inexperienced men are still seduced and initiated
into sexual intercourse by the great granddaughters of the same Eve, their
amorous and great Ancestor! That’s the ORIGINAL SIN! The effect – “they felt
embarrassed and realised they were naked.”
Jideofo: I am at a loss on how to summarise
this lengthy discourse; A word is enough for the wise, may serve. Moreover, I
noticed that no historian, dead or alive, could ever conceptualise, contemplate
nor imagine writing the genealogy of a son before that of his father! This is
in reference to our last discourse on “CAIN’S PATERNITY IN DISPUTE,” That
Cain’s descendants were first listed, clinches the assertion that he was not a
biological son of Adam! The absence of his name in the Book of Numbers confirms
it. Even, Jesus, the Christ, centuries later affirmed it! No one needs to
educate me on this hard and bitter truth. It is so crystal clear, that only
psychopath could doubt it!
I knew it all along!
This was where the entire lengthy lecture would end. This is sophistry at its
best. However, I concede both of you 100%. You have used practical reasoning;
fundamental ethics, elementary biology and simple logic to unravel what the
‘doctors’ of the Church wrapped up in falsehood for centuries. Congratulations,
my dear friends. It is a privilege to discuss with very insightful men like
you! I call for a recess. We shall all go home to digest what we have learnt
today. Good Bye and God bless us all!
![]() |
Jideofo: Was it justifiable that God tried to exterminate Cain and
his descendants in order to cleanse the world? Yes, it was! At least it would
have been easier when their numerical strength was still small. In addition,
the viral infection was minimal and controllable then! He tired and failed! So,
Why did God fail?
Jude: Kenez,
hear him again – querying the Almighty – This is utter blasphemy!
Kenez: Please define this word you have so
often used, so that we may understand it better! Also, give us your operational
definitions of heresy, apostasy and infidel; if you don’t mind…
Jude: Our
reference dictionary on page 112 says – and I quote
“Blaspheme” … (against sb/sth) to swear or curse using the name of God;
to speak in a very rude away about God or sacred things; [Vn, Vpr] blaspheme
(against) the name of God [v] He always swears and blasphemes when he is drunk.
Kenez: But Jideofo is not drunk – or
--are you?
Jude: You never can say – He is my
friend. You are only meeting him for the first time – I know that he is a
disciple of Bacchus.
Jideofo: Please read Genesis 9 verses 18 – 29, and let’s see whether
as Adam, Noah started the ORIGINAL SIN OF DRUNKENNESS or not.
(Roars with laughter – while Jude blocks his ears) … ‘Hey Jude, don make me sad…etc’, - that sentimental song by
the Beatles in the 1960s. Why are you blocking your ears? Are you afraid of the
truth --- or are you also ignorant that HAM is the father of all foolish people
who dare to look at the nakedness of their own daddies?
Jude: Let
me read, later we argue … Genesis 6, begins the story of Noah – why the jump to
Chapter 9 – verses 18 – 29…
Jideofo: That’s the real message of the story of Noah – the rest are
its commentary. Common Jude – we have no
Jude: Okay
if you insist, but which version – GNB or KJV.
Jideofo: Anyone you like, every Tom, Dick and Harry knows the
narrative --- what they do not see or reason out; that is my concern not the
length of the boat neither in cubits nor the duration of the flood.
Jude: GNB
– has a better English narrative than KJV – which states thus:
v.18 The sons of Noah who went
out of the boat were Sham, Ham and Japheth (Ham was the father of Canaan)
19 These three sons of Noah were the
ancestors of all the people on earth.
v.20. Noah, who was a farmer, was the first man to
plant a vineyard.
v.21 After he drank some of the wine, he became
drunk, took off his clothes and lay naked in his tent.
v.22. When Ham, the father of
Canaan, saw that his father was naked, he went out and told his two brothers.
v.23. Then Shem and Japheth took a robe and held
it behind them on their shoulders. They
walked backwards into the tent and covered their father, keeping their faces
turned away so as not to see him naked.
v.24. When Noah was sober again and learnt what
his youngest son had done to him
v.25 he said… A curse on Canaan! He will be a slave to his brothers.
v.26. Give praise the to the Lord, the God of
Shem, Canaan will be the slave off Shem.
v.27. May God cause Japheth to increase! May his descendants live with the people of
Shem! Canaan will be the slave of
v.28. After the flood Noah lived for 350 years.
v.29. And died at the age of 950.
Kenez: Are
you now satisfied Jideofo – so where do we go from there – over to you – lead
Jideofo: Can’t you see the injustice of human judgement? Why should Noah curse our forefather HAM,
after all he was the youngest of the three sons – and he Noah was the culprit …
He planted a vineyard – brewed some wine and got himself drunk – so why should
he curse Ham? – An inexperienced young man?
Did he commit an offence by
going to tell his older brothers who had the right solution? In the first
place, did he need to undress himself to advertise his stupidity in not knowing
how much wine he could drink? Every time
I read that portion – I weep for Ham and us – the Jewish or Negroid race –
can’t you see that there was a miscarriage of justice there – UNLIKE, Genesis
3, verses 14 – 21, when an all wise God passed fair punishment on the Snake,
Eve and Adam. For his naivety, Ham had his descendants punished – not even
himself – why?
Kenez: If I get you right, Jideofo – you are
querying the authority of Noah to punish his grandchildren through the fault of
his direct son: HAM.
Jideofo: Yes - - Can’t you see the injustice?
Jude: Now,
I get you. In God’s case – he queried the three offenders, weighed their
statements before he passed judgement.
In Noah’s case, he acted on hear – say; never bothered to find out the
details and sentenced an innocent generation leaving out his own son from the
Jideofo: Yes – so the 1st Drunkard is to blame for the
third ORIGINAL SIN in the bible – not Ham; his descendants, the Jewish nor the
Negroid race. He condemned us all, to second class citizens of the earth.
Slaves to descendants of Shem and Japheth – and that’s when SLAVE TRADE was
I sympathise with
you. I do not share the later part of your explanation. Was it not our
forefathers who sold their kith-and-kin? If there were no sellers, then they
would be no buyers!
Jideofo: Wrong again – Kenez – what’s happened to your quick wit.
Has Jude hypnotised you by remote control … Now read Genesis Chapter 6 verses 5
– 8, you will get my point.
Kenez: Genesis 6, 5-8 from the GNB version
v.5 “When the Lord saw how
wicked everyone on earth was and how evil their thoughts were all the time
v.6 He
was sorry that he had even made them and put them the earth. He was so filled with regret.
v.7 That he said, “I will wipe out the people
I have created, and also the animals and the birds, because I am sorry that I
made any of them.
v.8 But the Lord was pleased with Noah.
Jideofo: Exactly – why did God’s sanitation exercise fail? Because
‘He was pleased with Noah’ - and so decided to save this one ‘holy’ and just
man. However, He made a grievous mistake, just like He did on the eighth day by
creating Eve. God could have stuck to his decision in verse 7… Verse 8
completely thwarted his resolution. Eventually it messed up his sanitation
exercise. And then to think that a just man, who had only three sons – could
later become drunk by his own making, undress himself whereas God had made
clothes to cover Adam and Eve after he drove them out of the garden of Eden –
and still go ahead to curse the innocent messenger who made it possible for his
nakedness to be covered by his older sons – is a gross miscarriage of justice!
Jude: I
agree. He, Noah was the first brewer of wine. He, Noah was the first drunkard,
and He, Noah was the first exhibitionist – exposing what God had made secret to
public glare. Yet he had the effrontery to curse the descendants of his son,
but was afraid of cursing Ham, his own son who saw his nakedness.
Kenez: The
injustice lies in that part. If Ham had not seen a naked Noah, if Ham had not
gone to tell his older and more experienced brothers – might be Noah’s wife or
even his three daughters-in-law could have seen him naked. In short, Ham did
the job of a good errand boy – so he never faulted. How was he supposed to know
that his father was drunk, how else could anyone have thought of covering his
nakedness if no mass communicator did the job of present day media men?
Jideofo: You are with me now. both of you are wise men and can
easily fathom out the unfair judgement.
Jude: Ham
should have borne the punishment himself – not transfer his curse to his
Kenez: That is the grouse Jideofo has
against Noah.
Jideofo: Noah, had no LOCUS STANDI to prosecute the case in the first place, moreover,
he never established a PRIMA FACIE evidence before jumping to his hasty
punishment. Moreover, he left the “culprit” - Ham was not even guilty and
cursed his descendants rather than Ham himself! – If Peter denied Christ three
times in the New Testament even after being warned – did that merit him a curse
or any punishment for his off springs?
Kenez: No … it’s a wonder that God
allowed Noah to live for another 350 years after his callous injustice. However, if you read Genesis 10, verses: 6 –
20, you will be surprised that Noah’s curse was not carried out to the letter.
God in his Infinite Mercy and Justice ameliorated that drunkard’s curse. See
verse 8; “Cash, a descendant of Ham bore Nimrod” – the World’s FIRST GREAT CONQUEROR and therefore Abraham – equally was a great grandson of Ham, for he
hailed from Ur, a city in Babylon established by Nimrod. So how did the
Israelites cook up verse 18; that suffix of “(Ham was the father of Canaan)”?
This is blatant forgery!
Jude: So
how come Jideofo – linked Noah’s curse to Negroes serving the Whites and
Yellows – I can’t get him – Is he not quoting the bible out of context?
Kenez: That’s a wonder. Only Jideofo holds
the ace this time, so we are at his mercy. em h n – Jide – are you?
Jideofo: No, I am not ready to divulge my source yet – I am still
angry with the drunkard Noah – who is the grand patron of all Bacchus
disciples, palm wine drinkers club, etc.
Jude: Can
we say anything about the rainbow. Are
there any scientific backing for the covenant God had with Noah and the rainbow
being the sign of that ancient covenant?
Before that, note
that because most trees and mere plants were dead, God modified the dietary
rules for Noah and his sons; see verses 2 and 3, but adds in verse 4, a menu
forbidding blood in it. In GNB edition, read v.6 decrees: Death for any
animal or man that kills a human being,:
v.6: Human beings were made like
God, so whomever murders one of them will be killed by someone else….
Verse 11 – “With these words I make my covenant with you. I promise
that never again will all human beings be destroyed by a flood; never again
will a flood destroy the earth.
v.12. As a sign of this
everlasting covenant which I am making with you and with all living
beings. V.13. I am putting my bow in the clouds. It will be
a sign of my covenant with the world”…
Jideofo: So God has given us an estimate of the length of his arm.
Mathematicians, geographers, astronomers, physicists and engineer can now guess
the length of God’s hand.
Jude: Another bolt out of the blues!
Kenez: No,
my dear, here Jideofo is correct! God cannot lie – so when He said he has put
his bow in the clouds – you have to take it literally. If a man uses a bow and
arrow – you can estimate his height and
the length of his arm and even the length of the arrows he might use on such a bow.
Jideofo: What I am really saying is that from one end of the sky to
the other end is only one third of God’s arm. We can only cower in humility,
when we imagine the thousands of kilometres the bow alone measures! Note also
that this bow is half the circumference of the earth. So as we know the mass,
weight, and circumference of the earth – we can imagine the type of super giant
that can use that type of bow!
Jude: Now,
I get your meaning, Oh! How Great is the Lord who made the heavens and the
earth and all that is in them! Read Psalm 104, and if you are not humbled by it
– then read the books of Solomon or those Sirach. Both attempted a
comprehensive summary on the wonders of creation and the miracles in nature!
Kenez: We
must stop here my friends but never forget that boat builders have Noah as
their great forerunner, and the Almighty God, the Boat Engineer!
*Our most
cherished readers, the discussants you have been reading and thinking along
with, were emboldened to discuss these issues due to the invitation of Isaiah,
the Prophet. Job in Chapter I, verse 18 says: KJV: v.18. Come now, and let us
reason together, saith the Lord.
GNB: v.18: The Lord says, “Now let’s
settle the matter!”
That is our motivation. I hope we have wizened you up!
Jideofo: My dear friends, I must congratulate each of us for the
sincerity, fortitude and maturity we have exhibited during all these days of
our discussions. So, where do we go from here?
Jude: Everything
that has a beginning – must surely have an end – what we need now is a
summary…. At least a conclusion of the matter!
Kenez: I
suggest that we itemise as many salient points as we can for the benefit of our
descendants, readers or seekers of the truth…
Nothing existed before God. The Lord God can make
and unmake. He initiated all thoughts, words and actions and He still does.
He was and is still the Original Animator,
Initiator, Designer, Architect, Engineer, Anaesthetic, Surgeon, Chief Justice,
and Executioner of His Judgements! He
uses his good and bad angels for the purposes He made them to achieve His objectives.
No one assisted Him in any of his creations to date;
though He often allows angels and human beings the freedom to choose to obey
him or disobey. The former to
demonstrate their loyalty, wisdom and love, the latter to demonstrate their
rebellious nature and stupidity.
The created universe was designed for Adam, Eve and
their descendants to enjoy, oversee and manage.
However, one heavenly being was jealous of this dominant status given to
human beings and so plotted and deceived Adam and Eve to disobey their loving
Almighty Father.
This resulted in the first court case wherein
permanent roles and duties were assigned to the culprits: – suffering, hatred,
enmity, labour pains, and manual labour entered the dictionary of an otherwise
peaceful paradise – and death and murder followed in their wake.
The creation story also points out the order
of work; That we must work for six days of the week and rest on the seventh day
to mark our dedication, reverence and loyalty to our Lord God, who established
that holiday by being the first to rest after he created everything in six
Jideofo: When does a week begin – is it on
Sundays or Mondays?
Jude: Mondays,
of course, look at our calendars. There are all HUMAN CONTRAPTIONS. It all started with the
falling in love of a Roman Emperor with a Jewish girl. Read historical records
and you will better appreciate these. The Romans worshipped the sun – and their
pagan festivals were elaborate and demonically celebrated. When this Emperor got converted to Christianity
– he enforced an observance of worship on that day as a way of converting all
his subjects, legalising it with a royal decree. Thus Sundays – the days they
worshipped their pagan god – became the Holy day of rest – that is the seventh
day commanded in Exodus 31 verses 12 – 18.
Kenez: Good!
I am very proud of the presentation. That’s the spirit, Jideofo – do you
Jideofo: Of course, No, for once, Jude has shown some scholarship
and I cannot deny him that – congratulations, my dear friend – Jude the
convert, the born – again – now he can talk for himself – not quoting dogmas
and doctrines.
Kenez: So why do Muslims celebrate this day
of rest on Fridays?
Jude: A
rebel will always be a rebel – and to be noticed he has to do something awkward
to attract recognition. They chose that
day to differentiate themselves as belonging to the Great Prophet of their
religion – Mohammed.
Jideofo: But Jews are the original rebels – even God calls them
“harlots” – Read Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel and see that the most ungrateful
and pampered race in the world is the Jewish race! They held on to the Sabbath
because of their pride and “stiff neckedness” – these qualifications are not
mine – they were used by prophets of the Most High God to describe and
stigmatise them. Even Moses got punished
on their behalf!
Kenez: What we are saying is; REST is a
natural law. Every living thing must rest occasionally. That’s the
Creator’s dictate, you can choose Mondays or Wednesdays – The important thing
is that all machines, must rest and be over-hauled! Or else, the engine breaks
Jideofo: But, despite your oratory and Jude’s knowledge of history –
no one can deceive me into forgetting the lapses in your hasty summary – you
missed out the following:
1. That darkness existed before light, and
that there was neither sun, nor any moon for the first three days!
2. That God ordained the sun to mark days, the
moon to mark months.
3. That the earth appeared from the waters
below the dome.
4. That most plants are hermaphroditic, and so
was Adama
5. That fishes, birds, animals – domestic and
wild – were first created in pairs and had their reproductive powers before
6. That God decreed dietary regulations for
all animals and human beings, but today only man disobeys it.
7. That all living things came from the soil
of the earth and that is why when any dies it returns to the earth either by
formal burial or inadvertently.
8. That Cain was a descendant of Satan, while
Abel was a descendant of another angelic being.
9. That Satan engineered his son Cain to
exterminate and prohibit Abel from having any descendants whom might be good
and offer sincere offerings to God Almighty.
10. That the first true biological son of Adam
came when Adam’s gonads matured at 130 years of age.
11. That no man to date can resist a naked and
tantalising virgin – libido is natural to all men.
12. In like manner, no healthy, non- –
menstruating or nursing woman can resist an erect penis that is attractive!
Jude: Hey
Jideofo – that will do – can’t you resist the temptation to expose everything …
or at least allow others to contribute … for instance:
A. That we must give God the best part of
our harvest, this includes
our brains, intelligence, beauty,
eloquence, reasoning power and all
other talents we possess – because only He gave them to us, and
continues to give them even now that we are discussing!
B. That Human disobedience is for sons of the
original liar, Destroyer and Killer – the Snake /Lucifer.
C. That the first murderer was Cain and his
punishment was doubly canvassed for by his descendant who also introduced
polygamy and also killed a young man – see Genesis 4 verse 8, then verse 19,
and lastly verses 23 – 24.
D. That Cain and Abel were not descendants of
Adam and Eve – rather Seth who begot, Enoch – and very much later down the line
of his true descendants begot Enoch – the first Saint in the whole bible. See. Genesis Chapter 5, verses 18 – 24.
E. That Methuselah was the oldest man recorded
in the bible, moreso, he also waited longest for his gonads to mature – see
verse 25 and 26.
F. That Human wickedness was from the line of
lustful sons of heavenly beings and came down to the earth and married
beautiful women gave birth to wicked giants who terrorised Adam’s descendants!
And that they eventually grieved God to reduce the longevity of human beings to
120 years.
G. That God’s first attempt to sanitise the
world failed woefully hence the atrocities following the flood as epitomised in
Sodom and Gomorrah.
H. That angels always appear in the form of
men never as women – see Genesis 19 verses 1 – 11 for evidence. See chapter 18 verses 1 – 15, Angels appeared
as men and ate food.
I. That Noah was the progenitor of the
agrees completely with science discovered millions of years later.
J. Finally, I want to stop here – All mankind
owe adoration, praise, worship and obedience to God, our Almighty Creator and
love of all human beings irrespective of race, religion or class – since we are
all children of one Adam and one Eve.
Jideofo: That’s very commendable Jude – am I happy? Yes of
course. We have done the
impossible. We have shown that a caged
lion can break out of its cage. All
imprisoned fanatics, mystics and dogmatized humans can now breathe free air,
and worship with reason and conscious devotion. However note this correction;
all wicked human beings in existence today, are the great grand children of
Satan via their great ancestor Cain!
Kenez: So
what you are saying in fact is that others may profit from this our heated
debate, trilogy or discourse. But I am
afraid that if we go to print we may create enmity between rationalists and
Jude: Never
mind, I can handle them. I am an
insider. We know how to re-package
volatile messages and sell them to those imbued with over-zealous
religiosity. It’s only a façade, a
masquerade. Most of them pretend to be
holier than us rationalists. They are
more emotional; you may not realise nor even know and fall more easily than
Adam. Most of them are truly sexual
perverts, worse than Casanovas and lesbians; in short most of them are lions in
sheep’s clothing. Believe me!
All said and
done, we should learn to have love in our hearts, obey all the natural laws
that Our Creator and Almighty Father put into creation. The moral content of
the bible is true – it is the compass for sailing through these murky waters of
survival. Every inventor prepares a manual to direct the user of the product on
how to derive the maximum benefit from his invention. So also, has the Creator
of the world done. The whole Bible is HIS MANUAL for deriving the most from his
created universe. Follow his instructions and you will live long, in love and
in happiness.
The title of his manual is “LOVE”;
He created the universe out of his own desire to share his love with created
beings. Out of love he designed everything sequentially over millions of years,
and lastly he created MAN and WOMAN to oversee and derive love from everything
He created. So, it is left for you to decide to enjoy or to suffer, to laugh or
to cry, to be happy or to be sorrowful. Every action you take attracts an equal
and commensurate joy or sorrow unknown to the average human mind. When your
actions are evil, you may not immediately see the results; effects or
repercussions but surely you will eventually reap depression, guilt, illness
and death!
Avoid evil and do good – that is the message
of the Bible. Read: GNB. Psalm 34 verses
11 – 33
v.11. Come, my young friends,
and listen to me
And I will teach you
to honour the Lord
v.12 Would you like to enjoy
Do you want long life
and happiness?
v.13 Then hold back from
speaking evil
and from telling lies
v.14 Turn away from evil and
do good,
strive for peace with
all your heart
v.15 The Lord watches over the
and listens to their
v.16 But opposes those who do
so that when they die,
they are soon forgotten
v.17 The righteous call to the
Lord, and he listens;
He rescues them from
all their troubles.
v.18 The Lord is near to those
who are discouraged;
He saves those who
have lost all hope
v.19 The good man suffers many
but the Lord saves him
from them all;
v.20 The Lord preserves him
not one of his bones
is broken
v.21 Evil will kill the
those who hate the
righteous will be punished
v.22 The Lord will save his
those who go to Him
for protection will be spared.
This is the
sum total of total of all the stories in the bible, starting from the book of
Genesis to Revelation. It encapsulates all the commandments, moral instructions
and warnings from the Inventor, Designer and Architect of the Universe. Follow
this manual – and you will live long enough to declare his goodness to your
great grandchildren. Disobey them and you will not even see nor enjoy your
fiftieth birthday, talk less of seeing any grandson or daughter!
obituaries and funeral orations. Those are the final examination result being
declared from the human point of view.
But God looks from the inside. When you get praise from human tongues,
watch yourself, you are standing on slippery ground. The sons of the snake are
at it again. Praise singers, sycophants and fair-weather friends are
descendants of the Evil one and their music lead to the grave. If you want
praise that is genuine, extract them from widows, orphans, destitute and the
less privileged in society! They are the registrars in God’s universities. The
syllabus, curriculum and examination questions are clearly published, such that
even the blind can decipher the answers.
Read Psalm
15 – in GNB, entitled WHAT GOD REQUIRES:
v.1 Lord, who may enter your temple?
may worship in Zion your sacred hill?
v.2 A person who obeys God in everything
always does what is right.
words are true and sincere
v.3 and who does not slander others
does no wrong to his friends
spreads rumours about his neighbours
v.4 He despises those who God rejects,
honours those who obey the Lord
always does what he promises,
matter how much it may cost.
v.5 He makes loans without charging interest
and cannot be bribed to testify
against the innocent whoever does these things will always be secure!
The last
sentence is not my own addendum. You will find it in all the bible versions. So
my reader – if you want to be my disciple; A TRUE KENEZIAN – you now have A CODE OF CONDUCT, A
Nevertheless, let me warn you – I doubt whether you have the inner spirit, the
will power and a disciplined body to pass those question papers on life and
rightful conduct! May be another ‘expo’ might help the weak minded! Go and read
the following: JOB,
also kneel down daily and pray five Psalms in deep meditation! In our next
publication, we will then explain why THIS WORLD’S HOTTEST CAKE could give you satisfaction or
constipation! It may improve your health or give you diarrhoea! Eat with
caution! Do not over-indulge in sweet things! Pampered children always do, but
we do hope, you are not a child!
The existential lessons of the story
of Genesis, Chapters 1-10 as we have discussed here, are numerous! However,
let’s list only ten for this edition:
1. The
constituents of cell structures have been documented by scientists, down to the
A, C, G, T, components of the gene helix, yet no one scientist nor a group can
explain how the water, chemicals, molecules, nutrients and other materials are
held together to make it a living cell that is capable of mitosis or meiosis.
2. Robots
have been designed but they are not alive.
They are still under the control of human intelligence and will. Heart beat, respiration, independent thought
and reasoning are completely absent.
Neither cameras nor electron microscopes can compete with the eyes of an
eagle! Nothing invented by man can match the speed of an ostrich! Nor can any
other contraption compete with the hearing acuity of a bat!
3. Cybernetics and electronic engineering
feats abound in every sphere of communication yet none has been invented to
decipher chemical or electrical transmissions as the nervous system of the
human body, nerves, axons, etc and none can associate words, music, laughter,
sorrow, joy, or weeping as in the human body.
4. Where
God takes the gold medal is the process of reproduction in everything He
created. In-vitro fertilisation and
cloning are copycats and imitations of God’s original viviparous, asexual and
sexual modalities of ingenious reproductive activities. They are still based on nature to give
commensurable results. No one has
explained how two liquids – the sperm and the ovum – can produce a human skull
– one of the hardest objects in the world.
It’s mere formation; its joints and its durability are great wonders to
all engineers and architects.
5. We,
humans, must humble ourselves and worship this All-Creative Power, for even the
water we drink, the air we breathe and the common salt on our dinner
tables. Sodium is poisonous on its own. Chlorine is a poisonous gas by itself. Yet only God could initiate the formula that
combined them to give us our essential table salt. We may have found the
formula God used to create salt, but we are only unravelling a miraculous
parcel packaged at the creation story in Genesis.
Hydrogen and oxygen independently are very combustible gases. So how did the Almighty Chemist moderate
their bonding together to give us water, with which either of them can be put
off in a conflagration! Humans
think! Humans become wise! We, human
beings must learn to be humble and worship this All Creative, All Innovative
and All Caring Creator!
7 We
owe our concept of time to the creation story.
Our clocks and chronometers are all set from the movement of the
sun. Our yearly calendars or seasonal
changes and their nomenclatures were also decided and are all dependent on that
first decision of the Almighty to have daylight and evening the first day!
Later, after the great flood the same Almighty Creator added seasons.
8. Medical
scientists now know that anaesthesia and surgery are not human
contraptions. Engineers, Sculptors,
Architects, Mathematicians, Astronomers and Geographers – all envy the work of
the Almighty Creator and only copy his designs.
For they themselves were/are his creations, and even their skills,
talents and expertise are evaluated by comparing their output with nature’s
9. No
one dead or alive can create a single ant.
Not that someone has not attempted to, but that there is no way to even
form a molecule nor a cell membrane without depending on nature! Again, no one
can explain what really happens when one is dreaming. No one can calculate the speed of thought,
the expansiveness and all consuming nature of air, daylight and darkness.
10. We
are miniature gods, made in the image of this Almighty Creator, and in his
likeness, yet we cannot live without his oxygen. We owe Him, or Her or It, everlasting filial
love and obedience, -- as heirs of His Royal Kingdom now and always. Let’s love nature, obey its laws and
accommodate each person we meet in our short span of earthly existence. That is
the only way to show Him our appreciation. Let’s thank Him for our lives!
We must avoid anything;
Any thoughts,
Any words,
or any actions that suggest disobedience to all natural laws in
creation! Find them and obey them: then and only then can we all live amicably
in this beautiful world filled with beautiful people!
Yours ever, Professors Jude, Jideofo & Kenez.Ó 2001
Rascals Could Be Masked Geniuses
Many parents are happy to have
intelligent sons and daughters and so I was when Jude and later, Jideofo were
born! They were rascally, adventurous and inquisitive! Soon Kenez joined them.
He was very witty! Then my home became a noisy stadium! My wife and I in
addition to six daughters, however, enjoyed them.
Jude, the oldest entered the
seminary early in life but soon abandoned ship during the stormy weather of
theosophical rhetoric as was then demonstrated by his expatriate lecturers in
the Faculty of Philosophy of Bigard Memorial Seminary, Enugu in 1970.
Jideofo, a pragmatic sage entered
the University of Lagos to read an honours degree in psychology but at the end
of his three years sojourn there, he emerged more of an existential philosopher
than a scientific psychologist did in 1975. His National Youths Service was
turbulent at the Department of Psychiatry, University College Hospital, Ibadan.
He later got commissioned into the NAF and became an air force medical officer.
Kenez, the youngest of the three,
right from childhood, would not accept any command or lesson until he was
tutored and/or clarified on the 'whys', 'hows' and 'wherefores' of the command!
Even ordinary chores or common domestic errands were only run when he was
thoroughly convinced they were necessary and beneficial. This one was a bone in
the neck of all his lecturers and consultants at the School of Medicine,
College of Medical Sciences, of the University of Benin. He ended up
specialising in clinical psychology, majoring in existential psychotherapy,
earning a doctorate degree in psychometrics!
As an educationist with a modest wife,
who was sagacious all the same, we coped the best we could to raise the eleven
kids that the Almighty blessed us with, stretching our energies to elastic
limits while managing our meagre income in the 1950s, 1960s and the 1970s. Kenez, however came to our rescue when he
finished from the University of Benin.
Without the slightest premonition, I
eavesdropped on their youthful arguments relating to subjects I had never
learnt in my elementary teacher training colleges! The only topics I could decipher were the
ones relating to the bible and some catholic doctrines and dogmas, which I was
conversant with, for I raised them to belong to that universal denomination of
Christianity. I was a Community Catechist/Headmaster, and later in life I rose
to become a fourth degree Knight of Columbus, Houston Texas, U.S.A.
Before the golden jubilee of my wedding
to their mother, I once called a meeting of the three rascals and pleaded with
them to document most of their arguments, or discussions or even their
discourses! I was not sure of what they really called them! I impressed it upon
them that every useful knowledge or insight came from God, the Creator of the
Universe! I hope that they obliged me. I want to believe that you are
harvesting, as well as investing in their onerous duty of the enwisdomisation
of all humankind! Never mind the unusual word I have just used, I learnt from
the rascals, and you need to find out its meaning just I did!! If you fail to
acquire its true meaning, then welcome the world of ambiguity that
characterised my eavesdropping adventures or hide-and seek episodes!
The contents of this booklet are the results of that plea. I sincerely
hope it captures your imagination and curiosity as it did to me in those early
years of their disputations. Please read Matthew Chapter 13, verses 24 – 30
& 36 – 43 for deriving the maximum benefits from their discourse! Happy
digestion, or by default, indigestion!
Now, go ahead and read PROVERBS;
Chapter 9, verses 5—10 for a better appreciation of the wisdom of these
rascals. This is my own little contribution to the baking of this hot cake! You
may call it my patriarchal or sugary icing on the cake! Eat with caution!
God Bless Everyone!
Houston, Texas
$ 1,000!
You stand the chance of winning the above prize money by
simply answering these simple questions. All entries must be cut out from
original pages of this book and mailed to the Secretary General, with the
address given at the end of the Foreword. Remember to enclose your mailing
address and how you want us to remit your money!
1. Where was God before
the creation story? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. Which came first,
day or night? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. Was Adam created
before or after all the other things? ………………………………………………………………………
4. Where was Adam when
Eve was conversing with the Snake?
5. Whose punishment was
most severe, the Snake, Eve or Adam? ………………….Give three reasons:……………………………..
6. Who was the midwife
that took the deliveries of both Cain and Abel?…………………………………………………………………Explain
your theory:…………………………………………………
7. Who obeyed God’s
decree on the occupations that humans were to engage in? -- Cain or
Abel?………………………….………….. Give adequate explanations:………………………………………..
8. If you were Cain,
what answer would you have given to God
when He asked, ”Where is thy brother ?…………………………..
9. Who died first,
Adam or Eve?…………………………………..
10. From current
knowledge of the history of the peoples of the world today, whom do you really
assume were the true descendants of
Now, fill in the
following demographic data to enable us process your prize money!
Name in full:…………….……………………………………...
Here state in a few sentences, your candid assessment of
Dr. J.
K. Danmbaezue, D. Psych., FACRS,
Clinical Psychologist / Existential FamilyTherapist,
C, House: 82, Federal Housing Estate, Trans-Ekulu,
O. Box 1995. Telephone; 042-551199 or
the Paper presented at
Durban, South Africa 23 August –
2nd September 2001.
This guest paper
emphasises the origins and development of prejudice, discrimination,
ethnocentrism, stereotypy and religious bigotry as the seeds that germinate
into racism or racialism, dominant and minority ethnic groups that culminate in
stressful relations, violence and wars.
A cross-cultural harmonisation of
child-rearing practices is the author’s therapeutic prescription if youths must
be re-oriented towards the universal brotherhood of humanity. We have the same
basic anatomy and physiology; we share the same air, water, food and rest
periods. Blood groupings, emotions, motivations, and libido allow for similar
sex attractions, pregnancies and births. So, where do these ethnic superiority
and inferiority complexes come from?
“Kenezian Creed” and “The Letter to Educationists all over the world”,
epitomise the ideals that this Existential Therapeutic Programme
enunciates. The panacea for racism is a
systematic re-education, religious liberalism and socio-political equality,
which should form the foundations of cross-cultural harmonisation of youth
counselling and personality development initiatives.

C. V.
Dr. J. K. Danmbaezue is a fifty-three year old
privately employed Consultant Clinical Psychologist, an Existential Family
Counsellor and a Research Psychometrician with an outfit at Federal Housing
Estate, Enugu, named: “KENEZ HEALTH KLINIK.” He treats the psychological
problems of the adolescent age bracket and counsels young adults about to wed,
administering psychological tests and utilising the results to re-direct
incompatible couples. Postnuptial crises are also handled. In addition, he runs
an NGO-christened HAPPY FAMILY NETWORK INTERNATIONAL, which aims at the
globalisation of those principles neatly encapsulated in his unique KENEZIAN
CREED and LETTER TO ALL EDUCATIONISTS. He has developed several tests, is
happily married and has three kids. He holds a Doctor of Science degree in
psychometrics besides being a Fellow of the African College of Research
Philosophy demands the
delimitation of concepts, terms or nomenclatures for clarity of discussions,
analyses, conclusions and recommendations.
The following are relevant in our case:
Prejudice is “a system of negative conceptions, feelings and action-orientations
regarding the members of a particular group”; whereas “Discrimination” refers to “overt action in which members of
a group are accorded unfavourable treatment on the basis of their religious,
ethnic or racial membership” Zanden, (1972).
Ethnocentrism is “an exaggerated tendency to think the characteristics of one’s own
group or race superior to those of other groups or races” whereas “stereotypy” means “a
pathological symptom of mental or nervous disorder showing itself in continuous
repetition of seemingly senseless words and syllables, or of certain posture’s
and actions”. Drever (1972).
bigotry refers to “an obsessive belief and
practice system whereby a person or group of people has strong and unreasonable
opinion and will not listen to or accept any contrary views or religious
opinions of anyone who disagrees”. Hornby (1976).
Racism or
Racialism refers to “any set of beliefs that
organic genetically transmitted differences (whether real or imagined) between
human groups are intrinsically associated with the presence or absence of
certain socially relevant abilities or characteristics, hence that such
differences are a legitimate basis of invidious distinctions between groups
socially defined as races” Berghe (1967).
Ethnic Group is a parallel term for race “which is often socially defined on the
basis of cultural characteristics superimposed on perceived physical traits
defined by the group and/or is defined by other groups as different.... by
virtue of innate... inherited on genetically induced behavioural
patterns”. A. H. Coleman-cited in –
Krauss (1976) and this naturally leads us to Dominant and Minority groups –
which are the remote and immediate causes of violence, terrorism and wars.
A Dominant
Group is “one within a national state whose
distinctive culture and/or physiognomy is established as superior in the
society and which treats differentially/unequally other groups in the society
with other cultures or physiognomy “Marden and Meyer (1968), and
A Minority
Group is a “culturally or physically
distinctive and self–conscious social aggregate, with hereditary membership and
a high degree of endogamy, which is subject to political, economic or social
discrimination by a dominant segment of an environing political society” Williams
Analytically therefore, the recurrent decimal in all these definitions
is that racists are misguided, self-opinionated and neurotic people who need
ego trips or massage to suppress their feelings of inadequacy, otherwise termed
Ethnology and Ethnography do not support apartheid, religious bigotry or
racism. For want of space and time, there are two traditions in ethnic
relations and socio-anthropological studies, which this existential author
subscribes to:
the psychosocial orientation, which is phenomenological, and
the socio-cultural orientation, which is existential.
Both form the contrasting research
perspectives that most scholars patronise. However, they should complement each
other. Individuals are born “tabula raza” - a clean slate! It is parents and
relevant others that write on and crowd this slate with parochial traditions!
No child hates another child! Hatred is a learned behaviour! So many films and
dramas portray this. Individual prejudice comes mainly from the internalisation
of the prejudicial norms of one’s society. A case in point is the historical
origin of Hitler’s hatred for the Jews. A mistaken identity and maltreatment in
his primary school days when he freely associated with Jewish children -–was the
remote cause of anti-Semitism which he internationalised, followed by ‘German
blood superiority’ he championed which eventually led to the two world wars he
engineered! Black-white relations in U.S.A., Indians, Mexicans and Puerto
Ricans segregationist policies were manufactured by the adult populations. It
was neither the teenagers nor adolescents that coined the words “inferior race,
black men, black magic, black devil, apartheid, colonies and imperialism.”
South Africa’s multiracial society and apartheid system have been studied as
the ultimate in structured inequality while Hawaii and Brazil as multiracial
societies with a low degree of racism. Why can’t we replicate the latter form
of ethnic relations in all countries of the world? The choice is ours!
It is interesting to note what
anthropologists, psychiatrists, sociologists and psychologists have concluded
after varying researches into various aspects of child-rearing practices all
over the world. Collumb and Valatin (1970), French psychiatrists, concluded
“The social changes attendant on modernization cause far reaching
disturbances in traditional family organization and bring about alterations in
the relationship of the child to the family group. Love and authority are no
longer provided for the child by the communal group of the whole family but
(only) by the biological parents.... Are the parents able to take on these
loving and disciplinary roles alone? Cut off from their extended family group
on all sides, can they overcome their own problems and fears and make
themselves ready to fulfill their new functions? How does the child experience
these changes? Is it already possible to set out their pathological
consequences? It is difficult to say; however, one may state that the number of
maladjusted children, the number of adolescents with problems is growing
considerably, especially in towns. The present generation will be followed by
another which will have the same incidence of schizophrenia as in West” p. 127
This international Conference in South Africa in 2001 should address
those fundamental questions. What this author offers is only a
palliative/prophylactic recommendation. Before that however – we need to recall
what Erikson (1972) and Kohlberg (1969) posited as the critical stages of moral
development in teenagers and adolescents. These will help us formulate the
cross-cultural harmonisation this paper proposes. In his “EIGHT AGES OF MAN,”
Chap. 7 pp. 239-266; Erikson established eight sensitive developmental patterns
that parents, teachers and relevant others must take advantage of, if children
must grow up into mature, respectful and responsible citizens of the
world. Correspondingly, in his
approach – Lawrence Kohlberg of Harvard University posted six moral stages that
teenagers pass through – namely: pre-moral, instrumental-hedonistic, role
taking, law-and-order, autonomous-principle, and finally the
Time and space may not allow a detailed
discussion of these stages. However, let it be known also that: Bandura &
APPROACH, while Goshin, (1969) has relevant topics in their HANDBOOK OF SOCIALIZATION
THEORY AND RESEARCH; while Hoffman Martin, has his “Moral Development Theory”
All point to this one
fact: That what we give or fail to give growing children, teenagers or
adolescents form the base of all racial discriminations, hatred, fear and
apartheid tendencies. There are no known
genetic traits, or inherited behavioural patterns that warrant racial
discrimination. The adult population manufactured, patented and marketed
RACISM. Therefore, it remains their duty
and urgent responsibility to dismantle and obliterate the consequences of their
mischievous and xenophobic creations; apartheid, religious bigotry,
anti-Semitism, Zionism and all other forms of racial inequalities that they
The Creator of the universe did not
input any racial inequalities in his created beings. Nor did Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution,
even mention any scientific basis for racism. Politicians, warmongers and
demonic rulers who traded in human beings and monetary values invented racism
based on their inferiority complexes, xenophobic reactions and vainglorious
exploits. For how long must we all suffer for their mischief? The onerous duty
of liberated minds, as exemplified by the participants at this United Nation’s
Conference will come into sharper focus as we deliberate on the therapeutic
measures proposed by this paper.
In the light of the
foregone scientific references, this psychotherapist has developed two basic
inter-ethnic and inter-racial compositions – spanning a period of thirty years
CHILDREN.” The pair is crucial re-orientation ploys to revolutionise the religious
and educational climates of the world and subsequently ameliorate or slow down
the incidence of/or the increase in racial tensions, religious fanaticism and
ethnic cleansing.
used as an adjective meaning “involving, or containing ideas or elements from
two or more different cultures, while “HARMONISE” to make something harmonious
e.g. colours that harmonise well (i.e. together produce a pleasing effect) or
the cottages harmonise well with the landscape.
In music “harmonisation” means to play or sing notes that accompany the
main tune and produce harmony with the lead singer”. Hornby (1995) pp 279 &
From the above the therapeutic
regimen for racialism and other ethnic stressful relationships lies in the Homo sapiens sapiens accepting that
each culture must harmonise with the lead race; that is, the HUMAN RACE. If
musicians can harmonise with the lead singer why are whites, blacks and yellows
unable to harmonise? Its is due to ignorance, petty jealousy, morbid fear of
strangers and unbridled self-pride. An
attempt must be made to de-emphasise religion which is the greatest harbinger
of fanatical zeal to discriminate against and dominate others. MISINFORMATION
or DISINFORMATION – also known as propaganda that completes the racial tones
dictated by maniacal leaders, politicians and governments must be halted and
reversed systematically.
The Kenezian Creed sifts
the L.C.M and H.C.F. of the human race. Then it dresses them in philosophic,
ethical and scientific language which harmonises with the main language of
SPECIES. Of what value are our World Cups,
Olympics and Arts Festivals, if at the end of the day we still discriminate and
derogate others based simply on the colour of their skin, or eyes and or the
texture of their hairs? Does emotion and motivation vary among the races of
humankind? No, is the answer! Any man or woman can learn the language of the
ethnic groups they are born into and mingle with, hence, English, French,
Swahili, German and some other languages have gained international appeal and
usage. In the like manner, lets amplify those areas of cognition, memory and
recall that unify the races rather than propagate those minor differences that
separate and antagonise us.
In education, any child irrespective
of skin colour, genetic endowment and child rearing practices can become a
genius in nuclear physics, computer science, acrobatics and, music. There has
never been, nor will there ever be a scientific proof of the superiority of one
race to another. These xenophobic rationalisations are ego defence mechanisms
that emanate from depraved and demented minds and must not be allowed to drag
us to another world war. A word is
enough for the wise. The systematic incorporation of the tenets of the
following compositions into primary school/educational curricula will eradicate
racism world-wide:
Poetic presentations of Kenezian Ethical Philosophy
Nuggets of Wisdom for the Unification of all
Belief Systems.
1. I am of age; therefore, I affirm that I
exist! I am “ME”, you are “YOU” and we are “US”. I affirm that I am a Created
Being living in the present, hoping to come to an end as other creatures I have
observed, do come to a definitive end.
2. I therefore know that all finite
creatures obey some natural laws that govern existence. I affirm that these
laws are also eternal and like every other law, must have a Giver. I deduce
therefore that there are commensurate sanctions for any deliberate violation of
these laws.
3. When I observe the heavens and
landscapes, hills and valleys, rivers and oceans, sunrise and sunset, equinoxes
and eclipses, I am certain that this Eternal Law-giver is Great and Powerful in
all respects and possesses Superhuman Intelligence, Power and Control over all
of us?
4. When I inspect living and non-living
beings, their beauty and variety, their numbers and their sizes, especially
their modes of survival in varying environments, and particularly their ability
to reproduce their kinds, I confess that this Eternal Law-giver must be
Beautiful, Loving and All-Creative.
5. I respect “IT” in all “ITS” creations
while admiring in particular those that move about. For I do realise that I share the traits they
have; we all have the same basic structures, we survive by performing similar
functions, have similar feelings and produce comparable results. I cannot but bow
in reverence and worship this Almighty Being, the Eternal Law-Giver who
sustains everything on this planet.
6. This Almighty Being set all things in
motion. “IT” directs their courses and life spans, keeps them in space and
time, now and always. And because there
are no accidents in nature when “IT’S” laws are strictly adhered to, I attest
to the fact that “IT” is the greatest GOOD; All-knowing, All-caring and Ever
Present Being.
7. To “IT” be all my respect, obedience and
loyalty, as I extend my hands of love and brotherhood to all Human Beings,
co-heirs and offspring of this Almighty Creator and Father of all. Therefore,
my creed concisely is this: (a) THE
My 50th Birthday gift to Mankind.
Composed, Revised and Ratified between 1970-1998
paragraph/plea can be used as the theme of Morning Assembly Talks)
Dear Teacher,
Your job is an onerous one,
commendable by both God and man,
My child will look up to you as a
role model, a mirror to view the world;
You will have to father him for 5
hours a day, 5 days a week and 35
weeks per year,
That’s long enough to make or mar his
future, his classmates and that of
this country.
Teach him to look around and admire the beauty in nature, himself inclusive,
Let him know that for every child he
sees, there are two parents – a father and a mother;
So for the birds he sees, trees, animals,
hills, rivers, sun, daylight, night
and moonlight,
There is but One Almighty Father, who
created and takes care of us all on a
daily basis.
Teach him to trust and obey The Almighty Creator with
worship in humility, And to love every other being, as we all are sons and
daughters of the same Creator; Let him realise that when it rains, it’s for
every one: plants, animals and man, The Creator’s kindness and benevolence does
not choose those to hate or love.
Teach him that for every lie he tells, he will tell ten
more lies to cover it up, And for ten lies, he needs one hundred more lies –
that is foolishness; So let him learn that truth is golden, more precious Knowledge, wisdom and fame are the rewards
earned by truthful people.
In school, let him love and respect his classmates and
fight to protect the weaker ones, Allow him to taste bitter and sweet things;
and to combine laughter and suffering;
That way you will have prepared him to deal with wicked and honest human
beings, Thereby teaching him to differentiate good from evil and to do good all
his life.
Teach him that lying, cheating and stealing produce
criminals and rogues,
Teach him that a kobo earned is better than
a hundred won by lottery;
It’s better to go hungry than enjoy a
meal prepared with stolen money,
Or eat crumbs of
bread among finest friends than a loaf among dishonest men.
Teach him that a passage studied, understood and
Is far better than one simply crammed
and repeated like a parrot;
The former leads to ingenuity,
resourcefulness and creativity,
The latter to imitative behaviour, and
lack of self-confidence;
Teach him that it’s more honourable to
fail an examination,
Than to copy, cheat or use “expo”
methods to pass any examination.
Finally teach him that it is better to be neither too
poor nor too rich,
Than to become wealthy by stealing, deceit
and cutting corners;
The former leads to contentment, peace of
mind and long life,
The latter to arrogance, greed,
restlessness and sudden death;
Explain to him what “Honesty is the best
policy” really means,
And the practical implications of the
saying: “More haste, less speed”.
have to believe and practise these yourself,
you can teach them to my son and his mates;
But be
assured that if you succeed in this assignment,
You will
be a hero and the father of heroes and
that’s what our dear country needs most.
May God
guide your endeavours!
*My 53rd Birthday
Gift to all Educationists,
Inspired by Abraham Lincoln’s
Gestation Period: 1997-2001*
The etiological origin of racism is ethnocentric megalomania best
exemplified by Adolph Hitler’s xenophobic ideas. “Xenophobia” as defined by Drever (1972)
is “a morbid fear of strangers,” and
Hornby (1995) concerns by defining it as “an intense dislike or fear of
strangers or people from other countries”... “Excessive patriotism can lead to
xenophobia” – he concluded p. 1385.
or racialism” van den Berghe (1967) affirms, “are beliefs (not facts) that
organic genetically transmitted differences (real or imagined) exist between
social groups” which he concluded were false. There has never been any
existential or scientific proof that a Caucasian is superior to Negroid or
Mongoloid specie of the human race. Racism is puerile and futile!
M. Nesturkh, a Russian anthropologist has a 133-page hardbound book, with over
100 black and white and coloured pictures - entitled THE RACES OF MANKIND. In the preface, Professor N. N. Cheboksarov,
a Doctor of History, and a Miklukho-Maklai Prize Winner, opens up thus:
The problem of the races of mankind is one of the
most important in anthropology, the science that studies the natural history of
man with all the variations due to age, sex, and geographical factors. The races of mankind are, in actual fact,
geographical (or territorial) variations, historically conditioned, of a single
physical type-MAN.
The writings of the founders of Marxism-Leninism contain many valuable
statements on such problems as the connection between the origin of races and
the natural geographical conditions of life of primitive man; the distant
ancestors of the present–day peoples, the gradual obliteration of racial
differences in the course of historical development, the racial mixtures that
make up modern nations and the absolute invalidity of racism.
A correct
conception of the races of mankind is of particularly great political and
scientific importance today, in the period of the collapse of the colonial
system and the unparalleled development of the struggle for national liberation
by the dependent and colonial peoples.
The ideologists of imperialism, in their effort to provide a basis for
class, national and colonial oppression, have advanced the false “theory” of
the physical and mental inequality of races, or the existence of “higher” and
“lower” races, of races that are capable and those that are incapable of
independent, social, economic and cultural development.
Racism is closely
bound up with reactionary nationalism and chauvinism. The Programme of the
Communist Party of the Soviet Union, adopted by the Twenty-Second Party
Congress, lays special stress on the fact that nationalistic prejudice and the
survivals of former national discord constitute the sphere in which resistance
to social progress may be the longest, fiercest, most stubborn and most
implacable. The misanthropic inventions of the racists stand in direct
contradiction to the data provided by anthropology.” Pp 5 & 6
All scientists agree with the learned Russian Professor and PrizeWinner!
Moreover, Professor M. Nesturukh, himself concludes his introduction to the
book thus:
“The author
realises the difficulties attaching to the task he has undertaken and will be
satisfied if his readers obtain from his book a general idea of the concept of
races and their origin and a conviction of the unscientific nature of racism.”
p 10.
It is the conclusion of this paper
that only intellectual pygmies and anthropological misfits can, and do
propagate racism in ethnic or religious relations. But for the fact that this
is a scientific paper, passages in the Torah, Bible, Koran and the
Bhagavad-Gita would have been used to substantiate the stupidity of racialism
and the demonic possession of all racists. They are all adenescents!
Suffice it to recommend the
all racists be subjected to a psychiatric evaluation. It is possible that they
have congenital deficiencies that warrant their schizophrenia fantasies.
participants at this conference devise means and modalities for appealing to
religious leaders of all shades, colours and faith to repudiate discriminatory
sermons, doctrines or catechesis in their religious worship.
all film makers and drama writers expunge sentences or scenes depicting superiority
or inferiority in all their products. On the other hand, they must encourage
scriptwriters to douse the embers of hatred, violence and ethnic jealousies in
their productions e.g. GUESS, WHO’S COMING TO DINNER.
musicians review their lyrics and emulate the consortium of international stars
that gave us the famous song: WE ARE THE WORLD. In like manner, let all
intelligent people all over the world stand up to be counted among music lovers
who appreciate that orchestras and choirs need soprano, alto, tenor and bass to
harmonise the lead instrument or singer. So also should white, black and yellow
races blend or harmonise the leading HUMAN RACE.
newly established families must make conscious efforts to give their offspring
a better deal or lease of life rather than feed them the same nepotic ideas or
prejudices their own parents condemned to feed on during their growing years
in all nursery, kindergarten and primary schools, must eliminate segregation
based on colour, class or creed. Each stanza or paragraph of the Kenezian
letter to all liberated educationists can be used to conduct morning
constitutions should incorporate sections that make it a crime to discriminate
against any citizen, guest or stranger in one’s native land. Moreover, national
prizes may be awarded to those adjudged to have demonstrated the tenets of the
Kenezian Creed practically in their daily living.
Dr. J.
Kenechukwu Danmbaezue, D. Psych., FACRS
Bandura A. & Walters, R. H. (1963)
Learning and Personality Development, New York. Holt, Rinehart and Winston
Coleman A. K. (1976)
and Ethnic Relations. p. 451. Cited in Krauss S. (ed.) Encyclopedic
Handbook of Medical Psychology, Butterworths. London Boston.
Collomb H & Valantin S (1970)
et evolution de la schizophrenia” in Famille Africaine “de”
L’enfant dans la Famille”, ed. by E.J. Anthony and C. Koupermik, Paris; Masson
et Cie.
Danmbaezue J. K. (1998)
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Brotherhood of Mankind. Hafani
Publications, Kihol Products Ltd. Ihiala, Anambra State of Nigeria.
Danmbaezue, J. K. (2001)
to Teachers of Children World-wide”. International Education
Project, Kenez Health Klinik C 82, Federal Housing Estate, Enugu.
Drever James (1972)
Dictionary of Psychology – Penguin Reference Books-Revised by Harvey
Wallersten – Hazell Watson & Viney Ltd. Great Britain.
Erikson E. H. (1972)
and Society – a Pelican Book, Penguin Books Ltd, Harmondsworth,
Middlesex, England.
Goslin., D.A. Ed. (1969)
Book of Socialisation Theory and Research, Chicago, Rand Mc Nally and
Holffman, Martin (1970)
Development in Paul H. Mussen (Ed.) Carmichael’s Manual
of Child Psychology, 3rd. Ed. Vol. II, New York, Wiley 1970.
Hornby A. S. (1995)
Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 5th Ed. by
Jonathan Crowder Oxford University Press.
Walton Street, Oxford 0X2 6DP.
Kohlberg L. (1964)
of Moral Character and Moral Ideology in M.L. Hoffman and L. W.
Hoffman (eds.) Review of Child Development Research, New York; Russel Sage
Marden C. F. And Meyer G. (1967)
in American Society. 3rd Ed. New York and London. John Wiley.
Nesturkh M. (undated)
Races of Mankind: Foreign Languages Publishing House,
Moscow; Translated from the Russian by
George Hanna. Designed by Vladimir A.N.
Van den Borghe, P. L. (1967)
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John Wiley.
Zanden Vander J. W. (1972)
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The Chairman Organizing Committee
United Nations Conference on Racism
Durban, South Africa
Mazi Okolie Animba
Counselling Psychologist/Dean, Student’s Affairs
Enugu State
University of Science and Technology.
I congratulate
all the initiators, organisers and sponsors of this all-important
conference. More grease to your kneecaps
since I am sure your elbows are saturated with it already!
My humble submission
is a prelude to a scientific research I am conducting at present that might
span ten to twenty years.
Experientially, one can create a conducive environment where children of
all races, ethnic groups and varying shades of belief systems, educational
backgrounds and socio-political parentage can be reared together devoid of
segregation, discrimination and nepotism.
such an experiment is feasible, research scientists could draw from it informed
decisions and conclusions based on facts obtained from a longitudinal
study. I do not subscribe to haphazard
or incidental research papers meant for publications only or merely for
attendance at conferences. Please accept this paper as my contribution to the
theme you have chosen this year and expect a more detailed paper with
statistical diagrams, graphs and tables subsequently.
God guide your
deliberations while I remain; Yours incerely,
Psych, FACRS,
P. O. BOX 1995 É
042-551199 ENUGU
Animator International,
Happy Family Network &
Kenez Health Klinik
(Book 8, Chapter
The blessings, O
man! Of thy external part, are health, vigour, and proportion.
The greatest of these is health. What health
is to the body, even that is honesty to the Soul.
That thou hast Soul,
is of all knowledge the most certain, of all truths the most plain unto thee.
Be meek, be grateful for it. Seek not to sense it perfectly, but commune with
understanding, reasoning, willing, call not these Soul! They are its actions,
but they are not its essence.
Search the Soul by
its faculties; know it by its virtues. They are in more number than the hairs
on your head; the stars in Heaven are not to be counted with them.
Doth not the sun
harden the clay? Doth it not also soften the wax? as it one sun that worketh both, even so it is one Soul
that worketh contrarieties.
As the moon
retaineth her nature, though darkness spread her face like a curtain, so the
Soul remaineth perfect even in the bosom of the fool.
She is immortal, she is
unchangeable, she is one in all. Health calleth her forth to show her
loveliness, and application anointeth her with the oil of wisdom.
She shall live after thee; think
not she was born within thee. She was concreated for thy flesh, and formed with
thy mind.
Justice could not give her to
thee exalted by virtues, nor mercy deliver her to thee, deformed by vices. These must be thine, and thou must answer
them with thy outer consciousness.
Suppose not death can shield
thee you from compensation; think not corruption can hide thee from inquiry. He
who formeth thee of thou knowest not what, can He not rise thee from thou
knowest not what again?
Perceiveth not the cock the hour
of midnight? Exalteth e not his voice, to tell thee it is morning? Knoweth not
the dog the footsteps of his master? And flieth not the wounded goat unto the
herb that healeth him? Yet, when these die, their Soul knoweth it not; thine
alone surviveth with mind and consciousness.
Envy not to these their senses,
because quicker than thine own; learn that thine advantage lieth not in
possessing good things, but in the knowing the use of them.
Hadst thou the ear of a stag, or
wert thine eyes as strong and piercing as that of an eagle¢s; didst thou equal the hound in
smell, or could the ape resign to thee his taste, or the tortoise her feeling;
yet, without reason, what would they
avail thee? Perish not all these like their kindred?
Hath anyone of them the gift of
speech? Can anyone tell you therefore did I so?
The lips of the wise are as the
doors of a cabinet; no sooner are they opened, but treasures are poured out
before thee.
Like unto trees of gold arranged
in beds of silver, are wise sentences uttered in due season.
Canst thou think too greatly of
thy Soul? Or can too much be said in its praise? It is the essence of Him who
gave it.
Remember thou of its dignity for
ever; forget not how great a talent is committed to thy charge.
Whatsoever may do good may also
do harm; beware that thou direct its course to virtue.
Think not that thou canst lose
in the crowd; suppose not thou canst bury her in thy closet. Action is her
delight, and she will not be withheld from it.
Her motion is perpetual; her
attempts are universal; her agility is not to be suppressed. Is it at the
uppermost part of the earth she will have it; is it beyond the region of the
stars? Yet will her eye discover it.
Inquiry is her delight. As one
who transverseth the burning sands in search of water, so is the Soul that thirsteth
after knowledge.
As a sword in the hand of a
madman, even so is the Soul to him who wanteth discretion.
The end of her search is truth;
her means to discover it are reason and experience. But are not these weak,
uncertain and fallacious? How then shall she attain unto it?
General opinion is no proof of
truth; for the generality of men are ignorant.
Perception of thyself, the
knowledge of Him who created thee, the sense of worship thou owest unto Him,
are not these plain before thy face? And, behold! What is there more that man
needeth to know?”
There is nothing
to add or subtract from these nuggets of wisdom! Rather what everyone needs do
is to reflect on their truest meanings,
and to appropriate them in daily living.
This is our
greatest gift to mankind!
Thanks for finding
the time to read through our youthful vituperations
Forgive us if we
have upset your fanaticism!!!
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Professors Jude, Jideofo and
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