Dr Kenez Third Trilogy on
T h
e W o
r l d’ s
H o t
e s t
C a k e
E-mail: saintkenez@yahoo.co.uk
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MOVEMENT, (ISM) founded
in 1990 is an interdisciplinary socio-cultural organisation for
modern scientists who desire a self-fulfilled life spiced with spiritual
Our motto speaks volumes
for itself;
ISBN: 987…………… -
Kihol Productions Limited
Umuelechi Umuezeawala
Danis Family Villa,
Kenez International
Humanitarian Organizations Linkage
www. kenez @ kihol. org
An astronaut once remarked after a series of space
shuttle flights, that the world looks like a beautiful garden from a distance.
“The geographical lines we see on the maps are imaginary. Those lines do not
exist in reality” he enthused. They are mere illusions maintained by
imperialists and lesser humans. As soon as we begin to appreciate this, we then
realise that all humankind is the same. Let’s learn to emphasise our similarities
rather magnify our differences. That’s the message of the three volumes of
This is the last instalment of Angelic Verses for now.
The effervescent trio of bakers of the world’s hottest cakes are going on
recess. They will only resume their confectionery duties after a thousand
responses come from the reading public, our honoured audience. The ball is now
in your court. Do you want more verses? If your answer is in the affirmative,
then e-mail the three chefs. Get others as well to correspond with them!
encourage those Homo Sapiens who want to see a ONE-WORLD RELIGION; to find and
peruse another publication by the three young academicians entitled “INTEGRATIONAL SPIRITAN MOVEMENT-
I. S. M., a.k.a – Spiritual Fellowship
for Modern Scientists.” In essence, it introduces the intelligent man or woman to those
indices for unity in the theory and practice of an interdisciplinary,
inter-racial and inter-ethnic mode of reverence for or worship of the Almighty
Creator, our Eternal Sustainer and Benevolent Father!
mission statement of I. S. M is aptly summarised in 1st John: 3, vv 1-10:
Children of God
v.1: “See how much the
Father has loved us! His love is so great that we are called God’s children—and
so, in fact, we are. This is why the world does not know us: it has not known
v.2: My dear friends, we are now God’s children,
but it is not yet clear what we shall become. But we know that when Christ
appears, we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he really is.
v.3: Everyone who has this hope in Christ keeps
himself pure, just as Christ is pure.
v.4: Whoever sins is guilty of breaking God’s law,
because sin is a breaking of the law.
v.5: You know that Christ appeared in order to
take away our sins, and that there is no sin in him.
v.6: So everyone who lives in union with Christ
does not continue to sin; but whoever continues to sin has never seen him or
known him.
v.7: Let no one deceive you, my children! Whoever
does what is right is righteous.
v.8: Whoever continues to sin belongs to the
Devil, because the Devil has sinned from the very beginning. The Son of God
appeared for this very reason, to destroy what the Devil had done.
v.9: Whoever is a child of God does not continue
to sin, for God’s very nature is in him; and because God is his Father, he
cannot continue to sin.
v.10: This is the clear difference between God’s
children and the Devil’s children: anyone who does not do what is right or does
not love his brother is not God’s child.
The law referred to here in verse 4 is and could only be
THE NATURAL LAWS, the pristine commands of the Creator even before Adam and Eve
were created! It was only one of them that Lord reserved when He gave Adam
dominion over all his created beings.
Verse 5 confirms my assertion, as Christ is generally
accepted as the second Adam promised in Genesis 3: 15. Let’s put on our
thinking caps and defend our claim to the appellation ‘Homo Sapiens, Sapiens’!
Look critically at verse 8 and you will understand my
thesis! A rediscovery of and a return to the obedience of all the natural laws
in creation form the mission statement, the fundamental theory and the
existential practice of I. S. M.
Any altruistic group of scientists can objectively
catalogue the natural laws in their environment, both the internal and external
ones. Then religiously obey them and you are bona-fide members of I. S. M. It’s that simple! Then contact us soonest via
our e-mail:
Thanks and God bless you! Rev. Prof. J. J. Kenez.
Intergrational Spiritan Movement …………………...1
Title Page………………………..…………………. ..2
Foreword: TUNING
The very
first conversation between the first father and the first son on earth ran thus
or very similar to this:
Act 1: Scene One:
Son: Sir, what may I call you and how do I greet
you whenever I see you?
Father: I
am God, the Creator of the Universe and all that is in it. You can call me: ‘ALMIGHTY FATHER’, and greet me
Son: Almighty Father, is there any other like you
whom I should meet or greet, and if so show them to me now ands tell me their
names and how to greet them.
Father: There is no one else and there are no others!
I am the only ONE INDIVISIBLE GOD, THE CREATOR, but I choose how to manifest.
These are:
as the thoughts in your mind,
as the words that I speak to you, and
as the actions I performed while creating you!
In addition I have voluntarily given you the same
abilities, so you can take care of all I’ve created!
Son: Thank you, Almighty Father, for your love in
creating me to share these beautiful things with you. However, as for being in
charge, how can I, when that huge animal with ears like fans over there is
larger than I am? Allow him to be in charge, he’s got the size that could intimidate
any other animal into obedience!
Father: No! Although they all look bigger than you do,
they do not possess the abilities I have endowed you with. You are the only one
I have given a freewill the intelligence and the language to communicate with me
and the animals also, so they will respect you so long as you show them love,
care and friendliness. Take courage, I am with you. Now shout out any names you
like to call each of them and you will see them come running to obey you! See
Genesis 6: 9-21.
Son: Okay, Daddy, if you say so! You there with
large ears like fans, I hereby name you “elephant”,
vibrated the ground as it hurried to answer, the pair of a male and female
elephant stood before the Son of God, the Human Being, and he was quite
impressed.) And
you there with the longest neck, I name you “giraffe”, REPORT HERE AT ONCE GIRAFFE!
(Again a pair of them galloped and was soon standing beside the
Daddy, but I called only one of them?
Father: Go ahead and name them all first and I will
explain why they are in pairs later, will you?
Son: Of
course, I love them and the way they co-ordinate their four legs when obeying
me, you will also have to tell me why they have more legs than I who is their
commander. Now, Mr. and Mrs. Horse come here and let’s find out how you move…
That’s more elegant and faster, from now on you will be my messenger and I will
ride you wherever I go… Do you understand me? Show by nodding your head and bowing
to my Father and me!
Father: Wrong, say “our Father” not “my” and never
make that mistake again! Do you comprehend that?
Son: Yes Sir. Our Father! You can’t be wrong.
After all You alone decided to create the inanimate beings in the first place, and
then we, the animate ones without seeking our opinions, so who could oppose
you? I will continue, Sir! All of you there hanging on the branches of trees,
come here: monkey, chimpanzee, squirrel, bat and… yes you large one climbing
down there, gorilla, report here!
(This process continued for
three days non-stop before all living things were named, those on the land,
those in the air and those in the waters included! Yet the son was neither
tired nor sleepy! Even at night the Father
gave such a bright light that the son quickly naked it MOONLIGHT as well!)
Son: Now it is time to explain why I am alone or
would you rather start with the reason for pairing each animal?
Father: Yes, both have the same answer; namely each
one of them needs the other to reproduce itself. You are the only animal
capable of reproducing yourself single-handedly! In other words, YOU ARE A MINI-GOD IN YOUR OWN RIGHT, RESEMBLING
Son: Are you sure I’d love that, or have a choice
in the matter?
Father: You have done enough for now. Take your
time. Think over it for some weeks and let me know your preference, okay?
Son: Okay, Big Daddy! Is there anything else I
should be aware of for now?
Father: Yes, there is nothing in the air, land or
sea that shares my adoration, obeisance or loyalty. There are immaterial beings
that are at our service, but I’ll introduce them later. Good night for now and
have a nice rest! (The curtain falls here)
Act 1: Scene Two:
The son
went about his daily perambulations in the nice garden picking fruits for his
breakfast, lunch and dinner until one day he saw two dogs of the similar body
build, the slightly bigger one on top of the other.
Thinking that the bigger one
was bullying the other, he shouted a command, ‘STOP THAT TWO OF YOU!’
Rather than obey him, the bigger one dragged the other one
along the ground. This infuriated the son, and so he tried to separate them by
throwing stones at them, but he still couldn’t separate them! He felt insulted
that mere dogs, not even the elephants, were flouting the rule ‘Our Father’ had
instituted! He made up his mind to report this insubordination when next he
spoke with the father.
A little trekking down the
path, and to his utmost surprise, the horses were exactly in this same position
he had found the dogs! He next
observed that a black rod connected both of them from between the hind legs in
the one behind to the anus of the other whom was carrying the weight of the
This awakened a keen interest of observation rather than
surprise this time around! He stood and watched them in admiration. He began to
ask funny questions in his mind. Along the way, he walked on to the top of a rickety bridge over a
stream and saw his image reflected on the clean slow flowing water.
It looked like he saw another
human in an inverted position to himself and it seemed they were connected by
the bridge, just like the horses he had just seen but this time he felt nobody
was on top of another.
This fired his imagination. He resolved there and then to
mould an object similar to what he had seen. At the riverside he used the mud and sand
available and fashioned an image very similar to the reflection he had seen in
the waters of the stream. He imagined what it would feel like if he laid himself over
it like the dogs and the horses had done. He spread out himself across the
image, mouth to mouth, nose to nose, eyes to eyes, his legs and arms on top of
those of the object.
And who else could arrive at
that very moment but the “Our Father” he had been proposing to ask some very
perplexing and curious questions! Now do you need to imagine what their
conversation went like? Don’t bother, here is it:
Father: What’s that you are lying on top in the sand
there? Is that an image? Whose idol is that?
Son: As I was passing over the bridge over there
(Pointing in the
direction of the stream) I saw an image of myself
in the river and out of curiosity I moulded this. Not only that, I was
wondering what the dogs and horses were doing climbing on top of one another.
Can you enlighten me, Daddy?
Father: You moulded an image. By lying on it in an
embrace, you have worshipped the image. That’s idolatry. I strongly forbid it.
If you wanted company, all you needed was, ask for it and I would gladly give
you one.
Son: I already did, on the first day when I
requested to know why I was the only animal not in a pair. And being alone
makes me envy the dogs and the horses I saw in warm embraces today. Explain to
me what really made the dogs disobey me. You promised that they would always
take orders from me. Didn’t you? But they flouted my instructions to stop what
they were doing.
Father: They could not because, as I told you, they
have no freewill nor intellect. I remember telling you that you could do
anything that I could, that you’re a mini-god. Actually they were copulating,
which is the first step in reproduction of their species. But that you too can
do without the help of anyone else, that’s what makes you like me. I gave you
language, intellect and freewill to make choices, to think and reason and most
importantly to reproduce whenever you felt like. For all the other animals they
must do so only when their instinctual urges prompt them to. That was exactly
what the horse and the dog were doing.
Son: My gift of language, with whom do I share my
thoughts or speak to? Only you can understand me!
Father: All the animals may not speak back to you,
however they all hear your commands. So, you may train them to do other things
you want, they are at your service so long as you feed them and show them that
you care for their well-being.
Son: Suppose I fall down, will any of them come
to my rescue? Why can’t I just have a mate like all of them do?
Father: You’re a hermaphrodite, son and it’s better
you remain that way. Just reproduce one or two of your kind and enjoy
yourselves whenever you want to embrace and enjoy each other’s bodily warmth.
Or do you want me to reduce you to the sexual level of the animals? Is that
what you prefer? I’ll give you another week to come up with and informed
decision. It is an irreversible operation, be warned!
Curtains fall and Lights out!
In this third Volume of ANGELIC VERSES, no one will be
spoon-fed like in the earlier editions. You just have to learn to decipher our
trends of thought. Now, the prologue you have read is a teaser for you. Make a
seasoned decision for mankind! Your choice will affect all human relationships
just like the Jewish scholars made Adam and Eve do. This is you own opportunity
to correct the mistakes of the events in the Garden of Eden. Don’t let us down.
We depend on your wise decision to live a more successful, happier and
healthier life. Your discretion alone can guarantee those for all the races of
humankind. It’s a great responsibility. Don’t let us down, please!
Professors Jude, Jideofo & Kenez
There is a law that is
written in the hearts of everyone, innocent or guilty, infantile or senile,
masculine or feminine, sane or insane, courageous or cowardly and finally
tutored or untutored; it is known in all cultures and referred to as
SELF-PRESERVATION. The Igbo of Biafra demonstrate its universality by asking
the question: “If a red hot charcoal falls on you and your child, which would
you remove first?” The answer if left for every one to consider. In the same
manner, self-love or the pleasure principle is a universal law! There is the
final one, the eternal needy in every living being to seek for or want to
worship a supernatural being. It is inborn in every human being though some try
to stifle it. Since the beginning of the world nothing has defied a consensus
as this need to owe allegiance to and worship a god, gods or the Supreme GOD!
This is called “religion” in all climes and times.
“Natural law is a law or body of laws that derives from nature and is believed to be binding upon human actions apart from or in conjunction with laws established by human authority.”[1]
“Natural Law is a set of principles in
ethical philosophy, theology, law, and social theory, based on what are assumed
to be the permanent characteristics of human nature. Natural law is considered
fundamentally unchanging and universally applicable. It can serve as a standard
for evaluating conduct and civil laws.”
The former definition is taken from a dictionary
whereas the latter is from an encyclopaedia. This has been done to allow you,
the reader, to compare and contrast the two positions with your own definition!
You should have one! Historically,
however, the ancient Greek philosophers were the first to elaborate on the
concept of ‘natural law’.
Heraclitus spoke of a common wisdom that pervades the whole universe,
Aristotle named it a rule of justice that is natural and universally
The Stoics thought the whole cosmos is rationally ordered by an active
principle variously named God, mind, or fate.
Roman orator Cicero
referred to “one eternal and unchangeable law” valid for all nations and all
Christians found the natural law doctrine of the Stoics
to be compatible with their beliefs.
Saint Paul spoke in the Bible of Gentiles
doing “by nature what the law requires.”
In his Summa Theologica, Saint
Thomas Aquinas called God's rational guidance of creation the “Eternal Law” that equips all beings
with the inclination to proper actions and aims.
Dutch jurist Hugo Grotius is
considered the founder of the modern theory of natural law. He defined
natural law as a body of rules that can be discovered by reason and asserted
this law would have validity even if there were no God or if the affairs of
human beings were of no concern to God.
Seventeenth-century English philosophers Thomas
Hobbes and John Locke proposed an original state of nature from which a social
contract arose. They combined this theory with natural law.
Locke's doctrine that nature had endowed human
beings with certain inalienable rights that could not be violated by any
governing authority was incorporated in the American Declaration of
In the 19th century the existence of a natural law
was generally regarded as unprovable, and it was largely replaced in legal
theory by utilitarianism and legal positivism.[2]
This statement is rendered impotent by the you finish
reading this third volume of “Angelic
Verses”! Before reading further, it would be advisable to investigate how your
forefathers/mothers lived in their rural communities and interacted socially.
What guided their ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’? How did they administer justice in those
pre-literate times? Who arbitrated in offences that were tagged ‘taboos’ or
‘desecration of the land’ or heinous crimes against the community?
They had the notion of a Supreme Being and a set of
lesser gods, good and bad spirits, guardian angels and destructive demons. Have
you found out how your ancestors worshipped this Supernatural Being before the
arrival of modern religious congregations and the current nuances of competing
This is what this volume of ANGELIC VERSES is about. Only
those who are prepared to think for themselves can benefit immensely from it.
If you are a fanatic or a mystic, please keep off and remain far away from its
contents. You have been warned!
The generality of citizens in all nations of the world as
at the turn of the millennium ‘Y2K’
are conversant with the Christian religion founded on the life and times of the
Lord Jesus. The dates used all over the world originate from his birth. Thus BC (Before Christ) and AD (Anno Domino) were used in
historical documentation and still in use to date! Some prefer BCE and CE, which are only synonyms. And so, for such people, to benefit
most from this treatise, they should tune into the right frequency for this
exercise by perusing in the early hours of the morning the following passages
from the complete GNB edition of the Christian Bible:
Read the Gospel
according to John 4:1-42, meditate on vv. 21-25,
John 8:31-47 noting
specifically verse 44 in the GNB edition.
Next read 1st
Timothy 2: 1 –15 ”
Noting what verses 5, 8, 11 & 12 say!
Read Titus 1: 10 –16,
analyse it critically
And then and only
then will you be in
The right frame of
mind to follow and benefit from this Volume Three of “ANGELIC VERSES”
Chefs Jude, Jideofo &
Kenez: You are welcome to another instalment of
our youthful deliberations on the ambiguities found in some of the narratives
in the Bible. This time, we shall be looking at the positive contributions of
the ‘Holy Scripture’ vis-à-vis scientific explorations and why obedience to
all identifiable natural laws is the only international religion for all modern
Jude: Am I happy to hear that? Yes, of course.
Let’s do that for a change! Our listeners will really enjoy it!
Jideofo: Don’t rejoice yet, Kenez may only be pulling
our legs. You must learn never to trust sophists! That might be a trap to
secure your interest only.
Kenez: The beauty of the Bible is that despite all
the criticisms levied at it by all manner of atheists, pagans, apostates,
blasphemers, agnostics and philosophers of all shades and persuasions, it
spearheaded all current investigative endeavours to unravel nature and thereby
sponsored most scientific researches to date. Whether it is in the area of
astronomy, physics or medicine, it initiated the first move towards researches
in the area.
Jideofo: Jude, what did I tell you. Inspect that long
sentence and there you will find sophistry at its very best! He has not made
any categorical assertion yet!
Jude: Let us allow him to exhaust his points
first, he may still have something up his sleeves!
Kenez: Of course, both of you are right. Read Psalms
19,104 and then 139 and lets see who is the sophist here, Jide or I.
Jideofo: Oh ho! That is David’s comment on the silent affirmations
of the glory of the Creator being demonstrated by/in all macro- &
microcosms in the universe, isn’t it Kenez?
Jude: Would you mind not interrupting him till he
has offloaded his goods!
Kenez: Thank you Jude, as I was saying before I was
rudely interrupted, those psalms would convince any rational man that David
spoke of the scientific laws in the universe and the divinely ordained
organisation of the world long before arm-chair philosophers; wizards, or
witches, metaphysicians or theologians, astrologers or astronomers theorised on
them. Today, with the benefit of scientific tools and/or methodologies most of
what King David proposed in his daily prayers is now known and accepted as
Jude: Give the appropriate verses as references so
that our listeners may read them at their leisure, then we can easily progress
with our debate, which is on
Kenez: For example, verses 1-6 of Psalm 19:
v.1: How clearly the
sky reveals God’s glory!
How plainly it shows what he has done!
v.2: Each day
announces it to the following;
Each night
repeats it to the next.
v.3: No speech or
words are used,
No sound is
v.4: Yet their
message goes out to all the world;
And is heard
to the ends of the earth.
God made a home
in the sky for the sun,
v.5: It comes out in
the morning
Like a happy
Like an
athlete eager to run a race,
v.6: It starts at
one end of the sky,
And goes
across to the other.
Nothing can
hide from its heat!
Just look at each line and
drink in the wisdom of a pre-scientific man predicting and stating in very
simple language the scientific data of today. Mediate on the veracity of those
statements and tell me if you disagree with any of them. See the last sentence,
for example, and tell me what has ever escaped from the heat of the sun? Yet
David never went to any formal school as we do today nor did he read science or
astronomy to assert those indisputable facts thousands of years before each of
us was born.
Jude: Now I can see your point, and so….
Jideofo: You can’t see anything yet, wait until he
concludes his treatise, you neophyte of logic!
Kenez: Every one of his creations announces on a
daily basis the glory of God. This is done very silently, no noise; no
shouting, neither microphones nor loud speakers are used. From day to day, week
to week, year to year, decade to decade, century to century – they declare the
omniscience and omnipotence of God, our Creator! Look at the simplicity of
verse 6 – “Nothing can hide from its heat!” That’s a fact for those of us
living in the tropics! And that has been the motivation for air-conditioners
all over the globe! In naive and unambiguous analogies an unscientific and
untutored shepherd weaves the truth of all truths into poetic verses!
Jideofo: I believe he has offloaded his merchandise,
now you can make your own contributions, Jude.
Jude: Kenez, if that was all you were to say, why
didn’t you go straight to Psalm 34 or 35?
Jideofo: See how shallow we all are! Were all those
psalms not cleverly duplicated by several narrators, the oral tradition not
having been written out formally by then? Look at their replicas in Psalms 36
and 37 as well. But the one that was borrowed from an Egyptian sage ranks the
most comprehensive, and Kenez has already given it as a reference. But I doubt
whether he knows that it was not even credited to King David. No, not even in
the Christian Bible!
Jude: This pagan philosopher, is there any written
information that ever passes unnoticed by your eagle eyes? Even a simpleton
like myself knows that much, not to talk of Kenez who is your bedfellow as far
as voracious reading is concerned?
Kenez: A replica of it is also in “UNTO THEE I
GRANT”, a very rare publication of the early
Tibetan monasteries! And that in itself confirms my assertion that so many
sages existed and wrote better scriptures than Jewish scholars did, but theirs
were kept in secrecy for many centuries!
Jude: We have said it before, that any group of
dedicated writers could have a compendium in less than a hundred years if only
they could conscientiously document daily events in their nation and then give
each of them supernatural interpretations! Didn’t we?
Jideofo: Yes, but that was in Volume 2, here the issue
is how do we fashion out an internationally accepted mode of worship devoid of
ethnocentric biases. And the answer is what we are articulating by seeking out
some of the natural laws in creation.
Jude: Then let me set the ball rolling in this
way. Every living thing breathes! There is no apartheid in that is there? And
consequently, one day the breathing ability will come to an end since it stated
somehow, somewhere and sometime!
Kenez: That’s a brilliant take off, my dear Jude.
How I wish others will understand us the way you have just demonstrated.
Listeners or readers, the ball is now in your court! Draw up a list of all
observable physical or biological laws that all animals must obey in order to
survive. Then codify their relationships with other inanimate beings that
affect our existence; like the sun, the moon, gravitational pull, heat and
cold, the seasons...etc. That’s exactly what this Volume Three of ‘ANGELIC
VERSES’ is all about!
Jideofo: Put it in its simplest format!
Learn the natural
sciences and compile the accepted international laws deduced therefrom by
scientists all over the globe!
For us humans, which
of them are embodied as immutable laws for a harmonious interethnic or
socio-political organisation?
Draw up a universal
code of conduct from your compilation and follow it up with an international
constitution based on the interdisciplinary facts you have discovered.
When we get that done,
our job is finished! We could have a peaceful world and live harmoniously ever
after, if all nations subscribed to them and enforced them in all child-rearing
We can then make the interethnic lyrics contained in
Michael Jackson’s “WE ARE THE WORLD” the accepted international anthem. And if truly implemented to the
letter, in a matter of a century, there would be “No bombs, no guns nor any hungry mouths to feed as God is
watching us from a distance,” the lyrics of another prophetic
song entitled “FROM A DISTANCE”!
Kenez: There are a thousand and one lyrics and wise
recommendations from the few unbiased sages that we had earlier identified in
the Bible. For example, Jude, could you please read out for the benefit of our
dear audience Ecclesiastes 3: 10-15, or Sirach 4: 11-19.
Jude: Since we are discussing laws in creation, why
don’t we begin from “The Vanity of Vanities” that summarises the monotonous
routine duties of all macro- and microcosms?
Jideofo: I think Jude is correct. Moreover, we all know
how lazy humans are. They often can’t make the required effort to look up the
references we make. Our readers are only human and may find it easier to read
what we present here!
Jude: From the RSV edition, Ecclesiastes 1,
Theme: THE
v.1: The words of
the Preacher,
the son of
David, king in Jerusalem .
v.2: Vanity of
vanities, says the Preacher,
of vanities! All is vanity.
v.3: What does man
gain by all the toil,
at which he
toils under the sun?
v.4: A generation
goes, and a generation comes,
but the earth
remains for ever.
v.5: The sun rises
and the sun goes down,
and hastens to
the place where it rises.
v.6: The wind blows
to the south,
and goes round
to the north;
round and round goes the wind,
and on its
circuits the wind returns.
v.7: All streams run
to the sea, but the sea is not full;
to the place
where the streams flow,
There they
flow again.
v.8: All things are full of weariness;
a man cannot
utter it;
the eye is not
satisfied with seeing,
nor the ear
filled with hearing,
v.9: What has been
is what will be,
and what has
been done is what will be done;
and there is
nothing new under the sun.
v.10: Is there a
thing of which it is said,
“See, this
is new”?
It has been
In the ages
before us.
v.11: There is no
remembrance of former things,
nor will
there be any remembrance
of later
things yet to happen
among those who
come after.
Kenez: Jude please explain why you preferred RSV
rather than our usual GNB, or is Jideofo in the mood to help our listeners?
Jideofo: Are you afraid of pagan philosophy or that I
may mislead them? Sorry to disappoint you, my dear, it is because GNB uses the
term ‘useless’ instead of ‘vanity’ which is more appropriate for our topic.
Jude, am I correct?
Jude: Of course I knew you would get it. Kenez has
not yet recognised the bookworm we are here dealing with; otherwise he would
not have challenged an encyclopaedia in the form of a human body!
Jideofo: What should interest us is verse 26 0f
chapter 2. Any wise man that wants to live life to the full must read the whole
book of Ecclesiastes. See the wisdom in the verse I have just quoted, from GNB:
v.26: God gives
wisdom, knowledge, and happiness to those who please him, bur he makes sinners
work, earning and saving, so tat what they get can be given to those who please
him. It is all useless. It is like chasing the wind. The eagle has landed!
Jude: You often use the slang ‘the eagle has landed’ Jide, what does it really imply?
Kenez: Jude, are you that naïve? It means that was
has just been said is in its finality requiring no further arguments! And I
agree in toto with both Jideofo and the Great King Solomon. Think it over and
you will realise the veracity of those statements, if in addition you read from
verse 12 of Chapter 1 and read all the following verses of Chapter 2 down to
the end!
Jude: So we are all agreed that the natural laws are
self-evident to the conscientious observer. All the macrocosms obey these laws
day in day out so why not man? No wonder why the psalmist wrote a long poetry
in Chapter 119, on the benefits of obeying the laws of the Almighty Creator
GOD. Incidentally it is the longest psalm in the Christian Bible. Let someone
else read out for us only verses 7 – 14, from GNB.
Jideofo: Let me run that errand for now, for I am
happy that the sleeping giant in Jude has risen from its hypnotic slumber
occasioned by a childlike gullibility of religio-colonial dogmatisation!
Psalm 119, vv. 7 -
v.7: The law of the
Lord is perfect;
It gives new
The commands of the Lord are trustworthy,
Giving wisdom to those who lack it.
v.8: The Laws of the
Lord are right,
And those who
obey them are happy.
The commands of the Lord are just,
And give
understanding to the mind.
v.9: Reverence for
the Lord is good;
It will continue
The judgements of the Lord are just;
They are always
v.10: They are more desirable than the finest gold;
They are
sweeter than the purest honey.
v.11: They give knowledge to me your servant;
I am rewarded for
obeying them.
v.12: No one can see his own errors;
Deliver me
Lord from hidden faults!
v.13: Keep me safe,
also, from wilful sins;
Don’t let
them rule ver me.
Then I shall be
And free from
the evil of sin!
v.14: May my words
and my thoughts,
Be acceptable
to you, O Lord,
My refuge and
my redeemer!
Kenez: I think I can come in here, Jude. Observe the simple
assertions of verses 7& 8. Those were and still are the natural laws, we,
the three young men- CHEFS JUDE, JIDEOFO & KENEZ have been emphasising in all the arguments right from
Volume I of our ‘Hot Cakes’ entitled: “ANGELIC VERSES” to this one. We did not know who was guiding our youthful
debates! However it is now definitely crystal clear that the writer of Psalm
119 corroborates our vituperations!
Jideofo: That’s an understatement! What conversion came
over the erstwhile simpleton is the eight wonder of the universe. I never paid
attention to Psalm 119 all my life, for it is too long for my liking and
moreover I really suspected it was firstly not a prayer, secondly it was
manufactured elsewhere and sandwiched into David’s poems. Now, however, I do
not bother, as long as it says in very simplistic phrases what we have for so
long laboured to convince our dogmatic and unbelieving audience, ably
represented here by Jude!
Jude: I will pretend that I didn’t hear that joke.
Now for the rewards of OBEDIENCE TO NATURAL LAWS-read
verses 9,10 &11- can you beat those? Note the phrases used there; ‘it will continue for ever’, - ‘they are
always fair’, - ‘more desirable than the finest gold’ and ‘sweeter than the purest honey’
Jideofo: And for philosophers and doctors of science,
verses 11 – 14 enunciates a NATURAL RELIGION, that is
not only INTER-ETHNIC, but also INTER-RACIAL,
DENOMINATIONAL! Even an atheist, if any truly
exists, would buy those verses especially the sentence; ‘they give knowledge as a reward for obeying them’ which states the
source of true knowledge!
Kenez: All animals need rest, is another natural law embedded in
those verses. Every human being sleeps as well as every other living thing
including plants. It is necessary for the Creator to effect repairs in the
machines he invented. If you doubt it, deny yourself sleep for three days at a
stretch and see whether you will not end up in a hospital bed! Sleep is when
God the Creator overhauls all the living things He put into existence. Doctors
prescribe it. You cannot do without it! And if you lose sleep for more than seven
days- you are on the road to a mental ill-health and you may end up at the
clinic of a psychiatrist, or at the least, you will need the services of a
clinical psychologist!
Jude: Just like the law of sleep is that of eating
and breathing. Every atheist eats to live or lives to eat. No one can do
without air for more than five minutes. No one walks or runs or drives a car
without obeying the laws of gravity. The captain of a ship, the pilot of an
aeroplane and the driver of a tractor must learn and obey natural laws of
gravity or else pay heavily for their negligence. Thus the veracity of verse 11
is not in doubt!
Jideofo: Verses 12 to 14 give ethical reasons why
all must obey the natural laws. Besides they teach us what true humility ought
to be in practical terms.
Can you always see your own errors? Even if you do, can you
deliver yourself from hidden faults? In other words, can you re-create yourself
and eliminate your sinful nature? Apartheid, nepotism, syncretism, racism and
ethnocentrism are hidden faults.
Oh, how I wish Moses lived
after these psalms were composed. He would never have introduced his
segregationist principles that derailed the human race into the derogatory
labels of ‘Jews’ and ‘Gentiles’; which in its wake gave birth to all the other
racist concepts, ideologies and policies that today divide and ruin the human
community world-wide!
Kenez: As a general introduction, we have done
justice to how and where we can locate some of the laws of creation. Let’s call
it a day here. We need to do some research work on the details before our next
session. Everyone needs to re-read those verses Jide pointed out that are not
only truly very prayerful but constitute a veritable thesis on humility:
v.12: No one can
see his own errors;
Deliver me Lord from hidden faults!
v.13: Keep me safe, also, from wilful sins;
Don’t let them rule over me.
Then I shall be perfect,
And free from the evil of sin!
v.14: May my words and my thoughts,
Be acceptable to you, O Lord,
My refuge and my redeemer!
May all our listeners or readers from
now on say that little prayer every morning and night. May God bless and keep
all of you for us. We love you all! Goodbye!
Chefs Jude, Jideofo & Kenez
Jude: Good day, my dear friends, I hope you enjoyed the past
week. During our last discussion, we rattled through a lot of general laws
governing existence. Today, however, I propose that we become more circumspect.
Let us list the natural laws subject by subject. For example, what are the
biological laws that every living thing obeys and must obey no matter where
it/he/she lives in the universe?
Jideofo: Thank you, my dear Jude, that’s the best
methodology we must use to accomplish this onerous task we have set for
ourselves. All those natural laws that are encountered in biology can be listed
separately from those of engineering. The same goes for physics, astronomy,
geology, medicine, hydrology and others! Moreover it is the method that our
successors must follow so as not to confuse the ‘Homo Faber’, by that I mean,
the common man on the street of any town in the world. They remain my
constituency always!
Kenez: If you recall properly, you would realise
that both of you are only repeating what I proposed at the conclusion of our
last debate. I suggest that we now bring forward the results our research
readings and/or investigations.
Jude: I may not be a natural scientist, but I do
remember the little introductory biology that was labelled 'Nature Study’
during our primary school days back in the early 1960s. Later, my biology
teacher in secondary school amplified it thus: ALL LIVING THINGS HAVE SEVEN
CHARACTERISTICS and we just crammed and
rattled them in class. We even coined abbreviations to aid our infant memories
Jideofo: Get straight to the point, my dear, are you
talking of MR NIGER ?
Jude: No. That’s a new one for me! What does that
imply? Is it an abbreviation? And if it is, teach me your own shorthand.
Kenez: My dear Jude, go straight to the point as Jideofo has
already advised you. You will tell us yours first, then we may oblige you with
ours. That way, we shall compare notes for the benefit of our audience!
Jude: ‘GRIMNER’ was and
still is my own mnemonic for remembering the seven characteristics of all
living things. G stands for growth, R for respiration, I
for irritability, M for movement, N for nutrition, E for
excretion and finally R for reproduction.
Jideofo: What a small world! The same is applicable
to mine abbreviation. The only difference being that I indigenised mine to
refer to the River Niger near to the secondary school I attended at the time!
Kenez: It then means that both of you belong to the
OT, by that I mean that both of you went to school when the eighth
characteristic had no been added!
Jude: You may call us anything you wish, science
is forever discovering and renaming its findings, panel beating its
conclusions, in here and out there, unlike theology that is immutable!
Jideofo: Cut off the thrash. Knowledge is dynamic.
What you have just said only confirms that theology is not knowledge. It is not
alive. It’s neither irritable nor adaptive to the ever-changing environment of
today. It does not grow despite opportunities to do so. Thus it disobeys the
very elementary laws of biology you have just enumerated a few minutes
ago! Let’s make progress. Kenez, please
complete your elaboration on the variable that is missing. I seek to know more
and more so as to update my knowledge jo-oh!
Kenez: Do all things die? If the answer is in the
affirmative, then your biology teacher was also an OT!
Jideofo: Thank you my dear, you are correct. Then,
what that means is that both birth and death are two more characteristics that
must be added to our antiquated ‘Nature Study’ lesson notes. So we can now
state that there are nine characteristics of all living things! So I need to
add some initials to my mnemonic, namely MR. B.D.NIGER or simply MR. NIGER ,
B.D. I
think I prefer the latter, and so is it!
Kenez: Now that you have updated your rudimentary
biology, Jude, can you continue the discussion?
Jude: Yes, why not! Every living thing grows. A
newly planted seed springs forth into a germinated seedling, which soon becomes
a plant, then, a tree! It later grows into a giant tree, flowers and so
produces fruits with new seeds, which will in turn bring forth a new species of
its kind!
Jideofo: You have not talked of ‘growth’ alone! You
have moved from ‘growth’ to ‘movement’ to ‘reproduction’ and to another
‘birth’! That’s a complete life cycle you’ve just described!
Kenez: That’s great! So, that every living thing has a life cycle will be our first natural law! That’s a
starting block in a race of many miles, my dear!
Jideofo: In the same vein, that every living thing has a date of birth or germination shall be the
second natural law for all biologists!
Jude: Then it follows that the third natural law
shall then be: every living thing
needs to take in water and air to begin its growth from one cell to two to
four, eight, sixteen and so forth in a geometric proportion to attain a
recognisable size.
Jideofo: That’s very interesting. Every one here
knows the basics in elementary botany, zoology and therefore biology, which is
a combination of the two!
Kenez: Did both of you notice that movement has
already been touched by Jude when he said that the germ cell increases in size
from two cells to four etc.?
Jude: That’s not all. I included nutrition when I
mentioned ‘take in water’ and/or ‘air’ another basic characteristic of all
living things, which implies respiration!
Jideofo: Whoever made us deserves a pat on the back.
See how interwoven and interdependent the actions are, that must function
contemporaneously to sustain life! And that, so far, is for a minute seedling.
Kenez: If at this juncture, we are obliged to add
the aerodynamics, hydrodynamics and thermodynamics involved in all we have said
so far, you will then begin to appreciate the Super-intelligence that wove them
all into a systematic chain of events that must of necessity occur together to
initiate life, sustain growth and preserve the delicate organism!
Jude: Let’s not confuse our audience at this point
of our introductory statements on the nine characteristics of all living
things. Softly, softly, my dear ones!
Jideofo: I agree completely with Jude. The next
natural laws that follow are: all
living things excrete or exhale waste products, and that they respond to the stable or ever
changing environment in which they find themselves.
Jude: We might as well complete our enumeration by
adding the eighth and ninth characteristics, namely: that all living things will reproduce when reach the age and
maturity required to perform that procreative activity before they go the way
of all protoplasm/flesh, which is death!
Kenez: We have all assumed that our audience knows the practical
implications of these nine characteristics in their personal lives! But this is
far from the truth!
Jude: Your are quite right, we lost track of that.
Not everyone is opportuned to have studied biology, even at the primary school
level. Jideofo, could you please summarise the salient points we have rattled
through, so that they may have very practical applications for the common man
or the ‘Homo Faber’ to use your own words!
Jideofo: Thank you, the ‘Homo Faber has always been my constituency
and will forever remain so!
The first practical application they must learn is that
each human being is born, lives for a period of time and then dies.
Some die on the day they were
born, some die a few days later and even some die right there in the womb. Yet
each one has lived a cycle of life!
The second is that conception is the real date and time of
birth, not the day one is pushed out into this cold world.
Only the Chinese and may be
some other Eastern cultures are very conscious of this. They subtract nine
months from the date of their actual physical birth when they write down their
dates of births (‘D.o.E.’) in any official document, private or public!
The third is that respiration; nutrition, movement and
excretion in human infants begin right there in the womb within the first weeks
of the development of the foetus. The placenta assists them do these!
Their methodologies are
programmed by the Creator to be similar and congruent in all respects. In
simpler words, how unborn babies perform these primary life sustaining
functions in the wombs of their various mothers are the same in all humans, but
are only refined or modified after their individual physical births.
These modifications constitute
what is termed ‘child-rearing practices’, which is the earliest introduction of
cultural differences, the very first steps towards socio-economic
class-consciousness, which marks the onset of the gradual initiation into
ethnocentric preferences!
The next implication of the
nine characteristics of all living things is:
The automatic responses each of us makes to the
ever-changing environment we find ourselves in at any given time, place or
This is termed ‘IRRITABILITY’,
i.e. the innate ability to unconsciously make the right choices that will
prevent any minute or serious damage to the self. This again, is programmed by
the Creator and therefore is in-born in all of us, and so is internationally
similar in every person irrespective of his/her nationality, creed and social
status. It is the central nervous system that helps us make these involuntary
but essential responses or actions to prolong life!
The last practical
implications, procreation or simply reproduction comes on with advancement in
age and maturity!
The ability to perform the required actions to mate and
transmit life to a new offspring is again inborn, is never learnt
internationally and is exactly the same for all races, species, cultures and
No one ever taught the lower
animals the art of copulation or its variety of performance. The dogs do it
differently from birds, insects, amphibians and other terrestrial animals. But
the end result is the same in all animals, (protozoan or metazoan, i.e.
unicellular or multicellular) and that means that new infants (neonates of each
species) are born to replace the dying ones, and so replenish the species!
Kenez: That’s very encyclopaedic my dear, (clapping his hands in appreciation), now I am beginning to understand why Jude calls you a
Jude: You have not seen anything yet! Wait until
you step into his speciality, then and only then would you realise what a
demagogue we have here!
Jideofo: What was that supposed to mean? Have I
committed any offence by obliging your request?
Jude: Don’t get me wrong, friend! My statements
are complimentary. I am only amplifying your talents that Kenez is yet to
appreciate! “Demagogue” simply means “ a popular leader of the people who
appeals to their sentiments” and that’s your role! Remember you claim the
masses as your constituency, don’t you?
Kenez: On a more serious note, where does this lead
us with respect to OBEDIENCE TO
NATURAL LAWS which is the topic of this
debate? Or have we lost track of the essence of the international applications
of the nine characteristics of all living things?
Jideofo: No, we haven’t. In a sentence: Those who obey the natural laws generally
live longer lives than those who disobey them do. That’s the secret of
longevity in all living things!
I learnt this from my
grandfather Ezeloma Paul Mbaezue IZUOHA. He never went to any formal school as
we do nowadays. Yet he was wiser than any Greek philosopher I have read of was!
He only lived by natural laws he deduced from observation, the truth he
inducted from traditional customs, native norms and mores of his people.
And he lived to be a hundred
and twenty years before we accorded him a well-deserved funeral as the ‘OKPARA’, a title
reserved for the oldest male in every Igbo community! A tortoise or an elephant
lives longer than every human does, if allowed to do so by the most destructive
animal in creation-Man! The reason for their extraordinary longevity is simple.
They live by and obey all the natural laws in creation!
Jude: So that accounts for the longevity in
Chapter 5 of Genesis! Before the flood, humans had not learnt to disobey nature
as we do today! They ate the fruits and grains that God decreed for humans as
their staple food. And these were taken raw, as fresh as when they were plucked
from the trees! There were neither the mechanical/electronic gadgets for
cooking of foods nor the alternative sources of electricity to deny them
full-sleep at nightfall.
Every living thing that disobeys the Creator’s natural laws
more especially the sleep timetable does so at its/his/her own risk, namely the
loss of good health and the hastening of death!
Equally there were no
refrigerators for preservation to deceive them into thinking that neither
viruses nor stubborn bacteria hibernated in most iced foods and drinks we
consume nowadays! That’s our undoing today. No thanks to modern technology!
According to the sage, Paul Mbaezue Izuoha;
“ Not consuming enough fresh leaves, fruits and spring
water, eating decaying foods rather than freshly prepared ones and soups on a
daily basis; are some of the remote reasons why we who live in rural villages
out-live you people who live in urban cities! Moreover, the air you breathe
there is always polluted with the smoke coming out your motorcycle and pleasure
car exhaust pipes!”
Kenez: So what both of you are saying is that,
The first benefit of obeying all the natural laws in
And that you learnt these from
untutored villagers who lived all their life in natural settings observing the
simple laws of creation!
The second is that since we are all conceived and born in
the same way, there is benefit in embracing a universal outlook towards the
brotherhood and sisterhood of all humans.
In a word, there are no natural
inequalities in creation; therefore all contrary policies are man-made!
The third is the innate ability to adapt to differing
environments be it internal or external, cold or hot, one’s culture or another
and finally assimilating a new language,
This is easily the most
important gift of all because it allows the human infant to grow up in any
cultural setting, time zone or temperature, learn to think, talk and behave
like those living within that cultural setting despite retaining the colour of
its parent’s skin and other anatomical features! Watch the popular film “MR. BONES” in order
to appreciate this gift of irritability at its greatest demonstration! By this,
the Creator is stating unequivocally that no race; language or culture is
superior to another! Racists and colonial imperialists should take note of this
fundamental truth!
Jude: That’s another demonstration of an analytic
mind! Thanks my dear friends. But aren’t we missing out on the spiritual angle?
If you have ever listened to
the lyrics of Michael Bolton’s “LEAN ON ME”, then the
fundamental truth of the nine characteristics of all living things comes out as
clear as crystals.
We need each other to survive and enjoy the gifts of
nature, in other words, we will need a shoulder to lean on in times of
difficulty, stress or sorrow!
Since we are all born in the same manner and nurtured as
babies in similar ways right from the womb, we’d better swallow our ethnocentric
pride and prejudices and co-operate to enjoy life to the fullest!
And finally, the most fundamental realisation is that we
are brothers and sisters, children and heirs to the same Almighty Creator’s
paradise of joy, peace and happiness, so we owe each other unconditional filial
and fraternal love!
anyone doubt that such principles learnt from simple scientific laws that
govern all existence can be the much desired, practical and wholesome
foundations for a glorious Integrational Spiritan Movement, ISM,
Such a spiritual fellowship can accommodate
all races of mankind, all ethnic groups in every country and all ethical
philosophies that guide the conduct of human affairs? This, and only this is
the objective of the revolutionary trio of:
Jude: Today we agreed to
take a closer look at the natural laws embedded in agriculture. When anyone
talks of agriculture in this part of the Africa ,
what readily comes to mind is crop farming and poultry! But technically it
includes Animal Husbandry; Crop Farming;
Dairy Farming; Forestry; Poultry Farming; and Soil Management! However, Agriculture, simply defined, is the art, science, and industry of managing the
growth of plants and animals for human use. In a broad sense agriculture
includes cultivation of the soil, growing and harvesting of crops, breeding and
raising of livestock, dairying, and forestry.
Jideofo: Thank you for that nice
introduction, Jude. Modern agriculture today depends heavily on engineering and
technology and on the biological and physical sciences. Irrigation, drainage, conservation, and sanitation— each of which
is important in successful farming— are some of the fields requiring the specialised
knowledge of agricultural engineers. Agricultural chemistry, instrument
mechanisation, plants breeding and genetics have contributed immeasurably to
farm productivity and efficiency and so have eased much of the backbreaking
toil of the farmer.[3]
Kenez: The
relevant issue in agriculture that is of interest as a natural law is Photosynthesis, which according to
Encarta® 98 Desk Encyclopaedia is:
process by which chlorophyll-containing green plants, algae, and some bacteria
capture energy in the form of light and convert it to chemical energy.
Virtually all the energy available for life on earth is made available through
photosynthetic bacteria use hydrogen sulphide (H2S) in photosynthesis, but the vast
majority of photosynthetic organisms use water (H2O).”
Photosynthesis consists of two
stages: a series of light-dependent reactions that are temperature independent
and a series of temperature-dependent reactions that are light independent. The
first series is called the light reaction, and the second series is known as
the dark reaction.
“Light Reaction:
first step in photosynthesis is the absorption of light by pigments. One of these pigments is chlorophyll,
which is essential for the process. It captures light energy in the violet and
red portions of the spectrum. Other forms of
chlorophyll and other pigments absorb slightly different wavelengths of light
and pass the energy to chlorophyll to be transformed into chemical energy.
takes place within cells, in organelles called
chloroplasts. Energy absorbed by the
pigments is transferred to a special form of chlorophyll called a reaction
centre. There a number of reactions occur, including the production of
energy-rich adenosine triphosphate,
(ATP) and the energising of the coenzyme nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
phosphate (NADP), which is then reduced to NADPH2. The light reaction ends with the
energy yield stored in the ATP and NADPH2.
Dark Reaction
In the
dark reaction the energy stored in the ATP and NADPH2 is used to reduce carbon
dioxide to organic carbon through a
series of reactions. At each turn of the cycle one molecule of carbon dioxide
is initially combined with a five-carbon sugar to form two molecules of a
three-carbon compound. The cycle eventually produces a three-carbon molecule.
Two of these molecules combine to form a six-carbon sugar, glucose, regenerating the five-carbon sugar.
The net effect of photosynthesis is the temporary
capture of light energy in the chemical bonds of ATP and NADPH2 through the light reaction, and the permanent
capture of the energy in glucose through the dark reaction.
Water is split during the light reaction. Carbon
dioxide is reduced in the dark reaction to provide the basis for the sugar
The complete, balanced equation for
photosynthesis involving water is:
6 CO2 + 12H2O = C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 6H2O[4]”
It is this manufacture of sugar, the energy-giving
substance in all living things that makes the study of photosynthesis the king
of all research efforts in agriculture, agronomy, horticulture and every other
branch of agricultural engineering!
Jude: At first sight and interaction, one would mistake you for a
sophist of the first class order. But now I can see that you and my college
mate here, whom I prefer describing as a ‘bookworm’ are bed-fellows as far as
voracious reading and consequently the possession of an enormous vault of
information in all departments of general knowledge is concerned!
Jideofo: Kenez please, don’t mind his interruption,
conclude your thesis on the natural chain of events that the Great Designer
uses to feed all his creatures; large or small, literate or illiterate, tame or
wild and finally human or subhuman!
Kenez: Yes, the issue is again the equality of all
living things and therefore the egalitarian attitude we should all posses when
dealing with all other living things! We all depend on the plants for all our
food. Flies, mosquitoes, rats, cats, birds, bats, snakes, frogs, toads, turtles
and even the whales in the oceans do!
Jude: That’s not
possible my dear Kenez, do you mean that whales eat plants like cows and goats?
Jideofo: You can now see why I call you either a
simpleton or a religious fanatic! Why not update your information data bank by
reading scientific books rather burying your head in the Bible? What Kenez
is saying is that every living thing depends on a food chain designed by the
Almighty Creator that ends at the doorsteps of plants! Plants wear the crown of
sustaining all life! The Creator made them the ultimate manufacturers of all
that we eat!
This is how it works my dear
friend; omnivores like you eat cooked meat, roots, fruits and leaves of plants
directly; carnivores eat the raw meat of the animals they kill; which
invariably are herbivores that directly eat the raw leaves of grasses and
plants! So it is with the animals in the rivers and oceans. All the whales,
sharks, crocodiles, sea lions and hippopotamuses do the same as humans or apes,
the herbivores and the carnivores!
We all depend on the
chlorophyll in the leaves of plants above or below sea level. They absorb the
power of sun, which they use to combine carbon dioxide and water to manufacture
the variety of sugars stored in their roots, stems, branches, fruits and seeds
that we eat to survive! Nutritionally, they are our ever-ready mothers, so to
speak! They feed the world!
Jude: Thank you, my friends. That is the benefit
of having learned friends like you! Like I said before, my knowledge of biology
stopped at the secondary school level, so I did not learn about this
interdependence of all living things. My mind tells me that there must be
something we also contribute to the sustenance of these plants, am I wrong?
Jideofo: That’s an educated guess and it shows that
you’re gifted in the sciences but were unopportuned to devote more time to it! We
provide the carbon dioxide they use when alive and the decaying nutrients or
manure when we die and are buried in the ground! God provides the water they
use via rainfalls, streams or rivers! So, all in all, God is our Almighty
Jude: Now, that
completes the food chain both of you talked about some minutes ago. Wait a
minute! They also supply the oxygen we breathe in order to be alive in the
first place! So without plants we shall all die? The value of plants, grasses
and the study of agriculture are therefore fundamental in understanding the
wisdom of the Almighty Creator? If only all humans would appreciate this
interdependence and how we are all equal in the eyes of the Creator God, there
would be more respect for the various ethnic or racial groups in the world!
This in turn would reduce social prejudices; political imperialism, syncretic
religious practices and thereby bring about more harmonious co-existence of all
humans without the need for segregationist policies! Really, all the other studies or branches of agriculture
are summed up in this process of photosynthesis!
Jideofo: There are so many other ways that the laws of agriculture
convince us that we should all worship the Creator based on egalitarian
principles. These are the laws of hydrotropism, phototropism, osmotic pressure
and transpiration pull! We may not have the time and space to discuss these
laws in any detail in this volume of ANGELIC VERSES, however we expect that our
readers will find the time to look them up in standard textbooks of biology or
Jude: No, we ought to give them at least the basic
definitions. You must realise that humans are very lazy animals, they may never
bother to look up any of these references we give them!
Kenez: I agree totally with Jude. At the least we
owe them mere dictionary definitions. So here we go:
Hydrotropism: is the growth or movement in a sessile organism
toward or away from water, as of the roots of a plant.[5] In simple
words, that the roots of all plants grow towards the source of water is a
natural law they always obey!
Phototropism: is
the growth or movement of a sessile organism toward or away from a source of
light.[6] In the tropics, such as in Biafra ,
to carry out the process of photosynthesis, plant shoots must grow towards
sunlight. That’s a natural law every plant obeys!
Osmosis: (a) is
the diffusion of fluid through a semi- permeable membrane until there is a
balanced concentration of fluid on both sides of the membrane.
(b) The tendency of
fluids to diffuse in such a manner.[7] This simply means that liquids of lower
concentrations must move through the pores in plant cells towards liquids of
stronger concentrations, or until here is an equal balance on both sides of the
This is a natural law
that ensures the movement of water in all directions in all plants!
Transpiration: The act or process of
transpiring, especially through the stomata of plant tissue or the pores of the
skin.[8] This really is the continuous operation of the
process of osmosis, which sets up either the osmotic pressure or the
transpiration pull! Another natural law that every plant must obey to remain
So, you can now see that even plants are obedient
to these eternal and natural laws that the Creator God put into his design for
their survival. And so must we, the ‘Homo Sapiens’ species of animals discover
ours and obey them for our own good and the good of other created beings,
animate and inanimate!
Jude: If all these laws are embedded in nature, why
then are we manufacturing doctrines and dogmas in order to worship this
Almighty Creator who made us and wrote these natural laws into our subconscious
apparatus for ever and ever? We are the architects of our political and
religious differences and wars!
Jideofo: Since you have both agreed to define the terms, we might as
well explain what goes on in the leaves of plants that connect these
Whereas leaves must grow
towards light to obtain the power needed for photosynthesis, roots must grow
towards water to obtain the nutrients required for the formation of the sugars!
Osmosis, on the other hand,
permits the movement of water upward against the law of gravity and also allows
the movement in all other directions- down, right or left!
Now the most important of all
is what happens in the leaf that deals with transpiration pull! The leaves of
every plant or scrub you see is so vital to the energy supply of all living
things that we cannot afford to neglect a detailed discussion of it.
I will refer you to the
encyclopaedic definition for an unbiased expatiation of the term. It is a long
essay that is crucial to our appreciation of the scientific wisdom of the
Almighty Creator that we must exercise to patience required to read them all!
“Leaf, is
that part of a plant that serves primarily as the plant's food-making organ in
a process called photosynthesis. A leaf is an
extension of a plant's stem. Although most leaves are flat, broad, or
blade-like, they also may be of many other shapes, including
round, oval, or feathery. In size, leaves range from only several millimetres
long, as in the water plant Elodea,
to 15 to 18 m (15 to 60 ft) long, as in some palm
The typical green leaf
consists of two basic parts: a petiole and a blade. The petiole is a stalk-like
structure that supports the leaf blade on the stem. It also serves as a
passageway between the stem and the blade for water and nutrients. Another
function of the petiole is to move the leaf into the best position for
receiving sunlight. Many plants, such as grasses and corn, do not have
petioles. In these plants, the base of the blade is attached directly to the
The leaf blade is usually a
thin, flat structure, consisting of an upper and lower epidermis and a spongy
layer of tissue, called the mesophyll. The epidermis is a thin, colourless
layer of cells that cover both the upper and lower surfaces of the blade. The
epidermis prevents the leaf from losing excessive amounts of water and protects
it against injury. Scattered throughout the epidermis are pairs of bean-shaped
cells, called guard cells. Guard cells contain chloroplasts,
which are tiny granules filled with the green pigment chlorophyll.
Chloroplasts enable leaves to carry on photosynthesis because they are able to
absorb carbon dioxide and sunlight. In response to heat and light, each pair of
guard cells pulls apart.
Through the pore that is
formed, carbon dioxide and oxygen pass in and out. When carbon dioxide enters,
it takes part in photosynthesis, a food-making process that releases oxygen as
a waste product. This oxygen passes out of the leaf. At the same time, oxygen
also enters the leaf, where it takes part in respiration, a process by which a
plant obtains energy. The process forms carbon dioxide as a waste product, and
this carbon dioxide passes out through the pore. Water also passes out of the
open pore in the form of a vapour. This process is called transpiration.
The mesophyll is sandwiched
between the upper and lower epidermis. Running through the middle of the
mesophyll and branching out to all of its cells are veins, which help support
the leaf blade. The veins of a leaf are made up of two specialised tissues,
xylem and phloem. Xylem conducts water and dissolved minerals to the leaf blade
from the rest of the plant. Phloem carries food manufactured in the blade to
the rest of the plant.
Chlorophyll gives
green leaves their colour. The presence of additional pigments causes other
leaf colours such as red and purple. In temperate regions of the world, the
leaves of some plants change colour in autumn, when chlorophyll production
decreases and the other pigments become visible. Leaves of most garden plants
turn yellow in the autumn, but those of many trees take on brilliant orange or
red colours. Most plants whose leaves change colour also lose their leaves in
the autumn. Such plants are called deciduous. In other plants, such as laurels and pines,
the leaves do not change colour and do not fall off in autumn. Such plants are
called evergreens.[9]
Can you now comprehend the
intricate processes that the Omniscient Creator wove into the leaves of every
plant you see? Such knowledge should humble us!
Jude: I wish I could say ‘yes’ with certainty but I’ll not
deceive myself. This Creator God must be All Loving and Benevolent to have
prepared all these processes in order to feed us year in year out! Can we next
look at another universal law in nature?
Can any earthly Father or Mother
provide a better and regular supply of food, water and fresh air to their
children? Do we need any further proof that we are all equal and important to
this Almighty Creator Father of all human beings? We are blood brothers and
equal citizens of planet earth! We must retrace our apartheid or ethnocentric
steps and allow egalitarianism be our moral code!
Is there more request of our Creator?
----------------------- Chefs Jude, Jideofo
& Kenez.
Kenez: If you have ever seen where roofs of houses were blown off
during a thunderstorm or a real heavy rainfall, then you would comprehend the
velocity of the ordinary air we breathe in and out, which is then called
‘wind’, ‘hurricane’ or ‘tornado’ because it’s now in motion. The term used by
engineers and students of physics to describe the speed of the wind is
Jideofo: To cut the long story short:
“Velocity, in physics, is
the rate of linear motion of a body in a particular direction. Velocity is a vector— that is, it has both magnitude and direction.
The magnitude of velocity, known as speed, is usually expressed in terms of
distance covered per unit of time (usually the hour or second), such as feet
per second or kilometres per hour.
Velocity can be
constant, or it can be accelerated. Constant, or uniform, velocity can be
determined simply by dividing the distance covered by the time taken to travel
that distance. When an object is accelerated, the object's velocity vector
changes per unit of time. Acceleration can change the direction of the velocity
vector, or change the magnitude of the velocity vector, or change both the
direction and magnitude of the velocity vector.” [10]
Kenez: Thank you for coming to my rescue, though unsolicited, I hope that our
audience is attentive:
“MECHANICS, is that branch of physics concerning the
motions of objects and their response to forces.
Descriptions of mechanics begin with definitions of such quantities as
distance, time, velocity,
acceleration, mass, and force.”[11]
“FORCE, in
physics, is any influence that accelerates an object. An object experiences a
force because of the influence of a field.
Force is a ‘vector’,
meaning that it has both direction and amount. When several forces act on an
object, the forces are combined.”
“The total force acting on an
object, the object's mass, and the acceleration of the object are all
related to each other by the second law of motion formulated by English
physicist and mathematician Sir Isaac Newton.”
“This law states that the
total force acting on an object is equal to the object's acceleration times its
mass. Thus, if a force acts on two objects of different mass, the one with a
larger mass will have a lower acceleration. In the international
system of units, the unit of force is the ‘newton’, which is the amount
of force that gives an object with a mass of 1 kg an acceleration of 1 m/sec2.”[12]
“MASS (in
physics), is the amount of matter that an
object contains, which is a measure of that object's resistance to change of
motion Mass is different from weight, which is a measure of the attraction of
the earth for a mass and varies with the mass's distance from the earth.
According to the law of conservation of mass, matter cannot be created or
destroyed. This is true for chemical reactions
but not for cases where atoms disintegrate.”
According to the
theory of relativity, formulated in 1905 by
German-American physicist Albert Einstein, the mass of an object changes
as its velocity approaches that of light. Where such velocities are involved, as in
nuclear reactions, mass can be converted into energy
and vice versa.[13]
Jideofo: The historical development of the laws of physics is that the Italian physicist and
astronomer Galileo Galilee analysed motion in terms of the distance travelled
from some starting position and the time taken. He showed that the speed of
falling objects increases steadily. This acceleration is the same for heavy
objects as for light ones, provided air friction
is discounted.
mathematician and physicist Sir Isaac Newton
improved this analysis by defining force and mass and relating these to
acceleration. Newton 's
laws were replaced for objects travelling at speeds close to the speed of light by the theory of relativity
formulated by German American physicist Albert
Einstein. For atomic and subatomic particles Newton 's laws were later replaced by quantum theory.”
Kinetics is the description of
motion without regard to what causes the motion. To describe motion, the
concepts of velocity and acceleration are used. Velocity is the distance
travelled divided by the time, and acceleration is the change of velocity
divided by the time during the change. Describing the motion of an object
that is small compared with the distances involved is uncomplicated. If the
object is large, however, the concept of the centre of mass, a point
representing the entire mass of an object, may be used.”
Dynamics is the study of what
causes motion. To understand why objects accelerate, force and mass must be
defined. A force can either distort or accelerate an object. Distortion can be
used to calibrate a spring scale, which can be
used to measure the strength of a force: the greater the force, the greater the
When calculating a total force
on an object, it is necessary to add the forces as vectors.
If an object is motionless, the total force must be zero. For instance, a
book lying on a table is being pulled down by the earth's gravitational
attraction and is being pushed up by the molecular repulsion of the tabletop.
The total force is zero; the book is in equilibrium.”
“Newton 's
Three Laws of Motion
Newton's first law of motion
states that, if the vector sum
of the forces acting on an object is zero, then the object will remain at rest
or remain moving at constant velocity.
Energy ties together all branches of physics. In mechanics, energy must be provided to do ‘work’.
Work is defined as
the product of a force and the distance an object moves in the direction of the
force. When a force is exerted
on an object, but the force does not cause the object to move, no work is done.
If work is done lifting an object, energy has been stored in the form of
gravitational potential energy. Many other forms of energy exist: electric and magnetic potential energy; kinetic
energy; energy stored in stretched springs, compressed gases,
or molecular bonds; thermal energy; and mass itself. In all transformations
from one kind of energy to another, the total energy is conserved.”[14]
Jude: What both of you have succeeded
in doing so far is getting me more confused than ever but at the same time
allowing me to stand in awe towards the Almighty Creator who put all these laws
that Newton and Einstein only discovered centuries later! If my opinions can
represent that of our audience then the three laws of Isaac Newton is easier
for the common man to understand. At least it explains to me the principle of a
moving car. As a child I always wondered which was moving, the trees along the
road daddy was driving on or we inside the vehicle. Newton ’s law has explained it so well that my
infantile ambiguity has been laid to rest! But by
far the greatest profit I have made from all the encyclopaedic explanations; is
that of zero force!
“If an object is motionless, the total force must be
zero. For instance, a book lying on a table is being pulled down by the earth's
gravitational attraction and is being pushed up by the molecular repulsion of
the tabletop. The total force is zero; the book is in equilibrium.”
Anytime I am reading in my clinic or working on my
computer, I now know why the objects on the table are at equilibrium! Also, it
explains why those at the edge of the table fall off more easily! Thanks to
these laws we have not all fallen into space. Please, can any of you now expatiate
on the common laws of gravity in very simple language so that a ‘Homo Faber’
can comprehend all you have been talking about?
Kenez: I will use everyday events to detail how
each of us obeys the laws of gravity willy-nilly! You are sitting down now,
later you may stand and walk away from here. This is made possible by the law
of gravity pulling you down all the while.
It magnets every
thing that has weight towards the centre of the earth’s crust. If it stopped
doing so for a minute, you and I would fall off into space. All the buildings
in this world; skyscrapers in USA, Britain and France to mention just a few
will all crumble, so will all the mud houses, bungalows and storeyed buildings
you see out there. Without the magnetic force of gravity holding us glued to
the earth, cars, lorries, trailers, caterpillars, trains, helicopters and
aeroplanes can not fly, all will crash!
On the oceans all
boats and ships will sink! In short, without gravity all structures you can
touch and see will collapse! Have I made any difference in your understanding
of the essential law of gravity and its indispensability?
Jideofo: You are giving far-fetched examples. Jude,
my dear, suppose you wake one morning and find that as you are urinating the
urine flies up into the air, what would you do? Or better still, if you threw a
piece of wood in an attempt to pluck some mango fruits, both the mangoes you
have successfully hit and your implement refuse to fall down to the ground, but
instead continue to go up towards the clouds! What is happening and how would
you explain such an unusual phenomenon?
Jude: I will run back into my room, kneel down and
pray expecting the imminent end of the world!
Jideofo: That’s exactly what would be happening every
time and every day if there were no laws of gravity to keep every thing in
space and time!
Jude: What is a tornado or the hurricane Kenez talked
about at the beginning of this discourse?
Kenez: From the same reference book we have been quoting
from: “A tornado is a violent whirling wind, characteristically accompanied by a
funnel-shaped cloud extending from a cumulonimbus cloud. A tornado can be from a few meters to about a
kilometre wide where it touches the ground, with an average width of a few
hundred meters. It can travel for distances ranging from short hops to many
kilometres, causing extensive damage. The funnel is made visible by the dust
that it sucks up and by condensation of water droplets in its centre. Most
tornadoes spin counter-clockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in
the southern hemisphere. They develop within low-pressure areas of high winds;
wind speeds often exceed 480 km/h (over 300 mph). Tornado damage is caused by
wind and by the extremely reduced pressure in the funnel's centre, which can
cause structures to explode.[15]
A hurricane, on the
other hand is defined as:
“ Migratory
tropical cyclones originating over oceans in
certain regions near the equator, particularly those arising in the doldrums in the West Indian region, including the
Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico .
Hurricanes consist of high-velocity winds blowing circularly around a
low-pressure centre, known as the eye of the storm, which develops when warm,
saturated air prevalent in the doldrums is underrun and forced upward by
denser, cooler air. The diameter of the area affected by destructive winds may
exceed 240 km (150 miles). From the edge of the storm toward its centre,
atmospheric pressure drops sharply and wind velocity rises. Within the eye of
the storm, winds stop and clouds lift, but seas remain violent. In the northern
hemisphere hurricanes usually travel first in a north-westerly direction and
then turn north-east. In the southern hemisphere they usually move first to the
south-west and subsequently to the south-east.[16]
So you
can now see how powerful the air we take for granted can be very devastating
and destructive!
Jideofo: Are we not sacrificing too much time on this
aerodynamics of wind for others like thermodynamics and hydrodynamics. Have we so easily forgotten or neglected ‘Archimedes Principle’ which
predates those of Newton
and Einstein?
Kenez: No, we have not! Can anyone ever forget “Eureka ! Eureka !!” I think that is one Greek
word I learnt even as early as during my primary education! I’m sure that even
our overzealous religionist here knows that one!
Jude: Of course I do. He was the great
mathematician who bordered himself with creative inventions while his peers
were busy becoming Epicureans! He gave us the “Law of Floatation”, which he discovered in a public bathtub
and ran all the way back home to his study to record it that he forgot he was
naked! It was presumed he had gone mad until his new discovery became the basic
principle in boat construction!
I know at least that meteorologists
must study it and thermodynamics in detail. Pilots and navigators concentrate
on aerodynamics, while civil engineers master fluid mechanics!
Jideofo: To date all laws in hydrodynamics owe their
origin to that ‘Eureka
episode’. Congratulations, Jude! All engineers study the three dynamics of aero- (air), hydro- (water) and thermo-
(temperature) as basics for any specialisations after their bachelor’s degrees!
We shall pause here to look at other disciplines!
Kenez: No, not so fast!
How about the laws of flying those ordinary birds of the air
know better than our Air Force pilots do, even though they never go to any Flying Training
Schools or Colleges? Can any pilot beat the black
swallow, (that graceful,
swift-flying passerine birds of the family Hirundinidae, [17]),
- in
acrobatics or the royal eagle in striking (that
large diurnal bird of prey of the family
Accipitridae, [18])
accurately at targets? Even eagles pick fishes swimming in the clear
rivers or the ocean whenever they desire to change diet! Can you compete with
their eyesight or accuracy in diving?
Jude: These untutored creatures
of the air do not have accidents while in flight. They do not have electronic
gadgets nor navigators to assist them but see the huge number of human lives we
lose every time an aircraft collides with another or crashes!
Jideofo: Obedience to natural laws still remains the
best option for spiritual fellowship! It will take time to convince the world
but definitely nothing offers a better plan for the unification of all
religionists and the evolution of the best way to live out our short spans of
lives here on earth! Good day gentlemen!
was quite impressed by Jude’s knowledge of Archimedes principle during the conclusion
of our last treatise on engineering/gravity laws in nature! Kenez, do you share
my view?
Kenez: Don’t underrate anyone. Jude, here, is an
intellectual! From the very first contact I ever made with both of you, I have always known that he could have
become an engineering or medical giant, if he had not been brainwashed too
early in life with pseudo religious indoctrination!
Jude: Let’s make hay while the sun shines. The much I
know of the topic we have for today, is that Chemistry is that branch of
knowledge that seeks to codify the behaviour of gases and liquids used in our
daily activities, medicine or industry.
But, to be factual,
the first chemist I knew, know and will ever cherish is my mother! As a child,
I enjoyed the sweet aroma of fried stew, - onions, pepper and tomatoes, - each
Sunday as she prepared our staple lunch of rice
and stew very plenty! So, every food preparation is chemistry in
In other words, I
have been engaged in causing chemical reactions right from my childhood, e.g.
urinating, defecating and fouling the air. They are all chemical actions, which
disrupt the normal balance in the equilibrium of gases in our immediate
environment thus bringing about chemical reactions in the space or atmospheric
air around us and then other behavioural reactions from humans so affected
(A round of laughter, applause and giggling
Jideofo: There he goes, a very practical
jester! Kenez, I forgot to tell you that my friend cracks expensive jokes. He
is a palace clown of the highest order. In fact, back in the university, he bagged a D.Sc. (Honoris Causa) in ‘Jokiology and Applied
Comedy’! So I am not surprised. However, on a more serious note, all he
has said so far are factual, for every cooking activity is chemical laws in
Kenez: You can say that again. Starting
from the lighting of a stove, whether gas or kerosene version, the resulting
combustion, black smoke, blue or yellow flames and the generation of heat and
light are already chemical reactions! And any smell or odours perceived during
the preparation of any type of food or during every kitchen activity marks a
chemical stimulus to and a response by one or more of the five sense of the
average human being! Jude, you are very correct there. Thanks for making our
discussion easy for the common man or woman reading this section of our
Jideofo: But to satisfy the expectations
of our more informed or educated audience as well:
Chemistry,“ is a field of science that uses the
laws of physics to explain the properties of
chemicals and chemical phenomena.”[19]
This is the type we
studied in Higher School Curriculum before the Biafra-Nigeria civil war.
“The main
subdivisions of physical chemistry are chemical thermodynamics; chemical kinetics;
the studies of gases, liquids, solids and solutions;
electrochemistry; colloid chemistry; photochemistry; and statistical thermodynamics.
thermodynamics is the study of energy as related to matter. It examines the ways in which the internal
energy and ability to do useful work
are related to temperature, heat absorbed or evolved, change of state, changes
in surface tension, and changes in volume or pressure.”[20]
Kenez: The light and heat generated by combustion
during cooking re-introduces the ‘thermodynamics’ we earlier mentioned in our
discussion of the laws of gravity/engineering. We might now do justice to them:
Thermodynamics, “is a field of physics that describes such qualities of matter as temperature,
pressure, and volume. It also takes in energy, heat, and work.
When a physical system moves from one state of equilibrium
to another, a thermodynamic process is said to take place. The laws of
thermodynamics were discovered in the 19th century through a long series of
painstaking experimentation.”[21] A
simple example that demonstrates this is how ice block melt when brought out
from our refrigerators. Observe what happens!
Combustion, “is a process of burning or rapid oxidation of a substance with
production of heat and, usually, light. Common fuels
combine chemically with atmospheric oxygen,
producing carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and water
as the principal products, together with other substances that may be generated by minor ingredients of the fuel. Combustion also includes
oxidation in a broad chemical sense, where oxygen may not be involved.[22]
Light, “is a form of energy
visible to the human eye. It is emitted by moving charged particles. Light
sometimes behaves like particles, called photons,
and at other times like waves.”[23]
Light Emission
Electrons circling
the nucleus of an atom may emit light. Electrons can circle atoms only in
certain patterns called orbitals, and electrons have a specific amount of
energy in each orbital. If an electron moves from a higher orbital to a lower
orbital, it releases its energy, sometimes in the form of a photon. The
energies of the photons an atom can emit make up the atom's spectrum.”[24]
Heat, in physics, transfer of energy from one part of a substance to another, or
from one object to another, because of a difference in temperature.
Heat flows from a substance at a higher temperature to a substance at a lower
temperature, provided the volume of the
objects remains constant. Heat does not flow from a lower to a
higher temperature unless another form of energy transfer, work, is also present.”[25]
Jude: What have you achieved by all those jaw-breaking
definitions? You want to sound mysterious to the common man, is that it? Why
not come down to those things they do everyday that obeys the laws of chemical
reactions? What causes indigestion, food decay or poisoning and/or
over-saltiness? These are some of the issues we should explain in simple terms.
If we have the
ordinary folks at heart, then we must come down to their level!
Why not explain what
happens when they bathe with ordinary soap, like this-
That the
water combines with the chemicals in the tablet of soap to produce the lather,
which attacks the bacteria and dirt on their skins to wash off the sediments of
salt and sweat on their bodies.
That during
their meals at breakfast, lunch and dinner, that the food they eat, which are
actually a combination of chemical molecules of proteins, carbohydrates and
fatty acids.
That these
combine during mastication with other digestive chemicals produced by the
glands God the Creator endowed them with at birth to set off a long chain of
chemical processes biologists call: ‘digestion’.
Such simple
statements are what I call the mastery of any branch of the sciences or the
arts; namely; the ability to explain with ease the topic so that a
semi-illiterate market woman can easily understand what is being discussed!
Until we can do that, let us postpone this debate, please.
Jideofo: ‘Concedo in aeternum’ my theologian! I agree completely.
Kenez, over to you. Translate all you have quoted from the encyclopaedia into
everyday language. Make them intelligible so that our dear grandmothers, wives
and sisters at home who never read physics can follow! Show them how chemicals
obey natural laws!
Kenez: That’s not a hard task at all!
Let’s start with the lighting of the liquefied gas stove, as an example:
The gas that
comes out of the cylinder is a chemical in a liquid form but changes to a
gaseous form as soon as you unscrew its nozzle.
It is lighter than
the atmospheric air in the kitchen, so it rushes to the burners through the
rubber tubing and is ignited when you strike a matchstick or the lighter.
The head of the
matchstick, which looks very much like gunpowder are solid chemicals glue
together in the form of an explosive and so sparks into light and gives the
flame, that’s combustion!
The gas, which is a
hydrocarbon combines with the oxygen in the air to give the by-products of heat
and blue flame, which is the colour of the hottest flame there ever was/is! It
is this ‘heat that really flows from a
substance at a higher temperature (the blue flame) to a substance at a lower
temperature (the water in the pot), provided the volume
of the objects remains constant.” The heat gradually puts the water in very high motion. That is the
boiling that flows into the pieces of yam, the grains of rice or vegetables in
the pot.
In like
manner: the extra water, meat, fish, onions, tomatoes, salt or oil added to the
boiling ingredients get cooked through this process that obeys the law of
thermodynamics, which states:
“When a
physical system moves from one state of equilibrium
to another, a thermodynamic process is said to take place.” This is
the end of the story!
Jideofo: Not so fast, my friend! What
about the chemical compounds we eat at table? To answer that question we need
to realise that each food is a collection of chemical molecules bonded together
by obeying some fundamental laws of chemistry as ordained by the Almighty
Creator. As we already are aware, there are four basic classes of all we eat:
1. “Carbohydrate, any of many chemical compounds in which hydrogen and oxygen,
in their proportions in water, are combined with carbon.
The formula of most of these compounds may be expressed as Cm(H2O)n.”[26]
2. “Protein,
Any of a group of complex
organic macromolecules that contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and
usually sulphur and are composed of one or more chains of amino acids. Proteins
are fundamental components of all living cells and include many substances,
such as enzymes, hormones, and antibodies that are necessary for the proper
functioning of an organism. They are essential in the diet of animals for the
growth and repair of tissue and can be obtained from foods such as meat, fish,
eggs, milk, and legumes.”[27]
“Fatty acid, Any of a large group of mono-basic acids, especially those found in
animal and vegetable fats and oils, having the general formula CnH2n+1COOH.
Characteristically made up of saturated or unsaturated aliphatic compounds.”
“Vitamin, any of the organic chemical compounds required by the body in small
amounts for metabolism, to protect health, and
for proper growth in children. Vitamins also assist in the formation of hormones, blood cells, nervous
system chemicals, and genetic material.[28] With an even number of carbon atoms, this
group of acids includes palmitic, stearic, and oleic acids.[29]
Jude: Definitely you are forgetting water, which
sustains all cells and lubricates all that we bite and chew. For me water is
the number one chemical!
Kenez: We are here once more to look at how obedience to natural
laws can help us unify religious worship and observances world-wide! This time
how obedience to health laws in creation elongates our individual life spans
shall take the centre stage.
Jude: We have already introduced that while
talking about the basic chemical laws that routine cooking obeys. So all we
need add here is the basic rules of hygiene and the values of a balanced diet.
Jideofo: I do
not share your over simplification of the topic in that way. Don’t you realise
that it involves all medical knowledge about the intricate anatomy and
physiology of the human body!
Jude: You have again opened up with big words!
Jideofo: There are certain technical terms that must first of all be
used and later explained. Our audience needs to recognise these words later
whenever they come across them elsewhere! ‘Anatomy’ is just the
description of the body parts that can be seen/touched, whereas ‘Physiology’
is how this body parts work together to produce the actions needed to sustain
The eyeballs are only some of
the anatomical parts used for vision to enjoy sightseeing, admire pictures,
read books, walk along the road or drive a car/lorry successfully! Are you now
okay with my simple words?
Jude: Why not? That’s the way it’s supposed to be
at n.t.p., meaning ‘at
normal temperature and pressure’!
Kenez: There are six basic survival instincts,
drives or needs in all living things. They form the most fundamental of all the
natural laws that all living things; animals and man inclusive; must obey to be
the breathing /
respiration drive
the hunger /
nutrition drive,
the thirst /
transpiration drive,
the waste disposal
/ excretion drive
the sleep / rest
drive, and finally
the sex /
reproduction drive.
Some biologists prefer to use
the term ‘instincts’ for
animals;‘needs’for plants and‘drives’ for humans! Humans have
learnt to suppress the sixth for religious or spiritual reasons, but not
without some side effects!
The same applies to humans who
deliberately reduce the number of hours they should sleep! Some end up at the
clinic of psychiatrists or clinical psychologists.
Jideofo: As a rule of the thumb, many authorities in
the health sciences talk of the minimum survival time for any violation of this
basic needs or drives. No human being can live without air for more than five
minutes, without water for five days, and without food for five weeks. Of course no one
survives without urinating in two days or defecating in two weeks!
Jude: That’s a lot simpler, my friend. Thanks for
that! So, what about the remaining drives; -sleep and sex?
Kenez: There are no hard and fast rules for those! Any one who
refuses to obey nature suffers the commensurate consequences for his/her
disobedience. All I can positively tell you for now is that a prolonged
violation of either of them lands such people at our clinics with mild neuroses
or other serious health problems! You can’t cheat nature is a popular adage.
We must, however, not forget
the greatest of all our natural endowments; the regenerative ability to replace
damaged cells and fight infections. And lastly to crown of it all, God’s gift
Jude: You can not dismiss the immune system
with just a backhand stroke! It is the
most important of all the survival kits that animals posses! I have never seen
a goat or a dog attending a clinic, either for antenatal or delivery nor other
major or minor health problems that take us humans to hospitals! That super
gift of the Almighty Creator needs a detailed discussion.
Kenez: You are quite right there. We shall consult our reference
book for a very brief introduction only:
“Immune System is made up of a group of cells, molecules,
and organs that defend the body against invaders causing disease.”
are two types of immunity: innate and adaptive. Innate, or nonspecific,
immunity is furnished by barriers such as skin,
tears, saliva, and mucus. These barriers hinder the entrance of disease but can
rarely prevent it. Adaptive, or
specific, immunity occurs when an invader does attack the body.”
“Adaptive immunity has four distinguishing
qualities: it responds only after the invader is present, it is specific, it
displays memory, and it does not usually attack normal body components.”
“Adaptive immune
responses are reactions to antigens,
structures on the surface of the invader. The two types of adaptive immune
responses are humoural and cell-mediated. In humoural immune responses, proteins called antibodies,
which can destroy antigens, appear in the body fluids to resist invaders that
act outside cells, such as bacteria and
toxins. In cell-mediated responses, cells that can destroy the antigen become
active to resist invaders that reproduce within other cells, such as viruses.”[30]
Jideofo: That’s very interesting. Now reduce the
vocabulary to the level of our grandmothers, mothers and wives, as Jude would
say! In other words, translate all that our reference book has informed us
about the immune system into a simpler language!
Kenez: It simply means that nature has giving us
different ways of protecting ourselves from illnesses.
Natural barriers such as skin,
tears, saliva, and mucus hinder the entrance of disease, but the most
interesting of the immune system is the ability of our body to muster
‘soldiers’ that fight and defeat invading bacteria, viruses and toxins! These
soldiers are called ‘antibodies’ and fights to protect and elongate our life
spans! Oh, what a wonderful gift from God!
Jude: Let me interrupt
this purely scientific arguments and show you what a non-scientist of old
thinks of health: Come with me to the Book of Sirach 30:v 14:
“v.14: It is better to be poor, but strong and
healthy, than to be rich, but in poor
v.15: A sound healthy body and a cheerful attitude are more valuable than gold and jewels.
v.16: Nothing can make you richer or give you greater
happiness than those two things.
v.17: It would better to be dead, asleep for ever, than to
love in the misery of chronic illness.
v.18: The finest food means nothing if you are too ill to
eat it; it might as well be offered to an idol.
v.19: But there is no point offering food to an idol; it can’t eat it or smell it.
It is just the same with someone that the Lord has afflicted.
v.20: He looks at his food and sighs, like a castrated man
hugging a girl.
A burst of laughter!
Jideofo: My God, look
at what this clown has interjected into a serious discussion. Kenez, you are
now a witness of the depraved minds of religionists of Jude’s calibre. They
intersperse biblical knowledge with pornographic concepts!
Kenez: I don’t see where Jude has stepped out of
line. He only quoted what is there in the bible narrative. He did not
manufacture the idea or the words. And if everything in the bible is inspired,
as they are quick to claim, then this pornographic joke came from the same
source as all the other edifying words!
Jude: Don’t mind the hypocrite! He was the one that showed me
that verse back in the 1960s when we were still teenagers in secondary schools.
You can then imagine how much more of such quotations he has garnered to date!
If I am a clown, then you were my teacher!
Kenez: The issue here
is whether the biblical scholar supports or rejects our theses? In my opinion,
all he said in verses 14 and 15 are true and are the rewards of obedience to
the natural laws regarding healthy living!
Jude: Verses 17 and 16, read in that order brings out the reason
why I quoted the passage in the first place!
Jideofo: The
issue at stake is, does obedience to all health laws always guarantee health?
Let’s concentrate on what every living thing needs do in order to maintain good
health, later we shall read what Jesus, Son of Sirach says about medicine in
chapter thirty eight. For example, nutritionists and dietitians calculate the
amount of calories each individual needs to maintain
good health. This is usually based on the age and weight of the individual in
question. Will someone read from our reference dictionary please!
Jude: I will gladly do that. I need to inform my friends
of these rules of good health. This is a selective definition from Microsoft
Encyclopedia: --
“A calorie is a metric unit of heat measurement. The small, or gram, calorie (cal) is usually specified in science
and engineering as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 g
of water from 14.5° to 15.5° C. The temperature interval is sometimes specified
in other ways. A large calorie, or kilocalorie (Cal ), usually referred to as a calorie and
sometimes as a kilogram calorie, equals 1000 cal and is the unit used to
express the energy-producing value of food in the calculation of diets.[31]
Kenez: That’s
great, Jude, you neatly ignored the
Engineering concepts that would confuse our
audience! The constituents of the foods we eat are mainly
carbohydrates, proteins and fatty acids itemised in detail thus:
bulk, fiber
minerals, salts, calcium, iron,
amino acid
oil, cholesterol, saturated fats,
starch, sugar, glucose, sucrose, lactose, fructose, sweet
A good combination of these
in our daily meals is the essence proper feeding and the avoidance of obesity,
which is a condition of increased body weight caused by excessive
accumulation of fat.[33] We cannot omit the regular ingestion of ample
quantities of water! This helps the kidneys do their sanitation duties!
Jideofo: In other
words, we are talking about;
Fitness, which is the ability of the human body to function
without undue fatigue and with ample energy to engage in leisure activities.
Physical fitness is usually measured by periodic tests measuring strength,
endurance, agility, coordination, and flexibility. Stress testing is also used
to analyze fitness.
A person's level of
physical fitness can be influenced by regular, systematic exercise. Exercises
that demand total body involvement improve and maintain fitness most effectively— for example, jogging, running, swimming,
vigorous dancing, cycling, and brisk walking. Generally, engaging in longer
periods of exercise can reduce the risk of heart disease. Proper nutrition is
important to physical fitness, because energy expenditure depends on
nutrition. If diet is inadequate, the fitness level will drop.” [34]
There is little or nothing to add to that encyclopaedic
information is there? The proper observance of nature’s dictates ensures
longevity for the wise one who religiously obeys the natural laws that God, our
Almighty Father and Creator put into the universe!
Kenez: In line with that observation, we can also
add here that: “Preventive Medicine is a
medical specialty that promotes health and prevents illness. Historically, the
first preventive strategies were based on the findings that many diseases are
transmitted by organisms, and that transmission can be stopped by public
hygiene measures and by immunization. Also concerned
with chronic disease, preventive medicine has developed screening programs to
identify people with high blood pressure, breast cancer, or cervical cancer.
Governments have attempted to prevent disease by limiting air pollution and
water pollution and by prohibiting the use of food additives that cause cancer
in animals. Federal regulations in most countries promote safety in the
workplace, for example, by requiring the removal of accident hazards and by
limiting employees' exposure to chemicals and radiation. Individuals can
also work to improve their health, by such methods as maintaining a nutritious
diet, getting sufficient sleep and exercise, and having periodic medical and
dental examinations.[35]
All we have
said so far indicate that we owe ourselves the obligation of keeping our human
body in the optimal condition that ensures long life, success and happiness!
Just as mechanical machines, cars and lorries are regularly serviced to give us
good performance; we need to do the same for our human machines!
Jude: Now we can
read the quotation Jideofo pointed out. And the most appropriate person to do
that is himself, so over to you, pagan philosopher!
Jideofo: The
Book of Sirach, 38:1-15 GNB edition:
“ Sickness and Medicine”
v.1: Give doctors the honour they deserve, for the Lord
gave them their work to do.
v.2: Their skill came from the Most High, and kings reward
them for it.
v.3: Their knowledge gives them a position of importance.
And powerful people hold them in high regard.
v.4: The Lord created medicines from the earth, and a
sensible person will not hesitate to use them.
v.5: Didn’t a tree once make bitter water fit to drink, so
that the Lord’s power might be known?
v.6: He gave medical
knowledge to human beings, so that we would praise him for the miracles he
v.7: The chemist
mixes these medicines, and the doctor will use them to cure diseases and ease
v.8: There is no end
to the activities of the Lord, who gives health to the people of the world.
v.9: My son, when you
feel ill, don’t ignore it. Pray to the Lord, and he will make you well.
v.10: Confess your sins and determine that in the future
you will live a righteous life.
v.11: Offer incense
and a grain-offering, as fine as you can afford.
v.12: Then call the
doctor—for the Lord created him—and keep him at your side; you need him.
v.13: There are
times when you have to depend on his skill.
v.14: The
doctor’s prayer is that the Lord will
make him able to ease his patients’ pain and make them well again.
v.15: As for the
person who sins against his Creator, he deserves to be sick.
Jideofo: Take cognisance of verses 10 and 15, for new perspectives
of the causative factors of illness are introduced. Those were the reasons for my citing the reference in the first
place. We need to know that there are metaphysical causes of illnesses!
Jude: That’s interesting, tell me more about it!
Jideofo: Look at the
first reported case of illness in the Bible, for a practical example, Cain was
warned before he committed the first ever-reported murder or homicide! See
Genesis 4:3-16, with emphasis on verse 6-8. The result is clearly enunciated in
verse 10 -11 by God Himself!
Kenez: How I would love to agree with you, but I
can’t! The depressive illness suffered by King Saul makes a better example.
Read 1st Samuel Chapters 15 & 16 especially 15:22-23 and then
16: 14 & 23. Our audience is advised to read these verses at their leisure
so we can move over to other natural laws that man must obey for healthful
Jude: In other words, both of you are saying that most
psychosocial illnesses are the punishment God sends to those who wilfully
violate his laws! Then the ten plagues in Egypt fall within this ambit or are
they any differences between individual sins and group ones?
Jideofo: Yes, my dear, all illnesses that are not as a result of
disobeying dietary regulations and health laws or hygiene are the consequences
of the violation of other metaphysical laws of the Almighty Creator!
Jideofo: Why are some
of us short and others tall? Why are some ugly while others are handsome? Why
are some smart and intelligent when others are dull and ignorant? Or in other
words, Jude, why are you so religiously inclined while I am not?
Jude: Because you’re
the offspring of a demon and a great grandson of Cain! That’s all!
Kenez: On a more
serious note, Jude, don’t take offence, he might be introducing a vital topic,
and so, please attempt his question!
Jude: There is nothing
more to add. We have already dealt with this issue in our Volume Two of ANGELIC
VERSES, or are we eating our words? Remember we have exhaustively deliberated
on about birth defects in neonates!
Jideofo: This issue is
not as simple as that one. Here, we are talking about the genetic inheritance
of physical traits that manifest and those that are hidden, which scientists
call dominant genes and recessive genes.
Kenez: You can now
see, Jude, I warned you that your friend had something up his sleeves. I have
learnt to expect a bombshell from him anytime he initiates a diatribe.
Jideofo: And, I, on my
part had warned him to think for himself, instead of swallowing other people’s
theories, dogmas and doctrines without a critical evaluation. So my friends we
now come to the real natural laws as discovered by a priest and a catholic
monk. I’m quoting verbatim from an Microsoft encyclopaedia:
“MENDEL’S LAWS, are principles of hereditary transmission of physical characteristics.
The Augustinian monk GREGOR JOHANN MENDEL formulated them in 1865.
Experimenting with seven contrasting characteristics of pure-breeding garden
peas, Mendel discovered that by crossing tall and dwarf parents, for example,
he got hybrid offspring that
resembled the tall parent rather than being a medium-height blend.
To explain this he conceived of
hereditary units, now called genes, which often expressed dominant or recessive
characteristics. Formulating his first principle (the law of segregation), Mendel stated that genes normally occur in pairs in the ordinary body
cells, but segregate in the formation of sex cells (eggs or sperm), each member
of the pair becoming part of the separate sex cell. When egg and sperm unite,
forming a gene pair, the dominant gene (tallness) masks the recessive gene
To corroborate the existence of
such hereditary units, Mendel went on to interbreed the first generation of
hybrid tall peas and found that the second generation turned out in a ratio of
three tall to each short offspring. He then correctly conceived that the genes
paired into AA, Aa, and aa (“A”
representing dominant and “a” representing recessive).
Continuing the breeding
experiments, he found that the self-pollinated AA bred true to produce pure tall plants, that the aa plant produced pure dwarf plants,
and that the Aa, or hybrid, tall
plants produced the same three-to-one ratio of offspring. From this Mendel
could see that hereditary units did not blend, as his predecessors believed,
but remained unchanged from one generation to another.
He thus formulated his second principle (the law of independent assortment), in which the expression of a
gene for any single characteristic is usually not influenced by the expression
of another characteristic. Mendel's laws became the theoretical basis for
modern genetics and heredity.[36]
Although his discovery was not
appreciated at his time, it remained and still remains the best example of what scientists need to do now
to unearth ALL the NATURAL
LAWS that will guarantee ONE WORLD
RELIGION! That is my thesis. QED!
The science of genetics began in 1900, when several plant breeders
independently discovered the work of the Austrian monk Gregor Mendel, which, although published in 1866, had been
virtually ignored. The same may be the fate of these our youthful
vituperations, a.k.a “HOT CAKES”!
Jude: In that case, I withdraw my earlier negative answers to
Jideofo’s honest questions. It is however interesting to learn that it was a
religious man that was the first scientist to discover this all-important
natural law!
Jideofo: Exactly, my dear, and that’s why I’ve been
insisting that you think for yourself, for that is the first step to a mastery
of the world and the laws God put into existence for the benefit of all
mankind, not dogmas and doctrines manufactured by humans!
Kenez: Now that we are ready to look at
some of the discovered and confirmed natural laws, can anyone volunteer to
research and give us a catalogue by our nest meeting?
Jideofo: See how quickly our friend here wants close
the discussion when it is only beginning to become interesting?
Jude: Let’s begin to list the common ones we know
already before thinking of a comprehensive list which is what I think Kenez
meant! For example, without my being a professor of physics, I know that every
liquid has a peculiar boiling point. So, even non-humans obey these natural
Jideofo: Thank you, my friend that’s the spirit!
Kenez: Then you
have asked for a basket full:
every living thing breathes in air to live,
every living thing needs water to survive,
every living thing eats something to stay alive.
Jideofo: No, no, I
think we have dealt with those ones in the previous chapters, we are here
talking about genetic inheritance!
Kenez: Even so, I
will still continue:
you can only be a sickler, if you are an African and both parents are
you can only be colour blind if the genotype of both parents have the
recessive trait for it,
you can only be a male it you inherited a Y-chromosome from your father
at conception,
and as a corollary, you could only be a female if you inherited
X-chromosomes from both parents!
Jude: So Jideofo could only have been a
near-atheist because he inherited the recessive genes for religiosity from both
parents at conception! But at the same time, he must have inherited the dominant
genes for high IQ from both parents for his ingenuity in intellectual feats,
for example, as a grade one sophist!
laughter erupts everywhere
« Kenez: Let’s disperse, jooh! You are both missing the point I’m
raising. Abel had a different
super-biological father from the super-biological father of Cain – hence the
differences in their character, occupation and respect for their Grandfather
GOD! This was clearly demonstrated and
tested by the first sacrifices they offered from the first fruits of their
occupation at harvest time!
true father is the destroyer, a killer, and a liar right from the beginning. Please
go and re-read the Gospel of John; Chapter 8: vv. 31 - 47 especially verses 42
- 47, and you will see where Jesus exposed it all! And may be to resolve that, another ‘holy’
angel had to counteract what the serpent had done by fathering Abel. But quickly Cain’s father advised his own
evil son to eliminate Abel and so populate the whole world with only his own
evil genes, and to date he still does!
So to
date we have evil children possessed by demons right from their birth of which,
King Solomon said were “crooked” and that “no
one can straighten out what God has made crooked”. Read the Book of
Proverbs for more.
this final nail on the coffin of the subterfuges or fabrications in the
narrative of the creation story. This is the joker in my incontrovertible
thesis, which states:
“Both Cain and Abel were
sons of Eve but not sons of Adam!”
Both were named by Eve,
their mother! (Read the GNB edition that
is more authentic, honest and clearer on this issue.)
Adam’s gonads matured at 130
years and he fathered a son “in his
image, in his own likeness, and he named him Seth!”
this, come with me to the concise epistle of Jude, the brother of the Lord and
an Apostle, which has only one chapter. Now read and explain to me verses 14 –
18! That’s the final proof that though Eve was the mother of Cain and Abel,
Adam was not their biological father, hence he refrained from giving them
names! Eve did. And she explained how she got them, “ from the Lord I’ ve gotten a son’! Her words not mine! Again
see 1st Chronicles 1: vv. 1 – 4. Could the historians have forgotten
that Cain and Able appeared in the Genesis story? No! They wrote the authentic
chronicle of the descendants of Adam!
this perspective I’ve always stated without any shred of doubt in my mind that
Jesus, the Christ was the second Abel, not a second Adam. Jesus was a seed of
the woman promised, whereas Adam came from the dust of the earth! Only a
supernatural birth could counteract what the serpent had done! Moreover, for
reincarnation to be foolproof, the circumstances of birth of the proteges will
have to be duplicated not replicated! Do you get the slant on my thesis?
let me place it on record here, that on my own as a mortal man, I could not
have deciphered these camouflaged narratives. I never set out to do so. All I
did as a teenage student in 1963, was to ask my Irish Rev.Gentleman who took us
in Bible Knowledge:
“Rev. Fr.
who taught Cain how to commit murder?
he was very honest by replying:
“ My dear
Jude, I never thought about that and I’m not sure! However I will try to find
did not tell me his finding till the outbreak of the civil war in 1967 when all
expatriates left our homeland for theirs!
participated in the ensuing civil war as an adolescent field officer in the
Biafran commandos. I grew up seeking honest answers to that pertinent question
subconsciously until one early morning in the year 2001 when God’s Holy Spirit
decided to give me these answers I’ve shared with you! They are his, not mine!
My thesis therefore is;
There are two species of
mankind; the free ones -sons of Adam through Seth and the slaves
-sons of Satan through Cain.
Jesus, the Christ told us so in
plain language, when he argued with his great grandsons about their claim of
being Abraham’s children.
The first grandchildren of the
Snake and the real descendants of Cain, the fist murderer in the Bible, are
detailed in Genesis Chapter 4, verses 17-2;, Enoch, Irad, Mehujael, Methushael,
Lamech, the first polygamist, then Jabal, Tubal Cain. QED!
Prof. J. J.
Kenez, a.k.a. Chefs Jude, Jideofo and Kenez
ISM -the modern fellowship for modern scientists recommends
the following virtues or social ethics to all who a better world order and the peaceful
existence of all humans on this planet.
(A) CHAPTER 40, VERSES 18 – 27:
v.18: Having
independent means or working for a living – both can make life pleasant, but it
is better to find a treasure.
v.19: A man’s
name can be preserved if he has children or if he establishes a city, bur
finding Wisdom is a better way.
Owning livestock and orchards will make you famous,
but it is better to have a wife you love.
v.20: Wine and
music can make you happy, but a happy marriage is even better.
v.21: Flutes
and harps make fine music, but a pleasant voice is better than either.
Gracefulness and beauty please the eye, but not as much as new growth in
the spring.
v.23: You
can’t go wrong with a good friend or neighbour, but an intelligent wife is
better than either.
v.24: Brothers
and sisters are good to have in times of trouble, but it will be an even
greater help if you have made a practice of giving to the poor.
v.25: Gold and
silver provide security,
but good advice is better.
v.26: Wealth
and strength five confidence, but the fear of the Lord can give you even
greater confidence. When you fear the Lord you need nothing more; it is all the
support you need.
v.27: The fear
of the Lord is like a rich garden of blessings; you could not want a more
glorious shelter.
(B) CHAPTER 41, VERSES 14 – 23:
v.14: My children, do as I teach you and live at
peace. Wisdom that is not expressed is like a treasure that has been hidden –
both are useless.
v.15: A person who covers up his foolishness is
better than one who keeps his wisdom to himself.
v.16: My children, listen and I will teach you the
circumstances when it is proper to be ashamed. Sometimes it is entirely out of
v.17: Before your parents,
be ashamed of immoral behaviour.
Before a ruler or an important person,
be ashamed of a lie.
v.18: Before a judge,
be ashamed of criminal behaviour.
Before a public assembly,
be ashamed of breaking the laws.
Before a friend or partner,
be ashamed of dishonesty.
v.19: Before your neighbours,
be ashamed of theft.
Be ashamed of breaking a promise,
Of leaning on the dinner table with your
stinginess when you are asked for something,
v.20: Of not returning a greeting,
of staring at a prostitute.
v.21: Of turning down a relative’s request,
of depriving someone of what is
rightly his,
of staring at another man’s wife,
v.22: Of playing around with his slave girl
(keep away from her bed!)
of insulting your friends,
of following up your gifts with
v.23: Of betraying secrets.
These are
times when it is proper for you to be ashamed, and people will respect you for
These are interdisciplinary, inter-ethnic and international ethical codes
of conduct for all peoples at all times and places. God bless! Professors J.J.K.
Read on to Chapter 42 and see other things you
should not be ashamed of. These are the ones you should take pride in! Then
read Chapter 40: 1-17.
This inspiration came at 03.45 hrs on 22 November 2003 as
I woke up to ease myself. It asked:
can’t you see the link between the story of creation in the very first chapter
of the Christian Bible entitled ‘Genesis’ and the origin of ‘Conscience’, the
‘Divine Guardian’ or call it the ‘Inborn Spirituality’ resident in every
created being?”
After brushing my teeth at 0400 hrs, I quickly switched on my
computer next door to my bedroom and impatiently waited for it to boot out. I
was worried that I might lose the prompting of this inner voice trying to
communicate novel ideas to the whole human race through me at that quiet hours
of the morning. This has always been the routine since 1970 when I graduated as
a ‘neophyte philosopher’ and began to explore the genesis of such multifarious
human problems as poverty of the mind, racism, religious fanaticism, social
prejudice, hatred, personality disorders, terminal diseases, human sorrow and
untimely deaths.
Then, for my morning
prayers, I just sang along with Elvis Presley, the first track of his debut
audio CD that is entitled ‘HOW GREAT THOU ART’. This has been another habit of
mine since I got the lyrics of that popular song. Listen to it if you can. It
will put you in the same frame of mind that I was when I scribbled this piece.
It is a rewarding experience that you should not allow to slip through your
fingers. You will truly enjoy it. Believe me!
Just like the first day of the creation story, “let there
be light!’ we become aware of the difference between good and evil early in
life. As new born babes, we all had that painful entry into this cold world
that made us cry ‘abba’ or ‘aa-ha-a’ or ‘eh-wee-he-e’! Whichever way you spell
it, that was your baby’s version of the now famous Archimedes’ ‘EUREKA !’---
‘ I have found it!’
It was your first day of spiritual enlightenment. After
nine months in the warm amniotic fluid and dark environment of your mother’s
womb you came into this world of light with a shrill cry of divine wisdom! Now
read the creation story in the bible and compare notes. Do you see what I mean?
Please always use GNB edition for all my references. (At
least it states categorically that it is ‘In today’s English Version’ and it
will ensure that you appreciate my line of reasoning better? Don’t you think
One advertising company used
a chick coming out of its own eggshell to depict ‘a New
World ’! And so it is with us! The first day of spirituality is
when we differentiate what is good and ennobling from what is bad and
degrading! The ability is there in us. We are all born with it! However it
takes some people only a few months to achieve it while for others it may take
many years to arrive at this first step of divine enlightenment. As daylight at
noon is so very different from darkness at midnight, so is goodness so
different from evil!
The difference is so clear,
so apparent that you would be subhuman not to have noticed the contrast between
light and darkness! Other animals don’t do so at birth. Or do they? If any
does, my dearest reader, that’s the first step to spirituality. Even the same
goes for plants as well! After all they equally respond to light. Ask
biologists or consult encyclopaedias. Seek for the meaning of ‘phototropism’
and ‘photosynthesis’. In conclusion, the first step to holiness is the
ability to see the truth, stand for the truth, speak out the truth, propagate
it and if the need arises, die defending the truth!
This is equally in line with
the event on the second day of the creation story in the bible. The dome that
separated the waters above from those below is coterminous with the duality of
the human person. The metaphysical soul from above is differentiated from the
corporeal body that feeds on nutrients obtained from the physical environment
below. So the question then arises, what should be fed to this soul that is metaphysical
i.e. the nonmaterial but human soul?
The answer to that
all-important question forms the foundation of spiritual insight in all babies
born of good parentage. The roles and duties of parents include giving moral
instructions to their children besides breakfast, lunch and dinner! The
breeding of immoral imbeciles result when this is neglected. In future, the
parents will regret having failed to instil in their wards the innate social
ethics of humankind or at least those of their immediate community!
This narrative reminds us
that father and mother joined together approximates the Creator as far as the
procreation of their offspring is concerned. Just as God saw the need to
separate the waters above from those below, so must parents combine their efforts
at separating inspirational motives from animalistic instincts in the daily
activities of their children. Any parent who is not prepared or disciplined
enough to perform this all-important duty must refrain from reproductive
On the
third day of creation God made land appear which He called ‘Earth’ and
collected all the waters below the firmament together to form the ‘Sea’. He
didn’t stop there, rather He went on and ordered ‘the land to produce all kinds
of plants, those that bear grain and those that bear fruit” and it was done.
You need only meditate a little to gain the insight of the practical
implications of the events of the third day of creation!
stages one and two, the child is not only expected to obey all the rules of
conduct but at this level should engage in positive and productive conducts
that will be beneficial to all around him/her. This graduation is not only
expected but is implicitly mandatory! So, what does the duality of ‘grain’ and
‘fruit’ symbolise? That is the next idiomatic expression that needs a solution.
You should at this level/time suggest answers to that riddle. If you cannot,
then regard yourself as an infant in all ramifications of the word!
May be I might as well, at this
point, introduce you to King Solomon’s famous methodology for becoming the
wisest man that ever lived or will ever live. Make out time and read in detail
the contents of 1st Kings 3: 4 –15. Then if you have access to the
complete bible edition, please do a comparative meditation by reading the whole
of Chapter 9 of the Wisdom of Solomon. That is not all. Kneel down in the early
hours of the morning when every other person near you is asleep and imitate
him. You might thereafter gain insight into most human problems with a greater
ease than before! However I must warn you that you must be truthful in all your
business undertakings and social relationships to arrive at this summit of
divine favour!
At this point, re-read the
story of creation from my favourite GNB, which for bible scholars translates
into the Good News Bible edition. This is really very important to make sure
you are operating on the same intellectual frequency with me or else you may
not benefit maximally from these introductory steps in practical spirituality!
Having done that I do not need to quote in detail anymore for you to be carried
along with my analytical lectures!
greater light that rules the day is God’s power that illuminates every being;
allows animals to see and feed on plants that equally use the sun’s rays to
perform photosynthesis. God allows this food chain to operate eternally.
Nothing can hide from the heat of the sun at noon, and so is God’s all-knowing
omnipotence. He alone shines the light of spirituality onto your being. No one
can hide from His searchlight for good thoughts, words and deeds.
lesser light that rules the night denotes God’s benevolence even in the midst
of the torments of life which darkness symbolises in the narrative. The stars
should remind you that some great souls had triumphed over the trials of life
and so merited divinity as a well-deserved compensation for their faithfulness
and perseverance in spirituality while they lived on planet earth.
You too
can become a star to shine and show the path to other pilgrims on earth if only
you would advance in spirituality. The ‘grains’ in the third day of creation
represents all that you eat to feed your corporeal being whereas the ‘fruits’
signify the productive virtues you should manifest as a spiritual being made in
His image and endowed with the Almighty’s grace.
This one is so simple to interpret that I will give you
this opportunity to find out if you have prayed for wisdom and been granted a
little insight! Think deeply! In other words, learn to meditate in a noiseless
place and at a quiet time of the day when you can easily lay aside the busy
schedules of mundane life. Some prefer the dead of the night for this
devotional exercise. Make your choice! It draws the line between moral
imbeciles and children of the Almighty! Listen to your heartbeats. Count them
and discover how many beats you have in a minute.
Do the same for your breaths
and record them. If you can purchase the medical equipment to monitor your
blood pressure do so for a whole week and find out the average. Do the same for
your body temperature and pulse rate. Now compare them with the results of a
close relative or confidant who has done the same research.
You will then begin to
appreciate the accuracy of the greatest machine in the universe that does not
run on batteries or electricity yet is very regular from birth to death! Your
body is the finest piece of art and engineering feat in existence to date. Who
made you? If you buy an electronic gadget, say a digital camera or the latest
computer in the market; you would thoroughly read the manual on how to operate
it so as to derive the maximum benefits from it, wouldn’t you? Have you done so
for your body? Where is the scientific manual for men and women to operate
their bodies in accordance with the objectives of their
Before God created man, He
had commanded all kinds of fishes, birds and terrestrial animals to be in
existence. They had even begun to reproduce their kinds in great numbers, but
none was like God! Re-read in Genesis
1: 26 – 31 what God said before man was fashioned out of the dust of the ground
and given the breath of life. What does ‘they will be like us and resemble
us’ portend?
Why was our creation with a purpose? Why was artistic sculpturing
needed in the creation of Adam? Have you ever bordered to rationalise that part
of the narrative? In the creation of all the other beings in existence, only verbal
commands were given and those could only have been by a single deity. Three
deities could not be giving commands contemporaneously, could they?
But in the case of man, a ‘plurality of the deity’ was introduced.
Was the original script doctored to bring it in line with the later doctrine of
the Trinitarians? If there was/is AN ALMIGHTY GOD, where and when did He
suddenly begin to need assistance and a consensus of opinion ‘to make man in
our own image and likeness’? Note the subtle introduction of ‘OUR’, which never
appeared in any other part of the creation narrative!
greater light that rules the day is God’s power that illuminates every being;
allows animals to see and feed on plants that equally use the sun’s rays to
perform photosynthesis. God allows this food chain to operate eternally.
Nothing can hide from the heat of the sun at noon, and so is God’s all-knowing
omnipotence. He alone shines the light of spirituality onto your being. No one
can hide from His searchlight for good thoughts, words and deeds.
The power to be in control over all the other created beings was even decided by a group of deities before the moulding of ‘Adama’ which literally means ‘from the soil’? Again, if the contents of Chapter 2 are taken into consideration at this point, why was Eve an after-thought? What was the sex of the original Adam? Was Adama a ‘he’ or a ‘she’ or a hermaphrodite?
Answers to these questions will definitely open to you new vistas of knowledge. Explore and exploit them. Become wise as your heavenly Father is! These are the inspirations of the Holy Spirit to right the wrongs of misguided humanity that has been wallowing in oceans of doctrines and dogmas inconsistent with the Word of God. In addition the notions are in contradiction to all known logic and the rationality of scientists living in the present epoch of human history! Armchair philosophers can no longer take ‘Homo Sapiens Sapiens’ for a ride or by an insignificant group puerile theoreticians who call themselves theologians!
This is the essence of spirituality in mankind. You are endowed with enough knowledge of the Almighty right from birth. Unlock them now and live life to the fullest! All it will cost you is solemn meditation. An attempt has been made to unravel these theosophical riddles in the three publications entitled “ANGELIC VERSES”. Do you love God, Our Omnipotent Father? Then you must diligently search for them and peruse the ‘plain truths’ neatly wrapped into a trilogy by three exuberant adolescents: Jude, Jideofo and Kenez. It might be of tremendous help in your search for this pristine spirituality! Happy reading in advance, and May God, the Creator, bless and guide you exploration!
Professor J. K. DANMBAEZUE, Doctor Doctoribus of ISM.
The Spiritual Leader for Modern Scientists/Humanitarians
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[1]Excerpted from The American
Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition © 1996 by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
[5],4,5,6,are all
Excerpted from The American Heritage®
Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition © 1996 by Houghton Mifflin Company. All
rights reserved.
[8]Excerpted from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the
English Language, Third Edition ©
1996 by Houghton Mifflin Company.. All rights reserved.
[15], 14 Encarta® 98 Desk Encyclopedia © & 1996-97 Microsoft
Corporation. All rights reserved.
[17],16 Excerpted
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the English Language, Third Edition
© 1996 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
[21], 20 Encarta® 98 Desk Encyclopedia © & 1996-97 Microsoft
Corporation. All rights reserved.
[32]The Original
Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases (Americanized Version) is licensed from Longman Group UK Limited. Copyright
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[33]Excerpted from The American
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